
As stated I saw a headline. I think it was this as I quickly viewed the boards..

The below was in the thread...

I don't know any of this...
That thread has literally nothing of substance. Full of opinion. People on message boards would not be privy to conversations between Bruce and UL. Bruce will benefit from this most likely. If he goes to UL and dirty shit continues, he may be out of a career whether he is involved directly or not. That's a big gamble.
Bertfan31, we finally watched the final season (part 1) of Ozark. Damn! Part 2 offers a hell of a lot of scenarios. Something about that car crash at the beginning of the season is intriguing.
It just keeps getting better Don't want to give anything away, but one person died much easier than I wanted them to.
That thread has literally nothing of substance. Full of opinion. People on message boards would not be privy to conversations between Bruce and UL. Bruce will benefit from this most likely. If he goes to UL and dirty shit continues, he may be out of a career whether he is involved directly or not. That's a big gamble.

It just keeps getting better Don't want to give anything away, but one person died much easier than I wanted them to.
From what I've been reading, most likely they'll release Part 2 before May 31st. The deadline for Emmy consideration.
That thread has literally nothing of substance. Full of opinion. People on message boards would not be privy to conversations between Bruce and UL. Bruce will benefit from this most likely. If he goes to UL and dirty shit continues, he may be out of a career whether he is involved directly or not. That's a big gamble.

It just keeps getting better Don't want to give anything away, but one person died much easier than I wanted them to.

I added a disclaimer... ;)
From what I've been reading, most likely they'll release Part 2 before May 31st. The deadline for Emmy consideration.
I think I read somewhere that all these episodes were filmed in late 2020. If true, they can release them whenever they like. I hope it's before May though. And then I want to get to work on seasons 5 and 6! Great show.
I added a disclaimer... ;)
So did I. None of us know what's going on yet.
Good morning from ATX. Current temperature is 47°F and cloudy. Chilly and dry. High expected around 62°F. Nice.

Wife made chicken and dumplings last night. Two bowls and I fell asleep while listening to Dick Gabriel. Good comfort food for this time of year.

Our department is allowing us to work from wherever we want as long as we're here in Texas. Co-worker logged in from San Angelo since last Friday.

I've got nothing else. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Howdy D-League. Cold and clear in the east.

Back from my walk. I was listening to a multi-part podcast about a day of climbing on the mountain K2 several years back on which 11 people died in various ways. I’m always fascinated with stories like this, the most famous being Jon Krakauer’s book about a doomed Mt. Everest climb titled “Into Thin Air.” My interest stems from trying to figure out the impulse to risk one’s life for something as inconsequential as reaching the top of a mountain. As many times as I’ve listened to these stories comprehending that is beyond me. But I am fascinated by it.

Back to work. Hope it is a good day for all.
Good morning, D-League!

If only we'd known how this country would get this way, we mightve been able to stop it. If only there were warnings of some type. Maybe if there were signs along the way.

Prosperousness made us forget to be diligent. Made us forget about God. Busyness made us weak. Dittos took the place of learning. Technology made idle hands. You know the rest of the story

Hope you have a great day.
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Go up to the address bar and click on the address. Hit CTRL+C to copy. Then you just hit the link icon at the top of your reply box and push CTRL+V. the address will show up in your reply box. When you hit post reply it will show up like this ↓

That is me. I don't go to church per say, I watch a program just about every morning called Shepherds Chapel. I agree with the point of the song about being out there in God's creation and talking to God alone. I do that almost every time I go. Most of the time I go fishing it is by myself. My fishing buddy from the past (old Drill Sergeant Buddy) had been taking care of his wife during the pandemic because she was ill with cancer and just passed away before Christmas. Time for grieving now and he will probably be ready to go back to fishing when the time comes. The picture below was taken by him at one of my favorite ponds. I had caught a few that size over the course of a week or so and had thrown them back in. After this picture I turned to release those when he stopped me and said: "What is it with you white boys and putting those fish back in the water?" So, I gave it to him, and he told me going forward to call him first when I am out and ask if he wanted the ones I caught if he was not there. If my wife wants them, she gets first dibs.

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That is me. I don't go to church per say, I watch a program just about every morning called Shepherds Chapel. I agree with the point of the song about being out there in God's creation and talking to God alone. I do that almost every time I go. Most of the time I go fishing it is by myself. My fishing buddy from the past (old Drill Sergeant Buddy) had been taking care of his wife during the pandemic because she was ill with cancer and just passed away before Christmas. Time for grieving now and he will probably be ready to go back to fishing when the time comes. The picture below was taken by him at one of my favorite ponds. I had caught a few that size over the course of a week or so and had thrown them back in. After this picture I turned to release those when he stopped me and said: "What is it with you white boys and putting those fish back in the water?" So, I gave it to him, and he told me going forward to call him first when I am out and ask if he wanted the ones I caught if he was not there. If my wife wants them, she gets first dibs.


The only fish I have thrown back are ones that are too small to catch or ones that are not edible.

I agree with your buddy. Catch fish to eat and once you have a nice mess go home and fry them up.


Only a boy of the 50's knows why I had my right pants leg rolled up.



Morning Legionnaires! Throw off that blanket and start the morning that is...Black Gold, Columbian tea. Ya'll kick back now ya hear?

26° this morning with a high in the mid 40's expected. Got just short of an inch of snow last night, our first real snow of the winter. Light dusting on New Year's Day but no accumulation.

Speaking of fishing (earlier post) I have been watching a lot of fishing videos on YouTube lately of the common man variety to see how everyone else has been doing last year during the pandemic. My catches were off a lot last year and the only thing I can figure is that the fish were Fishdated to wear mask. Dam water snakes (political demons of the underwater world) were kicking back on their Perch by the CARP-et playing their BASS guitars feeding the CATfish Lure-ing them with Temptations of better mussels if they Frog jumped over each other all the while watching them intently through a Walleye view.

That's all I got.
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I rode a bike too in the 50s. 😄.
60's for me, same problem.

Good morning! Drinking coffee and listening to the Jones Show. No plans for the day so a few movies should pass the time.

Jones just said something about Peavy being considered for AD at Louisville and that they have reached out to Payne to gauge interest. Louisville doing a 180 and saying "let's get us some Kentucky guys, they do things the right way".

If Payne goes to UL then he becomes nothing more than a coach at UL to me. Open to criticism and ire. Nature of the beast.

Enjoy the day, or not, it's your choice. No mood mandates!
A funny from a friend:

Brad lives in California. Brad is a registered Democrat!.... He was sick of the world, of Covid-19, Trump, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines. He is fed up with the woke movement and what is doing to everything from language to politics.

Brad drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.

Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Brad from the car.

A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.
60's for me, same problem.

Good morning! Drinking coffee and listening to the Jones Show. No plans for the day so a few movies should pass the time.

Jones just said something about Peavy being considered for AD at Louisville and that they have reached out to Payne to gauge interest. Louisville doing a 180 and saying "let's get us some Kentucky guys, they do things the right way".

If Payne goes to UL then he becomes nothing more than a coach at UL to me. Open to criticism and ire. Nature of the beast.

Enjoy the day, or not, it's your choice. No mood mandates!

Why don't you go ahead and just be plain. Say what you mean to say. 😅
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I wonder if this scout knew what he was doing? (My son just shared this with me.)

The scout was Billy Southworth and he knew what he was doing. He is in the baseball hall of fame for contributions as a player and a manager. .297 lifetime average. He managed 3 consecutive young Stan Musial led Cardinal teams to the WS (winning 2). He later was the manager of the "Spahnn and Sain and pray for rain" pennant winning Braves. He did recommend a signing bonus.
Afternoon D.
Leftover spaghetti bake (w/peppers) for lunch.
I'll bet all of ATXCat's loose car wash change on Bruce Pearl for the UL job.
bertfan31 brings up a lot of reasons why he shouldn't and I agree w/everyone of 'em.
I don't think he wants to compete w/Auburn football & UK basketball every year. At UL he will be in a Coach K-less ACC and Lamar Jackson ain't walking thru that door any time soon to get football back on its feet.
He can't help himself, it's what he does.
Thirsty Thursday at some point this evening...
Good morning D, read Romans 10 telling it like it is!!!

Mrs. M got up this morning tired, but she can smell and taste a little, not sure what's going on.

Talked to a good lady friend of mine who is a cancer survivor, she gave me an idea on a piece of glass for her, she just don't know it yet!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers!!!
Got to thinking today (dangerous) about a couple things that was said at the explosive plant I worked at, Dyno Nobel. One was funny and the other was, one of those things that you can't believe he ask.

The first one was, a bomb threat called in and our safety office said, maybe we need to bring in a bomb sniffing dog!!!! He hadn't got the whole sentence out when he realized, that's really a stupid idea! Of course, we had to remind him every once in a while, about it!!!

The other one was, one of the engineers was discussing gas milage with me, his words to me were, I don't know why my trucks gas milage is not as good in the winter as it is in the summer. I just looked at him and shook my head and walked away. I went back a couple days later and ask him if he figured it out, he said not yet! Just looked at him. Finally told him, give him a here is your sign!
Afternoon D.
Leftover spaghetti bake (w/peppers) for lunch.
I'll bet all of ATXCat's loose car wash change on Bruce Pearl for the UL job.
bertfan31 brings up a lot of reasons why he shouldn't and I agree w/everyone of 'em.
I don't think he wants to compete w/Auburn football & UK basketball every year. At UL he will be in a Coach K-less ACC and Lamar Jackson ain't walking thru that door any time soon to get football back on its feet.
He can't help himself, it's what he does.
Thirsty Thursday at some point this evening...
Bruce might want the job, that's debatable. Some at UL want Pearl. I just can't see the people who will have to sign off on it doing so. If either UL or Pearl didn't have any baggage with the NCAA, then it would be a no brainer. Since both of them are currently tangling with NCAA, I just can't see it happening. IF they hire Pearl, the only thing standing between them and the death penalty, is time.

See what I did there?

I think Payne will be offered the job and he will accept it.
Bruce might want the job, that's debatable. Some at UL want Pearl. I just can't see the people who will have to sign off on it doing so. If either UL or Pearl didn't have any baggage with the NCAA, then it would be a no brainer. Since both of them are currently tangling with NCAA, I just can't see it happening. IF they hire Pearl, the only thing standing between them and the death penalty, is time.

See what I did there?

I think Payne will be offered the job and he will accept it.
Payne to UL makes perfect sense. He is a UL former player and well respected. I wonder if he does get the job, would he take a few of our players with him. I am thinking Allen might head over there.
Payne to UL makes perfect sense. He is a UL former player and well respected. I wonder if he does get the job, would he take a few of our players with him. I am thinking Allen might head over there.
Wasn't he gone the year before Allen came on board? Allen would be giving up a lot of NIL to go to UL. I think he'll be a decent part of our rotation by next year and could be a big part by his senior year. You know, the way things used to work.
Smoke is returning to UK for his fifth year! I am soo looking forward to next year. We may be a little light in a couple of areas but top to bottom, this has to be Stoops best group yet coming in.

Kentucky has changed its perception among the younger generation. it's only going to get better. These youngins coming up now don't know about the blood, sweat, and misery of the past. None of them know who Joker or Curry even are.

We Are UK!