
The speed limit on our road is only 25mph but it's a main thoroughfare with constant traffic. We got 4 trick or treaters and that's a little less than usual but we also got some heavy rain. In contrast the neighborhood across the street probably had 100 kids. Wimpy kids these days. Rain never stopped us. I agree with Sawnee, Halloween has changed and not for the better. It was one of my favorite days of the year when I was growing up. Right behind Christmas and Thanksgiving and just ahead of the last day of school. The 4th of July rounded off the top 5.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 59° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 67°.

Stay safe out there today.

I live off a rarely traveled road and then a dead end short gravel road. I have never had a trick or treater. Several years ago after a bad ice storm where much of the county lost power, I was literally the last person in the county to get power back.
That sounds familiar. We are the highest (have to think in 3D here) house in our community. Our only trick or treaters are usually relatives and last night was no exception. My wife's 57 year old cousin came up and trick or treated for my wife's old fashioned popcorn balls. Some traditions live on.

Babysitting our 2 yr old great, great niece today (once per week). No kids or grandkids but still get a little dose of spoiling the younguns.
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This is my favorite version of that old Hank Williams song. Jerry Lee rerecorded it several years on a different label but the Sun version was the best.

I am a big Emmylou fan and this one with Jerry Lee was a good one. Jerry Lee played the piano like a Pentecostal on Sunday Night. Smokin'

My boss, Darryl Nunley, in Houston, TX was Jerry Lee's first cousin. Pentecostal he was.
Morning D....I was SOOOO close to hitting the Powerball last night. I only missed it six numbers.

I hope you weren't the guy in front of me who bought $40 in tickets and wanted most of them on separate tickets, I sit in line for like 8 minutes to watch him no doubt lose $40 and I just wanted to buy a coke...but hey I'm the guy who bet big on the over on the Tenn vs Kentucky game and UK scored 6 what do I know?
This is my favorite version of that old Hank Williams song. Jerry Lee rerecorded it several years on a different label but the Sun version was the best.

I am a big Emmylou fan and this one with Jerry Lee was a good one. Jerry Lee played the piano like a Pentecostal on Sunday Night. Smokin'

I like singers who do their songs live exactly like they sound on the record. I never cared much for Jerry Lee live (nor Willie Nelson) because they always tinker with (in a bad way) the songs when they are performing live.
My boss, Darryl Nunley, in Houston, TX was Jerry Lee's first cousin. Pentecostal he was.
Jerry Lee came from a large family of talented piano players. We all know about Mickey Gilley and Jimmy Swaggart. But a couple of more were not quite as famous. Jerry Lee learned "boogie woogie" cords from an older cousin, Carl McVoy and he had another talented piano playing cousin who was a Church of God minister. He never went into "show business" as it was known in the church. He was dedicated to the ministry and pastored small churches in Louisiana all of his adult life.

Carl McVoy did record some music. Here is one, recorded in 1958 at Sun Records, Memphis on Sam Phillips label. He owned Sun Records. When I listen to the beginning it takes me back to my childhood in a church service. Sister Vesta Kearce, our church pianist, started about every hymn with that boogie woogie chord. She also taught piano and some of her famous students were J.D. Sumer and his nephew Donnie Sumner. Both played and sang with Elvis.

You can also pick up "sounds of Jerry Lee" and styles in this recording. Carl McVoy, oldest cousin of Jerry Lee who taught him to play boogie woogie, piano.

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Good morning D
63° and the sun is rising. The high should reach 85° with plenty of beautiful sunshine.

We had two trick or "treaters". The local churches have events that draws the majority of the kids, good clean fun and plenty of treats. Halloween sure is different now that when I was a kid. Well the entire world is different. I have to think hard to come up with something that is the same. It is as if America took their entire culture and trashed it. Crazy stuff.

I might put down some more Roundup and head off the weeds before they get out of control. The lawn needs mowing but the lawn boy can take care of that. As life goes on.

Breakfast is being served. I was raised on this stuff and find myself craving it often as the days go by.


I'm the same Sir. Some don't like it but that's on them. I do not impose myself on anyone. I see what goes on in a lot of instances and I go the other way. I do not run if confronted. That is why I am not in a higher position than I am and that's okay too. I am thankful.
Jerry Lee came from a large family of talented piano players. We all know about Mickey Gilley and Jimmy Swaggart. But a couple of more were not quite as famous. Jerry Lee learned "boogie woogie" cords from an older cousin, Carl McVoy and he had another talented piano playing cousin who was a Church of God minister. He never went into "show business" as it was known in the church. He was dedicated to the ministry and pastored small churches in Louisiana all of his adult life.

Carl McVoy did record some music. Here is one, recorded in 1958 at Sun Records, Memphis on Sam Phillips label. He owned Sun Records. When I listen to the beginning it takes me back to my childhood in a church service. Sister Vesta Kearce, our church pianist, started about every hymn with that boogie woogie chord. She also taught piano and some of her famous students were J.D. Sumer and his nephew Donnie Sumner. Both played and sang with Elvis.

You can also pick up "sounds of Jerry Lee" and styles in this recording. Carl McVoy, oldest cousin of Jerry Lee who taught him to play boogie woogie, piano.

You know, that's a respectable single, especially for the late 1950s - during the hey day of rockabilly and R&B fusions.

It's always fascinating to me how close the gap is between someone who makes it and becomes a legend - the Everly Brothers, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, young Johnny Cash -- and dozens of other very talented singer/players who cut records that were listenable, had a strong enough hook, a good beat, you could dance to it, but there was just nothing SPECIAL, like the harmonies of the Everly Brothers, or Roy Orbisons eerie falsetto, or Buddy Holly's innovative rhythms and infectious hooks, or whatever. And however hard they tried, that lighning wasn't going to dance around inside the bottle for them to catch it.

There must have been hundreds of guys who filtered in and out of the record studios in those days convinced they were as good as Elvis, and who spent the rest of their lives saying, 'why not me?'
You know, that's a respectable single, especially for the late 1950s - during the hey day of rockabilly and R&B fusions.

It's always fascinating to me how close the gap is between someone who makes it and becomes a legend - the Everly Brothers, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, young Johnny Cash -- and dozens of other very talented singer/players who cut records that were listenable, had a strong enough hook, a good beat, you could dance to it, but there was just nothing SPECIAL, like the harmonies of the Everly Brothers, or Roy Orbisons eerie falsetto, or Buddy Holly's innovative rhythms and infectious hooks, or whatever. And however hard they tried, that lighning wasn't going to dance around inside the bottle for them to catch it.

There must have been hundreds of guys who filtered in and out of the record studios in those days convinced they were as good as Elvis, and who spent the rest of their lives saying, 'why not me?'
I have a cousin who used to play on the local TV dance party type shows. He still plays in different bars around the area. Back during the Carter hostage era, he cut a patriotic record about the hostages. Just as the song started getting a lot of play on local radio, the hostages were set free and his song died. Had the hostage situation lasted another month or so, it might have caught on nationally and who knows then.
So which of you are going to report on this in 2100?
According to Al Gore Manhattan would be underwater by 2005.

In 2100 Manhattan will still be high and dry.

This global warming / climate change is a fact and at the same time it is a farce. The earth has been warming since the last ice age. It will warm until we start to go toward the next ice age. We just came out of the "little ice age" in the late 18th century after the "Medieval Warm Period". Man effects climate for sure, but in the big scheme man will have very little to do with it leading us to climatic armagedon.

The bastards pushing the new green energy thing usually have degrees in the humanities!
According to Al Gore Manhattan would be underwater by 2005.

In 2100 Manhattan will still be high and dry.

This global warming / climate change is a fact and at the same time it is a farce. The earth has been warming since the last ice age. It will warm until we start to go toward the next ice age. We just came out of the "little ice age" in the late 18th century after the "Medieval Warm Period". Man effects climate for sure, but in the big scheme man will have very little to do with it leading us to climatic armagedon.

The bastards pushing the new green energy thing usually have degrees in the humanities!

And criminal intent Sir, many that lead that movement do so with criminal intent.
If you live on the East coast sell your house. I don't know why this event has not been gradual but sell the house; it is going to happen year before last:


And yet you NEVER see ANY news where William K. Stevens nor Al Gore for that matter have EVER been publicly called out for there criminal intent. (Just a money-making scheme. Nothing more, nothing less...)
Couple of my great grandsons pondering their loot last night.


I'd founder on Reese's cups.... never could get my fill... Only candy I eat at all now is the pure dark chocolate, usually the 90% variety....(The dark chocolate takes away my craving for the other type chocolate and sweet's. (It does for me.) I will still eat it, if it's in front of me but I don't seek it out...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F, cloudy with a slight breeze. Today's high expected around 77°F.

Picked up iPhone yesterday. It's an iPhone 12. Nice unit. Seems a bit strange.

Still have not hit lottery jackpot yet. I'll give it another shot today.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

54° this morning with a high of 70 expected. Planned on going fishing today but, before I went out to play softball last night my wife reminded me of an eye doctor's appointment that she did not originally tell me about scheduled for this morning and then, she wants to go shopping. Razzlefrazzleaprufnkalfjeoierua;aserihag! The warmer days are going to end soon, and I need another day or two for fishing. Tomorrow is warm but, rain for the next 2 days expected.

Well, the single elimination tournament last night was a bust. We won the first game 16-7 but lost the second game 11-6. They ended the second game before our last at bat and no one really knows why except that they started the tourney late and we think they wanted to make sure that it (the tourney) did not go late into the night. They called it saying the time limit was up. Later after sitting around drinking some beers one of the umpires told me time had not expired. Bastages!

Anyways, I sucked at the plate last night going 1-7. My jammed thumbed from last week was still sore and I had to swing lighter and just try to punch it. I failed.

Just wait till next year!

Morning Legionnaires!

More rain last night and more expected this morning. 51° right now with a high expected to be around 57°. Cooler than is has been but, going back up into the 70's for the foreseeable future. Winds have picked up and that is normal around here for this time of year. For the most part, it does not get very cold (we can hit the teens ever so often) around here. The wind however makes up for it. Fishing will taper off, but I will try on a couple the 70° days.

Yeah, @AustinTXCat, I too will be glad when the election period is over. One thing though and it is disturbing, is how almost all democrats running if you don't know they are democrat are not putting that out there for people to know.

Noticed that, too. Cowards the lot

Why disturbing? It shows a lack of character in that they know just how bad their party is and they would rather be deceiving us than tell the truth (more of the same?). I would prefer to know and that they would tell me what they plan to do to change what they are doing as a party. Yes, I can look them up before the election and read what their plans are and have a site in my email for my area (wife sent it to me), I just hate the almost subversive way they are going about their campaigns.

I looked up a few websites for the candidates as well. They aren't saying anything specific. Just broad brush stuff... "for positive change" or "putting our community first" or "cares about families and education" is all I've seen. Nothing but pleasantries and stuff they can easily dismiss as misunderstood when they go back to dismantling the constitution and the justice system
As you look across the nation at the different races it is amazing at the candidates the Democrats are running. I have never in my life seen such an unqualified, anti-American, radical crazies in my life. Some of them are brain dead and others are avowed Marxist who the media say are "moderates". And I have never seen so many lies and misstatements in my life as what is coming out of them this year.

A few weeks ago the Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell made a statement that the GOP would probably lose the Senate because of the quality of candidates. I think he said that because Trump had endorsed some of them. But if you look at how they have performed on the campaign trail it is obvious he was wrong. Some of the candidates Mitch has withheld campaign funds are still making a very strong showing and may win. If the National GOP had supported them earlier it probably wouldn't be close.

Now let's see how this turns out on election day.

Mitch is China backed all the way. He knows they will steal this election, too. He's probably been assured of it by them, or he wouldn't say anything at all. We've done nothing to prevent the theft of votes and seats, since the last election. That'll make it 3 straight with foreign tampering and fraud.
Noticed that, too. Cowards the lot

I looked up a few websites for the candidates as well. They aren't saying anything specific. Just broad brush stuff... "for positive change" or "putting our community first" or "cares about families and education" is all I've seen. Nothing but pleasantries and stuff they can easily dismiss as misunderstood when they go back to dismantling the constitution and the justice system
One needs to find out as much as possible on these candidates. One election down here that is often overlooked but very important are school board members. I live in a very conservative county but for years we had a very liberal School Board. The reason was nobody paid much attention. I do not have children in school so my interest was on other things.

When the State Legislature passed a law NO CRT will be taught in schools and no grooming of kids or teaching transgender to K-3 grades the school board spoke out against it. Parents were outraged. Most were voted out in the primary but two remained and they will be history after next Tuesday. The entire new school board will focus on education and not social justice nonsense. We need to pay attention when we vote.
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UL 48-10 over #10 Wake Forest. Granted the ACC is not that strong but damn. Satterfield may have just saved his job with this one. Plus the win over Pitt last week. UL is now looking like a tough win in Lexington. All the sweeter when the Cats kick their ass.

I'm all for UL being hyped up off a football win over a basketball school. Like you said, much sweeter when we win. If we don't get our heads screwed on straight with this offense, though, we won't win
If I knew what an uneventful day was I'd be in good shape but I have no concept where "normal" is concerned....

Call me........................ Weirdo Wolfie


Want to know the real funny. I did a search for the Weirdo wolfie song and it has been censored. Can you believe that... (I played it here previously...)

Loved the Groovy Ghoulies!
It is a cloudy 55.0°F on our way to 71°. We have a 20% chance of rain. I hope we get all 20.

Thursday nights basketball game is another one on SEC+. I hate that. We have two more scheduled and it appears that all of the run over games are going to be on the streaming service instead of going to ESPN News. I still hate it.

Howdy folks. Busy as hell in the office today. One of those days that makes me question my sanity at having set a goal of working til 70, lord willing.

I hope the day finds all of you somewhere secure and enjoying your time.
I retired at 53 because all the stars sort of aligned. I had won three large awards and received my largest bonus's. The pension is based on your best 5 of the last 10 years. I felt that if I stayed my pension would probably be less than in January 2000. So I pulled the trigger. You never know when to go and it is a tough decision.

So I moved from Jacksonville to Smiths Grove three months after my last day at work. My property tax went from $4,200 a year in Jacksonville to $900 in Smiths Grove. Florida has no income tax, but Kentucky, so far, have dinged me for a gross Kentucky Income Tax of less than $400 in 22 years (a little over $18 a year), because I am retired. My utilities are also a lot lower here than there.

I have not looked back, plus I got to be with my mom the last year of her life.

You all have a wonderful humpday.