
My son and crew at the game...


Edit: He graduated from UF. He attended UK too but graduated from UF. Did a tour in Iraq as well.

Oh, three of my Grand Babies with a fourth on the way...
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I forgot about a little happening at the house last night, but my wife just reminded me. I was on the couch watching the tube with the monster when a couple of the other mutts being outside started barking frantically. Well, the back door being open the monster started for the door running to go out. At the same time, my wife was coming in and they met. The monster ran into my wife's knees/legs knocking her to the ground. To her credit, the monster stopped immediately, lowered her head and ears, and got in my wife's face as if to say she was sorry. Licked her face then, followed her back into the house. You could tell she felt bad about it by the way she was acting.
You guys probably get tired of me talking about boxer dogs, but your story reminded me of this. It is said if the dog world had a football team, its linebackers would be boxers. If they wanted to take you down, they would run at you and jump like a football player making a tackle. They say a sixty pound boxer can hit with enough force to take a 1200 pound horse off its feet. Augie accidentally got me in the left knee before he was full grown. My knee hasn't been right since.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 82°F. Heck, we topped out at 89°F yesterday.

Last night's game: Happy for the W over Gators, but seemed more dodge ball than basketball. Just a weird feel. Seems like ball stayed more in front of players than above their heads.

3 games left in regular season: 2 home (Vandy, Auburn) and one road (Ark)

Neurology cleared me to fly yesterday. Watch out KY, FL, TN and Europe.

Back to work today.

Wishing y'all another happy, safe and enjoyable day.

You guys probably get tired of me talking about boxer dogs, but your story reminded me of this. It is said if the dog world had a football team, its linebackers would be boxers. If they wanted to take you down, they would run at you and jump like a football player making a tackle. They say a sixty pound boxer can hit with enough force to take a 1200 pound horse off its feet. Augie accidentally got me in the left knee before he was full grown. My knee hasn't been right since.
Yeah, my wife is still limping a little, says her right knee is sore.

Never get tired of talking about dogs. They truly are man's best friends imo.

Morning D-Legionnaires!

28° this morning with 25-30mph winds. Mid to high 40's expected today.

Another win in the books and with one more we solidify an at large spot in the tourney imo. We will get that and more I believe. Would not have thought that 2 weeks or so back.

Looks like another ho-hum couch potato day for me. My student has strep so no training for her today. Will get my regular training in today and then catch a wave and surf the tube for a good movie or 2.

Well, you guys enjoy the pre TGIF day and God Bless. @AustinTXCat keep on keeping on.
Good Morning D

Currently 64° with partly cloudy skies. The sun will soon be up and get us to our high of 87°. 3% chance of rain and a slight but steady breeze off of the Gulf. Nice.

@AustinTXCat Great news from your neurosurgeon, you are going to win this one. Your mention of Europe reminded me I have let my passport expire. I will correct that ASAP.

Cats won but their defense left a lot to be desired. They better tighten that up before tournament time. 3 regular season game to go.

Tonight I have another concert to attend. Looking forward to it, it is down at Indian Rock. Should be a good one. Take care all, Hope the coffee is good. Mine is.

Good morning all,

Thankful for brother ATXC's report.

Brother Sir SC reminded me of this picture... My Darling and I have had so many moments like these...


Never forget who is walking with you. God Bless you all...

Working from home today.... I am thankful...
Great picture BBUK. I have heard sermons preached on footprints in the sand. The footprints can make a powerful statement.

The picture I posted is Clearwater Beach at sundown.
Great picture BBUK. I have heard sermons preached on footprints in the sand. The footprints can make a powerful statement.

The picture I posted is Clearwater Beach at sundown.

Yes Sir... It is powerful. This was in Norfolk Virginia at a beach there... I was working there but took My Darling with me. This was actually in late October or November. Unusually warm ... We were wearing light jackets but could not resist that day together, just.... being...
Good morning folks.

Grateful for a Cats' win. Any SEC road win in late February is one to put in the bank and head back to Lexington.

We're supposed to get some freakishly warm weather today. Whatever. Better than buried in snow, though I will confess that I sorta like winter and miss any real trace of it this year. Spring is always sweeter after being in the freezer for a couple months.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning folks.

Grateful for a Cats' win. Any SEC road win in late February is one to put in the bank and head back to Lexington.

We're supposed to get some freakishly warm weather today. Whatever. Better than buried in snow, though I will confess that I sorta like winter and miss any real trace of it this year. Spring is always sweeter after being in the freezer for a couple months.

Hope you all have a good day.

A glutton for punishment you are MdW...

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We got a lot of wind and 1.32" of rain. It is 70°F here on our way to 74°F and partly cloudy.

I just finished editing the Florida game. This firmly puts UK in the top four at the moment for the double bye in the SEC Tourney. With this team I am not sure they will continue to be in the top four, but UK should win the two home games, but I though that they would beat USC at home. Dud! I would bet Arkansas in the last game. They will be packed and looking for blood. I think A&M is living a charmed existence on a very favorable schedule. I expect them to lose a couple late.

Enjoy you Friday eve.
This morning was great for pruning before Spring - mid-60's & sunny. Pygmy crape myrtles survived the night of near -10 Christmas Eve morn. Was worried but the stems are green inside after the cut. Spreading roses already leafing and sending out shoots. Rose of Sharon tree just needed branches taken back from house. Flowering hydrangea were pretty easy. Still, it was two hours later & I needed a nap.
A photo my son posted from the game last night...

Did your son say anything about the crowd. Looks like a lot of empty seats. Florida does not draw good basketball crowds but the Kentucky game always seemed to be packed. It always was when I attended with as many if not more UK fans the Gators.

It was a tough place to play.
This morning was great for pruning before Spring - mid-60's & sunny. Pygmy crape myrtles survived the night of near -10 Christmas Eve morn. Was worried but the stems are green inside after the cut. Spreading roses already leafing and sending out shoots. Rose of Sharon tree just needed branches taken back from house. Flowering hydrangea were pretty easy. Still, it was two hours later & I needed a nap.
Spring is in the air. Our March flowers are blooming big time.
Says 9540 for a 10,133 capacity.
Florida always lies about attendance, just like Duke.

In that photo you can nearly come up with 20% of the difference between capacity and announced attendance. In that one section, and those are good seats, in the picture there were 90 empty seats.

I beat you that the turnstile count was less than 7500.
Did your son say anything about the crowd. Looks like a lot of empty seats. Florida does not draw good basketball crowds but the Kentucky game always seemed to be packed. It always was when I attended with as many if not more UK fans the Gators.

It was a tough place to play.

Apologies Sir,

Been at my desk but did not have this open. He didn't say anything but looking at the picture it was pushing being half UK. (I know Florida has blue too.) My son was on the opposite side (Of course) from the picture so I imagine lots of UK people on his side as well...