Taking a break. Making progress. Get to take a drive to Goodwill soon to drop off about a hundred pounds of clothing.
I suppose I'll go ahead and mow the grass today as well. I'll weed eat too to make it look good for when she gets home tomorrow. I've watered the plants out front well enough that none of them died. Kinda proud of that.
Had a cat missing in action last night when I shut the house down. I went out in the dark and looked for it because she's kind of afflicted. Can't walk straight and her head is always cocked at about 45° angle. To top it off, she's deaf as well. Those things are the reason I let her inside to start with. She would not have survived outside. She was hidden in the house somewhere the whole time.
Speaking of shutting down the house, I got home last night a little before 9. When I came in there was a raccoon in the kitchen helping himself to some free cat food. I yelled at the little bastard and he grabbed a bag of cat treats and scurried away. I assumed he had gone out both doors and was in the backyard again. Nope, bastard pulled a fast one on me and stayed in the house.
I went out back to search for the aforementioned cat and there he was on the screened in porch eating cat treats. I went back inside and grabbed a 1 iron and headed into battle. I opened the door to the outside first to give him a chance to run, but he held his ground. He never hissed at me or acted agressive in any way. He seemed annoyed that I was bothering him while he was eating.
I had a good opportunity to crush his little skull with the club while his head was down getting a bite, but I decided I didn't want blood all over the place and I would assume it would have gotten messy.
I finally prodded him out door. If raccoons bruise, he's got a couple.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled day...