
As an allergy sufferer for decades, just remember that your allergies change. When I first started taking shots, versus 24 years later, things had changed. The allergy shots actually help you out over the long term.

I used to have to carry an epipen for stings or things like that. Then after about 10 years of allergy injections I did not have to carry one. At one time I was told by my doctor if I get stung by a wasp simply take an antihistamine and get to a hospital as soon as possible.

Cats, bee stings really bothered me. Bluegrass, fescue, oak, hickory, rag weed, you-name-it pollen and I am allergic to most (the small pollen -wind born- are the ones most are allergic to). Mold and several other things get me also. Since 1983 I have had central vacs in all of our houses, the windows are never opened and we simply use either heat or air, and I change the filters a lot. Plus I used to love carpentry and wood work, yet I am allergic to sawdust and sanding wood. It is a big part of my life just living with allergies.

Thank goodness so far I do not have food allergies.
Good morning D-League. It's currently clear and 19° here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 50°. That is all.

Have a great day.


I saw that out my window nearly every day I went to work. I do miss thinking about the founders but do not miss the people....
Thanks. We know it's the chemicals in the process but not sure which ones. The allergist actually argued with her that it can't be the chemicals. She promised to do some research.

Docs are WAY behind in understanding the cumulative nature of allergies and sensitivities, so the doc saying that doesn't surprise me. If the cure doesn't come out of a bottle or from under the knife, they retreat pretty quickly and feebly.

I have a friend that has a chemical sensitivity to petroleum products. Can't walk in a tire or mechanics shop some days without having some trouble breathing. Glues, paints, plastics, and wood products all need to off gas for a few weeks before they can safely be around them. Makes all of their other allergies worse for days if not weeks after exposure to the petroleum products.

Glyphosate does that for an acquaintance as well. Diagnosed with a gall bladder issue, so they removed it, but came up with the same symptoms weeks later (one of several people I know personally who were misdiagnosed and had their gb removed). Turns out it was a "wheat allergy" diagnosis after that, BUT had no issues with wheat while on a trip to Europe (to a country that banned glyphosate use).

I only see nurse practitioners now because they are more likely to have done or do actual research into what ails me. One saved me a ton of money, pain, and a very risky surgery by telling me simply to avoid a certain food group to make the symptoms go away. They have. Docs wanted to operate 10 years ago.

Yeah, right.
My wife figured out on her own the bleached flour vs unbleached was the cause of her issues. Then figured the modified stuff was as well. Now that she's avoided those things her problems are worse. She had problems at church when they were baking something in the big kitchen. Less than 5 min in Little Ceasar caused problems too.

Good for her! We should listen to what God and our bodies are telling us.

It will be that way for a while, for some people. Sometimes what we are allergic to is also something the body craved or learns to live off of. We can react all kinds of ways with the reintroduction of the same chemicals/proteins. What's even worse is that some medicines can contain these things due to the processes of manufacturing. Introducing them through meds either by mouth or through the bloodstream can be catastrophic.

I went to a school a co-worker was attending to see a project that they were working on and met a woman whose daughter became allergic to soy and didn't know it for years. Found out the hard way when she was given meds that contained soy and the chemical reaction in her bloodstream made her hallucinate, hear voices, and appear schizophrenic. She was diagnosed as such and put on meds that made her catatonic. Her mom had to feed her, and the docs wanted her put in a home.

The mom knew that this started when she went on the meds that were supposed to be to help her thyroid, so she stopped giving her the meds and had her tested for allergies. Soy came up to be intensely allergenic for her, and when she was finally able to reach someone about the meds she was given who would answer her questions, she confirmed their was soy in them.

Even with all of that direct evidence, the doctors refused to remove her psych diagnosis and she was prevented from being hired for the work she is highly qualified to do by any gov agency or company with high level access to gov agencies. 15 years without any relapse or symptoms and she still can't get the diagnosis removed.

Another couple of friends can't be near cashmere, poison ivy, ragweed, and ferns (of all things) without a severe attack coming on. Just breathing in pollen from a poison ivy plant can trigger a full rash episode in one friend. It's crazy how reactive these things can be. Exposure to heavy metals either through breathing, drinking or eating, and injection/iv can also exacerbate existing allergies as it can heighten the immune response dramatically.

Sorry to write so much. It's something I've researched a lot. Sometimes, B vitamins and magnesium supplementation can help reduce symptoms of allergies. Using saline nasal washes can also aid the immune system by reducing total allergen load. Reducing sugar consumption also can help, as can increasing or decreasing caffeine consumption (depending on the person).

Wish you and your wife the very best in dealing with this. Very sorry to hear it, because I know what it can be like.
As an allergy sufferer for decades, just remember that your allergies change. When I first started taking shots, versus 24 years later, things had changed. The allergy shots actually help you out over the long term.

I used to have to carry an epipen for stings or things like that. Then after about 10 years of allergy injections I did not have to carry one. At one time I was told by my doctor if I get stung by a wasp simply take an antihistamine and get to a hospital as soon as possible.

Cats, bee stings really bothered me. Bluegrass, fescue, oak, hickory, rag weed, you-name-it pollen and I am allergic to most (the small pollen -wind born- are the ones most are allergic to). Mold and several other things get me also. Since 1983 I have had central vacs in all of our houses, the windows are never opened and we simply use either heat or air, and I change the filters a lot. Plus I used to love carpentry and wood work, yet I am allergic to sawdust and sanding wood. It is a big part of my life just living with allergies.

Thank goodness so far I do not have food allergies.
Once everything slows down we'll get into some big time research for her. I grew up in farm country in Central KY. My allergies were bad. I once as a teenager working in a hay loft took one of my Mom's allergy pills. It didn't work. The next day I took two. lol That was a big mistake, but one that I remember to this day.

But after moving down into the mountains of SE KY over 35 years ago I hardly have an issue. It's like someone knew where I belonged.

Morning Legionnaires!

34° this morning with a high of 54° and sunny skies expected.

Never got my 75" Visio Flat Screen TV last week as shipping said we would but, it came in yesterday around 1700. The original day never happened last week, and wife called to confirm and was told there was a delay. They gave us another date of yesterday by 1700. It got here at 1649. The delivery man was rude and frustrated because he had a hard time finding the address. Don't know why because we are not hard to find. When taking the TV off of the truck he wanted to help bring it inside and I told him me and my wife and daughter could do it. He continued to try, and I told him 3 big dogs would not let him do it. He grunted, looked at the front door to see if there were dogs and then gave up. I don't trust pushy people. Old habits and all.

Will have it up today and ready for tomorrow's game but wife wants to go shopping first (to beat the rush). So, will have plenty to do today as we normally go shopping a couple of days before Thanksgiving to avoid the crazy weekend after.

You guys enjoy your day, be careful out there and God Bless.
Good Tuesday Morning D

Reading the allergy comments got me to sneezing. Darn cat. Cats are all I am allergic to but that is enough.

Yesterday's weather was about as perfect as it gets on this earth. Nice cool breeze and lots of sunshine. It is 61° currently and will creep up to 78°. We have clouds coming in and 75% chance of rain this afternoon.

Yesterday I received a shipment from Dublin, Georgia with 10 lbs of Georgia pee-cans and they are the best of this green earth. My friend raises them and always has some saved for me, just in time for the Holiday Season to started. Gonna have a big slice of pee-can pie starting Thanksgiving Day. I love that stuff. This 10 lbs are shelled and I will also order some pecan pieces and pecan meal. We use the meal like flour and coat fish, chicken, pork etc and it makes a golden brown, delicious piece of meat or fish.

Y'all have a nice day and blessings to you.

Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.

And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.
Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.

And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.

Ole MdW got it going on... 😅
Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.

And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.
I spent the biggest part of 2 years in Turkey, most of it in the general area of Izmir. There would be shoeshine guys on every street corner. They'd start shining your shoes before you knew it. One time, I wasn't paying enough attention and this guy was going to shine my suede shoes. Luckily a Turkish guy I knew was watching and stopped him just in time.
If only you could see me, fifteen pounds overweight, mid-60s and limping like Deputy Chester in Gunsmoke. The only thing I've got going on is the sympathy card.

You poor fifteen pound thang. I can sympathize with the rest but I WISH I was "only" 15 pounds over weight. I don't go by that stupid BMI chart but I am currently 25 pounds heavier than I know I should be. I had it fixed too and my routine was abruptly changed and now I am fighting hard mentally to get back where I was...205! I do wish you very well on your impending procedure.

I have an MRI scheduled for the 5th of December for my back. Having some "twinges" I have never had before and it is concerning. X-rays show some degenerative disks but they called it moderate.... we shall see...
Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

So you truly are one cool cucumber when the heat is on. I expected the assistant was the attractive one, but it was the doc!

On the serious side, I will be saying prayers that your procedure goes well.
If only you could see me, fifteen pounds overweight, mid-60s and limping like Deputy Chester in Gunsmoke. The only thing I've got going on is the sympathy card.

Nah. Not buying it. Makes you even more attractive to the medical staff. Also means you can't get away as fast... I've got an extra 20-25 I need to lose, but I've got wide shoulders to hide it better than some of my friends.

I got one such friend that needs to know what injury to fake in MD to see a pretty Turkish doctor now and then. Maybe he can borrow some x-rays for a little while... He might make it worth your while
You poor fifteen pound thang. I can sympathize with the rest but I WISH I was "only" 15 pounds over weight. I don't go by that stupid BMI chart but I am currently 25 pounds heavier than I know I should be. I had it fixed too and my routine was abruptly changed and now I am fighting hard mentally to get back where I was...205! I do wish you very well on your impending procedure.

I have an MRI scheduled for the 5th of December for my back. Having some "twinges" I have never had before and it is concerning. X-rays show some degenerative disks but they called it moderate.... we shall see...

I have tons of back problems from sports, horseplay, and work over the years. Chiropractic and massage are the only things that have helped. It's getting to the point that I can't do things now that I need to, but I've avoided surgery so far. My last x-rays looked really bad, though.
Nah. Not buying it. Makes you even more attractive to the medical staff. Also means you can't get away as fast... I've got an extra 20-25 I need to lose, but I've got wide shoulders to hide it better than some of my friends.

I got one such friend that needs to know what injury to fake in MD to see a pretty Turkish doctor now and then. Maybe he can borrow some x-rays for a little while... He might make it worth your while
I'd be glad to lend him my XRays. But tell him to be careful -- he could wake up with ten pounds of plastic where his right hip used to be.
Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.

And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.
Wow, lucky you with the Doc. My doctor is a cowboy rancher in his real job owning a ranch in Florida and in South Georgia. But we get along better than any doctor I have had in my life. He loves to talk Old Florida with me because he has only a handful of patients were are True Floridians. Even took me to lunch a few times and we go over old family heirlooms showing life in the old days.

And he said Biden has dementia and is dangerous too. So some of the medical community understands, And oh yes, no masks. I have never seen him in a mask.
I'd be glad to lend him my XRays. But tell him to be careful -- he could wake up with ten pounds of plastic where his right hip used to be.
I can add to that, including 3 sets of total spine MRI's and a drawer of x-rays. They are several types of back problems. Some are aging related or arthritis related or injury. All hurt but some are much more painful and serious. Some will cripple you.

My issues are spinal stenosis and degenerative arthritis. Both can put you in a wheel chair if you don't act on them and surgery is the only method known in present science that will give any relief and slow it down. You can not cure it but you can minimize it.

In stenosis you have to open up the spine to allow the spinal column to be free to function. A fusion is the method. Stenosis narrows and narrows until the nerves can not get to your extremities and signal them what to do. So they freeze up and you lose strength and the ability to use your legs and arms. If it is in your neck the arms may become paralyzed.

Finding a good surgeon is the hard part. If you don't you are going to be in serious trouble. A bad surgeon who is not experienced on spinals issues can mess you up big time. An excellen spinal surgeon is hard to find. They must navigate nerves and be able to untangle them and make sure no injury. Computers have really made a difference in helping to keep a surgeon from cutting a nerve which is the worst outcome from spine surgery.
This talk about Turkish women got me thinking. Down on the waterfront were bars/nightclubs/pavions that reminded me of the Long Branch/Gunsmoke with women hustling guys for drinks for a %. That made them extra friendly. This one guy (who was married btw) spent a lot of time and $ at this one club. They even let him run a tab. When it came time to go home, he had a tab plus basically threw a party his last night without mentioning the going home part. He owed them a lot of money. The owner called the base commander wanting the US gov to pay his tab.
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 39°F, clear and sunny. We hit 20°F for our low. Today's high expected around 56°F. Nice autumn days.

Visited with another cuz yesterday. He give me some pear relish. Already ran over to Middlesboro this morning. Dealing with a stopped-up toilet. Might have to rent a snake.

Plan on shopping for Thanksgiving dinner later this evening. Must accompany daughter to Farmers & Miners Bank after she gets off work at 2:30 pm over a financial matter.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks.

The office is a ghost town today. Somehow everyone else always seems to get their work done to the point they can blow off Thanksgiving week, but not me.

Could be worse. I get Thursday and Friday off. For several years after I gave up Conflict Zone reporting I was a Managing Editor at a newspaper, which basically meant I ran everything. And I never really learned to delegate, so I worked Holidays, Sundays, basically every day but Saturday which I set aside to do something with my kids. Those years really ground me down.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my pre-operation check-in. Weight is up into the 230s for the first time in my life -215 is ideal for me. And initially my BP came back through the roof when taken by an office assistant. I had the doctor take it again and it was perfect. So at least I don't have that to worry about.

You all will appreciate this. My doctor is a very attractive Turkish woman and she's not beyond being a little flirty with me, in a benign way.

When I told her in my first visit I edited publications, she went on line and found a short bio. Since then she asks me about things I did in my career, and so on. Yesterday, she asked me if I'd ever met Biden, which I have, all too many times back to the 1980s. Did I like him? I was a bit cagey saying I wasn't sure he was up to the job, and so on.

And she blurts out, "He clearly has severe dementia." It surprised me, so I laughed, and she said, "No, I'm serious. I'm a doctor. The man is demented." I could not disagree. After all, she's the doctor.
He is demented; however, before his dementia he was a dumb ass: he has little to work with. Plus he put some very bad people in his cabinet. Yuck!

I recall that he finished 75th in his law class of 83 people. Apparently at Syracuse all the law students pass.
Wow, lucky you with the Doc. My doctor is a cowboy rancher in his real job owning a ranch in Florida and in South Georgia. But we get along better than any doctor I have had in my life. He loves to talk Old Florida with me because he has only a handful of patients were are True Floridians. Even took me to lunch a few times and we go over old family heirlooms showing life in the old days.

And he said Biden has dementia and is dangerous too. So some of the medical community understands, And oh yes, no masks. I have never seen him in a mask.
Most folks don't really understand the "True Floridians". The last time I lived in Florida, from 1992 till 2000, one guy on my street was a "True Floridian".
He is demented; however, before his dementia he was a dumb ass: he has little to work with. Plus he put some very bad people in his cabinet. Yuck!

I recall that he finished 75th in his law class of 83 people. Apparently at Syracuse all the law students pass.
The fact that Biden is a half-wit blabbermouth with terrible judgment and the added handicap of not understanding his own mediocrity has been an open secret with journalists back to at least the 1980s.

I covered many, many Senate Judiciary and later Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings, and was in small groups of reporters he'd gather to make his windy speeches and "regular guy" asides to. Eyes would roll as he'd head off in some rhetorical direction, get lost in his thoughts (this was when he was in his 50s-early 60s) meander around and then just wind down in nowhere land.

I basically ignored him. More liberal journalists who backed his positions and wanted to use him to support their stories covered for him.

That's the way it works. And its why the obvious signs of his failing brain health get little or no attention. When the powerful media decide he's a liability to the Democratic party there will be a round of stories questioning whether he is too old -- signaling him to bow out or the tougher stories will follow. I would suspect it plays out that way over the next two years. Dems know he'd be a dead duck in 2024.
Since we're talking aches & pains, got a steroid shot in my knee 12 days ago. First treatment on it since I had cartilage removed in '77. It's gradually improving to the point where I'm surprised when I stand up w/o knee paining me. Was afraid to say anything positive till now. Ortho doc says if I get 6+ months from it it's a success. When shots stop working they'll switch to the gels. He said think of those as an oil change.
Last edited:
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 39°F, clear and sunny. We hit 20°F for our low. Today's high expected around 56°F. Nice autumn days.

Visited with another cuz yesterday. He give me some pear relish. Already ran over to Middlesboro this morning. Dealing with a stopped-up toilet. Might have to rent a snake.

Plan on shopping for Thanksgiving dinner later this evening. Must accompany daughter to Farmers & Miners Bank after she gets off work at 2:30 pm over a financial matter.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Cool, I walked many of those roads in Shawanee as an early teenager and maybe pre-teen when we would visit Uncle Fred (My Dad's brother.) and Aunt Arlene along with their children (My cousins), Phyllis, Virgil, and Gary. Aunt Arlene was always good to me. Looked on google earth several months ago and the place looks changed completely from what I remember. Have a great time...

(I guess the last time I was there was in late August a lot of years ago and My Darling and I drove onto LMU's campus and found three huge chestnut trees and we picked up a trunk load. My children were young at that time.)
He is demented; however, before his dementia he was a dumb ass and deranged: he has little to work with so he lied, schemed, plotted, and stole his way forward once he learned how to lie, scheme, plot, and steal off the gubbernment teet.. Plus he put some communists in his cabinet. Yuck!

I recall that he finished 75th in his law class of 83 people. Apparently at Syracuse all the law students pass.

fify Sir! o_O :(

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