
Tough night without Washington. Man, did Oscar turn it on.

One more time UK gets called for more fouls on their home court than the visitors.

I enjoyed Auburn's troubles tonight. Greene may have been hurt. Hopefully he will be back soon.

You all have a good night. I am too juiced to even consider going to sleep.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and cloudy. Clearing later with a 57°F high.

What a game last night. Like Bert, I was too amped for sleep. Coach Cal alluded to potential problems during his weekly show. MissState turned it on during second half. Way to survive, Cats.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League

I just watched the SEC channel replay of the Cat’s game, and honestly I feel pretty good.

We all saw the defensively lapses. And it is crystal clear this team needs TyTy. But most of the problems were guys playing out of their normal roles like Mintz or playing tentative because of foul trouble. And MSU is a tournament-caliber team that played over its head in the second half, as so many have in Rupp through the years.

Assuming the rest helps Washington get back close to 100 percent, I actually like where an ugly near-miss positions this team heading into the Kansas game.

Hope it’s a good day for all.

Morning Legionnaires! Jump out of those beds and put on your Ked's UK might need some extra players for Kansas after all of these ankle turns.

20° right now with a high of 36° on tap. Light winds expected with 80% chance of snow late this afternoon. looks like a couch potato day.

For those of you working today, go climb that hump but don't jump. Just roll down the back side and start an early slide towards the weekend.

Be safe out there today and God Bless.
Good morning D, read Romans 9, cold here in the Berg this morning 14 degrees!

Really wish I could get interested in basketball again, tried to watch last night and again this morning at 4:00, our life is just never going to be the same again. Love your kids and grandchildren, hug them and kiss them, tell them you love them because in the blink of an eye your whole world can change!!!! Sorry D.

I think some posters over on RR, all they want to do is just beat people down! I am glad DA got to play. Basketball is just like ever thing else you do in life, if you don't or can't work at whatever you are doing you lose your skill just a bit! Don't like Cal.

Got to spend some time with my son Monday, he has taken a liking to metal detecting, so I took all of my detectors over to Earlington to let him try them out, left him one so he can use it when he wants to. I think, well I know he is trying to keep his mind busy, so he won't dwell on what has happened to his family. Yawl just please keep us in your prayers Dang it Bert, I am hurting so bad!!!!! Got to get busy working on my glass, cut and ground out 18 ornaments yesterday, today I have to clean them with alcohol or acetone, foil them getting them ready to solder them together, 5 of them are for Uncle Ken!!! I also got 5 THIN BLUE LINE SHIELDS ready to go. Since 2020 when our sheriff passed away (his was the first shield I made) I have made over 65 of them, have given away over 40 to POLICE OFFICERS and FIREMEN. I think GOD and I thank GOD for giving me this talent of working with glass, I just hope I can keep my hands steady enough to keep working with glass.

Sorry D, I just had to talk to someone, thanks for listening.

I hope the D has a great day, whether you have to work or just enjoying retirement, Prayers for all the D!!!!!
Good morning D, read Romans 9, cold here in the Berg this morning 14 degrees!

Really wish I could get interested in basketball again, tried to watch last night and again this morning at 4:00, our life is just never going to be the same again. Love your kids and grandchildren, hug them and kiss them, tell them you love them because in the blink of an eye your whole world can change!!!! Sorry D.

I think some posters over on RR, all they want to do is just beat people down! I am glad DA got to play. Basketball is just like ever thing else you do in life, if you don't or can't work at whatever you are doing you lose your skill just a bit! Don't like Cal.

Got to spend some time with my son Monday, he has taken a liking to metal detecting, so I took all of my detectors over to Earlington to let him try them out, left him one so he can use it when he wants to. I think, well I know he is trying to keep his mind busy, so he won't dwell on what has happened to his family. Yawl just please keep us in your prayers Dang it Bert, I am hurting so bad!!!!! Got to get busy working on my glass, cut and ground out 18 ornaments yesterday, today I have to clean them with alcohol or acetone, foil them getting them ready to solder them together, 5 of them are for Uncle Ken!!! I also got 5 THIN BLUE LINE SHIELDS ready to go. Since 2020 when our sheriff passed away (his was the first shield I made) I have made over 65 of them, have given away over 40 to POLICE OFFICERS and FIREMEN. I think GOD and I thank GOD for giving me this talent of working with glass, I just hope I can keep my hands steady enough to keep working with glass.

Sorry D, I just had to talk to someone, thanks for listening.

I hope the D has a great day, whether you have to work or just enjoying retirement, Prayers for all the D!!!!!

God Bless and comfort you Sir! God Bless and comfort your family as well.
Morning folks. It started out cold here. At sunrise it was 17.2°F, 19° was the predicted low, so we beat that. The high is to be 32°F. One good thing is that we have pretty sunshine.

Cord the pain ain't going to leave. We just have to learn to manage it and keep it from making us crazy.

I have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. We have one big red ornament and one little bulb (the only one left from our first Christmas tree. I am planning on taking a picture of our Charlie Brown tree with you "Uncle Ken" ornament on it. That should be quite a contrast, if Charlie Brown can handle the weight!

You all have a good day. I am getting ready to edit the Mississippi State game and burning the bluray.
Morning folks. It started out cold here. At sunrise it was 17.2°F, 19° was the predicted low, so we beat that. The high is to be 32°F. One good thing is that we have pretty sunshine.

Cord the pain ain't going to leave. We just have to learn to manage it and keep it from making us crazy.

I have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. We have one big red ornament and one little bulb (the only one left from our first Christmas tree. I am planning on taking a picture of our Charlie Brown tree with you "Uncle Ken" ornament on it. That should be quite a contrast, if Charlie Brown can handle the weight!

You all have a good day. I am getting ready to edit the Mississippi State game and burning the bluray.
Thanks my FRIEND, just a rough morning!!!
Good morning! Up late, slept late. I waded into the cesspool that is Rafters. It wipes right off with the click of a mouse.

When our team is healthy, about 7 minutes per game it seems, we are as good as anyone. Couldn't help but get ahead of myself last night and was thinking about next year already. CJ Frederick will be back to go along with all the good parts we have coming in. Throw in a few of the guys we have this year returning and we could have another juggernaut that cannot be beat.

I've heard two views on Oscar. One is, the NBA has changed and he isn't the kind of player they want. Of course the other side is my side and how would you not want a guy like him on your team? Just the thought of him rubbing off on some of your premadonna players and teaching them humility would be worth a contract.

They say it's cold here this morning. Guess I'll have to take their word for it.
Good morning! Up late, slept late. I waded into the cesspool that is Rafters. It wipes right off with the click of a mouse.

When our team is healthy, about 7 minutes per game it seems, we are as good as anyone. Couldn't help but get ahead of myself last night and was thinking about next year already. CJ Frederick will be back to go along with all the good parts we have coming in. Throw in a few of the guys we have this year returning and we could have another juggernaut that cannot be beat.

I've heard two views on Oscar. One is, the NBA has changed and he isn't the kind of player they want. Of course the other side is my side and how would you not want a guy like him on your team? Just the thought of him rubbing off on some of your premadonna players and teaching them humility would be worth a contract.

They say it's cold here this morning. Guess I'll have to take their word for it.
Of all the players that I have watched at Kentucky; I believe that Oscar is the hardest working, most humble and kind that we have ever had. I simply love the way he approaches life and basketball.
Hello (again today)

I ventured over into bertfan31's post. In doing that I am copying what I stated there, here. I think that will allow Cal to "un-kneel"...

This post was in response to Ole ILL's response to me.

"And thanks, yeah I have reflected a lot as I am all in with UK. All in with Cal too but I sure was/am disappointed in Cal's approach(es). (Not that it matters what I am disappointed in..)

Cal needs to come to the realization that he needs to multitask his #1 priorities. His priorities need to be task 1 and task 1, versus task 1 and task 2. He can do that. (This is fixable!)

Since you brought up the kneeling I am safe! ;)

I have stated numerous times, Cal needs to learn how to un-kneel.

If Cal will multitask using the priority one and priority one approach, I think he just may be able to "un-kneel". jmuo

I just came to that realization in this thread as I have been trying to put in writing what I was thinking. Thanks!"

The above post made me feel better about Cal's chances to un-kneel better than I have previously perceived.
Of all the players that I have watched at Kentucky; I believe that Oscar is the hardest working, most humble and kind that we have ever had. I simply love the way he approaches life and basketball.
Have to agree with that. There is a possibility that he could return next year. You need to contact your buddy Rand Paul and inform him that due to Oscar following the rules for immigration, he is not allowed to make money off his NIL. We can get him more money than he would make being a 2nd rounder in the NBA.
You know what I hate about Cal? He can't make all the people happy all the time. Dude wants to act like he's human. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Agree. The challenge at UK is that you have the wildest fans on earth. You can't please a majority of them for more than a few hours at a time.

If you please 51% over the course of the year you would have to win a title. That is just the way it is.
Hit the road Mack.
Figures UL would end up giving him 4.8 million a few months after they could have fired him for cause for free. I'm glad they're not in charge of MY money.

Speaking of money, my money is on Kenny Payne being their next coach. Maybe he'll bring on Eaves and Beard as assistants. Sumaki Walker could be Compliance Coordinator.
Mrs. M came in from work today with no smell or taste, no fever though. I have a question, not long ago I think one of the D posted that they had it and drunk Gatorade and took vitamins, I think it was here. If so, what vitamins did you take? Thanks

Sir, one for sure is vitamin D, maybe C also. I take a multivitamin daily plus vitamin d and c
Figures UL would end up giving him 4.8 million a few months after they could have fired him for cause for free. I'm glad they're not in charge of MY money.

Speaking of money, my money is on Kenny Payne being their next coach. Maybe he'll bring on Eaves and Beard as assistants. Sumaki Walker could be Compliance Coordinator.

I read ole Brucey contacted Lewisville but only read the headline. Any knowledge beyond that? Thanks.

My Booger Butt and I have been busy today.
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Re cordmaker post. The better half is not a med professional, but has read a lot. She says the Z stack (Dr Zelenko). Also says vitamin D. Vitamin c, quercetin, zinc and elder berry.. Don't know where you live, but I read an article several months ago about a Dr Buckmieseter from Henderson KY who was treating patients with the ivermectin type meds. You can probably Google the name and town and find the article if interested.
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I read ole Bruce's contacted Lewisville but only read the headline. Any knowledge beyond that? Thanks.

My Booger Butt and I have been busy today.
It would be a bad move for Bruce to contact them about the job while he is under contract. Likewise, it would be bad for UL to contact Bruce without going through Auburn first and asking permission. More than likely Bruce's agent has floated his name out there in an effort to "earn" more money on a future contract with Auburn.

It may happen but I would think Bruce is smart enough to know he has better access to cash at Auburn in the long run. Couple that with the fact he can stay there through a couple of years of substandard output, and he would be foolish to jump out of the frying pan into the fire that is UL athletics.

My uninformed, pragmatic, opinion.
It would be a bad move for Bruce to contact them about the job while he is under contract. Likewise, it would be bad for UL to contact Bruce without going through Auburn first and asking permission. More than likely Bruce's agent has floated his name out there in an effort to "earn" more money on a future contract with Auburn.

It may happen but I would think Bruce is smart enough to know he has better access to cash at Auburn in the long run. Couple that with the fact he can stay there through a couple of years of substandard output, and he would be foolish to jump out of the frying pan into the fire that is UL athletics.

My uninformed, pragmatic, opinion.

As stated I saw a headline. I think it was this as I quickly viewed the boards..

The below was in the thread...

I don't know any of this...
Alarm or do you just wake up this early normally. I am up around 4:00 every morning (no alarm), old habits die hard.
Warrior: just seeing this. I’m an early to bed, early to rise guy, back to my days as an overseas correspondent, filing stories very early in the morning to hit late deadlines in the states. I’m typically up by 5am.