
I had to look it up FCC. I won't spoil it.

"In Country." A lot of the movie was shot in Mayfield. The scene I was in, as an extra, was shot in Paducah at Noble Park. It was the graduation ceremony. Funny thing is, me and the guy next to me gave a high five at the end of each take, where the "students" threw their grad hats into the air. The next day, one of the movie workers told me that the director was mad, cause he couldn't use most of the shots of that scene.

\Reason was, according to him, no one did high fives back then in the 60's and me and my buddy did it every time. When she told me, me and my buddy laughed big time, but she didn't think it was funny. I had a lot of fun with the whole thing. Called a lot of friends and told them Holywood wasn't very far away. Seemed like we made about 80 bucks a day. FCC.
Chickens and Cities don't mix. As a past Mayor I know just how hard it is to keep folks from starting a little farm in the city. Usually the first Ordinance established by most cities is to prohibit people from keeping farm animals in the city. The only way to start the flu is to have hogs, fowls and humans in contact with each other. Too many problems arise for farm animals in cities.

Chickens need to be on a farm. Farmers need to be on farms with their animals instead of the city. Hogs need to be on a farm. Horses need to be on a farm. Cows need to be on a farm. And if I were Governor of Kentucky or Georgia I would try to pass a law to keep a farmer from co-mingling fowls and hogs. The 1918-19 Great Influenza killed 50,000,000 people and it started on a farm in Kansas. There are really good reasons to restrict the movement of animals because of the diseases that can be passed between them and humans.

Of course all cities have exceptions for farms on the perimeter of the city.
Anything is better than Visine. That shit sucks. And Rhoto doesn't work either for me. The only thing that works is Mav's eye juice. Shit is bomb.

and Mav- great news brother, i love hearing about your loss in weight. [banana]

Spoiler...It's really skunk piss, once they stop producing piss he kills em off...He trains them stinky bastards to piss in eye dropper bottles...The man is brilliant I tell ya..
Cant even watch Andy Griffith anymore because every other commercial is dogs starving or kids starving wanting monthly money..It's a effin vicious cycle to laugh then sob..laugh then sob..This is every friggin day. It's enough to screw a mans head up...
Cant even watch Andy Griffith anymore because every other commercial is dogs starving or kids starving wanting monthly money..It's a effin vicious cycle to laugh then sob..laugh then sob..This is every friggin day. It's enough to screw a mans head up...

Sally Struthers has been there so long there's a food shortage


I'm surprised they didn't roast her over an open fire
Cant even watch Andy Griffith anymore because every other commercial is dogs starving or kids starving wanting monthly money..It's a effin vicious cycle to laugh then sob..laugh then sob..This is every friggin day. It's enough to screw a mans head up...
Sign up for $20 per month, and I'll send you a photo of a poor little pitiful dog. Same writer as the starving children charity.
That's scary Willy.

And ultimately, it's what I'm afraid of. I grabbed a bottle and have been using sparingly....don't want to continue using regularly and then become blind at 40.

Damn though, they work pretty well for me and I'm kinda like, craving the pain now. I can barely see myself going back to a non-hellfire-burn eye drop.

Yep, my eyes stay glassy and red these days. Look like 99 yr old man.

55- Def warm piss. Ha ha

Austin- nope I'm over at the one at Dr Phillips area.
Here's the chart that drives my clinical nutritionist SIL nuts...


This is through lunch today, but the %s stay have stayed basically the same for the last 15.5 weeks. I usually keep carbs well under 50 g per day, and over half of my calories are from fat -- and I've lost 38 lbs to date [laughing].

Plus, both my total and LDL cholesterol are waaaaaay down, my triglycerides are waaaaaay down, my HDL cholesterol is waaaaaay up, and my liver and kidney blood levels are are perfectly normal -- from a diet whose calories are 50% fat [laughing].

"That's not healthy and you know it. You're gonna die of a heart attack." "Why? Because my cholesterol, triglycerides, and body fat are all plummeting? If my coronary arteries had vocal cords they'd be singing my praises right now."
Everyone bow down to all that is Mav. 40 lbs.
For all y'all interested, I've basically followed a Primal Blueprint/Paleo/Zone/Atkin's-ish type diet -- i.e. low carb, high protein and fat, and I try to keep each meal under 500 calories. From what I've read and can understand (or care to understand) is that all these "diets" are all about insulin control, and insulin control is primarily related to the macro-nutrient (i.e. the amount, in grams, of carbs, fats, and proteins) content of each meal.

Now I've got a couple of advantages working for me that most folks can't/won't tolerate:
  1. I can eat the same thing Every. Single. Day. and damn near every single meal, for days on end, and
  2. I'm able to eat weird food combos to get the desired macro-nutrient content. For instance, if wifey isn't cooking anything, and I'm not hungry but still need to eat, I'm perfectly fine with having a chunk of ham and a couple squares of dark chocolate as a "meal" :D
Additionally, I've cut out all sodas, candy, pies, cake, bad snacks (nutty bars, swiss cake rolls, etc... Damn, I miss you Debbie) cold turkey. Outside of a couple of days during Christmas, I haven't had any of that stuff since mid-September. Now I ain't gonna lie, I could still demolish a box of Swiss cake rolls right now and chug 'em down with 2 liters of Mountain Dew -- and then have large pizza for supper -- but I can tell you that the worst cravings went completely away after about a week.

Anyway, here's a typical day...

2 whole eggs, scrambled in butter, not margarine
3-4 pieces of bacon OR 2-3 sausage patties

5 oz turkey
1 apple
1 handful of macadamia nuts

grilled chicken breast garnished with cheese and a little BBQ sauce
3/4 cup blueberries
more macadamia nuts

heaping teaspoon peanut butter
1 square dark chocolate
1 cup whole milk

Lather, rinse, repeat, day after day after day. I've lost 7 inches off my waist (both relaxed and sucked in) and 36.5 of the 38 lbs lost have been fat (according to both my bodyfat/weight scale and a waist reduction formula I found online). Shooting for 190, so not quite halfway there yet, but I'm still mondo motivated.

I posted this pic a couple years ago during a failed get-in-shape program, but here it is again to show just how big a 5 lb glob of fat really is...


Hard for me to believe that I've lost the equivalent of six of those bad boys -- but it's REALLY hard to believe that I'm gonna lose at least six MORE :D
Mav, been on a similar diet. Christmas sucked, but down about 12 lbs this month.
Congrats to mav and LEK on the weight loss. I actually gained over the holidays but not much. Didn't hit my mark by year's end but then again I'm not as technologically advanced on my weight loss system as mav. I kinda wing it. All things considered, I'm still happy with my progress thus far.

Had a good basketball workout today and back at it tomorrow.
Haha @FCC and his movie acting. That's awesome!

Maverick diet seems to work. Just one thing, you called little Debbie bad. Take that back. Little Debbie is as good as can be. Don't blaspheme her.

LEK diet is even more impressive though. Maybe he's been hitting the meth. Down 12 lb this month (it's only the 4th).

The D feels fresh again.