
Hello all,

Had some good eating today... My Darlings expertise amazes me. I know there are better cooks out there and some equally good cooks that love what they do. Nearing 40 years of thankfulness, just for the healthy food I eat along with the love My Darling must have for me to take the time to cook like she does... (She did it for the children while they were home and on special occasions but MY special occasions are nearly every day.) Have I stated I am thankful..

Immediately below is steamed rice cake. The topping and middle is nothing but Black-eyed peas. (Soaked first and then crumbled) (My explanation, much more involved.) Very lightly sugared to a delicate sweetness that sets off the rice and peas.. (I've eat this so very many times I cannot count. I cannot get enough of it.) That cutting board is nearly two feet long to give an idea about the size. My Darling cuts it up into pieces, I get my fill of the fresh cake with coffee and then the rest is frozen and a minute or so in the microwave on defrost brings it to life... Days of delicacies at a touch... I am thankful...


A side-view ... My Darling sifts that rice flour by hand...

Sweet rice and flour "doughnuts". In the middle of these is a pod of brown sugar that turns to syrup when cooked. Outside is a mixture of regular cane sugar and brown sugar... Three to five of these with coffee first thing starts a good day. (I eat these only four or five times a year as they are loaded with sugar...)

My supper today. Home made chicken soup... My Darling bought a whole chicken and comes up with this... My Darling made this today because my youngest came home from being gone a week to San Antonio to visit friends. It is my youngest's favorite meal... (This was MY bowl... ;)) (Just potato's and couple types of onions, some garlic, and I know something else, maybe ginger root. A feel good meal...

Sure glad I don't have to go into the office tomorrow... I am again, thankful! ;)

I sure wish I could share with you, the D-League. My Darling would be happy as well. She knows where I find solace...

Have a peaceful rest of your evening(s.)..

Oh, I am a calorie counter again since I got my fitbit again after the fitbit recall. My calorie intake today was 2200. I try to stay at about 1800 but today was special. (Real hard to control the portions I eat...)
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F and a bit foggy. Expecting high around 80°F. Chance for spotty showers tomorrow.

Today, President's Day, is a federal and state holiday. I'm providing coverage and working. Can always use comp time.

Another round of evil gamma rays scheduled for this afternoon. [winking]. Heh, always cracks my nurse up when I say that. Hey, gotta put a humorous spin on it.

Wishing y'all a great start to the week. Go Cats!

Good morning everybody.

Nice and warm this morning and the rain has not yet arrived so I'll pour a fresh cup of coffee in a minute and go sit on the front porch. It's a great morning to enjoy the feel, smell, and sounds of early spring. I use to do that about every morning when I had dogs, but haven't much since I lost my last dog 11 years ago. The birds and wildlife should be active with the incoming rain.

Packing today and will be on the road for 12 hours tomorrow beginning at daybreak. Forecast for the week in FL...mid to upper 80's everyday with lows around 60 and less than 10% chance of rain. Winter vacations are the best.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Hello all,

Had some good eating today... My Darlings expertise amazes me. I know there are better cooks out there and some equally good cooks that love what they do. Nearing 40 years of thankfulness, just for the healthy food I eat along with the love My Darling must have for me to take the time to cook like she does... (She did it for the children while they were home and on special occasions but MY special occasions are nearly every day.) Have I stated I am thankful..

Immediately below is steamed rice cake. The topping and middle is nothing but Black-eyed peas. (Soaked first and then crumbled) (My explanation, much more involved.) Very lightly sugared to a delicate sweetness that sets off the rice and peas.. (I've eat this so very many times I cannot count. I cannot get enough of it.) That cutting board is nearly two feet long to give an idea about the size. My Darling cuts it up into pieces, I get my fill of the fresh cake with coffee and then the rest is frozen and a minute or so in the microwave on defrost brings it to life... Days of delicacies at a touch... I am thankful...


A side-view ... My Darling sifts that rice flour by hand...

Sweet rice and flour "doughnuts". In the middle of these is a pod of brown sugar that turns to syrup when cooked. Outside is a mixture of regular cane sugar and brown sugar... Three to five of these with coffee first thing starts a good day. (I eat these only four or five times a year as they are loaded with sugar...)

My supper today. Home made chicken soup... My Darling bought a whole chicken and comes up with this... My Darling made this today because my youngest came home from being gone a week to San Antonio to visit friends. It is my youngest's favorite meal... (This was MY bowl... ;)) (Just potato's and couple types of onions, some garlic, and I know something else, maybe ginger root. A feel good meal...

Sure glad I don't have to go into the office tomorrow... I am again, thankful! ;)

I sure wish I could share with you, the D-League. My Darling would be happy as well. She knows where I find solace...

Have a peaceful rest of your evening(s.)..

Oh, I am a calorie counter again since I got my fitbit again after the fitbit recall. My calorie intake today was 2200. I try to stay at about 1800 but today was special. (Real hard to control the portions I eat...)
Man, that looks good. I am sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee wishing I had a piece of that.
Good Monday Morning D

Currently 55° with mostly sunny skies and our high should reach 75° this afternoon. Rain chances are 2% rising to 10% late this afternoon. The weather should remain pleasant for the next few weeks.

This will be "concert week" for me. Looking forward to some great music. Not too much going on, I will head to the gym later this morning for a cardiac workout and my upper body. Still working on that left shoulder.

A couple of bobcats have been spotted close to my house. They have made a little home in the wildlife preserve behind my place. watch out for your pets. Take care all,


Morning D-Legionnaires!

74° expected today with light to moderate winds. Giving it until tomorrow before fishing. Will go out after training my student and give it the first go of the year.

Wife and I did the taxes with Turbo Tax yesterday (she does most of it after I gather the documents). Good news is, we will be getting $3,600.00 back. Of course, that is after the IRS confirms the numbers. Turbo Tax has an audit that confirmed our numbers and as long as they are input correctly there is no problem. We have done it with Turbo tax for about 4 years now since FT. Sill quit doing them free for retirees and have not had a problem yet.

Nothing more other than: Keep up the good fight @AustinTXCat, another prayer sent this morning for you and for all, GOD BLESS.
Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east.

Slow day at work today -- because it's a federal holiday enough people are taking off that the string of mandatory Monday meetings are canceled. That's really what makes me hate Mondays, so it's like a free day today.

My wife got back from NYC last night. I wish I'd gone with her. She had some great photos from the 9/11 Memorial site, and some good museum shots, including some she took for me of a Baseball Card Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum that would have been a chance to see many of the rarest cards it existence.

Oddly enough, they also had some fairly common cards from the 1950s in the exhibit -- Koufaxes, Mantles, Berras -- that I have in my collection and I was able to show my wife. Now a small Coleman cooler full of cards I've carried around our whole marriage, along with a couple binders of less common cards represent dollar signs to her. I won't disillusion her that even if I could find a buyer at near-retail prices my collection MIGHT be worth $5,000-$6,000, thanks to some 1950s era cards I've kept since an uncle gave them to me, and my fanatical collection of sets between 64-68 that are now worth a few bucks.

Hope you all have an easy day.
Good morning all,

Woke up 30 or so minutes ago and was sprucing myself up. My youngest grand daughter is here. Her mom is working today.

Laid back down to look at the D-League thread for a minute and a few news clips....

Yeah, this sounds like the biblical WW3...or at least Gog and Magog-ish.....

China hits back at U.S. allegations it is providing Russia help in its war in Ukraine

May God's will be done...
Good Monday Morning D

Currently 55° with mostly sunny skies and our high should reach 75° this afternoon. Rain chances are 2% rising to 10% late this afternoon. The weather should remain pleasant for the next few weeks.

This will be "concert week" for me. Looking forward to some great music. Not too much going on, I will head to the gym later this morning for a cardiac workout and my upper body. Still working on that left shoulder.

A couple of bobcats have been spotted close to my house. They have made a little home in the wildlife preserve behind my place. watch out for your pets. Take care all,

Coyote killed a 25# dog about a mile from my house like 3 weeks ago.
Just finished making a pan of biscuits and eating too. (Had a piece of the rice cake as well.) With coffee, feel too good to do much but duty calls. I MUST work my taxes today and straighten out at least one closets worth of junk. It seems the BB is heading over here as well to ride his bike with the Bigger Booger Butt. (Yeah, she decided she didn't like being called the Little Booger Butt so she is the Bigger Booger Butt and the BB is just the BB... I guess BBB and the BB...) The Mom and My Darling has to take care of this day. I have to work tomorrow. Just loafing today. :rolleyes: 😍
Just finished making a pan of biscuits and eating too. (Had a piece of the rice cake as well.) With coffee, feel too good to do much but duty calls. I MUST work my taxes today and straighten out at least one closets worth of junk. It seems the BB is heading over here as well to ride his bike with the Bigger Booger Butt. (Yeah, she decided she didn't like being called the Little Booger Butt so she is the Bigger Booger Butt and the BB is just the BB... I guess BBB and the BB...) The Mom and My Darling has to take care of this day. I have to work tomorrow. Just loafing today. :rolleyes: 😍
I'm curious, BB, do you do anything besides eat?
Cloudy 53° here. We had a little rain but not enough to register.

@AustinTXCat good luck on the radiation.

@storm1507 safe travels. I can't last the 12 hours anymore.

@Sawnee Cat look out for bad influences from Kentucky getting into your area there. He may kill all of your bears!

You all have a wonderful holiday.
I won't be in Sawnee's neck of the woods this time. Maybe next year though......... ???
Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia should set aside a week each year that all property owners have to go coyote hunting to get rid of those pesky things.
They have people around here who do that as a side job. They use flatbed trucks with 10-12 kennels on them housing Anatolian Shepherds, Great Pyrenees, and or mixes of the two. These dogs will attack coyotes and either kill them or run them off.
They have people around here who do that as a side job. They use flatbed trucks with 10-12 kennels on them housing Anatolian Shepherds, Great Pyrenees, and or mixes of the two. These dogs will attack coyotes and either kill them or run them off.

My Darling and I were out walking in some woods in some sort of park near where we live. (Four or five miles away.) Maybe a couple years ago. I am in the habit of carrying when I am out like this... or in an area we are not familiar with, anyway we were deep into our walk with not too many people around. A good mile or so in the woods, I heard some growling and looked around to find three or four it looked like mongrel dogs of some sort but then realized they were coyotes or some sort of pack of seemed like a small, slender wolf. It was just me and the wife.

They were about thirty or forty or so feet from me and growling more. I backed the wife into a large tree and told her to stay put behind me. I pulled my piece as they were still growling but didn't get closer. When I pulled my piece it seems they changed their tune, like they could tell what I was carrying. They left but I figured they may be trying to flank me and attack from behind. My wife and I got back to our car and left but that was a harrowing experience that reminded me about what you mentioned.
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Year or two ago, across street neighbor's Lab was fending/barking 2-3 of them off till owner helped out.
The last animal I shot was a coyote. My neighbor called screaming for help, I got my .22 and went to here back yard. Three coyotes were after their little poodle mix. As soon as I got around the corner of the house they ran, but I rolled two of them but could not confirm that I killed them.
I am up in my office working on my taxes...

Went down stairs to get a cup of coffee and found this...


My two daughters and two grand children were hard at it. (I knew something was up or my grand children would have been in my office playing...)

My Darling was laying in the floor stretching her back from being out in her garden.

I am thankful EXCEPT, My Darling reminded me we did nothing for Valentines day... I said, "Honey..."...

My one daughter hit the cookie store of some sort. I scarfed two of these while downstairs...

My son called me last night.

He told me about a boy on a team I coached when my son was in the 15-16 year old league. It seems one of his friends and one of my players died yesterday or the day before. He leaves behind three girls. The boys that played on my team meant a lot to me. All of them at one time or another spent many nights in my home. Ate much food, and were part of my family as much as could be anyway...

This particular boy lived on our street in Vine Grove (Parkside Circle) (City of Vine grove (Hardin county) and not the Meade county Vine Grove.

His Dad was a truck driver and was away a lot. This boy was at my house a lot and I never minded. He was a good kid. A year younger than my son but they were close for several years... Below was my Team...

This was the year. I am far left in the back, my son the the fourth from the left in that row of boys. The boy second from the right in that same row is the one that passed away. (A couple of the players Dads in the rear (coaches)(Keep his family in your prayers. They still live in the area.)

God's loving comfort to John S's family...

My son called me last night.

He told me about a boy on a team I coached when my son was in the 15-16 year old league. It seems one of his friends and one of my players died yesterday or the day before. He leaves behind three girls. The boys that played on my team meant a lot to me. All of them at one time or another spent many nights in my home. Ate much food, and were part of my family as much as could be anyway...

This particular boy lived on our street in Vine Grove (Parkside Circle) (City of Vine grove (Hardin county) and not the Meade county Vine Grove.

His Dad was a truck driver and was away a lot. This boy was at my house a lot and I never minded. He was a good kid. A year younger than my son but they were close for several years... Below was my Team...

This was the year. I am far left in the back, my son the the fourth from the left in that row of boys. The boy second from the right in that same row is the one that passed away. (A couple of the players Dads in the rear (coaches)(Keep his family in your prayers. They still live in the area.)

God's loving comfort to John S's family...

BBUK, prayers for the family and may God bring peace and comfort. It always stings when I hear of a younger person passing away . Three girls without a father is so sad. I wish them well as life goes on without their dad. You know it hurts.
My son called me last night.

He told me about a boy on a team I coached when my son was in the 15-16 year old league. It seems one of his friends and one of my players died yesterday or the day before. He leaves behind three girls. The boys that played on my team meant a lot to me. All of them at one time or another spent many nights in my home. Ate much food, and were part of my family as much as could be anyway...

This particular boy lived on our street in Vine Grove (Parkside Circle) (City of Vine grove (Hardin county) and not the Meade county Vine Grove.

His Dad was a truck driver and was away a lot. This boy was at my house a lot and I never minded. He was a good kid. A year younger than my son but they were close for several years... Below was my Team...

This was the year. I am far left in the back, my son the the fourth from the left in that row of boys. The boy second from the right in that same row is the one that passed away. (A couple of the players Dads in the rear (coaches)(Keep his family in your prayers. They still live in the area.)

God's loving comfort to John S's family...

Thoughts and prayers to the family in this time of need. A wife has lost her caring husband and the 3 daughters have lost their loving father. 🙏
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. We're expecting a high of 84°F today.

Survived yesterday's radioactive blast largely unscathed; however, I was sure wore out. Only walked for about 20 minutes late yesterday afternoon. Seemed like I felt dazed. Stomach thankfully held. Wife stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home. Fish fillets + fries hit the spot. This afternoon at 2:45 pm = another blast. Stay tuned.

Ensure Max Protein shakes are awesome. Highly recommended. I down one daily after treatment.

Cats at Gatorland tomorrow, 6 CST. Heh, Gatorland. Just reminded me. My father and Owen Godwin were friends way back when, as I recall.

Wishing all y'all a happy, safe productive day.


Morning D-Legionnaires!

81° for a high today with 25-30mph winds with some gusting to 40mph. Still going to try to fish after training my student. Will have to have wind at my back.

While checking in to the wildlife fish and game site for Ft. Sill today there was a warning now posted saying that the mercury content of the bass on Ft. Sill and the wildlife refuge (land north of Sill that connects with Sill) is high and should not be eaten by pregnant women or children under 7. All others, no more than 2 meals a month. Looks like a lot of catch and release plus, changing my fishing spots to the surrounding lakes. Although my wife just told me while looking at the surrounding lakes warnings, and they are now saying the same thing. Bass over 20" 2 meals a month. Under 20" no limit. Catch and release the big ones. Crappie, channel cats, stripers, bluegills, saugeye, walleye, and others no limit.

Oddly enough, the lake just 1 1/2 miles from me in Elgin (Lake Ellsworth) has no warnings and is cleaner/safer. However, I have not found a spot from the bank yet that produces enough bass to want me to spend much time there. Must not be holding my mouth right.

Anywho, back to work for yous guys that have to work, safe travels for those traveling and Prayers (I am looking at you Austin) for those battling sickness.

Good Morning D

Partly cloudy skies with a current 64° and 2% chance of rain. The high will reach 79° with winds WSW at 11 mph. Breezes coming off of the Gulf. Not a bad day.

Tonight is a dream come true for me. I have never seen Emmylou Harris in concert and she is making her first appearance in Clearwater at Ruth Eckerd Hall. The Eckerd's were residents of Clearwater had a very large and successful drug store chain for years. The dominated the state until the owner, Jack Eckerd died. The stores were sold to CVS Drug Store and to another group that kept the Eckerd name. Eckerd brand became part of the Rite Aide Drugs store chain. In it's heyday Eckerd had the best fishing equipment you could buy at his stores. He may have sold more fishing gear than drugs down here. His stores made his estate worth $150,000,000.00. Ruth Eckerd, his wife built the performance theater and some of the best acts available come to entertain. And we finally get Emmylou. Praise the Lord and pass the biscuits please.

Praying for Austin as he continues his battle. We all have you in our thoughts and prayers. Trust all are well and in good spirits.


Morning D-Legionnaires!

81° for a high today with 25-30mph winds with some gusting to 40mph. Still going to try to fish after training my student. Will have to have wind at my back.

While checking in to the wildlife fish and game site for Ft. Sill today there was a warning now posted saying that the mercury content of the bass on Ft. Sill and the wildlife refuge (land north of Sill that connects with Sill) is high and should not be eaten by pregnant women or children under 7. All others, no more than 2 meals a month. Looks like a lot of catch and release plus, changing my fishing spots to the surrounding lakes. Although my wife just told me while looking at the surrounding lakes warnings, and they are now saying the same thing. Bass over 20" 2 meals a month. Under 20" no limit. Catch and release the big ones. Crappie, channel cats, stripers, bluegills, saugeye, walleye, and others no limit.

Oddly enough, the lake just 1 1/2 miles from me in Elgin (Lake Ellsworth) has no warnings and is cleaner/safer. However, I have not found a spot from the bank yet that produces enough bass to want me to spend much time there. Must not be holding my mouth right.

Anywho, back to work for yous guys that have to work, safe travels for those traveling and Prayers (I am looking at you Austin) for those battling sickness.

Wow, sorry to hear that Warrior. I wonder where the mercury came from?
The wife and I have been mattress shopping. She prefers sleeping on a rock while I prefer a cloud to sleep on. Our current bed is a queen but we are considering putting our bed in storage and going with a King bed with the Twin XL mattresses so we can have the softness/firmness we each like. We are also considering an adjustable base as well. Yesterday we checked out Sleep Outfitters but dang $6,000+ for a mattress and adjustable frame is hard to swallow. Any recommendations on a mattress or place to check out?
The wife and I have been mattress shopping. She prefers sleeping on a rock while I prefer a cloud to sleep on. Our current bed is a queen but we are considering putting our bed in storage and going with a King bed with the Twin XL mattresses so we can have the softness/firmness we each like. We are also considering an adjustable base as well. Yesterday we checked out Sleep Outfitters but dang $6,000+ for a mattress and adjustable frame is hard to swallow. Any recommendations on a mattress or place to check out?
A $6,000 mattress ? We have come a long way from my days as a kid sleeping on a pallet with grandma's quilt.

The wife and I have been mattress shopping. She prefers sleeping on a rock while I prefer a cloud to sleep on. Our current bed is a queen but we are considering putting our bed in storage and going with a King bed with the Twin XL mattresses so we can have the softness/firmness we each like. We are also considering an adjustable base as well. Yesterday we checked out Sleep Outfitters but dang $6,000+ for a mattress and adjustable frame is hard to swallow. Any recommendations on a mattress or place to check out?
Sherry and I have sleep number beds. Each person can set their own level.

It is 52°F here and sunshine.

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