
Good Sunday Morning all.

Going to be another scorcher today with high's expected around 108°. Bert, send me some of those 80 plus degree weather days you are having. We need some relief.

The monster walk starts out while it is dark but does not last long as she gets hot quick.

Enjoy your Sunday folks and God Bless.
The KC Royals showing the Reds how it is done the last three days. Beating the Reds 8-1 Friday night, 13-1 last night and are leading 4-0 today. They are attacking the first pitch because the Reds pitchers try to throw strikes (a lot of fast balls) on the first pitch to get ahead in the count. KC is taking advantage of that.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and partly cloudy and humid. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may reach 102°F.

Local news announced SWAT called out about 3 miles south of us. Details pending.

Worked late yesterday on a OneDrive issue. Bah!

Wishing y'all another great day.

Glad to hear you are winning the battle. I only have time to come in and try to catch up a little......keeping you in my thoughts.......sorry for the lateness.....
Happy Sunday. It is a warm 68.7°F but we are supposed to on get to 82° and be cloudy. Friday and Saturday we had thunder storms that gave me .43" and .41". I am happy for my yards sake and the farmers. This may be a record yield around here as we have had really good rain and lots of sunshine to go with it.

Daughter and son in law in this weekend so I have been busy. Fixed a bunch of pork tenderloin, corn on the cob, green beans etc. yesterday and had New England Clam Chowder Friday night. Those of two of the few things that I normally cook. However, I am expert at cleaning dishes!

@Catfan in Tn. looks like you were having a good time.
Sir, I plan on being at the south end of the new Buccee's place in Smith's Grove at about 830-8:45 Monday morning to release the birds. I know it is early but if you are up..........maybe you will be my good luck charm for the season.......being an ex mayor I know you have all kinds of ceremonies that you perform......I am sure you have something about ole awf having a great racing season.... 😉 Seriously if you are up and about I am going to set my GPS bands for a 09:00 EST release. We took them to Munfordville yesterday and they flew down to Horse Cave before they came in......about 115 miles total flight in 1 hr 43 min.......first race is Aug. 31.......I have moved to a much larger club......besides stepping up my game........I'm trying to learn Spanish.............all of the other members besides my friend Jamie and myself are Cuban......I was a big fish in a small pond last fish in lake this season.......
Needing to cut grass but temp still at 102° so I will wait a little longer. Do the back tonight and the front tomorrow morning. Got to 108° today and supposed to be that hot again tomorrow.

@AustinTXCat Thanks for the heads up on the information breech. Me and my wife were in there, so we went into the three credit sites mentioned in the message and froze our accounts. She found out her ex-husband who she divorced in the spring of 97 had opened one up using her name in 2010, 10 years after we were married, but there was no outstanding balance, so she put in a dispute to close it. We should be good now.

You know, I would like to take a few friends and find an office where some of these scumbags who are stealing peoples hard earned money work and just tear the place apart with them in it. It pisses me off just thinking about it.
Good morning folks. It is hot and humid in the east. Back from a sweaty run.

I'm working from home this morning, or trying to. Our VPN is not letting anyone into the system.

It was a quiet weekend alone. But I don't mind the solitude occasionally. My wife and daughter are back from Montreal today.

I hope it is an easy week for everyone, myself included. Couple more weeks we'll be talking football.
Some outside work yesterday. Got to hot and passed out. Face planted in the gravel. Five stiches in the upper lip. Getting old sucks, but I guess it is better than the alternative.
Be careful. As we get older we get more fragile each year.

Sir, I plan on being at the south end of the new Buccee's place in Smith's Grove at about 830-8:45 Monday morning to release the birds. I know it is early but if you are up..........maybe you will be my good luck charm for the season.......being an ex mayor I know you have all kinds of ceremonies that you perform......I am sure you have something about ole awf having a great racing season.... 😉 Seriously if you are up and about I am going to set my GPS bands for a 09:00 EST release. We took them to Munfordville yesterday and they flew down to Horse Cave before they came in......about 115 miles total flight in 1 hr 43 min.......first race is Aug. 31.......I have moved to a much larger club......besides stepping up my game........I'm trying to learn Spanish.............all of the other members besides my friend Jamie and myself are Cuban......I was a big fish in a small pond last fish in lake this season.......

@BertHiggingbotha.....I will be in a dark blue F-150 crew cab.......hope to see you....but if not maybe on the next trip.
@awf sorry buddy, not this time. I just got up. Shower is next.
I woke up to a cloudy 69°F a few minutes ago. We are supposed to get to 82°F for a high. @warrior-cat I don't know how to send it down south west of me. Dang.

My wife has an important doctors visit today so I will have to go with her. She has had vertigo and this is the fourth doctor to see, first the GP, then an Ear Nose Throat guy then MRI visit and now a neurologist. Hopefully they will find the loose screw.

You all have a great Monday.
The KC Royals showing the Reds how it is done the last three days. Beating the Reds 8-1 Friday night, 13-1 last night and are leading 4-0 today. They are attacking the first pitch because the Reds pitchers try to throw strikes (a lot of fast balls) on the first pitch to get ahead in the count. KC is taking advantage of that.
If it makes you feel any better a St Louis sportswriter just said the Cardinals front office/manager are headed straight for the check in desk at the Crazy Motel over their handling of several things, including former top prospect Jordan Walker.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Local temperatures reached 107°F yesterday. 106°F possible today. Misery continues.

- Gave a briefing on OneDrive ownership transfer yesterday. Audience confirmed they learned something.

- Received merit raise this past Monday. Unexpected, yet most welcome. Work for world's greatest directors.

- Continue working with daughter on cybersecurity courses tonight and tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Good morning folks.

Congratulations on the merit raise Austin. Can’t say I recall many of them over the decades. I’m sure it was well deserved.

Cool and clear in the east. A spectacular morning. I wish I were heading out on the Chesapeake to catch some Blue Fish or Striped Bass. Probably a little early for the Blues to be running out of the bay and heading south.

Getting on the subway is what I’m doing in the actual world for another shift in DC.

Hope it’s a good day for all.
Congrats Austin on the raise. Maybe that will help you in Scotland with a security squad because that is where the Higginbotham's came from! At the least the Higginbotham's in the U.S. wear pants instead of skirts.

It is a cool 58.3°F here and it is supposed to top out at 77°. I will take that.

My only scheduled thing to do today is get a hair cut. Life is good.
Congrats Austin on the raise. Maybe that will help you in Scotland with a security squad because that is where the Higginbotham's came from! At the least the Higginbotham's in the U.S. wear pants instead of skirts.

It is a cool 58.3°F here and it is supposed to top out at 77°. I will take that.

My only scheduled thing to do today is get a hair cut. Life is good.

Pic's or it didn't happen Sir... 😁

My Darling cuts my hair Sir. Been my barber for about 35 or so years. (She used to be a lot of others barber as well but for the last five or so years, nope. If she can/could cut my Ronald Reagan oblong head she can cut anyone's and did for a long while but I and my grandson just about have My Darling as our exclusive barber now. (Does President Trump have his own barber?)... (I will stop...)
Shock alert... Or is it me hoping... If so, I hope you'll drop in... I do hope all is well...


Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high could reach 105°F. We hit 109°F yesterday afternoon.

- @Bert Higginbotha : Interesting about your Scottish heritage. According to Ancestry DNA, I'm 23% Scottish. Saw on map two living 4th cousins residing in northern Scotland. No plans on looking them up this trip. Maybe later.

- Found a Kennedy half-dollar yesterday during walk yesterday. Minted 2023. What luck.

- Work, laundry and pack last-minute stuff on agenda today. Off at 3:30 pm.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Good morning folks. Another beautiful day in the east. Clear, crisp and cool. It feels like one of those rare October days that are so full of promise.

My last day downtown this week, so maybe I’ll take a long lunch and stroll through one of the Smithsonian Museums.

Nothing much to report yet. It’s been one of those weeks when
Good morning everyone.

Back from the lake again but not much fishing. Solenoid went out and didn't get it repaired til the last day. Thankfully it was the first time we cranked it and we were still at the ramp. It would have been bad if we were five miles down the lake. I did get to squirrel hunt one morning since the boat was down. Rabbit and squirrel hunting was the only hunting we had growing up.

Amazing late summer weather we've had the last several days. We usually remember the bad weather days, but it has been great lately.

I'll catch up on some things here for a few days then off to Pigeon Forge to celebrate our anniversary (early). We don't like to travel during the Labor Day holiday so take our trip before or after our actual anniversary.

Have a great day!
Good morning all,

Climate change occuring....

Took 7/9's of a day off. Reports to turn in this evening. Off tomorrow, regular day off I've rarely been able to take. I have 145 hours of use or lose so some days are coming. I am thankful....

Have a great day. My Darling and I are spending what time we can together. A dental appointment though so.....

That Don sighting surprised me but made me sad as well. Wish he'd have dropped in...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high could reach 105°F. We hit 109°F yesterday afternoon.

- @Bert Higginbotha : Interesting about your Scottish heritage. According to Ancestry DNA, I'm 23% Scottish. Saw on map two living 4th cousins residing in northern Scotland. No plans on looking them up this trip. Maybe later.

- Found a Kennedy half-dollar yesterday during walk yesterday. Minted 2023. What luck.

- Work, laundry and pack last-minute stuff on agenda today. Off at 3:30 pm.

Wishing y'all a great day.

According to Ancestry I am 42% Scot. The oldest Higginbotham in my tree is Joseph Oliver Higginbotham (1510-1548). He was born and died in Scotland; however, I have no information as to the place. My Higginbotham line moved from Scotland to Marple, Chesire, England before 1545.
According to Ancestry I am 42% Scot. The oldest Higginbotham in my tree is Joseph Oliver Higginbotham (1510-1548). He was born and died in Scotland; however, I have no information as to the place. My Higginbotham line moved from Scotland to Marple, Chesire, England before 1545.
14% here. So I'm a piker in comparison. My one great grandfather's surname was Carmichael. From Glasgow area. Got here thru Canada in 1857 - my latest arriving ancestor. Initially went to Winchester, Ky but soon migrated to Cincy where he built riverboats. Went to the Klondike for a couple of years to build riverboats there for the gold rush. Pierce Brosnan's step-father was Bill Carmichael. From that tight relationship, he used the Carmichael plaid on the bagpipes he played in Mama Mia. I recognized the plaid and looked up why he used it.
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I missed it again. You note I get up later!
Well to be didn't miss much......I turned them loose and before I could put the doors back on the hampers they were headed north and out of sight.......according to the GPS they flew a total of 97.3 miles and they did it in 2 hrs 2 mins. I am getting excited........the first race is Saturday and is only 114 miles for me......Franklin, KY......
Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may reach 100°F.

Leaving for airport at 6 am. Bus 801 - > Bus 20. Same procedure every time. Flight leaves at 12:30 from Austin-Bergstrom. Not looking forward to transfer at LHR between terminals 3 to 5.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Good morning folks. Thank goodness Friday has arrived. It’s been a long week, but I work from home today then can take it easy.

Still dark here as I head out for a run. A cool, clear morning and it looks like we’ll continue this run of remarkable August weather —much cooler and less humid than normal.

Not much planned this weekend. My wife is around. We’ve been kicking around the idea of a drive up into the mountains of West Virginia, or maybe Philadelphia to see some historic sites, or possibly Delaware and the ocean. Those are all weekend options from DC. We’ll talk it over. We may just hang around and decompress from a busy few weeks. I hope you all have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be around 107°. 100 plus degrees for the next couple of days then, it is supposed to taper off to the high 90's. Might need a jacket (Yellow Jacket spray I mean). Have a few hovering just outside my front door.

Watched my first NFL preseason football game last night (half of it anyway). Bengals vs Colts and the announcers said something about how Burrow has not taken a snap in the preseason this year. What, again? I believe (correct me if I am wrong) that this has happened 3 out of his 4 years with the Bengals because of injuries. I have said it before and will say it again, Cincinnati and Cleaveland are where QB's go to die.

It is Friday folks so, slide into the weekend and may God Bless you all.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may reach 100°F.

Leaving for airport at 6 am. Bus 801 - > Bus 20. Same procedure every time. Flight leaves at 12:30 from Austin-Bergstrom. Not looking forward to transfer at LHR between terminals 3 to 5.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Safe travels for you Austin.