

Well... we did not do so good last night. Too many people drinking and a couple smoking the wild wood weed before the games so, a lot of errors. We had a lead (18-9) in the first game where I pitched going into the last inning when we changed pitchers to get the other guy in the game. He was struggling and got pissed and basically walked the game to a loss (18-19). Took the wind out of ours sails and we just muddled through the second game at 11pm last night losing it 21-8.

Played against a team (first game) that had the son of a man I played with many years ago. He came up to me and told me he remembered me from when he was a boy. His parents came out to watch and we caught up on some stories after the game. His mother could not believe I was still playing but his father said if anyone could play this long it would be me. He was shocked however at how hard I could still hit the ball. Had a good night at the plate myself so...

On a better note, the USA women's team won the gold in a nail biter.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 98°F.

- Tickets for UK vs UTexas game at DKR on November 23 gonna run me $186. Possible purchase before the weekend. Heh, flying following Monday afternoon, November 25, back to Germany.

- Decent seats for October 24 match between US Women's National Soccer vs Iceland at Q2 Stadium, located 2-miles walking distance from our place, start at $40. I may attend.

Monday, Monday y'all. Have a good one.

@AustinTXCat the world traveler.

For the first time in a long time the temp outside is 58.5°F. Wow! I may go out and get cold! We are supposed to be sunny and top out at 83°F which ain't bad for August in southern Kentucky.

I rewatched the USA men's basketball game against France. It was fun seeing three ex-UK guys standing side by side with gold medals around their necks.

You all enjoy the start of a new week.
@AustinTXCat the world traveler.

For the first time in a long time the temp outside is 58.5°F. Wow! I may go out and get cold! We are supposed to be sunny and top out at 83°F which ain't bad for August in southern Kentucky.

I rewatched the USA men's basketball game against France. It was fun seeing three ex-UK guys standing side by side with gold medals around their necks.

You all enjoy the start of a new week.
Here in the north region of KY, we've been under 60F the last three morns. Heading out for my 4 miles stroll momentarily.
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Good morning folks. Another Monday.

Just back from a four mile run. IT was nice and cool and sunny so it was fairly pleasant though my leg muscles are tired after pushing it a bit all weekend.

Easing into work. Enjoying. Luigi's Italian Ice. The grocery store didn't have the classic lemon so I'm experimenting with cherry-lemon swirl. Not too bad.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning folks.

Clearing and cool (so far) in the east An absolutely beautiful sunrise to enjoy as I head to the subway station.

It is crazy to think we are just a few weeks from college and NFL football. For more casual fans like me, the expanded college playoffs will probably end up making the season more interesting. I suppose it’ll be a lively debate as to whether the 4th best team in the Big Ten or 6th best team in the SEC deserves that last slot. Could be fun.

Heading downtown. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning folks.

Clearing and cool (so far) in the east An absolutely beautiful sunrise to enjoy as I head to the subway station.

It is crazy to think we are just a few weeks from college and NFL football. For more casual fans like me, the expanded college playoffs will probably end up making the season more interesting. I suppose it’ll be a lively debate as to whether the 4th best team in the Big Ten or 6th best team in the SEC deserves that last slot. Could be fun.

Heading downtown. Have a good day everyone.
I can tell you right now the 6th best SEC team will be better. That doesn't mean they'll get the playoff spot though. Big cliff in quality in B1G after OSU,MI, OR, PSU, maybe USC. Any of LSU, OK, TN, maybe even KY, would kick PSU's butt.
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he Nationals' Jacob Young, according to Baseball Savant, gets the best jump of any CF'er in MLB. In the first second and a half after the ball leaves the bat, Young covers 4.6 feet more than the average CF'er, and the 2nd place guy, Trent Grisham, isn't even close. Young's is the best time and jump since they started tracking such things.

So, the Washington Post asked Young how he does it, and it's not just footspeed:

"Before games, he makes his calculations. Every day the Nationals have batting practice, he tracks every type of ball he might see. He might also pick up differences in the ballparks across the game. Colorado was an obvious example — the ball takes a different route in thin air. In Milwaukee, he found that the roof suppressed sound.

Because he often uses the thwack off the bat to gauge a ball’s distance — and because he knew American Family Field was deceptively quiet — he boosted forward for a diving catch rather than allowing the ball to skip before him.

Before pitches, as he gets into a low stance, he plans for another contingency. If catcher Keibert Ruiz, for instance, sets up his glove to the outside — a pitch that say, based on a certain count, Young thinks is going to be a slider — his first step will go in the direction of an opposite-field hit, regardless of where the ball actually ends up going."
Sunny and 76.5°F in Smiths Grove on our way to a very warm 83°F.

To the poor folks having to work in D.C. @MdWIldcat55 and @BBUK I feel for you. I worked at Water Street in downtown Baltimore, MD but I got to ride the subway to a block from work. The only time I had to drive to D.C. was a few times to see a lawyer who specialized in intellectual property law. I always took the train to get to the Mall area for my visits to the Smithsonian D.C. is laid out just to confuse the casual traveler. I was 30 minutes late on the first visit because I could not find a place to park and then after I found a place to park I did not know how to get to the lawyers office. D.C. is screwed up. You all can keep it.
Received encouraging news from my oncologist just now. We are going on month 20 since initial diagnosis for 12-18 months longevity and I've "exceeded expectations". All vitals remain stable.
That's great news Austin. Thanks for sharing.

Bert, at the risk of being dubbed a damn Yankee or even a Commie, I'll admit that I actually enjoy living near DC and being able to come into the city three days a week (for 25 years it was five...)

I just got back from a lunchtime stroll over to the Smithsonian Natural History museum. I never get bored with the Paleontology and Archeology and Anthropology sections. Last week I walked through Air and Space, and I find my way to the East Gallery of the art museum every so often.

And then there are the little historical notes that make it fun for me. I took an out-of-town friend for a cheap Chinese lunch a block from my office at a place called the "Wok and Roll." Good food, and he was fascinated to find out the building had been the Surratt Boarding House in 1860, where the Lincoln assassination was plotted -- and where Mary Surratt was arrested before being tried and hanged in July of that year. A couple weeks ago, my wife and I stopped into the Willard Hotel for a drink before dinner. It's amazing to me that in that same hotel, the Battle Hymn of the Republic was written in 1861, and MLK Jr. wrote his "I have a Dream" speech in 1963...Not to mention Lincoln lived there before he moved into the White House, among many, many others.

Okay. Stop me before they hire me for the Chamber of Commerce.
Received encouraging news from my oncologist just now. We are going on month 20 since initial diagnosis for 12-18 months longevity and I've "exceeded expectations". All vitals remain stable. CT scan and MRI coming October 1.

Getting infusion now as I type this. Feel great. Thanks.
Always in my prayers my cyber friend!!!!
Good morning folks. Cool and clearing in the east. A beautiful morning.

Things are going well on my end. All my immediate family happy and engaged in meaningful work, so that’s all I can ask for.

Heading downtown. Not much to report yet. I’ll check in later.
Received encouraging news from my oncologist just now. We are going on month 20 since initial diagnosis for 12-18 months longevity and I've "exceeded expectations". All vitals remain stable. CT scan and MRI coming October 1.

Getting infusion now as I type this. Feel great. Thanks.
Good news Austin. A bunch of folks have been praying for you. Plus you probably have some great docs.
That's great news Austin. Thanks for sharing.

Bert, at the risk of being dubbed a damn Yankee or even a Commie, I'll admit that I actually enjoy living near DC and being able to come into the city three days a week (for 25 years it was five...)

I just got back from a lunchtime stroll over to the Smithsonian Natural History museum. I never get bored with the Paleontology and Archeology and Anthropology sections. Last week I walked through Air and Space, and I find my way to the East Gallery of the art museum every so often.

And then there are the little historical notes that make it fun for me. I took an out-of-town friend for a cheap Chinese lunch a block from my office at a place called the "Wok and Roll." Good food, and he was fascinated to find out the building had been the Surratt Boarding House in 1860, where the Lincoln assassination was plotted -- and where Mary Surratt was arrested before being tried and hanged in July of that year. A couple weeks ago, my wife and I stopped into the Willard Hotel for a drink before dinner. It's amazing to me that in that same hotel, the Battle Hymn of the Republic was written in 1861, and MLK Jr. wrote his "I have a Dream" speech in 1963...Not to mention Lincoln lived there before he moved into the White House, among many, many others.

Okay. Stop me before they hire me for the Chamber of Commerce.
Yankee commie Chinese eating sellout! o_O

I love the history of D.C. I just hated driving there. That is why I usually took the train and walked around.

My wife's high school friend lives downtown D.C. and he would not think of leaving. Of course he paid a fortune for his house.
I have raised/had probably thousands of animals in my's what I do.......strange thing is I never really had any pets......I took better care of them than most people.......when I was working I would come home in the evening and head straight out back to take care of the didn't matter if it was raining, freezing or what.....I took care of them before coming into the house........almost six yrs ago I got two GoldenDoodles........they changed my life......I had become sedentary and was heading downhill health wise. I started moving around and got back in shape.....walking 3-5 miles a day will do that to you.....then over time they became our lives.....our daughter lives in Lexington and we don't see her much......they have a gang of kids and they are all active in school things so time is April my dog Daisy was diagnosed with Uevodermatalogical is an auto immune problem........her body is attacking the melanin .........Thursday I noticed that she wasn't seeing very Saturday she was nearly blind........if not totally.......I know she has no vision within about three feet. I'm telling you folks.......seeing my dog bump into things and feeling for the steps is killing didn't hurt this bad when they gave me away..........I thought I had grown a pretty tough skin over the years........this has proven that wrong.......
Good morning everyone. I have been gone this long ^^^^^^^

Sorry to hear awf. I lost my last dog 12 & 1/2 years ago and it still bothers me. She was just 3 & 1/2 and just a few days before I told my wife that she (the dog....Misty) is turning into a perfect dog for us. We ended up replacing her with our first pet bird and we said she wasn't going to change our lives. Biggest lie either of us has ever told. She completely rules the house.


Anyway, I've been very busy. Working for a while, then traveling, then catching back up with work around here when I got back.

Glad to catch up and football season is right around the corner.
Yankee commie Chinese eating sellout! o_O

I love the history of D.C. I just hated driving there. That is why I usually took the train and walked around.

My wife's high school friend lives downtown D.C. and he would not think of leaving. Of course he paid a fortune for his house.
Bert, If he's in DC, and I assume outside the crime zones of Anacostia, he DID pay a fortune.

There are some really beautiful 19th Century neighborhoods in DC -- around the embassies in Kalorama Circle and other neighborhoods on Upper Connecticut Avenue and upper Wisconsin, Georgetown of course, Capitol Hill, behind DuPont Circle, Logan Square, lots of places. I lived on Capitol Hill for ten years -- a renter -- and had lots of well-off friends who had restored beautifully some old mansions and row houses from the 1850s. SO much history in those houses...
Good morning folks.

My wife and daughter got out of here at 5am for a flight to Montreal. Glad they are getting a break —though actually, my wife just got back from a trip to see friends in Raleigh on Monday and my daughter just got back from a long trip to Peru on Friday.

You guys ever see those coffee mugs they have at Starbucks in various cities? My wife and daughter are committed collectors and we must have one of America's bigger collections —London, Paris, Istanbul, Peru, Mexico City, Barbados, Rome, SF, NYC, KC, Austin, Kentucky…maybe 50 of the things taking up an entire cabinet. Ah well, it’s a relatively cheap way to remember good times together for them.

As for me —heading into work. Hope you all have a great day.
Bert, If he's in DC, and I assume outside the crime zones of Anacostia, he DID pay a fortune.

There are some really beautiful 19th Century neighborhoods in DC -- around the embassies in Kalorama Circle and other neighborhoods on Upper Connecticut Avenue and upper Wisconsin, Georgetown of course, Capitol Hill, behind DuPont Circle, Logan Square, lots of places. I lived on Capitol Hill for ten years -- a renter -- and had lots of well-off friends who had restored beautifully some old mansions and row houses from the 1850s. SO much history in those houses...
They restored the house. It took them around two years and no telling how much money. The good part is that they did this about 25 years ago and now it may have cost three times more.
It is 68°F on our way to 90°. Even though it may be warm I still may fix a pot of New England Chowder. I love that stuff and I have some potatoes that need to be used.

The shrub area of my house looks a lot better. The guy worked for nearly 4 hours and it is basically bending over the whole time. I can't do stuff like that any more.

Well it looks like the law in narrowing down where @AustinTXCat lives, or at the least they are within three miles of him!!! o_O

edit: SHRUB area not SCRUB!
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It is 68°F on our way to 90°. Even though it may be warm I still may fix a pot of New England Chowder. I love that stuff and I have some potatoes that need to be used.

The scrub area of my house looks a lot better. The guy worked for nearly 4 hours and it is basically bending over the whole time. I can't do stuff like that any more.
I'm nearly there myself, Bert. 1.5 hours of hard yard work & my clothes are entirely wet with sweat & I need a 2 hours nap.