
Fine by me. Didn't really feel like shoveling off my folk's steep driveway again. Really hard to gain a good footing.
I should have added that these things are great for ice and snow.

Awesome. I've read favorable reports regarding medical cannabis laws up there.
If you are talking about Kentucky, Matt Jones was talking about a guy in our government, can't remember his name right now, but anyway he's the one guy that blocks MM from being voted on. He's also responsible for no sports gambling that isn't attached to horse racing.

The biggest kick to the head though is that he owns a bourbon company and sells bourbon called Kentucky Senator. $200 a bottle. More duplicitous politician shit.

edit: his name is Damon Thayer, majority floor leader
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I should have added that these things are great for ice and snow.


Never saw those before. What kind of name do they give those? Is yaktrax a brand? I guess it is but what are those called? Yaktrax?

Edit: I looked them up. Heck Walmart sells them. These are cool. Wish I had those when I walked to school in the hills of Detroit in the snow. Heck it was up hill both ways!

Yaktrax at Walmart
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Never saw those before. What kind of name do they give those? Is yaktrax a brand? I guess it is but what are those called? Yaktrax?

Edit: I looked them up. Heck Walmart sells them. These are cool. Wish I had those when I walked to school in the hills of Detroit in the snow. Heck it was up hill both ways!

Yaktrax at Walmart
They work. Saved me many of times while shoveling.
Vegetable beef stew turned out great. Got the wife's vote of approval. I am miserable full at the moment. 2 large bowls are in. my. belly!

Made 2 gallons so I'll be freezing about half of it.

Ya'll got me wanting some Chili and Beef Stew.... Gonna talk to my Darling about that in a very few minutes... (I can cook it myself but when I usually start something like that my Darling keeps an eye on me and interjects anyway. (I am glad cause all she has to do is stick her finger in the food and it turns out super!) (I make the biscuits though.. ;))(I do cook a few things.)

I also seriously need some beef jerky! The stuff dreams are made of...


Makes it by the gallon bag...Bye, be back in a bit...
Ya'll got me wanting some Chili and Beef Stew.... Gonna talk to my Darling about that in a very few minutes... (I can cook it myself but when I usually start something like that my Darling keeps an eye on me and interjects anyway. (I am glad cause all she has to do is stick her finger in the food and it turns out super!) (I make the biscuits though.. ;))(I do cook a few things.)

I also seriously need some beef jerky! The stuff dreams are made of...


Makes it by the gallon bag...Bye, be back in a bit...
I haven't made any beef jerky since Dad passed. I made it for him to keep at the nursing home to dissuade him from munching on sweets. I picked up a nice dehydrator at a piddler mall for 10 bucks. It has adjustable temperature for different things. Dried some peppers in there too.
Unfortunately, libs are pushing for this.
That's another case of them having no clue about science. We have claws, our eyes are in the front of our heads, we have incisor teeth, our stomachs contain chemicals to breakdown the protein and turn it into glucose. Yes Karen, we are predators and meat eaters. I guess they think that early humans just ate tofu to get them through the winter when plants were dormant.

Hey 82, make a post on twitter or tik tok and tell them you caught a great buzz off the stinkbug. They'll become scarce in about a week.
That's another case of them having no clue about science. We have claws, our eyes are in the front of our heads, we have incisor teeth, our stomachs contain chemicals to breakdown the protein and turn it into glucose. Yes Karen, we are predators and meat eaters. I guess they think that early humans just ate tofu to get them through the winter when plants were dormant.

Hey 82, make a post on twitter or tik tok and tell them you caught a great buzz off the stinkbug. They'll become scarce in about a week.

New Age Pest Control....They can dig it...

That's another case of them having no clue about science. We have claws, our eyes are in the front of our heads, we have incisor teeth, our stomachs contain chemicals to breakdown the protein and turn it into glucose. Yes Karen, we are predators and meat eaters. I guess they think that early humans just ate tofu to get them through the winter when plants were dormant.

Hey 82, make a post on twitter or tik tok and tell them you caught a great buzz off the stinkbug. They'll become scarce in about a week.
Someplace in So. America they grind the stink bugs up and use the oil for cooking.......
Speaking of bugs:

Good Morning from the Bug Capital of the USofA.

Many Northerners have moved down here only to pack their bags and go back home after seeing roaches crawling upside down on their bedroom ceiling.

That is why God created chameleons . The weather today will be changing. We have 42° and the sun is rising that will take us up to 72°. If you go outside you will see the results of Climate Change. The Gulf will have gales and there is a small craft advisory.

Trust all enjoy it where ever you may be. If you see a roach crawling across the floor step on it.

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Good morning D-League. Slept in late today and it feels great.

Potentially a big sports day today. Go Cats and Go Bigger Cats - Bengals.

I’ll admit I’m one of those people who can’t stand bugs in the house. My wife is the same way. We do get the occasional stink bug here too. Hate those nasty things.

When I was 21, moved to Florida with almost no money and rented a place in Pompano for $25 a week. You can imagine the quality. First night I was in the place I went into the bathroom late. I heard a soft scraping sound inside the medicine chest. When I opened it, big fat palmetto bugs were flattening themselves and pushing out a slot for discarding razor blades in a cascade - in my mind’s eye there were dozens of them. Still rates as a moment of horror out of the Exorcist for me. The bad part -I had no choice but to stay in the place, at least for a while.
Good morning D-League. Slept in late today and it feels great.

Potentially a big sports day today. Go Cats and Go Bigger Cats - Bengals.

I’ll admit I’m one of those people who can’t stand bugs in the house. My wife is the same way. We do get the occasional stink bug here too. Hate those nasty things.

When I was 21, moved to Florida with almost no money and rented a place in Pompano for $25 a week. You can imagine the quality. First night I was in the place I went into the bathroom late. I heard a soft scraping sound inside the medicine chest. When I opened it, big fat palmetto bugs were flattening themselves and pushing out a slot for discarding razor blades in a cascade - in my mind’s eye there were dozens of them. Still rates as a moment of horror out of the Exorcist for me. The bad part -I had no choice but to stay in the place, at least for a while.
I have a daughter who is deathly afraid of bugs and spiders. When she was about 20 years old she moved into an apartment about 20 miles away. I get a call in the middle of the night and on the other end of the line she is screaming bloody murder.

Still half a sleep I hear a voice calling out daddy, come help me please help me. Of course I think someone is breaking in her apartment and intend on killing her so I hollered real loud in the phone, do what I trained you to do, get your pistol and have it pointed at the door when they come through your door.

She cried out , daddy you do not understand it is crawling on the ceiling above my bed. What??? A flying cockroach daddy, please come and kill it for me.
I have a daughter who is deathly afraid of bugs and spiders. When she was about 20 years old she moved into an apartment about 20 miles away. I get a call in the middle of the night and on the other end of the line she is screaming bloody murder.

Still half a sleep I hear a voice calling out daddy, come help me please help me. Of course I think someone is breaking in her apartment and intend on killing her so I hollered real loud in the phone, do what I trained you to do, get your pistol and have it pointed at the door when they come through your door.

She cried out , daddy you do not understand it is crawling on the ceiling above my bed. What??? A flying cockroach daddy, please come and kill it for me.
That’s hilarious Sawnee. In my career traveling overseas I dealt with, and hated, some ugly ass bugs. In Gitmo back in the late 1980s when it was just a US Naval base, I had been out on an overflight with an E2C Hawkeye crew, monitoring unauthorized flights suspected of smuggling cocaine through the Windward Passage from Colombia to Florida as part of a “War on Drugs” story.

We get back late, I’m exhausted, and the crew and I stop at a place where they served us burgers and some leafy salad. I look down at my plate and, through the fog of my fatigued brain it appears the damn food is moving. I stab with my fork and two winged insects, half as big as my fist lift off of skitter past my face. I’m still not sure to this day what the hell they were but the plane’s crew got huge laughs out of my horror-stricken face.
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That’s hilarious Sawnee. In my career traveling overseas I dealt with, and hated, some ugly ass bugs. In Gitmo back in the late 1980s when it was just a US Naval base, I had been out on an overflight with an E2C Hawkeye crew, monitoring unauthorized flights suspected of smuggling cocaine through the Windward Passage from Colombia to Florida as part of a “War on Drugs” story.

We get back late, I’m exhausted, and the crew and I stop at a place where they served us burgers and some leafy salad. I’m look down at my plate and, damn, the food is moving. I stab with my fork and two winged insects, half as big as my fist lift off. I’m still not sure what the hell they were but the plane’s crew got huge laughs out of my horror stricken face.
These bug stories could go on forever. But I will throw out one more and call it a day. Back in the mid 50's we lived for a time in Coconut Grove, Florida and I attended Ponce de Leon Jr. HS which is in Coral Gables. On the other side of U.S. 1 is the University of Miami.

A very nice and very attractive girl had moved down from New York and she sat across from me in our English class. You could tell she was well to do and very meticulous in her dress and demeanor. The perfect young lady. One day during class she stood up and ripped off her shoe because she felt something crawling in it. It was a flying cockroach and it flew straight into her hair. She had brought it from home.

I don't care who you are or how spotless you keep house, if you live in Florida you are going to run across insects and they are going to be in your house. Especially if you have palm trees or shrubs. That is just a fact of life and is no reflection on whether you are a good or bad housekeeper. The poor girl was so embarrassed she start crying as the class laughed at her. That is what Junior High students do. They laugh. In a few minutes she was laughing too.

I wonder whatever happened to her. She was a beauty. She probably ended up on the cover of Vogue Magazine.

Morning Legionnaires! Crawl out of dem beds and watch your heads!

18° this morning with a high of 39° expected. Winds 25-35mph with occasional gust of over 50mph. (Staying inside today)

Good day for some ballgames. UK at 12:00 and Bengals at 15:30. That will keep me entertained for a while.
Good morning, D, read Acts 26 this morning.

Still dealing with a lot of things.

WC, I have been fishing this week, best therapy ever!!! We have caught 64 trout this week!!! We went Tuesday knowing that there was probably going to be a layer of ice on the lake, sure enough there was. Still wanting to fish, we toss a few big rocks and break some holes in the ice. Now the problem was tossing our lures in the hole we made. We ended up catching 8 trout, my friend 8, Cord 0, my lures kept hanging on the edge of the ice, so I gave it up!!!! All in all, a good day of therapy and just getting out for a while!!!! We caught 16 yesterday, instead of farm to table, I went lake to table! I don't like frying fish because by the time I get it fried, I am so full by the time I get done frying it. Kind of goes like this, well I have to taste test it to see if it's ok, then it's like that was really good, I think I'll have another piece, then it's I bet it will make a good fish taco, by the time the fish is done, I am done too!!!!!

So Mrs. M gets home from work, I know when she gets out of the car that she locks it, I let her get a couple steps away and I hit the unlock button with the extra key, she turns around a goes back, locks it again, this goes on for a few minutes, then I see her throw up her hands and comes in yelling there is something wrong with the car, I can't get it to stay locked, she then sees me with the extra key in my hand, I thought it was funny, she didn't, oh well I got a good laugh!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day, stay safe and Prayers for the D!!!!! Please still keep our family in your Prayers! My son told me he thinks the light therapy is going to help!!!!
On the subject of bugs and other related creepy crawlies:

I was headed out to a firing range in an old Army 5-ton one dark early morning with the back full of recruits. One of the recruits was driving so, I was just relaxing after a hard night of drinking with the other DI's. As we were getting closer to the range the driver stopped and said: "Drill Sergeant, there is something moving across the road." I looked up to see what he was talking about and sure enough there were a few things moving across the road. I thought at first, I might still be a little tipsy from the nights drinking and hopped out to get a better look. as I walked closer it turned out to be quite a few tarantulas crossing the road at the same time. Never seen that many at a time before (two under my air mattress once after I awoke from a bivouac site one morning) but they generally don't move in groups. I quickly got back in the truck and said keep going. We rolled over what was in the way and continued to the firing range.

It was a bit creepy to say the least. Especially seeing so many at a time so close together.
These bug stories could go on forever. But I will throw out one more and call it a day. Back in the mid 50's we lived for a time in Coconut Grove, Florida and I attended Ponce de Leon Jr. HS which is in Coral Gables. On the other side of U.S. 1 is the University of Miami.

A very nice and very attractive girl had moved down from New York and she sat across from me in our English class. You could tell she was well to do and very meticulous in her dress and demeanor. The perfect young lady. One day during class she stood up and ripped off her shoe because she felt something crawling in it. It was a flying cockroach and it flew straight into her hair. She had brought it from home.

I don't care who you are or how spotless you keep house, if you live in Florida you are going to run across insects and they are going to be in your house. Especially if you have palm trees or shrubs. That is just a fact of life and is no reflection on whether you are a good or bad housekeeper. The poor girl was so embarrassed she start crying as the class laughed at her. That is what Junior High students do. They laugh. In a few minutes she was laughing too.

I wonder whatever happened to her. She was a beauty. She probably ended up on the cover of Vogue Magazine.

Good Morning all,

And I used to be a bug man for a living....

Edit: Now I know why I effect some like I do...😉🤔😇
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I forget where it was at, but I went into one chow hall-bugs. I had seen a place where they were selling pizza, so I went there. Skinny legged bugs in the pizza crust, but I was hungry. Just washed it down with cold beer. I survived, so I didn't think much about it after that.
RIP Coach Joe B Hall

I always liked Joe B and loved to greet him when he came to Alligator Alley to play UF. He was always smiling and had time to greet the UK fans. He was the biggest UK fan to ever live.

I really think he got a raw deal from some fans especially after they listened to Jock Sutherland run him down on WHAS every week night from about 7 to 9 PM. So rest in eternal peace Joe B and thank you for the memories. Especially bringing in the best of the best to play our Cats in Rupp. Some of the best teams of all time played in Rupp when you coached

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Good gameday morning! Always loved the midafternoon Saturday games. Still do!

I guess I just found out that Joe B. has passed. I got to sit and talk with him one time at the Cardinal Club of all places. I had played in a scramble there and he was there doing the Joe B. and Denny show with Tom Jurich filling in for Denny. He sought me out after the round because out of the hundreds of people there, I was the only one rockin the UK gear.

Hey, does anyone know if Sharpe is going to play???

We rarely get any bugs in the house other than the occasional fly. The cats are relentless though if a fly gets in and they will kill it eventually.

What a difference a year makes when the inmates are allowed to run the asylum. If our grandparents had been this shortsighted there is no way we would be speaking English today.

Have a good one! I see vegetable supe in my future...
Rest in peace Joe B. Hall. I loved the fact that he took his feud with Bobby Knight personal, and freely admitted that spoiling Knight's perfect season in 1975 made him so happy that he couldn't contain himself, especially after Knight blew off the post-game handshake.

There was a quote attributed to Joe B. in an Athletic article a few years back. Was it true? I don't know, but I hope so. According to the article, Hall was asked about Knight some time after that game, and he said, “I wouldn’t piss up his ass if his bowels were on fire."

If you find out that WASN'T said, please don't let me know. It is how I want to remember Joe B.