Hot days ahead. Batten down the hatches. Have not fished in 2 weeks. Starting to go stir crazy.
My Darling and I plan to hit this place Saturday.
Hot days ahead. Batten down the hatches. Have not fished in 2 weeks. Starting to go stir crazy.
No, I could see no reason why anyone would be pissed off about it. My wife has a few as do many other military contractors and civil service who work with the military. I have quite a few, but don't know the exact amount as I am not really sure where all of them are.Good morning folks. Cool and clear in the east. Glad it is Friday.
Woke up way too early to what I first thought was a baby screaming -- in our empty house -- then decided might be an animal howling as a predator attacked it outside, though with the house tight and the AC running I couldn't decide the sound was even outside. It went on for a while, then I guess I drifted back to sleep. I've heard rabbits shriek when caught by an owl, and it might have been something like that. I'm all alone in the house, so the other possibilities are pretty far out there.
My son finished his week working with Fish and Wildlife inspectors at the airport in Dallas. Pretty amazing the stuff that comes through there in a week -- he sent me one photo of a crate with four full-sized stuffed zebras, a row of baboon heads and other assorted animal parts -- all legal, with a license purchased.
When he was leaving, the chief inspector who had taken a liking to him gave him a "challenge coin." These have spread outside the military, apparently. He was proud because as a boy he'd always been interested in mine, which I kept in a little box I'd let him rummage through.
The fact that I have a collection may piss off some of you former service members. I always felt a bit guilty when CSMs or battalion or brigade commanders would give me a coin after I wrote good things about their units, or just endured a combat deployment with them. I didn't feel worthy, but to turn it down would have been a bigger insult, so I always thanked them sincerely. And I do really value the memories.
Some of you folks must have some nice ones.
Back to work. Have a good day.
That's a fast houseboat. Dang.
Last night on friends and his wife’s houseboat on Lake Cumberland. Will be last time this year.
I’m on the left.
Thanks. Always have a great time. He and I have been friends for 61 years. Looking forward to coming back next year and doing this all over again.
Some outside work yesterday. Got to hot and passed out. Face planted in the gravel. Five stiches in the upper lip. Getting old sucks, but I guess it is better than the alternative.
Glad to hear you are winning the battle. I only have time to come in and try to catch up a little......keeping you in my thoughts.......sorry for the lateness.....Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and partly cloudy and humid. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may reach 102°F.
Local news announced SWAT called out about 3 miles south of us. Details pending.
Worked late yesterday on a OneDrive issue. Bah!
Wishing y'all another great day.
Sir, I plan on being at the south end of the new Buccee's place in Smith's Grove at about 830-8:45 Monday morning to release the birds. I know it is early but if you are up..........maybe you will be my good luck charm for the season.......being an ex mayor I know you have all kinds of ceremonies that you perform......I am sure you have something about ole awf having a great racing season.... 😉 Seriously if you are up and about I am going to set my GPS bands for a 09:00 EST release. We took them to Munfordville yesterday and they flew down to Horse Cave before they came in......about 115 miles total flight in 1 hr 43 min.......first race is Aug. 31.......I have moved to a much larger club......besides stepping up my game........I'm trying to learn Spanish.............all of the other members besides my friend Jamie and myself are Cuban......I was a big fish in a small pond last fish in lake this season.......Happy Sunday. It is a warm 68.7°F but we are supposed to on get to 82° and be cloudy. Friday and Saturday we had thunder storms that gave me .43" and .41". I am happy for my yards sake and the farmers. This may be a record yield around here as we have had really good rain and lots of sunshine to go with it.
Daughter and son in law in this weekend so I have been busy. Fixed a bunch of pork tenderloin, corn on the cob, green beans etc. yesterday and had New England Clam Chowder Friday night. Those of two of the few things that I normally cook. However, I am expert at cleaning dishes!
@Catfan in Tn. looks like you were having a good time.
Be careful. As we get older we get more fragile each year.Some outside work yesterday. Got to hot and passed out. Face planted in the gravel. Five stiches in the upper lip. Getting old sucks, but I guess it is better than the alternative.
Sir, I plan on being at the south end of the new Buccee's place in Smith's Grove at about 830-8:45 Monday morning to release the birds. I know it is early but if you are up..........maybe you will be my good luck charm for the season.......being an ex mayor I know you have all kinds of ceremonies that you perform......I am sure you have something about ole awf having a great racing season.... 😉 Seriously if you are up and about I am going to set my GPS bands for a 09:00 EST release. We took them to Munfordville yesterday and they flew down to Horse Cave before they came in......about 115 miles total flight in 1 hr 43 min.......first race is Aug. 31.......I have moved to a much larger club......besides stepping up my game........I'm trying to learn Spanish.............all of the other members besides my friend Jamie and myself are Cuban......I was a big fish in a small pond last fish in lake this season.......
@awf sorry buddy, not this time. I just got up. Shower is next.@BertHiggingbotha.....I will be in a dark blue F-150 crew cab.......hope to see you....but if not maybe on the next trip.
I used to be ten foot tall and bullet proof. 😁 Short and weak now though. 🤦♂️Be careful. As we get older we get more fragile each year.
@awf sorry buddy, not this time. I just got up. Shower is next.
If it makes you feel any better a St Louis sportswriter just said the Cardinals front office/manager are headed straight for the check in desk at the Crazy Motel over their handling of several things, including former top prospect Jordan Walker.The KC Royals showing the Reds how it is done the last three days. Beating the Reds 8-1 Friday night, 13-1 last night and are leading 4-0 today. They are attacking the first pitch because the Reds pitchers try to throw strikes (a lot of fast balls) on the first pitch to get ahead in the count. KC is taking advantage of that.