
On a happier note...YAHTZEE on the football side. Shamar Porter has made the wise decision to leave Tennessee, as the number 2 player in the state, to sign on with UK! High 4 star and just outside the top 150 in the country. Had offers from Tenn, Ga, and PennState.

Levis is going to look so much better with all the targets he'll have this year.
To balance my Challenger post:

Here's a really nice piece from the new York Times about the James Webb telescope, and what it says about America still having the right stuff to do amazing things for noble reasons. Hey CalInIL - This may be the moment when we finally dial in the home town of those critters who have been buzzing around our airspace.

I was at 52nd USAAD in Burbach, Germany. General Brailsford visited our site that day. Heard President Reagan's speech on AFN. Agreed, perfect response from him.

Friend of mine, who served with German Navy (Bundesmarine), was in the area at the time onboard a German vessel. They witnessed explosion from afar. He said it was unbelievable. Ship wanted to join in search and rescue efforts, but were hailed off by USCG.
4th USAFAD Werl Germany in the same brigade but, you knew that. Liked Brailsford, he was one straight shooting General. Met his son a couple of years back. I was helping him and his munitions team get passports to go to Europe to inspect some ammo points. We laughed about an old nickname when talking about his father. Chocolate Thunder.
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Ah. I was afraid it might be blocked. Sorry about that.

On another note, literally, I came across another Kentucky song I hadn't heard in a while today. And I guess I never knew this was written by Dolly Parton. Good tune.

If I have a favorite singer Merle is it. I have so many singers I really like in different genre's of music I normally do not pick a favorite. I really like Merle because the pitch of his voice matches mine to where I am able to sing a lot of his songs.

Also love Stevie Wonder's music. Not much at all Stevie's politics. His politics takes away from the affinity I had for his music but I still love his songs. His album Songs in the Key of Life is a complete masterpiece. (I can't sing much of his music but I know most by heart and hit the parts I can in his key.)

I really need to start playing my guitar again as I remember enjoying the solitude it gave me when I was able to absorb myself with music and just zone...
Snow squall warning for Jefferson County. That's a new one. We definitely have more than the 1/2-1 inch of snow that was predicted. I live on a busy street and cars are moving at a snail's pace.
Squall went through here and it was almost white out, not quite. I've been in white out conditions in Michigan and New York. No choice but to stop the car.
Squall went through here and it was almost white out, not quite. I've been in white out conditions in Michigan and New York. No choice but to stop the car.
Didn't see it here but maybe I wasn't looking. Our mail got delivered about 1/2 hour ago though.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

That hasn't always been the case but I'll give them credit tonight.
Didn't see it here but maybe I wasn't looking. Our mail got delivered about 1/2 hour ago though.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

That hasn't always been the case but I'll give them credit tonight.

I don't know why that always reminds me of this

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Didn't see it here but maybe I wasn't looking. Our mail got delivered about 1/2 hour ago though.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

That hasn't always been the case but I'll give them credit tonight.
That's the pony express creed as well. Bert told me he made up a little tune for it between Dodge City and Albuquerque.
That's the pony express creed as well. Bert told me he made up a little tune for it between Dodge City and Albuquerque.

I honestly took a wrong "Left" turn at Albuquerque when I was coming back from AIT at Fort Huachuca back to Michigan to visit my family before heading to Bragg. (I always liked the Bugs Bunny cartoon that involved that line and it comes to mind but I didn't do it on purpose. ;))
Good morning folks. We ended up with only an inch or so of snow and it’s rather pretty. Temps back down around 10-12.

The injury bug to the Cats has deflated my enthusiasm for today’s game a bit. Not impossible but unlikely to win there missing two of five best players.

It’s frustrating but part of the game. My own playing days were plagued by constant knee and ankle issues that never really went away after high school.

Maybe that’s why I’m willing just to let today go however it will and hope this team gets healthy for an SEC push.

The Rupp Rafters crowd is reacting as per usual - like a collection of overstimulated eight year olds. How’d you like to be in harm’s way with some of those guys? Were Kentucky fans whiny bitches before the internet? I don’t remember that.

Anyway, hope you all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 41°F and clear. Slight northerly breeze. Looking at 68°F for today's high. Chance for snow next Thursday. Stay tuned.

Happy Caturday. Hate hearing players are out for a big game. Nevertheless, Go Cats! Beat Jayhawks.

Yesterday, that private contractor I mentioned earlier, actually ran fiber-optic cable up and down our street. I guess Google Fiber comes available soon. $70/month for 1 GB speed.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Greetings d league ladies and gentlemen

Per the interwebs and other sites seems like we are gonna be down numerous players....doesn't give me much hope for today.

About an 1 or 2 inches of snow here from yesterday. Just cold now.

Not a lot planned for today. Just watch ball games and catch up on my honey do list.

Carry on d league friends. Don't behave just keep from going to jail.
I finished up my 2021 Federal Income Taxes and e-filed them. No state income tax so I am finished. Good feeling.
In TurboTax, having a state tax doesn't add to time to do taxes, at least for KY. Real problem is having a state income tax at all. I've heard rumblings the Legislature may be reducing the rate some.

I can't finish our returns into March as we have a rental LLC with BIL that our CPA doesn't finish K-1 for until then. Not his fault though.
Good morning folks. We ended up with only an inch or so of snow and it’s rather pretty. Temps back down around 10-12.

The injury bug to the Cats has deflated my enthusiasm for today’s game a bit. Not impossible but unlikely to win there missing two of five best players.

It’s frustrating but part of the game. My own playing days were plagued by constant knee and ankle issues that never really went away after high school.

Maybe that’s why I’m willing just to let today go however it will and hope this team gets healthy for an SEC push.

The Rupp Rafters crowd is reacting as per usual - like a collection of overstimulated eight year olds. How’d you like to be in harm’s way with some of those guys? Were Kentucky fans whiny bitches before the internet? I don’t remember that.

Anyway, hope you all have a good day.
The internet has created a whole new breed of fans and not in a good way.

My biggest concern today is Oscar picking up early fouls and having to sit. Without Toppin that would leave only Ware in the middle because I believe Collins is also out with an injury.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 41°F and clear. Slight northerly breeze. Looking at 68°F for today's high. Chance for snow next Thursday. Stay tuned.

Happy Caturday. Hate hearing players are out for a big game. Nevertheless, Go Cats! Beat Jayhawks.

Yesterday, that private contractor I mentioned earlier, actually ran fiber-optic cable up and down our street. I guess Google Fiber comes available soon. $70/month for 1 GB speed.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Google roared through town a few years back........the speed is phenominal..........the metro government started beating Google up over the installation.........even though the cities engineer's OK'ed the install.......our liberal government saw a cash cow (Google) and.......Google said F-you and pulled out.....after about six or eight months.........
I have to do that as well. Waiting on the wife's W-2 to come in so we can start the process. I use H & R block usually about one afternoon takes care of it.
We too are waiting final W-2's......we have had Peyron's Tax service do our income taxes for 42 yrs.......I like to get our taxes done as soon as we can........
Good morning! I typed that almost an hour ago and then I got a phone call from a good friend. I was up until 0400 and slept until 1300.

I heard that UL is giving Duke a good game. Didn't bother to go look.

Rafters people making excuses for why Pearl didn't take the Louisville job. Just like I said, ACC is on its way down, SEC is on its way up. Money talks and SEC is printing it right now.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kenny Payne wasn't coaching there in the very near future. Also, it won't take long until Brohm is coaching their football team.

All reports are looking like we'll be "basically" at full strength today against Kansas. All 3 questionables were in the early shootaround. We'll see.

We'll have 2 SuperBowls tomorrow to find out who plays in the SuperBowl. Looking forward.

Bright sunshine and below freezing temps here. Smattering of snow on the ground. Looks and feels like winter. Global warming is not all bad, at all.