
Wasn't he gone the year before Allen came on board? Allen would be giving up a lot of NIL to go to UL. I think he'll be a decent part of our rotation by next year and could be a big part by his senior year. You know, the way things used to work.

Didn't know Allen had gotten much, or maybe I forgot about it. Do you remember how much he's receiving?
Three Dog Night's version is the first time I heard that.

I saw a documentary years ago on Chuck Negron the original lead singer. He went from multi-millionaire to homeless mainly due to drug addiction. Fortunately he turned it around and has been an inspiration to others.
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he's got a deal with these people..
The Players Trunk
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and cloudy. Winds picking up. Expect a high of around 58°F.

This past Wednesday, a guy in a big funny-looking truck traveled down our street boring 9-inch holes in yards. Afterward, he placed a huge piece of steel over the bored spots. So, I asked him why. He said holes mark gas line locations so crews can safely lay fiber-optic cable. Woo Hoo! Heh, perhaps before this year is out will we receive real high-speed internet? Stay tuned.

My ex-wife's oldest brother, 67 years old, caught COVID and was hospitalized, but now back home. He lives right on TN/VA border, and roughly 4 miles from Middlesboro, KY. His cousin, 74 years old, who lived next door, died suddenly yesterday. He'd been sick with flu-like symptoms for roughly two weeks. Both gents hung around together and were close. Huge shocker.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D

We are waking up with clouds in the sky and a temperature of 48° that is expected to climb to 69° by midafternoon. The rain will come in overnight and hold tomorrow's temperatures down into the mid 40's. January sucks.

I see a report Miami may be interested in Coach Cohen as their OC / QB coach. I doubt anything comes of that as IMO it would be a step down. Coach Cohen will be leaving someday but I say it will be as a head coach. He still has work to do here and there is no reason to bail after one season.

I trust all are well and prayers for those in need. Read Roman 11.
Good morning D-League. Warmed up to 30 this morning so a pleasant walk. We’re supposed to get some snow and then down to 12-15 for lows this weekend.

Already having some computer system issues with work, so aggravation may be the order of the day. But then a weekend to recover.

This feels like a momentous weekend coming up. I really would like to see the Cats put together their A Game and steal a win in Lawrence. My daughter will be at the game (she is a professor at KU) and while she is truly a Florida fan after doing undergraduate work there, she'll root for Kentucky (quietly.)

Then the Bengals have a chance to get a win and go to the Super Bowl. That would feel like something totally otherwordly. I was barely in my 30s and just reaching the point where I wanted to be in my career, with a pre-school daughter last time that happened. Now I'm eager to retire, that pre-schooler is a college professor and mother of two, and I had a whole other family after that with those kids up and grown. Man, time is too slippery.

Have a great day folks.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and cloudy. Winds picking up. Expect a high of around 58°F.

This past Wednesday, a guy in a big funny-looking truck traveled down our street boring 9-inch holes in yards. Afterward, he placed a huge piece of steel over the bored spots. So, I asked him why. He said holes mark gas line locations so crews can safely lay fiber-optic cable. Woo Hoo! Heh, perhaps before this year is out will we receive real high-speed internet? Stay tuned.

My ex-wife's oldest brother, 67 years old, caught COVID and was hospitalized, but now back home. He lives right on TN/VA border, and roughly 4 miles from Middlesboro, KY. His cousin, 74 years old, who lived next door, died suddenly yesterday. He'd been sick with flu-like symptoms for roughly two weeks. Both gents hung around together and were close. Huge shocker.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good Morning all,

Sounds like your friend lives down toward Ewing, VA. I have some childhood friends who own(ed) property there. A sad story with the two brothers as the property that was in their family for generations is probably subdivided now as the younger son tricked his Dad out of the land and then threw him off the land. Just sad how far people will go for money. I gave him a lot of my Army clothes when I got out as he was going in at the time and asked for them. I still stay in touch with his brother who is my age. Our families have been close for ages and the love of money ruined that....

I suckered tobacco several times on land that is very assuredly a subdivision now ..
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Good morning, D-League!

A light dusting of snow here in the holler. 31° outside and 69° inside. Just about right for wintertime.

-50k truckers convoy across Canada in solidarity over mandates and restrictions.

-Our "legislators" can help get a bill passed to manufacture semi-conductors here, but can't get legislation started to manufacture hcq and ivermectin, free up cannabis for medicinal use, or to gather data and studies about vaccines mandated in and since 1986.

-Cats play some other K this weekend. Is it wrong to hope they mop the floor with the blue and red feather dusters? Kansas and UNC are THE evidence that corruption permeates the NCAA in basketball and other sports. UL is just a symptom of greater disease rooted in the administrative offices of Emmert.

-Gonna watch my first full game this weekend. Delayed until some time tomorrow night.

-Got the wife's car undusted this morning and watched the cows forage. A single breath removes the snow from the grass for now. The hay is waiting if they get too tired of that.

-Dog is asleep and snoring again. Got to get to work somewhere else or I'll be sleeping standing up in a work coma.

For those of you that don't feel assaulted by well wishes and encouragement, "May you have a great day. May His light shine upon you and bring you peace."
Good Morning all,

Sounds like your friend lives down toward Ewing, VA. I have some childhood friends who own(ed) property there. A sad story with the two brothers as the property that was in there family for generations is probably subdivided now as the younger son tricked his Dad out of the land and then threw him off the land. Just sad how far people will go for money. I gave him a lot of my Army clothes when I got out as he was going in at the time and asked for them. I still stay in touch with his brother who is my age. Our families have been close for ages and the love of money ruined that....

I suckered tobacco several times on land that is very assuredly a subdivision now ..
Yep, Ewing, VA. He's my ex brother in-law, who's your aunt's second cousin. They live out near Pappy's, but on TN side. Land borders VA state line. His cousin, who's also your aunt's second cousin, suddenly passed away yesterday.
Good morning! I've only slept 5 hours so I'm not done yet. Decided to stay up and talk to my wife a little before she left for work. I'm going to make an omelet in a few minutes to tide me over in round 2 of snooze.

I saw something about Miami and Coen yesterday. This isn't 1992 Miami. Stay in your lane.

Good day to just sit around and watch sports tomorrow. Stay out of foul trouble and we take down KU. Still holding on to hope that Cal plays Sharpe tomorrow. Big stage and a chance for swaggy Cal to strut his stuff. Hubris doesn't have to be a negative. Does it? IDK

Nephew in Florida got the corono a few days ago. Only symptom was a headache. He was feeling better yesterday but will stay home from work until Monday. Sister and bil haven't got it yet. Neither are vaccinated because of politics. To each his own.

I told my sister that if I got struck by lightning and died while trying to save a puppy, I would be lauded as a hero. Get struck by lightning playing golf and I would be labeled a dumbass.

I've taken shelter, but there is still a chance the corono lightning could strike me. Rat farts!
hey 82, have you ever built an amplifier? I'm thinking about building a class D for the side I'm running the turntable through. The Marantz is rated at 70wpc but there are 6 6.5" drivers in each speaker. I need more power! Takes 6wpc just to get 1 watt/driver.
I'm a buyer not a builder. You thinking about building a power amp or integrated amp? Yeah some speakers are power hungry like my Thiels. Only 87db but I've got 200 watts going to them. Now my Klipsch are 101db. They could be powered with a cheap old crystal radio.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and cloudy. Winds picking up. Expect a high of around 58°F.

This past Wednesday, a guy in a big funny-looking truck traveled down our street boring 9-inch holes in yards. Afterward, he placed a huge piece of steel over the bored spots. So, I asked him why. He said holes mark gas line locations so crews can safely lay fiber-optic cable. Woo Hoo! Heh, perhaps before this year is out will we receive real high-speed internet? Stay tuned.

My ex-wife's oldest brother, 67 years old, caught COVID and was hospitalized, but now back home. He lives right on TN/VA border, and roughly 4 miles from Middlesboro, KY. His cousin, 74 years old, who lived next door, died suddenly yesterday. He'd been sick with flu-like symptoms for roughly two weeks. Both gents hung around together and were close. Huge shocker.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Sad news Austin.

Morning Legionnaires! Get off your backs and roll out of dem racks it's Friday and I don't mean Joe either. That's another show all together now Go! Go! Go!

26° this morning with a high in the upper 50s expected. Moderate winds (Unless I consume beans for lunch) with sunny skies (No green clouds I hope).

Was watching another fishing show last evening when the man gets a package from viewers who send him lures to try. This time it was a Pokemon Lure. I told my wife that he probably would not get anything on that because it did not resemble anything the fish normally eat, and it was big. Well, I was wrong. He was pulling in Large Smallies with that thing. Minnesota sure is a strange place.

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Good morning! I've only slept 5 hours so I'm not done yet. Decided to stay up and talk to my wife a little before she left for work. I'm going to make an omelet in a few minutes to tide me over in round 2 of snooze.

I saw something about Miami and Coen yesterday. This isn't 1992 Miami. Stay in your lane.

Good day to just sit around and watch sports tomorrow. Stay out of foul trouble and we take down KU. Still holding on to hope that Cal plays Sharpe tomorrow. Big stage and a chance for swaggy Cal to strut his stuff. Hubris doesn't have to be a negative. Does it? IDK

Nephew in Florida got the corono a few days ago. Only symptom was a headache. He was feeling better yesterday but will stay home from work until Monday. Sister and bil haven't got it yet. Neither are vaccinated because of politics. To each his own.

I told my sister that if I got struck by lightning and died while trying to save a puppy, I would be lauded as a hero. Get struck by lightning playing golf and I would be labeled a dumbass.

I've taken shelter, but there is still a chance the corono lightning could strike me. Rat farts!
I'm a buyer not a builder. You thinking about building a power amp or integrated amp? Yeah some speakers are power hungry like my Thiels. Only 87db but I've got 200 watts going to them. Now my Klipsch are 101db. They could be powered with a cheap old crystal radio.
Just a simple class D power amp. I would still use the Marantz as a preamp. I'm not sure about sensitivity rating. I believe the drivers are old school Polk 6.5's. I would assume they are in the 89 to 91 range but there are 6 in each speaker so that makes them power hungry.
I'm a buyer not a builder. You thinking about building a power amp or integrated amp? Yeah some speakers are power hungry like my Thiels. Only 87db but I've got 200 watts going to them. Now my Klipsch are 101db. They could be powered with a cheap old crystal radio.

Just a simple class D power amp. I would still use the Marantz as a preamp. I'm not sure about sensitivity rating. I believe the drivers are old school Polk 6.5's. I would assume they are in the 89 to 91 range but there are 6 in each speaker so that makes them power hungry.
You two need to start speaking English! :)
I'd forgotten this was the anniversary of the Challenger disaster in 1986. One of those moments where everyone remembers where they were when they heard about it.

President Reagan's remarks that night were nearly perfect. His writer was Peggy Noonan who I got to know through the years fairly well. Very classy woman.

But Reagan carried it off. When you watch this short speech it is almost impossible to believe how far the office of President has fallen. Imagine Foggy Joe stumbling through this. It's as if we are in reverse evolution, and the human brain has returned to some lower primate level, at least at the POTUS rank.

I'd forgotten this was the anniversary of the Challenger disaster in 1986. One of those moments where everyone remembers where they were when they heard about it.

President Reagan's remarks that night were nearly perfect. His writer was Peggy Noonan who I got to know through the years fairly well. Very classy woman.

But Reagan carried it off. When you watch this short speech it is almost impossible to believe how far the office of President has fallen. Imagine Foggy Joe stumbling through this. It's as if we are in reverse evolution, and the human brain has returned to some lower primate level, at least at the POTUS rank.

I was working on a cartography project on the 14th floor of the Patterson Office Tower at UK when a fellow student came in and told me about it. I had to wait to get through another class before I could get home to see the coverage. Sad day.
I'd forgotten this was the anniversary of the Challenger disaster in 1986. One of those moments where everyone remembers where they were when they heard about it.

President Reagan's remarks that night were nearly perfect. His writer was Peggy Noonan who I got to know through the years fairly well. Very classy woman.

But Reagan carried it off. When you watch this short speech it is almost impossible to believe how far the office of President has fallen. Imagine Foggy Joe stumbling through this. It's as if we are in reverse evolution, and the human brain has returned to some lower primate level, at least at the POTUS rank.

I was at 52nd USAAD in Burbach, Germany. General Brailsford visited our site that day. Heard President Reagan's speech on AFN. Agreed, perfect response from him.

Friend of mine, who served with German Navy (Bundesmarine), was in the area at the time onboard a German vessel. They witnessed explosion from afar. He said it was unbelievable. Ship wanted to join in search and rescue efforts, but were hailed off by USCG.
I was home from a job at my parents' house that day. Saw they were going to launch a shuttle and decided to watch. My mother was doing something in the living room and I called for her to come watch and she said she'd seen enough of those. Just to mess with her I was yelling updates to her when it blew up. I told her but she didn't believe me, she didn't want to believe me, but she heard it in my voice and knew.

She came in to see and just sat on the couch and cried. All she could think about was Christa McAuliffe and the school children. Sad day indeed.

The saddest part of the whole thing is that it was totally preventable. Hubris and greed destroyed that shuttle but the majority of people have no idea. Ha, I typed that and realized, the majority of people don't even care.

OT: @*CatinIL* Was it you that wanted some older pictures of Cumberland Gap? My brother is supposed to be sending me some pictures he stated he had from when they packed my Mom's stuff up from when she lived in Lafollette. (They have all my Mom's things after she died years ago.) Not sure what they are but once I receive them if anything at all I will post them.