

Morning Legionnaires!

47° this morning with the high to be in the mid 50's and rain expected later this morning.

Back to the grind this morning. Regular workout and monster walk shortly.

Wife still off until Monday so, probably do some movie binge watching along with a trip to the city (OKC) sometime this week. Going to go to Bass Pro Shop with the gift cards I got for Christmas to add to my already large amount of gear.

Well, got to head out to the shop and get started.

God Bless and have a great day.
Good morning all, just getting up. My Darling and I being lazy finally. Worked hard the last several days but we are thankful.

Will probably head over and finish my daughters toilet after coffee.

Plan on eating out for supper. Will take the youngest daughter and the BB but they don't know it yet.

Going to make some coffee shortly.... Have a fine day.

Glad your family got together finally MdW. Have a blessed day. Make it Christmas again, seems you have....
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Good morning everyone.

We also had a smaller crowd at my parents.....only 30. 30 - 50 is the normal crowd for "events". We did have a lady from my parents church who didn't have anyplace (or anyone) to go. I was worried about her, but she fit right in and I think enjoyed having people to talk with.

Not too much basketball talk after the last loss. I did get the Goose's book and Glory about the 78 team for plenty of basketball reading ahead.

Dad and Mom (83 &80) are still doing OK, but Dad desperately needs work on one of his knees again and is having difficulty getting in anywhere. Hope he's ready to fish by spring.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Late Christmas wishes. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

Our hot water heater busted and flooded our basement so that's what I've been doing since Friday. Along with hosting a Christmas Eve party. On top of buying a new unit we lost our carpet. Getting the glue off the floor from the carpet pad is a major nightmare. Tried everything and my arm is sore from all the scraping. This is my home theater room and where I watch all UK games. Gotta get it back to normal.
Late Christmas wishes. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

Our hot water heater busted and flooded our basement so that's what I've been doing since Friday. Along with hosting a Christmas Eve party. On top of buying a new unit we lost our carpet. Getting the glue off the floor from the carpet pad is a major nightmare. Tried everything and my arm is sore from all the scraping. This is my home theater room and where I watch all UK games. Gotta get it back to normal.

Sorry to hear that for sure...

I finished my youngest daughters toilet replacement today. (Took me about an hour and a half at most.) So far it isn't leaking and seems to work. Was sure a bear to clean and remove Christmas Eve though, I think it was the original guts in a house built in the late 70's. I hated to spend $200.00 on a water reservoir tank so I drilled and drilled until I got the rusted bolt out and luckily didn't bust the tank. Lowes wanted over $400.00 for just the labor. The toilet itself seemed okay so I put in the work. I know I spent a good five or six hours on it just being careful taking it apart and cleaning it up. (I did end up driving back and forth to Lowes a couple times as I thought I had all the parts the first time and didn't so I spent at least an hour doing that.

Not at all comparing to what you had to deal with but this Ole boy is sore. I am thankful though and that was this daughters Christmas present. (She didn't mind.) I think I spent $50.00 or so bucks on the guts, hose and handle plus Ole Dad's labor. (I needed the physical work but darn, replacing toilet guts is about as tedious a job as I can imagine to me.)

I have her oil and filter here to change her oil as well... I keep telling myself I need to do the physical work as I work as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair for my day job. (Wasn't always that way...)

I am thankful... enjoy what's left of your evenings all...
The Wizard. He speaks of the ball hitting a rock to give him a bad hop. Before every game, I took time to walk the ground in front of me looking for anything that might alter the path of the ball. At the start of each inning, I would eyeball it quickly. Halfway through the game, I would walk it again. I very seldom found anything the second time, but it was always worth a little extra effort.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. Chance we may see 80°F today.

Happy Friday, y'all. I'm working today.

Fruitcakes are one of my favorites after of course, Pineapple upside down, Carrot, German Chocolate.

Anyone else eat fruitcakes here? We have about 6 of the small rectangular shaped ones you can get at the grocery stores right now. They will be gone in a month or so.
I see a lot of the political dudes post here so hopefully it will be cool if I contribute too.

Last doctor’s appointment before baby was today. Starting this Saturday, I will have my mom and her mom staying with us for a week…

Anyone have any tips for baby girls? My boy is part monkey and climbs anything possible. He’s been really easy minus his speech delay.

Turned 35 this past October and I’m starting to think a professional contract to play in the MLB is slipping away…

See lots of guys here are veterans. That’s awesome. I don’t have many regrets in life, but I wish that I had went that route out of HS. Everyone have a good day!
I see a lot of the political dudes post here so hopefully it will be cool if I contribute too.

Last doctor’s appointment before baby was today. Starting this Saturday, I will have my mom and her mom staying with us for a week…

Anyone have any tips for baby girls? My boy is part monkey and climbs anything possible. He’s been really easy minus his speech delay.

Turned 35 this past October and I’m starting to think a professional contract to play in the MLB is slipping away…

See lots of guys here are veterans. That’s awesome. I don’t have many regrets in life, but I wish that I had went that route out of HS. Everyone have a good day!

It's not too late to become a vet like us. Cut-off age now raised to 42 for Army and possibly USAF. My 34 year-old daughter is considering a USAF enlistment.

It's not too late to become a vet like us. Cut-off age now raised to 42 for Army and possibly USAF. My 34 year-old daughter is considering a USAF enlistment.
That’s awesome. My sister enlisted at 31 and is currently stationed in Naples, dealing with sonography and x-rays.

I considered it a couple of years ago when I was really experiencing some burnout. It’s good to know that I have a couple of years left to decide. For the now, I gotta figure out how to raise two kids, but I appreciate that info.
That’s awesome. My sister enlisted at 31 and is currently stationed in Naples, dealing with sonography and x-rays.

I considered it a couple of years ago when I was really experiencing some burnout. It’s good to know that I have a couple of years left to decide. For the now, I gotta figure out how to raise two kids, but I appreciate that info.
My daughter is a single parent. According to her, USAF and US Army are making more concessions for single parents. She may enlist next month.

With a BA/BS degree, you'd be eligible for Army enlistment possibly at pay-grade E-4. If you feel confident, officer branch always looking for folks.
My daughter is a single parent. According to her, USAF and US Army are making more concessions for single parents. She may enlist next month.

With a BA/BS degree, you'd be eligible for Army enlistment possibly at pay-grade E-4. If you feel confident, officer branch always looking for folks.

Ha, I got out of the Army as a SP4 after my initial hitch. Had to.... Bad knee. Had it in my heart I should have done 20. Still do 63.
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My daughter is a single parent. According to her, USAF and US Army are making more concessions for single parents. She may enlist next month.

With a BA/BS degree, you'd be eligible for Army enlistment possibly at pay-grade E-4. If you feel confident, officer branch always looking for folks.

Still have multiple friends at USAREC. If I can get you qualified information, let me know. (Higher in the pecking order types.)
Good morning folks. Back to the full-time grind after a very nice holiday.

Took my son to a Wizards v. Hornets game last night. We sat about five rows up from the court -- best seats we ever had. Two terrible teams of course, but an exciting game that changed leads three times in the last minute.

We got to see the phenomenon that is Lamelllo Ball. I'd describe his game as a classic Harlem Globetrotter, if the Globe Trotters were so undisciplined that the Washington Generals usually won. But he is an undeniable showman. It's amazing how much talent even bad NBA teams have. The Hornats have guys who were the top players in major conferences a few years back - Miles Bridges of Michigan State and Brandon Miller of Alabama for example -- along with our own Nick Richards who is a role player, and Ball and a few other college stars. And they are a team that would be at the bottom -- except the Wizards are worse, overall.

Anyway, my son enjoyed the game, we had a nice supper in a DC restaurant that is above average, and so a happy evening we'll remember.

Hope all is well for you folks.
Good morning all for a few more minutes anyway. Sitting at the dentist office while My Darling gets her implant. (Final part.) Drinking my second cup I brought with me....

Who knows what lurks in our schedule today.

My daughter just picked up the BB as she had a meeting to attend this morning but is finished today.

I think we are headed to the Chesapeake Bay tomorrow to a friends home on the bay. May actually get to drop a line.... (I will come prepared in any event...) Have a fine day all....
Good morning all for a few more minutes anyway. Sitting at the dentist office while My Darling gets her implant. (Final part.) Drinking my second cup I brought with me....

Who knows what lurks in our schedule today.

My daughter just picked up the BB as she had a meeting to attend this morning but is finished today.

I think we are headed to the Chesapeake Bay tomorrow to a friends home on the bay. May actually get to drop a line.... (I will come prepared in any event...) Have a fine day all....
Having my healing abutment taken out and the permanent one put in on 22 Jan. Once they scan it they will make the teeth. After finishing this one, I have 5 more teeth coming out in the lower front (one already out) then, three implants that will hold a 6-tooth bridge. It is a process.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and cloudy. Wife running AC. I call it "freezer". Our high may reach 78°F.

Taking a walk here soon. Plan on cleaning up and heading over to Chinatown later for a haircut.

Playing "Forge of Empires" lately. I'm in an older folks guild. Much fun.

Wishing y'all another great Saturday.

Hello folks.

Warming up in the east. Last full day of my son's Christmas visit home so we are enjoying having him here while we can.

Last hurrah for the Bengals today. Win or even the slim chance of the playoffs is gone. My son is a bigger fan than me, so I hope for a win while he's here.

I hope you all have a good day.

Bengals fail to lose. I wouldn’t assign the”w” word to that effort that included failing to run out the clock in regulation, letting a rookie QB march down the field for a tying TD inside of the last minute, missing a game winning chip shot FG in OT and so on…

Highly unlikely they get in the playoffs but still alive for now, despite blowing four games they absolutely had won.
Hello all,

Too tired to sleep but heading that way now... A long day but I am thankful.. (Will post some food picks tomorrow if the Lord doesn't take me home.)

This was nearer the end of the day. The BB was sitting on my lap... That is an inlet real close to the Chesapeake Bay (So close you can see a little of the bay from the picture...) The BB got to eat his first toasted marshmallow... He loved it...

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and clear. Expecting 78°F for our high.

Dined at El Mercado yesterday. Good Tex-Mex. Ordered mixed fajitas. Very tasty. 10 of us met up. Good times.

Nebraska finally broke their streak of no bowl appearances. Played Boston College. Earned a W in the process.

Yeah, good for the Bengals.

Wishing y'all another peaceful Sunday.

Bengals fail to lose. I wouldn’t assign the”w” word to that effort that included failing to run out the clock in regulation, letting a rookie QB march down the field for a tying TD inside of the last minute, missing a game winning chip shot FG in OT and so on…

Highly unlikely they get in the playoffs but still alive for now, despite blowing four games they absolutely had won.
A better earlier decision to take points when near the endzone instead of going for it on forth and one would have probably kept them from going into overtime.

My Darling never misses choir and church. She and the BB are still out. I left them alone. Drinking coffee with a new bag of coconut powder, cinnamon, cacao powder, and half& half.... Not bad, on my second cup minus the cinnamon and cacao powder.

Here are a few pics of food, this guy farms his own oysters. Scallops, and other delicacies. This mess is called shaboo shaboo (Spelled phonetically.) (Kind of Japanese in nature but with a Korean twist.

This is kind of a "pot licker" type soup base. You then add what you want to eat to the soup, cook it and enjoy, then cook another mess... ;)

Our hosts preparation of some oysters: Had platters and platters of these. (Had my share.)


Nearer the end of eating:


Scallop's and "Shrimp's"... (With a little squid. I only normally do dried squid.)


Some of the other items to include finely sliced Ribeye... (We each had our own pot to cook and eat from.)


The white mushrooms, I grew to love these types while in Korea... Just ate'em all..

The BB had a good time though he was the only young'un. He had a lot of people enjoying him... (Boy is about to lose his first tooth.)


This is where we were at: (Nearly all side roads during the drive but it was scenic to state the least...)


Have a blessed day...
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Good morning folks. Warm in the east —I suffered from being over-layered on my run.

My son is heading back to Texas today. I’m driving him to the airport in Baltimore. Sort of marks an end to what was a very Merry Christmas. But he’s going back to a job he likes so I’m happy for him.

I hope it is a restful day for all.
Does anyone remember this guy?

A cannon, ya think... Think he died really young... That seems to be the last few years I watched a lot of baseball...
He is a bit old for you to remember him, but that is Clete Boyer like. Clete was a 3b for the Yankees and his brother Ken was a 3b for the Cards in a WS (64 I think). They also met as starting 3b in at least one AS game. Must have been big at family meetings.
Good morning all,

Working today, first day in a few. Wish it was a longer time off but I am thankful. May have to head to the swamp tomorrow but I am trying not to do that. (We shall see...) I have 13 hours left of use or lose... a strategic placement of these may be beneficial...

Anyway, for you golfer's...

Wasn't great but a good sentiment...