
I also read just recently (last 10 days to 10 yrs) that you count all liquids that you consume.........they used to say only clear water counted..........I cheated big time.........I've been counting my beer for the last 30 yrs.....
Not so sure about coffee or any diuretic since that seems to make you expel more than you put in.
My family laughs at me when I say this but I know what I have. I have flab covering my body. My stomach is flat. I have a washboard stomach (What some call it) but I have flab covering it. My stomach is as hard as a rock but it now has cushion. (Just eat too much lately.) I crawled under houses for twenty + years. I work my abs still doing regular core exercises...just eat too much. One day (Hopefully soon I will lose the flab away sufficiently...) what I really need to do is start counting my calories again by adding them on my fit bit. (That is all it will take is counting the calories. I lost the weight before doing just that. My foods are already loaded on my Fitbit too. (I will after I finish this current houseful of food I was gifted...)
Know what I got from all of that: You just eat too much.

BTW me too. But, if it is what you like to do, do it.
Scuttlebutt seems to be Shaedon Sharpe will probably see his first action tonight. Now the rafter idiots will no longer be able to bitch about him not playing and will instantly fall back on "he should have played sooner".
And if he is rusty and he probably will be.........they will attack him like a school of Piranha on a bloody goat........
That won't make any difference.
I feel sorry for the kid. LeBron James-type expectations for his first college game.
The best basketball player in North America not in the NBA, sitting on the bench of Kentucky. He's ready and will be just fine.

That won't make any difference.

The best basketball player in North America not in the NBA, sitting on the bench of Kentucky. He's ready and will be just fine.
Yes, it is time. He'll be fine. Maybe if they were playing chess, or football, he would need more time. I'd say he's got a pretty good handle on playing basketball.

No difference at all.