
We just finished watching the original Miracle on 34th Street. A semi-Thanksgiving movie. Maureen O'Hara was a stunner.

That is a movie I watch from time to time. (I have it in my collection) Still working but I am going to shut down the work this evening and resign myself to working some more tomorrow and Friday but I will work at my leisure.)

The Fridge is scheduled for delivery tomorrow between 10 and 2....... We shall see...
That is a movie I watch from time to time. (I have it in my collection) Still working but I am going to shut down the work this evening and resign myself to working some more tomorrow and Friday but I will work at my leisure.)

The Fridge is scheduled for delivery tomorrow between 10 and 2....... We shall see...
I know you're a John Wayne fan so I'll bet you remember her in The Quiet Man.
I know you're a John Wayne fan so I'll bet you remember her in The Quiet Man.

AND McLintock AND Rio Grande....AND Wings of Eagles AND Big Jake.... ;) (I have them all. In MP4 if anyone desires...I bought them.) I think I liked McLintock best thinking about it now but it may change tomorrow according to how I feel. She was an amazing yin and yang to John Wayne... so many times...
Cool, I walked many of those roads in Shawanee as an early teenager and maybe pre-teen when we would visit Uncle Fred (My Dad's brother.) and Aunt Arlene along with their children (My cousins), Phyllis, Virgil, and Gary. Aunt Arlene was always good to me. Looked on google earth several months ago and the place looks changed completely from what I remember. Have a great time...

(I guess the last time I was there was in late August a lot of years ago and My Darling and I drove onto LMU's campus and found three huge chestnut trees and we picked up a trunk load. My children were young at that time.)

Yep - that's where I grew up too - born in Middlesboro and lived in Harrogate until going into the USAF when I was about 19

Just came back this past Monday mooring & am only two hours away living in Winchester

The mountains and TVA lakes down there are wonderful

Heard that US Marshalls are monitoring Middlesboro police now and - I guess - that implies an ongoing investigation as well ....... talk about a remarkable police force

The Park Rangers there started taking a more active role in policing as well -- starting maybe about 5-6 years ago?

Certainly have seem them inside MB city limits w/ppl pulled over in town etc
They'd do more good by joining the investigation on the MB police IMO but HEY ......

Will be back down that way the second week of Dec if anyone else wants to maybe meet up
We just finished watching the original Miracle on 34th Street. A semi-Thanksgiving movie. Maureen O'Hara was a stunner.
It is one of my favorites and has been since I was a boy. I agree about Maureen O"Hara. That era produced some of the finest looking, classy women of any. John Wayne with Maureen O'Hara will always be classic.

Good Morning D

Here we go again, another Wednesday and the day before Thanksgiving. We have 63° and showers in the vicinity that should clear up by 9:00 AM. The high should reach 75° and the sun will peak out.

I am headed to the gym for my cardiac workouts. Not lifting but I do stretch out with some stiff bands that loosen me up and give strength to the arms and keep me toned as much as a man can during his last lap on earth.

After my workout I need to do some light packing for my quick trip up to Kaintuck. I don"t have a heavy coat so I am praying for mild weather. I doubt I spend any time outside anyway and I will be passing on the UK - UL game at Commonwealth. My son has 4 season tickets and can get extras but I will hang around the house and let the grandkids go.

Take care all,

Good morning folks. Grinding out the last work day until Thanksgiving. Subway was already mostly empty, so it feels like the holiday has begun.

I'll try to get in a viewing of "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" tonight -- that's sort of a tradition for me when fortunate enough to be home or at least in a stable place for T-Day. It sort of kicks off the long haul through Christmas and New Year's Day. It's not a great movie but John Candy is always watchable and something about that universal urge to get home, whatever it takes, resonates.

Hope it is a good day for all of you.

Morning Legionnaires!

44° this morning with a light drizzle and moderate winds. High of 57° expected.

Watching Germany and Japan in the World Cup right now since there are no other sporting events going on. Germany leads 1-0. Yes, I agree it is boring without all the scoring, so I'll exercise my inner poet for I am sure that you know it. But as I was typing, the announcers were hyping the German team for another score, But, because of an offsides ruling, that hype is now cooling, and the count is the same as before. Heh, heh, heh.

Thank you, I will be here all week.

Hey, you guys enjoy the day and God Bless and stay safe.
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Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 30°F, sunny and clear. Temp was around 23°F when I awoke first time this morning. Today's high expected around 59°F. Looking forward to another beautiful autumn day.

Completed shopping for Thanksgiving dinner last night. Avoided the inevitable crowds.

I rode over to Middlesboro earlier this morning and visited with a relative. Good seeing him again. Stopped by Wendy's for breakfast.

Daughter found another job. She works 3 days this week. I think she learned a valuable lesson after losing this last job. I know my checking account certainly
has [winking] . Gotta help your kids and grand kids. Just don't spoil 'em.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
AND McLintock AND Rio Grande....AND Wings of Eagles AND Big Jake.... ;) (I have them all. In MP4 if anyone desires...I bought them.) I think I liked McLintock best thinking about it now but it may change tomorrow according to how I feel. She was an amazing yin and yang to John Wayne... so many times...
More than anything, she was Republican thru & thru. Wayne must have rubbed off on her. Maybe even more than rubbed?
If you have been to Payne's Prairie you may have encountered wild horses on the trail. They have been wild since the Spanish brought them over in the 1500's. Ponce de Leon was attached by Indians and fled Florida leaving livestock behind. The horses went into the swamps and back woods and survived for centuries. They are protected today.

Don't mess with one when they are with their young. They sense danger and will strike, this gator knows. Click and it will play the video

Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 30°F, sunny and clear. Temp was around 23°F when I awoke first time this morning. Today's high expected around 59°F. Looking forward to another beautiful autumn day.

Completed shopping for Thanksgiving dinner last night. Avoided the inevitable crowds.

I rode over to Middlesboro earlier this morning and visited with a relative. Good seeing him again. Stopped by Wendy's for breakfast.

Daughter found another job. She works 3 days this week. I think she learned a valuable lesson after losing this last job. I know my checking account certainly
has [winking] . Gotta help your kids and grand kids. Just don't spoil 'em.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Yes Sir,

We have shelled out some dough here and there for sure. My children now all have decent jobs in the medical field. Dough now, not so much but My Darling and I sure do shell out a LOT more time than we want. The crosses we all bear... But I am thankful....
What a day again, got a call early for a call for early delivery. Stated they'd call 30 minutes ahead of time. Since it is now 9:46am and the window was from 10-2.......☹️

I am sitting out in front of my daughter's house ready to go in....

Have a great day!
NS in negotiations to buy the only railroad owned by a city: The 337 miles Cincy-Chattanooga Cincinnati Southern Railroad. They've had a long-term lease to operate on it. Back in college at UK in the '60's, took it 2-3X from the Ludlow Station to the old Lexington Station. Always thought that Lex station was quite nice looking.
Guess what city owns it (Hint: Not Chattanooga.)?

Morning Legionnaires!

44° this morning with a light drizzle and moderate winds. High of 57° expected.

Watching Germany and Japan in the World Cup right now since there are no other sporting events going on. Germany leads 1-0. Yes, I agree it is boring without all the scoring, so I'll exercise my inner poet for I am sure that you know it. But as I was typing, the announcers were hyping the German team for another score, But, because of an offsides ruling, that hype is now cooling, and the count is the same as before. Heh, heh, heh.

Thank you, I will be here all week.

Hey, you guys enjoy the day and God Bless and stay safe.
I see that Japan pulled off the upset of Germany, 2-1. Personally, I'm looking forward to watching the England -USA game on Friday.
Who owns the Cincinnati Southern Railroad? I always thought it was part of Norfolk Southern.
Cincy actually owns it and gets like $25M/yr in lease fees from NS that they use in their annual budget.

WSJ today:

"Norfolk Southern Corp. said it plans to acquire Cincinnati Southern Railway, a railway line that it currently leases from the city of Cincinnati, for around $1.62 billion."

Cincy had it built it around 1880 to get its goods south more easily. Had to get OH Legislature to pass law allowing it. Has leased it to another railroad since the beginning. NS is the latest.
I received a text from the kids in LEX, all are in from college and getting ready for Thanksgiving. We are packing and fly out tomorrow. A couple of photos they sent. Grandkids are ready and my granddaughter is home from the USAF Academy but STILL a CAT FAN at heart. When you are raised a Cat fan you stay a Cat fan

No Place Like Home

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I received a text from the kids in LEX, all are in from college and getting ready for Thanksgiving. We are packing and fly out tomorrow. A couple of photos they sent. Grandkids are ready and my granddaughter is home from the USAF Academy but STILL a CAT FAN at heart. When you are raised a Cat fan you stay a Cat fan

No Play Like Home


Just super Sir,

Have a great trip. Go CATS...
This is horrible.
Lowe's should preform or get out of the business.

My Lowe's in Bowling Green has/have been spot on, but it depends on their people and management.

Yes Sir,

The fridge was finally delivered and looks to be in okay shape. NOW, (I have no issues with things coming up work-wise due to the unexpected and even expected delays due to travel and things that come up at homes. I state this before I state what I am going to state now.) (I helped the two workers some where I could but they had themselves in a good work mode.)

Lowe's and I will have a talk shortly, probably Friday and may take a talk Monday but their miss-management is going to cost them. It sure cost me many hours I cannot afford to lose. (I am a documenters documenter.) We shall see....

I had issues with Lowes in San Antonio on a new set of kitchen cabinets after they ripped out our old ones. Lowe's came around to seeing things my way. They will this time as well. It is called do the right thing...
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Reeves on fire from downtown. Highest scoring first half for our Cats so far this season.

Go Cats!

I didn't realize that. I sure do wish the highs and lows were closer together. Beating up teams like they are playing is fine but this team (Cal) needs to put up or shut up... jmuo

While again no basketball expert, I think the sum of the parts on this team is enough. It falls strictly on the coach/ coaching in my opinion....
This is horrible.
Lowe's should preform or get out of the business.

My Lowe's in Bowling Green has/have been spot on, but it depends on their people and management.
The Lowe's in Ashland definitely lacks on the people/management side. Delivery guys broke the handle on the outside door and instead of telling us, they threw it down on the ground when they left. They did replace it a week later though.
Hope all the D-League have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Starting to get a little nervous about that Louisville football game, we have really pushed them around at the line of scrimmage in recent games, are OL isn't pushing anyone around and if it is a close game our kicking game is a disaster.

I will eat many things tomorrow...but no turkey for me, I prefer just about everything else cooked on Thanksgiving over turkey. Enjoy the food and your family gentleman.
It's a Yuengling kind of night. Just cracking my third Yuengling Black & Tan...(Found one twelve pack at Walmart yesterday. Haven't had them for a while.). most I've drank at one sitting in a long while. Feeling a little heat on the Ole neck but other than that, feels good.

Getting ridiculous the amount of items that are just not available. I'm not spoiled by any means, I could sleep in my car tonight or on my garage floor and I wouldn't complain but I see drastic changes in the supply lines of this country and that is seriously disturbing.... Oh and it is happening ON PURPOSE and no one is doing ANYTHING about it from either side.

Not out of control but I am angry that this country's leadership seems to be selling out to the highest bidder....