
Good morning everyone.

Prayers for those in need (all of us truthfully).

Sad day yesterday. We went to a visitation for one of my wife's extended family. I had only been around him a few times. He had been sent to a home after his mother died about 20 years ago. Very, very few at the funeral home and now I am going back even though my wife will be babysitting just to be sure there will be enough for pallbearers. But, on the bright side we do get to see our 2 yr old great, great niece after missing her last week. We are her favorites and she has been asking about us since we were gone.

Hope the weather holds out for next week so Dad and I can get to the lake and fish. I don't know how much longer he'll be willing to get out on the boat.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Since I missed Wildlife Wednesday this week.

Our vacation seemed to be the week of the gators. We saw them while hiking, kayaking, and fishing. Some big ones too.
This one was at Bulow Creek State Park near Ormond Beach. We just drove by the beach (too busy) and headed to the park. We only saw a few people hiking and doubt any of those spotted this gator. He was hidden pretty good from the trail although he was close.
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Good morning folks. I join those praying for all who need it.

Colder here today, though not bad. Expected to be windy.

Not much happening. My week has been consumed with work, and today will be as well. Need to take a quick shower and get to it, so I'll wish everyone well and check back later.
Good Friday Morning D

65° outside with sunny skies. No rain today as we get up to a very nice 86° and this will be our warmest day of 2023. I am loving it. Down in Orlando they may hit 90°.

My wife has been following the Murdaugh Murders trial up in South Carolina and she asked me to watch a little of it. The head of this family had an addiction to power and greed like I have not seen in a long time. I SMH in disbelief as I listen to and watched. But the good folks of South Carolina were not fooled with his constant lies and convicted him in less than 3 hours. The trial has been going on for 6 weeks. Too bad he will not get the death penalty. Maybe an inmate will take care of that once he gets to State Prison.

I spent some time in Walterboro, SC during Hurricane Hugo and enjoyed my time there. Very nice and friendly people who knew how to cook BBQ and catfish and hush puppies. It looks a lot like my part of Florida. Live oak trees, palms and marsh land with a lot of wildlife. Felt like home.

@warrior-cat get that BP down man, it is important. We are praying for you and @AustinTXCat. The UK basketball cats raise my blood pressure at times but never 200/140. That is off the charts and in stroke or cardiac problem territory. Prayers for sure.

Nice gator @storm1507 . I think his daddy lives out behind my house in the Weeki Wachee Wildlife Preserve aka to us old folks as a SWAMP.

Take care all, Hogs tomorrow.

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Just got back from Memorial Hospital in Lawton where I spent 3 1/2 hours there going through some test. Around 1530 this afternoon I started experiencing some quick but sharp chest pains that were successive and over no sooner than they started. I was dizzy for a bit afterwards, but it subsided. My wife got home at 1700 and my daughter told her, and she ask why I did not call her or 911. I told her it was over fast I that I was OK. She wanted me to take my blood pressure (we have a home machine) and it was around 200/140 or so. I waited and took a couple more within a couple of hours and they were not as high but did not go below 171/120 or so.

We decided then to go to the hospital. EKG/ chest x-rays and other test were done including blood and the doctor said that I was very healthy 65-year-old with a bit of a blood pressure problem and prescribed me some medication and gave me a sheet of paper with a cardiologist name he wants me to call tomorrow. Looks like I have a bit of work to do with the blood pressure, but I will find natural ways to fix that soon including adding some cardio to my workouts.
Good luck. I'm on BP meds and watch diet pretty close. So far, it seems to be working.

Morning D-Legionnaires! Thanks for the prayers.

43° this morning with 10-20mph winds. High expected to be in the mid 60's.

Feeling a little lightheaded and a small headache this morning. Probably the medication the doctor gave to me last night. That and I have not eaten since noon yesterday. He also prescribed 30 days' worth Norvasc:

"Norvasc (amlodipine) is a calcium channel blocker that dilates (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Norvasc is used to treat chest pain and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease. Norvasc is also used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering blood pressure may lower your risk of a stroke or heart attack."

A list of side effects I am not too happy about so, new diet and modified exercise program in effect to do it naturally once under control.

Enough of that, TGIF for those that are working and prayers for those in need or not in need. We definitely need God's hand in the mess we have not only in this country but the world.

Morning D-Legionnaires! Thanks for the prayers.

43° this morning with 10-20mph winds. High expected to be in the mid 60's.

Feeling a little lightheaded and a small headache this morning. Probably the medication the doctor gave to me last night. That and I have not eaten since noon yesterday. He also prescribed 30 days' worth Norvasc:

"Norvasc (amlodipine) is a calcium channel blocker that dilates (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Norvasc is used to treat chest pain and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease. Norvasc is also used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering blood pressure may lower your risk of a stroke or heart attack."

A list of side effects I am not too happy about so, new diet and modified exercise program in effect to do it naturally once under control.

Enough of that, TGIF for those that are working and prayers for those in need or not in need. We definitely need God's hand in the mess we have not only in this country but the world.
Light doses of pravastatin and lisinopril here. I'm pretty satisfied with them. If there's any bad side effects, they haven't shown up yet.
I have an old black and white photo my mother took of the Old Home Place in the late 1940's. A friend had it colorized and I had it put on canvass and sent copies to some of my cousins. The ones who spent the most time there. I spent my first couple of years on earth (1943-1945) there during WWII. This was my mother's home and she stayed there during WWII while dad was away.

I am thankful we have modern technology and are able to do things like this. The Old Home was very simple and costs less than $750 to build. Grandpa milled the lumber from cypress and oak and of course back in those days, 1905, friends and neighbors built the house. No labor costs. Grandpa probably allowed them to pick as much citrus fruit as they wanted as pay back. That is how they did it back then.

Lots of memories in this old place.

Good morning. It is a very windy, cloudy 67.3°F. We have storm warnings for today.

@warrior-cat at 64 I had a heart attack, open heart surgery Don't worry about the side effects of a calcium blocker and worry about not having a heart attack. Heart doctors do wonders on a daily basis. Listen to them. One good thing that you have going for you is that you are in good shape. With a little chemistry and attention you can go back to you life 100%.

@AustinTXCat best of luck to your stomach.
I really like my medical insurance provided by Humana. I just received a call that they will send someone to my home, no charge to massage my feet and trim toenails, etc.

I have never had this in my life so I might give it a try. Nothing to lose as it is free, thanks to Humana.
My little girl is the COO of Humana. Should I tell her that they have an appreciative customer?:)

I may tell her that you are planning on abusing the program! o_O

My little girl a long time ago:
My little girl is the COO of Humana. Should I tell her that they have an appreciative customer?:)

I may tell her that you are planning on abusing the program! o_O

My little girl a long time ago:
Please tell her I am a very very very satisfied customer and also tell her about my agent. I have an excellent agent. Her name is Debbie Kern Haney.

Your daughter should give my agent a shout out because I have recommended many friends and relatives to HumanaChoice Florida PPO because of the great service my agent gives. A very fine company.
Please tell her I am a very very very satisfied customer and also tell her about my agent. I have an excellent agent. Her name is Debbie Kern Haney.

Your daughter should give my agent a shout out because I have recommended many friends and relatives to HumanaChoice Florida PPO because of the great service my agent gives. A very fine company.
Is your agent as cute as my little girl? :)
Just got back from Memorial Hospital in Lawton where I spent 3 1/2 hours there going through some test. Around 1530 this afternoon I started experiencing some quick but sharp chest pains that were successive and over no sooner than they started. I was dizzy for a bit afterwards, but it subsided. My wife got home at 1700 and my daughter told her, and she ask why I did not call her or 911. I told her it was over fast I that I was OK. She wanted me to take my blood pressure (we have a home machine) and it was around 200/140 or so. I waited and took a couple more within a couple of hours and they were not as high but did not go below 171/120 or so.

We decided then to go to the hospital. EKG/ chest x-rays and other test were done including blood and the doctor said that I was very healthy 65-year-old with a bit of a blood pressure problem and prescribed me some medication and gave me a sheet of paper with a cardiologist name he wants me to call tomorrow. Looks like I have a bit of work to do with the blood pressure, but I will find natural ways to fix that soon including adding some cardio to my workouts.

Sure glad you caught it brother wc. Prayers your way. Take care of your self, your family needs you...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 52°F, clear and windy. Lotsa rain last night. Today's high expected around 74°F.

@warrior-cat : That BP way too high. Yikes! Sending prayers in your direction. Please get well soon! Please.

Chemo wiped me out yesterday afternoon. Experienced another negative reaction during treatment, although lesser than Wednesday. Stopped at Culver's for Cod sandwich and butterfly shrimp. Ola, lovely. Stomach hanging tough, but felt upset all night. Slept 4-10 pm in the chair and again for an hour this morning. Another round scheduled today. Then take a 3-week break.

Last regular season game tomorrow from Hog House down in Fayetteville. Hope Wallace comes back. Broadcast begins at 1 pm CST. Go Cats!

Happy Friday, y'all. Wishing everyone a great end to your week.


Brother ATXC, I do hope this your going through is healing you. God's healing power toward you and brother wc. I've had some recent issues but neither of that variety.

When I lived in SA, I lived on I-10 and DeZavala in a subdivision down the street (Hart Ranch) Anyway we had a culvers about a quarter mile away... and a Bill Millers about a half mile away. My Darling and I were younger (about 12 to 16 years ago.) We frequented the joints. My Darling never but I gained 40 pounds while living in SA.

I got my fitbit back a month to two months ago and I am again trending correctly. Within 20 pounds of where I want to be (200), I want to go down to 199 just once and then between 200 and 205.. Must do that before the Thanksgiving holidays start if The Lord doesn't take me home.....

Take care of yourselves brothers.....
I really like my medical insurance provided by Humana. I just received a call that they will send someone to my home, no charge to massage my feet and trim toenails, etc.

I have never had this in my life so I might give it a try. Nothing to lose as it is free, thanks to Humana.
I never liked anyone touching my feet. Too ticklish I guess. [laughing]
Good luck. I'm on BP meds and watch diet pretty close. So far, it seems to be working.
Same here...well, except for the diet part. I used to really watch what I ate after heart attack #1 and got back on it for a while after HA #2, but once the Heart Doc put me on a Supper drug...well, I tend to venture off the diet plan. I just don't tell her. [laughing]

Morning D-Legionnaires! Thanks for the prayers.

43° this morning with 10-20mph winds. High expected to be in the mid 60's.

Feeling a little lightheaded and a small headache this morning. Probably the medication the doctor gave to me last night. That and I have not eaten since noon yesterday. He also prescribed 30 days' worth Norvasc:

"Norvasc (amlodipine) is a calcium channel blocker that dilates (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Norvasc is used to treat chest pain and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease. Norvasc is also used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering blood pressure may lower your risk of a stroke or heart attack."

A list of side effects I am not too happy about so, new diet and modified exercise program in effect to do it naturally once under control.

Enough of that, TGIF for those that are working and prayers for those in need or not in need. We definitely need God's hand in the mess we have not only in this country but the world.

Yeah, I was diagnosed with CAD back in about 2011 or so. They put me on a heavy dose regimen of Niacin and vitamin D. I did some research and stopped eating a lot of the bad I was eating. While I guess I still have it, I have had multiple tests including the nuclear stuff and they've stated they see no large difference with what I had then which was some placque build up but not a significant build up. I am religious about what I do not eat but other than that, since My we went to Korea in 2012 My Darling has not been working a full time gig any longer and her cooking straightened me out. I am thankful...

I still take niacin regularly though I did stop for about a year. I always liked taking vitamin D but I dropped down a lot from what they told me to take then... (Not much on extremes.) (The cardiologist I have been going to since I arrived in Virginia told me there is not data about the niacin suggesting it helps but I take the stuff that flushes you and that sensation has to be doing something in my book. He stated it wouldn't hurt me, so I will just keep that going.)

Anyway, I am thankful...
I really like my medical insurance provided by Humana. I just received a call that they will send someone to my home, no charge to massage my feet and trim toenails, etc.

I have never had this in my life so I might give it a try. Nothing to lose as it is free, thanks to Humana.

Oh no you didn't Sir..............SHOCK.....................

ALL of you: Act like brother Sir SC never posted this post. Just ignore it.....

Brother Sir SC be ....................................................................woke............... (Maybe)...

BUT SIR.....................If the mug who shows up pulls out a bottle of polish, JAP SLAP da weirdo!

😬 😁
Yeah, I was diagnosed with CAD back in about 2011 or so. They put me on a heavy dose regimen of Niacin and vitamin D.
You have what? I looked up your condition and................Tell me it is not so BBUK. Not you.

cad (kăd)


  1. A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.
  2. A boy, a fellow: a general term of slight contempt applied originally to various classes of persons of a low grade.
  3. A loafer; a hanger-on about inn-yards.
You have what? I looked up your condition and................Tell me it is not so BBUK. Not you.

cad (kăd)


  1. A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.
  2. A boy, a fellow: a general term of slight contempt applied originally to various classes of persons of a low grade.
  3. A loafer; a hanger-on about inn-yards.

But, no one does my toes Sir..... 😅 😅 😅 I apologize, I apologize, .......

I do wonder if da brudder is a tootsie twiddler or a gizzard snitcher. (Watch the gizzards Sir. Never trust a man that does your toes..... (I must stop.........Oh my heart..........)

I sure needed that. God Bless you Sir and the D-League...............😅😅😅

Oh no you didn't Sir..............SHOCK.....................

ALL of you: Act like brother Sir SC never posted this post. Just ignore it.....

Brother Sir SC be ....................................................................woke............... (Maybe)...

BUT SIR.....................If the mug who shows up pulls out a bottle of polish, JAP SLAP da weirdo!

😬 😁
You convinced me no toe nail trimming. BBUK, thanks my brother. I will continue to do it with my hawk bill pocket knife the way grandpa and daddy did it all of their lives.

So when the young lady comes around I will refer her to my wife and save money the wife spends on pedicures down at the J C Penny's Store.

You convinced me no toe nail trimming. BBUK, thanks my brother. I will continue to do it with my hawk bill pocket knife the way grandpa and daddy did it all of their lives.

So when the young lady comes around I will refer her to my wife and save money the wife spends on pedicures down at the J C Penny's Store.


Uh, uh,... Lady? Um...let's talk this over... 😁
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Hello all,

Yesterday My Darling made these for supper....

Spinach, onions, garlic, and a couple other vegetables into hamburger... and Spinach on the side...


I made it into this with an English muffin, some cream cheese, some mozzarella cheese and a tomato.... with some spinach on the side... (A tomato inside the muffin as well...)


This evenings supper...


MSG: My Seafood Gumbo... (An egg, not a golf ball....) 😁 (Some shrimp, Drum, (Or is it Whiting.. can't remember.) BUT, NO blue crab....

Oh, no msg in My Darling's cooking...

And NOT Briscoe Darling...

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You convinced me no toe nail trimming. BBUK, thanks my brother. I will continue to do it with my hawk bill pocket knife the way grandpa and daddy did it all of their lives.

So when the young lady comes around I will refer her to my wife and save money the wife spends on pedicures down at the J C Penny's Store.

That reminds me, friend of mine wanted to borrow my pocket knife to cut his apple up, when he got done he told me that's a good knife, it's sharp, why carry a good one like that? I told I had to keep it sharp so I could clean squirrels, rabbits and clean my fingernails!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F, clear and calm. Today's high may hit 81°F. We'll take it.

Chemo went well yesterday. Thankfully. Nurse lowered infusion rate and increased steroids + painkillers. No more chemo for a few weeks. I've got a Doppler test come next Monday. Doggone blood clots. Meh, country boy can survive. Grabbed Wendy's fish sammich + small loaded chili after treatment. :D

Plan on mowing grass later this AM. Good exercise. Hope old push-mower starts. Stay tuned.

Game today, gents, from good old Bud Walton Arena. Hearing many players are out, like Wallace and CJ. Huge bummer, if true. Go Cats!

Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday. Take care.

Good Saturday Morning

Game Day for the basketballl Cats. Which team will show up as they face the Hogs. I hope the good one. Last regular game of the season.

Now to the local weather. 70° and the sun will be out but we do have a chance of a shower this afternoon. Winds will be 9 mph with gusts to 26 mph. The high will be 82°

@AustinTXCat, you are an inspiration to us and our prayers continue. Staying positive and having faith.

Take care all, have a nice day and Cats will you please show up and play winning basketball. It is important.


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