
Just watched the demise of Tennessee again. They lost to A&M. It was in regulation but the game lasted for 2 hours and 36 minutes. Pat Adams, the ref, had to review every thing through out the game. GEEZE.

Poor Tennessee is getting L's and L's and I am enjoying it. How in hell did they only drop 1 spot in the poll?

Edit: A&M shot 34 free throws to Tennessee's 14.
Just watched the demise of Tennessee again. They lost to A&M. It was in regulation but the game lasted for 2 hours and 36 minutes. Pat Adams, the ref, had to review every thing through out the game. GEEZE.

Poor Tennessee is getting L's and L's and I am enjoying it. How in hell did they only drop 1 spot in the poll?

Edit: A&M shot 34 free throws to Tennessee's 14.

Only times I ever hear from wanna-be son in-law or granddaughter's dad happens when Vols beat UK.

I probably should call and wake his butt up.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F, cloudy and wind. Heck, we may reach 90°F today.

I've got an appointment with neurosurgeon downtown at 8:30 am this morning. Another radiation blast follows this afternoon at 2:45 pm. Old stomach hanging tough so far. Thankfully.

Cats vs Gators from O'Connell Center. 4 regular season games remain. Let's finish strong.

Switching gears -- 43 years ago today:


Has so much time passed already?

Happy Hump Day. Wishing y'all a safe, happy and productive Wednesday.

Good morning everyone.

We made the 12 hr drive to FL yesterday without any issues. We did get diverted off I-26 due to accident before Columbia and took the country roads almost to Savannah. Nice peaceful drive and may take this route more often. 80's most of the week and may reach 90. Hiking, kayaking, and seafood on the agenda today.


Even though a bear returned to our porch and feasted on some bird seed Monday night I wanted one of my favorite animals for today's pic. I'm not sure we'll see any manatees this trip due to the heat, but maybe at Silver Springs.

I hope everyone has a great Tue....Wednesday (whatever day it is). :)
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Morning Legionnaires!

Low 50's this morning with rain. High in the low 70's expected for today with rain subsiding by mid-morning.

Fishing report from yesterday: One strike in 3 hours. Did not expect much given it is still February. Have another stretch of 70° or above days coming next week so I will try again.

Not much else going on so enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

We made the 12 hr drive to FL yesterday without any issues. We did get diverted off I-26 due to accident before Columbia and took the country roads almost to Savannah. Nice peaceful drive and may take this route more often. 80's most of the week and may reach 90. Hiking, kayaking, and seafood on the agenda today.


Even though a bear returned to our porch and feasted on some bird seed Monday night I wanted one of my favorite animals for today's pic. I'm not sure we'll see any manatees this trip due to the heat, but maybe at Silver Springs.

I hope everyone has a great Tue....Wednesday (whatever day it is). :)
Nice to have you in the Sunshne State, Storm. Enjoy your stay and enjoy the outdoors. You picked the best time of year to come down. Comfortable weather and little humidity.

My daughter lives in Ocala just a few miles from Silver Springs. The big news over there is a Buc-ee's is building a new gas station off of I-75.

Good Wednesday Morning D

Currently 61° with a little fog on the lake. It will clear off before you know it. 85° will be the high.

One of my dreams came true last night as I attended the Emmylou Harris concert in Clearwater. I have followed her career since the Gram Parsons days back in the early 1970's. She started her career in the Washington DC area. Emmylou is almost 76 years old and her stage presence was like a 30 year old. For almost two hours she entertained and did not take a break. Moving around the stage like she was doing 50 years ago. The woman does not age in body. It was amazing and her music was also fantastic and the band great. So a good night. Before the concert we ate at Bonefish Grill and I had their Sea Bass. Extraordinarily good.

Trust all are well and special prayers for Austin. We pray for strength and good news from the neurosurgeon. I am headed over to the gym this morning for a workout. Cardiac and upper extremities. on the agenda today.

Take care all,
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Good morning D-League. Another mild day in the east.

I noticed something on the subway in recent weeks -- we've had a very mild winter, with temps in the 50s most days. And yet lots of younger women still wear their knee-high boots, heavy coats that drape to the ankle and assorted knit and fur-trimmed hats. My theory is they have these chic winter wardrobes that they believe -- rightly in some cases -- flatter their appearance. And they are going to wear the damn things whatever the temperature.

Thanks for the reminder of the "Miracle On Ice" Austin. I'll never forget that day. I'd taken a girlfriend for a trip up to Gettysburg to see the battlefield at a time I assumed -- rightly -- very few others would be there. We'd stopped at a motel where we were staying outside town, and I just happened to flip on the TV. I don't think I even knew there was a game, but got caught up in it and watched in amazement to the end.

Speaking of games, it's game day for the Cats. I hope a recent good trend continues.

Have a nice day folks.
@Sawnee Cat I was on a fishing trip for 4 days in Denmark (summer 86) and came back with a cooler full of filleted sea bass, sea trout, and flounder. Yes, the sea bass was very good eating.

@MdWIldcat55 Not a hockey fan but was at my mother's house pacing like an expectant father watching that game.

Al Michaels: "Do you believe in Miracles?!"
I forgot about a little happening at the house last night, but my wife just reminded me. I was on the couch watching the tube with the monster when a couple of the other mutts being outside started barking frantically. Well, the back door being open the monster started for the door running to go out. At the same time, my wife was coming in and they met. The monster ran into my wife's knees/legs knocking her to the ground. To her credit, the monster stopped immediately, lowered her head and ears, and got in my wife's face as if to say she was sorry. Licked her face then, followed her back into the house. You could tell she felt bad about it by the way she was acting.
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I forgot about a little happening at the house last night, but my wife just reminded me. I was on the couch watching the tube with the monster when a couple of the other mutts being outside started barking frantically. Well, the back door being open the monster started for the door running to go out. At the same time, my wife was coming in and they met. The monster ran into my wife's knees/legs knocking her to the ground. To her credit, the monster stopped immediately, lowered her head and ears, and got in my wife's face as if to say she was sorry. Licked her face then, followed her back into the house. You could tell she felt bad about it by the way she was acting.
You guys probably get tired of me talking about boxer dogs, but your story reminded me of this. It is said if the dog world had a football team, its linebackers would be boxers. If they wanted to take you down, they would run at you and jump like a football player making a tackle. They say a sixty pound boxer can hit with enough force to take a 1200 pound horse off its feet. Augie accidentally got me in the left knee before he was full grown. My knee hasn't been right since.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 82°F. Heck, we topped out at 89°F yesterday.

Last night's game: Happy for the W over Gators, but seemed more dodge ball than basketball. Just a weird feel. Seems like ball stayed more in front of players than above their heads.

3 games left in regular season: 2 home (Vandy, Auburn) and one road (Ark)

Neurology cleared me to fly yesterday. Watch out KY, FL, TN and Europe.

Back to work today.

Wishing y'all another happy, safe and enjoyable day.

You guys probably get tired of me talking about boxer dogs, but your story reminded me of this. It is said if the dog world had a football team, its linebackers would be boxers. If they wanted to take you down, they would run at you and jump like a football player making a tackle. They say a sixty pound boxer can hit with enough force to take a 1200 pound horse off its feet. Augie accidentally got me in the left knee before he was full grown. My knee hasn't been right since.
Yeah, my wife is still limping a little, says her right knee is sore.

Never get tired of talking about dogs. They truly are man's best friends imo.

Morning D-Legionnaires!

28° this morning with 25-30mph winds. Mid to high 40's expected today.

Another win in the books and with one more we solidify an at large spot in the tourney imo. We will get that and more I believe. Would not have thought that 2 weeks or so back.

Looks like another ho-hum couch potato day for me. My student has strep so no training for her today. Will get my regular training in today and then catch a wave and surf the tube for a good movie or 2.

Well, you guys enjoy the pre TGIF day and God Bless. @AustinTXCat keep on keeping on.
Good Morning D

Currently 64° with partly cloudy skies. The sun will soon be up and get us to our high of 87°. 3% chance of rain and a slight but steady breeze off of the Gulf. Nice.

@AustinTXCat Great news from your neurosurgeon, you are going to win this one. Your mention of Europe reminded me I have let my passport expire. I will correct that ASAP.

Cats won but their defense left a lot to be desired. They better tighten that up before tournament time. 3 regular season game to go.

Tonight I have another concert to attend. Looking forward to it, it is down at Indian Rock. Should be a good one. Take care all, Hope the coffee is good. Mine is.
