
Sherry and I drink Folgers Classic. Sometimes I mix Folgers Classic with Folgers Columbian which make it a little richer. A pot is brewing now. We simply use a Mr Coffee to brew it. The 12 cups will be gone come 10 am.

My big sin is good sippin' whiskey, a Higginbotham trait. I love the stuff and usually have some on a daily basis. I like beer but I chose whiskey nearly every time except in the hot summer time or when the occasion calls for a beer. I don't like mixed drinks because whiskey and beer are simply a lot better.

It is a cool 47°F here and on our way to 50°. Wednesday and Thursday we ended up with 1.64" of rain that we really needed. We have an 80% chance of rain today.

Yale today.
You're up early Bert!!
We also "employed" German Shepherds downrange at Burbach. Germans handled security and their dogs were very well-trained. US Special Forces found out hard way once when they attempted probing our site.
Good morning D-League. Getting up early to get a few things done, then go down and arm-wrestle with the local office of the DMV...

Enjoyed the talk about military dogs. When the first US Special Operating Forces guys got to Kabul in 2001 they brought in these Belgian Shepherds, which they also called Malinois, to sniff out mines, unexploded bombs and other stuff that could ruin your day in the buildings they were going to temporarily occupy. They are a good looking dog, a smaller, sleeker version of the German Shepherd.

Eventually I saw that breed of dog widely employed around Kabul for that purpose. Apparently, they were flawless in detecting explosives. I later read they used these dogs to track some of the most wanted bad guys in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hope Saturday is off to a good start for everyone. GO Cats.
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I roasted my own beans for several years back when we drank coffee daily. I actually enjoyed the process and it turned out a damn fine cup of Joe. Now we only drink coffee on Sunday mornings. A daily habit that I miss but it eventually made me feel awful even after one cup. Hot tea now in the mornings. I know, I know.
Been thinking about that (Tea) and the benefits associated with green tea but, my black coffee addiction would put up a good fight.
We also "employed" German Shepherds downrange at Burbach. Germans handled security and their dogs were very well-trained. US Special Forces found out hard way once when they attempted probing our site.
Our site used geese. Not the bite force but, those suckers come after you aggressively and make a whole lot noise.
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Good morning D-League. Getting up early to get a few things done, then go down and arm-wrestle with the local office of the DMV...

Enjoyed the talk about military dogs. When the first US Special Operating Forces guys got to Kabul in 2001 they brought in these Belgian Shepherds, which they also called Malinois, to sniff out mines, unexploded bombs and other stuff that could ruin your day in the buildings they were going to temporarily occupy. They are a good looking dog, a smaller, sleeker version of the German Shepherd.

Eventually I saw that breed of dog widely employed around Kabul for that purpose. Apparently, they were flawless in detecting explosives. I later read they used these dogs to track some of the most sought after bad guys in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hope Saturday is off to a good start for everyone. GO Cats.
They (Belgian Malinois) are also very aggressive and loyal to their handlers/owners. A neighbor down the street has one who attacked my next-door neighbor's son a few months back requiring stitches. Apparently, he was messing with the dog while visiting the dog's owner's son so, his parents chalked it up as a lessoned learned and did not press charges or anything. They are good friends so that helped too.

When I walk the monster down the street pass that house (I change routes to break monotony) that dog usually is out in the back yard and has a wooden platform as high as the fence running along the top and can see over the fence. It looks like he could jump it but, he never does.
Good morning, D, Read Luke 10 this morning.
Today would have been my brother's birthday, lost him in a boating accident in 1967, would have turned 65 today. There is a peaceful feeling in me through GOD that I will see him again one day!

Woke up at 3:30 this morning, tried to shut my mind down, but just couldn't, laid there thinking about something that happened yesterday, when I got home, I started to work on a project I had on the table and Mrs. M says NO YOUR NOT, you don't want to work on it the way you are, good advice, so I worked on it this morning. I believe this piece is the prettiest piece I have ever done! This piece I just put together, GOLD STAR, and THIN BLUE LINE THIN RED stirs my emotions more than anything I work on!!!! I thank GOD for allowing me to make pieces like these!!!! If art is supposed to stir your emotions, well it's done its job!!! Please don't suspend my D League card!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Heading to 78°F later today. We should turn colder by Tuesday. Loving this shorts weather. Plan on taking a long walk after bit.

Yale Bulldogs visit Rupp. Game at 1 pm EST on SEC Network. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

If you live long enough you see everything, D-League.

I just went down to the nearest DMV office expecting to battle the bureaucracy because they'd put a hold on one of my vehicle registrations over failing to get some dumbass emissions test - which I did eventually get. I gave myself an hour from the 8am open to be done with this chore.

I get there at 7:40 because I knew there was always a line on Saturday. I'm second but by 7:45 there are about 20 people.

At that moment, this friendly looking black guy comes up and says, "it's cold out here let's go inside." So we get inside about 15 minutes early. Most of the others have appointments but I don't so I figure I'll have to go to the end of the "appointment" liine, but the guy says, "I can take care of you right now." He waves the bar code of my old registration under a scanner, shows me where to insert a credit card and I'm out the door at 7:49 by my watch -- 11 minutes before the place was supposed to open.

All it takes is one guy with the right attitude to make things work. Glad I met the right guy today.
I love tea, but my doctor told me to quit drinking it because of my kidney stone problem. I sneak a glass in every once in a while, at family get togethers.
Cord, my kidney doctor told me to stay away from tea also. I don't have stones but I only have one kidney.

After he removed my left kidney he sat down with me and went over a few things. He said I could live with one kidney without any issue and that some people were actually born with only one kidney. But he cautioned me on the care of it.

I thought he was going to give me the "no more coffee speech" or at least tell me no caffeine but to my surprise he said drink all of the coffee you want, any time you want. It was healthy for your kidney. Then he said stay away from tea. Hot, cold or lukewarm, all of it. Now being raised in the South I have been drinking ice tea before I could walk. We did not have soft drinks around the house when I was a boy but there was always a big jug of tea and it was served all day long.

I have tried to obey the doc and sure cut back but I do sneak in a glass or two at times, Sweet Tea. Another thing doc told me was to drink 120 oz of water everyday. Now that is harder than you think even sweating like I do down here.
Been thinking about that (Tea) and the benefits associated with green tea but, my black coffee addiction would put up a good fight.
I have enjoyed these coffee discussions. I really started drinking coffee every day in the Army. During college I had an occasional cup but nothing like when I got to Uncle Sam. The Cadre mess had some of the best, strongest, hottest and tastiest coffee on God's green earth. The smell of that brewing at 5:00 AM stuck with me and my day does not get started without the aroma of coffee on the stove.

Our mess Sgt used Maxwell House. I still drink it along with the Eight O'clock and Folgers. My wife drinks only Gevaldia Gold and I sneak a cup of that often. My mother in law was Folgers only but she did not have a coffee pot or want one. She would get a pot boiling with water and dump a couple of handfuls of coffee grounds in the pot and let it sit for about five minutes. Lord would that take off the top of your head and you spent most of the day picking out coffee grounds between your teeth. But it sure was good. Folgers in your cup and the grounds between your teeth.,
Cord, my kidney doctor told me to stay away from tea also. I don't have stones but I only have one kidney.

After he removed my left kidney he sat down with me and went over a few things. He said I could live with one kidney without any issue and that some people were actually born with only one kidney. But he cautioned me on the care of it.

I thought he was going to give me the "no more coffee speech" or at least tell me no caffeine but to my surprise he said drink all of the coffee you want, any time you want. It was healthy for your kidney. Then he said stay away from tea. Hot, cold or lukewarm, all of it. Now being raised in the South I have been drinking ice tea before I could walk. We did not have soft drinks around the house when I was a boy but there was always a big jug of tea and it was served all day long.

I have tried to obey the doc and sure cut back but I do sneak in a glass or two at times, Sweet Tea. Another thing doc told me was to drink 120 oz of water everyday. Now that is harder than you think even sweating like I do down here.
I've had 5-6 kidney stones in the last few years, the last one, I told Mrs. M that I was going to die, she just laughed and told me that i wasn't, but it made me think more about drinking lots of water and I do, plus some cranberry juice ever once in a while, still love my tea!!!!
Hawk site out at Hohenfels also used geese back in the day. Aside from aggressiveness and noise, they found out overall costs were cheaper.
My mother had two (geese)in her front yard as well as a big Chow-Chow. Neither would let me in anytime I visited unless she came out and opened the gate while letting them know all was well.
I've had 5-6 kidney stones in the last few years, the last one, I told Mrs. M that I was going to die, she just laughed and told me that i wasn't, but it made me think more about drinking lots of water and I do, plus some cranberry juice ever once in a while, still love my tea!!!!
That is another thing the doc told me to drink, cranberry juice. I have drank citrus, grapefruit or orange, every day most of my life but cranberry was a new one for me. I like it.

The kidney doc told me water was the key to a healthy kidney. Lots of it. But like you I will never lose my love for tea, sweet tea down here.
Good morning D-League. Getting up early to get a few things done, then go down and arm-wrestle with the local office of the DMV...

Enjoyed the talk about military dogs. When the first US Special Operating Forces guys got to Kabul in 2001 they brought in these Belgian Shepherds, which they also called Malinois, to sniff out mines, unexploded bombs and other stuff that could ruin your day in the buildings they were going to temporarily occupy. They are a good looking dog, a smaller, sleeker version of the German Shepherd.

Eventually I saw that breed of dog widely employed around Kabul for that purpose. Apparently, they were flawless in detecting explosives. I later read they used these dogs to track some of the most wanted bad guys in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hope Saturday is off to a good start for everyone. GO Cats.
Different breeds are more fit for different jobs. generally speaking, German Shepards are pretty vocal. For that reason they are used a lot as guard dogs. You want a dog that will tell you, "I'm big and bad. You want to stay away from me!" Boxers were often used by Germans in WW2 to track snipers or black marketers because usually they are quiet. A GS would tell the person, "I'm bad and I'm coming after you!", giving the person a little time to prepare or escape. A boxer would knock them down and be on top of them before they even knew a dog was in the area.
I have enjoyed these coffee discussions. I really started drinking coffee every day in the Army. During college I had an occasional cup but nothing like when I got to Uncle Sam. The Cadre mess had some of the best, strongest, hottest and tastiest coffee on God's green earth. The smell of that brewing at 5:00 AM stuck with me and my day does not get started without the aroma of coffee on the stove.

Our mess Sgt used Maxwell House. I still drink it along with the Eight O'clock and Folgers. My wife drinks only Gevaldia Gold and I sneak a cup of that often. My mother in law was Folgers only but she did not have a coffee pot or want one. She would get a pot boiling with water and dump a couple of handfuls of coffee grounds in the pot and let it sit for about five minutes. Lord would that take off the top of your head and you spent most of the day picking out coffee grounds between your teeth. But it sure was good. Folgers in your cup and the grounds between your teeth.,


You mentioned the Army. When I was with the 319th BN on Bragg the SGM "gave" me the coffee fund. I kept the coffee made. The SGM was RA. Everyone paid. Officers didn't matter. Everyone paid. I cleared around $200.00 a month. The SGM stated I was worth it. I did that for it seems about six months. That was a nice time considering the dough a SP4 made in those days....

Thanks for the memory. God has ALWAYS provided and blessed me...

Have a great day!
I have enjoyed these coffee discussions. I really started drinking coffee every day in the Army. During college I had an occasional cup but nothing like when I got to Uncle Sam. The Cadre mess had some of the best, strongest, hottest and tastiest coffee on God's green earth. The smell of that brewing at 5:00 AM stuck with me and my day does not get started without the aroma of coffee on the stove.

Our mess Sgt used Maxwell House. I still drink it along with the Eight O'clock and Folgers. My wife drinks only Gevaldia Gold and I sneak a cup of that often. My mother in law was Folgers only but she did not have a coffee pot or want one. She would get a pot boiling with water and dump a couple of handfuls of coffee grounds in the pot and let it sit for about five minutes. Lord would that take off the top of your head and you spent most of the day picking out coffee grounds between your teeth. But it sure was good. Folgers in your cup and the grounds between your teeth.,
About Maxwell House.

Maxwell House blend was created by two brothers from Glasgow, Barren County, KY. They both worked at the "Maxwell House" in Nashville, TN and dreamed up the blend there.

The 15 years that I lived in Jacksonville, FL I drove past the Maxwell House coffee plant that was right off the St. John's river near when the Jags / Gator Bowl play. They would be roasting the coffee and you could darned near eat the pavement in that area because it smelled so good. Plus the railroad gave us free coffee to drink all day at work and it was Maxwell House, from a few blocks away.
They (Belgian Malinois) are also very aggressive and loyal to their handlers/owners. A neighbor down the street has one who attacked my next-door neighbor's son a few months back requiring stitches. Apparently, he was messing with the dog while visiting the dog's owner's son so, his parents chalked it up as a lessoned learned and did not press charges or anything. They are good friends so that helped too.

When I walk the monster down the street pass that house (I change routes to break monotony) that dog usually is out in the back yard and has a wooden platform as high as the fence running along the top and can see over the fence. It looks like he could jump it but, he never does.
The Belgian Malinois is among my favorite breeds. Right there with Jack Russell (puddins) and the Austrailian Cattledog (Blue Heeler).

My mother had two (geese)in her front yard as well as a big Chow-Chow. Neither would let me in anytime I visited unless she came out and opened the gate while letting them know all was well.
When I lived in a corner house for a few years and with flood irrigation, a rescued golf course removal gosling was a golden ticket. It grazed the bermuda grass same as my rescued Desert Tortoise does today. Regularly patroled and just loved the scheduled floodings. Never had to feed only supplement.
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Yale brought their refs.

Oscar should have had 25 free throws. Nearly every time he got the ball he was fouled but he ended up with 3 FT's. GEEZE.

The refs were crooks. I don't ever remember seeing one of them ever call a game. There were probably all from the Ivy League.

I am sorry but the powers-that-be are one sided. Today it sucked.

Additionally, Cal is really failing as a coach. He needs to grow some balls and get nasty.
The Belgian Malinois is among my favorite breeds. Right there with Jack Russell (puddins) and the Austrailian Cattledog (Blue Heeler).

When I lived in a corner house for a few years and with flood irrigation, a rescued golf course removal gosling was a golden ticket. It grazed the bermuda grass same as my rescued Desert Tortoise does today. Regularly patroled and just loved the scheduled floodings. Never had to feed only supplement.

That goose could hurt you. I've had my encounters previously but did not realize the arsenal they have inside their mouths..... WoW...
Sent my brother who served a couple of years in the Navy a text that read:

Go Army, beat those water lilies!

He replied: For those about to be defeated we salute you! With a saluting gif.

Yeah, my son's friend he grew up with was in the Navy for about ten years. My son (Florida Air National Guard with tours in Iraq), really messed with him. (I treat that young man like my own son as my son has three people he hung out with from grade school that literally lived at our home. I tried one year to take them off my taxes. ;))

Anyway my son stated to him. Yeah the Navy is real smart, they have those Navy camouflage uniforms. Super smart people, you fall in the water and no one can see you... (I laugh whenever I think about that. All my son's friend can do is smile and laugh too.)
Hello All,

My Darling and I hit the stores and just arrived back home. I missed it I guess... geez why can't I get excited about UK basketball??? I want to... I love it but darn I'd previously never even think of missing a game....

The commissary had a few good deals, the Asian markets we hit a couple. Dropped off some clothes to Goodwill. Sitting here for a while and then will hit the declutter button... Go Cats in any event...:(

I got my exercise grips. I will keep one at work and one at my desk. I used them continuously before but it has been a good while since I gave the pair to a friend who i thought would use them. Still looking for a used total gym as that was a great resource for me before we went to Korea. The treadmill I have and have my plan in motion... Oh well, have a great rest of your day(s)!
Hello All,

My Darling and I hit the stores and just arrived back home. I missed it I guess... geez why can't I get excited about UK basketball??? I want to... I love it but darn I'd previously never even think of missing a game....

The commissary had a few good deals, the Asian markets we hit a couple. Dropped off some clothes to Goodwill. Sitting here for a while and then will hit the declutter button... Go Cats in any event...:(

I got my exercise grips. I will keep one at work and one at my desk. I used them continuously before but it has been a good while since I gave the pair to a friend who i thought would use them. Still looking for a used total gym as that was a great resource for me before we went to Korea. The treadmill I have and have my plan in motion... Oh well, have a great rest of your day(s)!
Sounds like you are building a nice home gym. I had a great one before I started down sizing about 10 years ago and sold or gave away a lot of nice equipment. Very expensive but I got my money's worth out of it. I might get another treadmill soon. I would use it no doubt about that.