
Hope all the D-League have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Starting to get a little nervous about that Louisville football game, we have really pushed them around at the line of scrimmage in recent games, are OL isn't pushing anyone around and if it is a close game our kicking game is a disaster.

I will eat many things tomorrow...but no turkey for me, I prefer just about everything else cooked on Thanksgiving over turkey. Enjoy the food and your family gentleman.
The ACC is a weak conference so I have a really good feeling about Saturday's game. It comes down to this, beat UL and salvage the season or lose and the season is considered a flop. With a loss I'd be hard pressed to think that the Cats are bowl worthy. Losing 6 of their last 8 while 3 of their 6 wins were against OOC teams.
The ACC is a weak conference so I have a really good feeling about Saturday's game. It comes down to this, beat UL and salvage the season or lose and the season is considered a flop. With a loss I'd be hard pressed to think that the Cats are bowl worthy. Losing 6 of their last 8 while 3 of their 6 wins were against OOC teams.

I don't trust any team that lost to Vandy so that is why I'm worried, but I agree with the rest of what you said.
Hope all the D-League have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Starting to get a little nervous about that Louisville football game, we have really pushed them around at the line of scrimmage in recent games, are OL isn't pushing anyone around and if it is a close game our kicking game is a disaster.

I will eat many things tomorrow...but no turkey for me, I prefer just about everything else cooked on Thanksgiving over turkey. Enjoy the food and your family gentleman.

We had our Thanksgiving meal this past Saturday. I am looking at tomorrow as a day of quiet and calm. I cannot express how many straight days of daylight till dark work (Home and at my job, I have endured.). I just need to be left...... Alone. ;) I do think I am going to make a pan of biscuits in the morning if the Lord doesn't take me home. I am overdue AND I have a nice amount of ham I want to put in between those biscuits with a couple over easy eggs on the side...😁 (Oh, and coffee..I have laid off the coffee for a couple days. I am ready for a cup.) I hope my cup runneth over...

Have a great what's left of your evening and may your rest fulfill your needs...
Just to add a little fuel to the fire, UL holds the lead over UK in the modern day rivalry since 1994, 15-12. More on the line Saturday than you'd think for us fans.

Believe me I understand, I hated we didn't get to play them during the Covid year...we would have beat them, so that cost us a game on the overall record.

As a kid and while in college at UK and even a few years after...I went to every single UK vs Louisville game home or away, never missed one in the whole series.

I planned on it being a lifelong little tradition, but I don't even remember what year it was, somewhere around 2010 or 2011, I missed a game for the first time. Only been to like 3 of them since.
Can I ask how old you are? Just to place if I may know you, or your people.

Family name = Cox
Lived just down fm Ellen Meyers one street off of Shawanee Ave

Have family still back in that tucked away area - and the family is rather huge

Both parents are Kentucky ppl though fm Middlesboro - mom came fm Standifers .... Dad used to co-own Cox Motor Co decades ago

Family name = Cox
Lived just down fm Ellen Meyers one street off of Shawanee Ave

Have family still back in that tucked away area - and the family is rather huge

Both parents are Kentucky ppl though fm Middlesboro - mom came fm Standifers .... Dad used to co-own Cox Motor Co decades ago


I'm 61, related to Laws, Langford's, Teague's. Knew some Raines, Howertons, Crockett's, Webb's, Barnes, Estes, Kidd's, Chadwell's, and others...

All my relatives are from there, and I visited normally at least annually growing up. I entered and exited the Army from Middlesboro and lived there over a year after I got out but was born and raised in Michigan. If you talked to me you'd swear I was from Kentucky. I did live in Kentucky 20 years but up Fort Knox way. E'town, Vine Grove, and Radcliff.
"Raines, Howertons, Crockett's, Webb's, "

Raines - dated hot Kim Raines in HS

Howertons - i remember Andy Howerton ...seems he was a little shit on the bus

Crockett's - yep ...Ruby taught me in first or second grade at Ellen Meyers - that field there now (minus the apts) - is owned by my brothers' Philippine connection

Webb's - Played football with Tommy at MHS
/- played music with Haskell --- there were some alluring Webb females

Remember Iva Smith or Ms Skeen?
Robert & Betty Ruble ?
Tim Bolinger ((((😖careful answering that one))))

you are close to my next older brother -- Bobby ...played good football at Powell Valley - graduated about 81
"Raines, Howertons, Crockett's, Webb's, "

Raines - dated hot Kim Raines in HS

Howertons - i remember Andy Howerton ...seems he was a little shit on the bus

Crockett's - yep ...Ruby taught me in first or second grade at Ellen Meyers - that field there now (minus the apts) - is owned by my brothers' Philippine connection

Webb's - Played football with Tommy at MHS
/- played music with Haskell --- there were some alluring Webb females

Remember Iva Smith or Ms Skeen?
Robert & Betty Ruble ?
Tim Bolinger ((((😖careful answering that one))))

you are close to my next older brother -- Bobby ...played good football at Powell Valley - graduated about 81

Can't say I knew them but I think I heard of a couple of them. I am about the youngest except for my cousin Gary. My Dad was the youngest of seven brothers and a sister. Each of them had two boys and a girl. Just amazes me to this day. (One or two brothers had a child out of wedlock too.)(All of them lived in the Middlesboro area except me, my older brother and older sister. They both still live in Michigan.)

I graduated in 79 but in Michigan.

Look forward to talking with you more.
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Good Thanksgiving Morning

Central Gulf Coast of Florida checking in at 65° and scattered clouds on the way to 75° with no chance of rain.

Today is a day for families and friends to pause and be thankful for who we are and what we are. To thank God for providing our needs and keeping us safe another day. In times past most people made a living by the sweat of their brow and a I always think about the men and women who came before me and their sacrificies and hard work to make a better life.

My mother was one such person who worked hard for the family and was always there when we needed a hug or a word of encouragement. I never saw her "down" a day in her life. Always positive, always a smile and always a good word.

She was very traditional and in my first year of school I had to give a word to the class about the Pilgrims so she made me the Pilgrim suit the day before class, I had to wear it to school that day. She made the buckles out of cardboard, wrapped with aluminum foil and the hat was made of cardboard. The white scarf was a piece of linen on the living room table. Thanksgiving 1949. That was mama.

Have a great day all, we are headed out to the airport soon to join family up North in Kentucky. Prayers for all.

Good morning folks.

And Happy Thanksgiving.

We’ll have a nice traditional feast at my Maryland home which will include my wife, daughter, her boyfriend and my wife’s parents. The women will bake and my wife’s step-father, who is an excellent cook, will have a perfect Turkey, home-made cranberry sauce and lots of other dishes.

A small gathering but it’ll be nice.

As someone who has been in Mogadishu, Kabul, Baghdad and a remote Marine camp in northern Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day, stable and comfortable are big virtues for me.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

We'll be heading out to my parents soon. So thankful that they are both still with us and we get Mom's Thanksgiving Dinner. Leaving the mountains this morning, going through Lexington (lived there as a child), and on to Salvisa. We should have a crowd of about 40.

Fun little game yesterday. I'm glad I choose to enjoy sports now instead of wallowing in misery.

Be careful on the roads today and enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Austin -- dude you're probably 2-3 blocks fm my original home -

give me a hint as to where u are the in Sewanee - down towards the nursing home & old masons lodge?

or maybe back towards Pappys?
Towards Pappy's. Corner of Foxglove and Bristol Rd. Staying there again tonight. Larry Ellis' place.
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving from Forge Ridge, TN. Currently 33°F and sunny. Today's high expected around 63°F.

Watched "Hell or High Water" last night. Filmed around West Texas. Interesting flick. Heh, I drank only two beers. Getting older.

Drove over to MCD in Middlesboro earlier and grabbed breakfast for everybody. At my daughter's place near Forge Ridge school right now. She's got really fast internet. Ex is cooking turkey roast and ham in the oven. We'll probably eat around 2 or 3 pm.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
Worked out this morning (preparing to eat a lot), walked 2 dogs right after (different times), dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the house, cleaned up, helped wife prepare turkey, peeled and cut potatoes for cooking and mashing and now watching the Lions play the Bills. Rooting for the Lions since they have a losing record so far this year. Plus, they have lost more games on Thanksgiving than they have won. Their fans need a break.
Worked out this morning (preparing to eat a lot), walked 2 dogs right after (different times), dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the house, cleaned up, helped wife prepare turkey, peeled and cut potatoes for cooking and mashing and now watching the Lions play the Bills. Rooting for the Lions since they have a losing record so far this year. Plus, they have lost more games on Thanksgiving than they have won. Their fans need a break.

Not been a Lions fan since they did Barry Sanders like they did him...them losing is okay by me...
Enjoying the John Madden remembered clips during the Dallas-Giants game.

Strong associations with him and those Golden Hours at my parents’ house just before and after the Thanksgiving feast. Seems like he did that game from when I was a teenager until I was in my 50s. Probably wasn’t quite that long, but he’s part of the background color of lots of happy memories.

The Tur-Duck-In. Classic!
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Enjoying the John Madden remembered clips during the Dallas-Giants game.

Strong associations with him and those Golden Hours at my parents’ house just before and after the Thanksgiving feast. Seems like he did that game from when I was a teenager until I was in my 50s. Probably wasn’t quite that long, but he’s part of the background color of lots of happy memories.

The Tur-Duck-In. Classic!
We didn't have a TV till the late fifties. We always had the holiday dinners at one of my grandparents. I don't recall them ever having a TV, thus no ball games.the women cooked, the kids played outside and the men went hunting. After about 11 or so, I got to join in with the hunting.
Enjoying the John Madden remembered clips during the Dallas-Giants game.

Strong associations with him and those Golden Hours at my parents’ house just before and after the Thanksgiving feast. Seems like he did that game from when I was a teenager until I was in my 50s. Probably wasn’t quite that long, but he’s part of the background color of lots of happy memories.

The Tur-Duck-In. Classic!
I wish they would have bought Frank Caliendo into the studio to do some Madden like talking points.
Happy Thanksgiving D-League! Hope all enjoyed this day of giving thanks.

Reading the Madden posts really brought back memories. I was a huge Raiders fan back then. Not so much these days. Madden was famous for his fear of flying, hence the Madden Cruiser was born. More of a claustrophobia thing than fear of flying it turns out. My favorite Christmas commercial of all time included the man:

Good morning folks.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Taking advantage of a morning off to catch the end of Planes, Trains and Automobiles. John Candy, RIP.

Overcast and cool today. Heading out for a hike in a few minutes. Have a Good Friday.

Morning Legionnaires!

Hope all have the rest of the weekend off so you can rest for the weekend.

40° this morning with the high in the low 50's and moderate winds expected. Rain coming (99%) chance for the evening.

Watched the first two football games yesterday then gave the new 75" tv over to my daughter so she could play video games with her mother, uncle, and grandmother after dinner. Went to bedroom and watched a lot of music videos from the 80's and fell asleep. Wife came to bed around 0230 after her mother and brother left. They are coming back over Saturday so; the Christmas decorations go up today (my wife wanted to rest) or Sunday which was going to be another rest day since Saturday was the planned day to decorate. Good thing she took Monday off too.

You guys enjoy your day and leftovers.

God Bless.
Good morning D-League. We currently have 53° and rain sprinkles here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon the rain tapers off, giving way to cloudy skies and a high of 56°.

Hard to believe another Thanksgiving came and went. It's always been my favorite holiday.

Have a great day.

Good morning from Forge Ridge TN. Currently 46°F, cloudy with occasional rain drops. Today's high expected around 58°F.

Sitting here watching WVLT Morning News Knoxville via stream. So far it's remarkably on time. Plan on drinking coffee as soon as daughter wakes up.

Leaving today. Heading back to Nolin Lake. Gonna miss these mountains. Plan on arriving back out there by 6 PM CST today.

Hope y'all enjoyed you Thanksgiving and had a great one, It's Black Friday, an event I never participate at all.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. We currently have 53° and rain sprinkles here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon the rain tapers off, giving way to cloudy skies and a high of 56°.

Hard to believe another Thanksgiving came and went. It's always been my favorite holiday.

Have a great day.

Very nice 41102. Christmas in New York City. My wife’s aunt who lives on the upper east side of Manhattan has a Christmas party every year. We’ve made it about half the time over the past two decades —did make it last year, the day Kentucky crushed UNC-Cheats. Not going this year because of my hip surgery.

Everyone should do it once.