
Did not get to fish today as the Lake store was closed so I could not get my city license. I have State and Ft. Sill but not the area cities license. So, I just drove around the full lake area reconning possible fishing sites. 23 miles of shoreline should offer some good bank fishing somewhere.

Ran into some ladies walking in one of the areas I was looking at and I think they were at first wary, but I broke the ice after walking through an area they had just went through and called to them asking if they had noticed the snakes on the rocks they had just passed through. They said no and came back to the spot to see. I had seen 6 when I first got there and 4 went into the rocks while 2 two stayed out on the rocks for heat. Only one of the ladies spoke English as I found out the other three had just come in days ago from the Netherlands to visit their sister (aunt for the younger one).

When they saw the snakes they took pictures and thanked me as they were getting ready to walk on more rocks. They left more cautious and aware. One of the snakes is pictured below.
Surprises me that the Netherlands folks didn't speak English. My experiences there (limited) are that English is universal.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 86°F.

Slept better last night. Made it to 3:30 am. Slight treatment change this last day of radiation: Must report at 9 am. Techs believe I'll be able to take follow-on chemo treatment better at 10 am. Please, oh cast-iron stomach, don't fail me now. Looking at a long day.

Dores at Rupp, 6 pm CST. Vandy should have their 7-footer, Liam Robbins, back. Could get interesting. Last home game of the season. Go Cats!

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing y'all only the best on this March 1st.

I swiped this from RR. Thought it was a gimmick thread of some sort but no....... All of 7 seconds but surely worth the watch!

Looked at one of the tweet replies...

It stated: "He's a Cat!" 😅

Been so many turds laid on that court this year, so I'm glad they finally noticed one (but that's the best one yet)!
Surprises me that the Netherlands folks didn't speak English. My experiences there (limited) are that English is universal.
Generally, yes, as it is for most Europeans. Their sister translated what I was saying so I assumed they did not understand. Perhaps they were not confident enough in their ability to speak it.
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Good Wednesday Morning D

Thoughts and prayers your way @AustinTXCat as you undergo treatment. Current temperature is 66° with a dense fog advisory. The sun is coming out and the high temperature will be 82°. Nice day for baseball Spring Training.

I am reading a new book by our Governor that was released yesterday. It is actually a blueprint on sound principles for how to govern a state. A boy with a blue collar background who made his way with hard work and dedication. Good read.

This is gym day. Cardiac and work on the upper extremities. Feels good. Trust all have a nice day.

Good morning folks.

Some sickness in our home —my wife and daughter are down with what appears to be flu. I’m feeling a little rocky but think I’m okay so far.

It’s a miracle anyone who rides this subway isn’t sick. Not one but two filthy bums on my car. And counting their giant bags of pestilential possessions they are taking up six seats, meaning the rest of us have to pack into the other seats.

Ah well. Live and let live I suppose.

Game day for the Cats. This one is important -win and a good seed is still possible. I guess we’ll find out if the recent run of good play is sustainable.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good Tuesday Morning

Prayers this morning for @AustinTXCat as he has the radiation treatments today and begins chemo tomorrow. May the Lord give strength as he wins the battle.

65° this morning with a little mist and slight fog. The sun is coming up bright and will clear up with a high of 80°. @storm1507 thank you for bringing Florida nice weather, we will try to maintain it as you travel back. Safe Travels

Trust all are well and in good spirits. I am thankful for the D League and how we support one another when we are going through the trials of life. It certainly helped me when I had my medical issues.


That is definitely larger than ye ole blue vein...(May have been "my" Army) but that was one from back in my Army days....
Just experienced a huge negative reaction to this Chemo dose . Several staff ran over here. My face turned blood red , but now back to normal. Mama Mia. Not a fan of this stuff. Tolerated fine couple weeks ago. My doctor just visited. We may try again. Wow.
Prayers Austin, I pray the doctor will be led to find a solution and you get through this a step closer to complete recovery and healing.
How about 18' Let's get em'


That's a fat-arsed snake. Must be on welfare... Do swamps have section-8? (Heck, who knows anymore.) Go ahead act like it is completely stupid what I just stated..and it IS. That will not stop the gubbernment from trying to tax us for it and implement it.. Heck it is very probably already enacted...
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That's a fat-arsed snake. Must be on welfare... Do swamps have section-8? (Heck, who knows anymore.) Go ahead act like it is completely stupid what I just stated..and it IS. That will not stop the gubbernment from trying to tax us for it and implement it.. Heck it is very probably already enacted...
He's Burmese and probably illegal, of course he will get gubberment assitance.
Just experienced a huge negative reaction to this Chemo dose . Several staff ran over here. My face turned blood red , but now back to normal. Mama Mia. Not a fan of this stuff. Tolerated fine couple weeks ago. My doctor just visited. We may try again. Wow.
Prayers for you in this most difficult of times Austin. 🙏