Good morning folks.
The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.
Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.
Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.
You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.
When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.
And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.