
Morning Legionnaires! Jump out of dem bags and load up those mags! The second amendment allows it!

41° right now, mid 60's on tap for today with high winds. Yes Virginia, high winds happen a lot around here. Wife took a PTO day to make it a 4-day weekend so, uncertain what I will do today. She sleeps in and then after getting up and drinking coffee she decides whether she wants to go shopping or vegetate. In laws coming over tomorrow so I may need to rest up myself.

Never been to Branson, nor had a Pastrami sandwich, or eaten rock crab (covering three subjects with one sentence) but would like to do two of those at least.

Enjoy the upcoming weekend folks.

Used to to Branson every few years going back to the early 80s. It was beautiful back then.

Silver Dollar City was a treasure. Fishing was amazing. Morning fog over Table Rock Lake was a delight. Friend saw a panther there once while walking their dog. Jumped 20+ ft up into a tree and was gone. Now it's over-developed and lost its charm for me.

Most of my memories there have been bulldozed into oblivion. They died of consumption

I wonder if I could enjoy it now that I've not been back there in >20 years
Yesterday I listened to the Governors State of The State speech.

The state has a surplus of 15 billion dollars
The state gasoline tax will be suspended as fuel cost rise. One billion dollars budgeted for that. That is a lot per gallon we will not be paying.
All First Responders and teachers will get another bonus this year. The state is ranked #3 in the nation for elementary and secondary schools and #1 for state universities. So all deserve credit and more money in their pockets.

I like it like that.
Used to to Branson every few years going back to the early 80s. It was beautiful back then.

Silver Dollar City was a treasure. Fishing was amazing. Morning fog over Table Rock Lake was a delight. Friend saw a panther there once while walking their dog. Jumped 20+ ft up into a tree and was gone. Now it's over-developed and lost its charm for me.

Most of my memories there have been bulldozed into oblivion. They died of consumption

I wonder if I could enjoy it now that I've not been back there in >20 years
Many people around here have gone but, I have no inclination to go. Not a big fan of country music (apologies D League). Parents played it day and night. All of the old twangy cry in your beer types. I guess it was fatigue from hearing it constantly. Grew up in Louisville until 16 years old and then moved to a 52-acre farm where I learned to hunt and fish. Prefer now to live away from the cities and enjoy a more country style life but, give me my 70's and 80's Pop and Rock.
Good morning D-League. Out for a run/walk this morning. Warmed up a bit into the mid 30s.

A long workday ahead, then the Irish distant in-laws arrive. Eventually a great sports weekend. I’d love a Bengals playoff win. I think I want a Kentucky win over the Vols even more.

Hope it is a Good Friday fir everyone.
I sincerely hope Bengals win AFC title. Glad they are in the playoffs.
Anybody else miss the passing last week of R. Dean Taylor? He's the author of the hit song "Indiana Wants Me." For those who don't remember, its a song about a kid who grows up to be a basketball star in Indiana but is desperate not to be forced to play for Bully Bob Knight. At the end, you hear a siren -- It's Bob and some drinking buddy cops. They are going to rough up the kid and shanghai him to campus -- calling it "the first day of practice."

At least that is how I remember it.

When I was 17 years old I heard this song for the first time. It was also the first time I had heard a song in German and I immediately went out and bought the record. I never could get the song out of my mind to this day.

Some of the D have been to Germany and I dedicate this one to you.

Nice song. Is that in High German or Low German?
Anybody else miss the passing last week of R. Dean Taylor? He's the author of the hit song "Indiana Wants Me." For those who don't remember, its a song about a kid who grows up to be a basketball star in Indiana but is desperate not to be forced to play for Bully Bob Knight. At the end, you hear a siren -- It's Bob and some drinking buddy cops. They are going to rough up the kid and shanghai him to campus -- calling it "the first day of practice."

At least that is how I remember it.

Actually liked that one growing up.
Actually liked that one growing up.
Yeah. I had the 45 and it got mucho run on my little tabletop record player.

It came out in the era of "Puppy Love" for me, and I certainly could identify with the guy who was forced to murder some lout who insulted young Karen, Cindy or Denise. I mean, that would be worth ending one life and throwing yours away, right?
Good morning! Woke up with a sneezing fit today. How about Louisville? I had heard they were playing last night but I didn't bother to check out the game because they were playing a team at home who was 8-8 on the year. Their starting 5 last night scored a total of 11 points! Oh how the mediocre have fallen!

Some people who used to root against them are now saying they feel sorry for them. Those are wimpy people you don't want in the foxhole with you. I want to see them announce they have canceled sports until further notice. I want them expelled from the ACC. I might get the dibeetus from the sweetness of their collective tears because I will never stop drinking them in

Look up NSAM 263. That is an official government document that was classified "Top Secret Eyes Only" for a long time.

We have seen a concerted government attempt to steal an election in 2016 and the fact that the only people who have suffered any true consequences, were innocent people should show everyone just how corrupt our government is.

This latest false flag operation known as The Insurrection of 1/6, has been proven to have been facilitated by factions on the left, up to and including the fbi. Ray Epps being protected by the fbi is plenty evidence on its own.

How can I not look at the reaction to the pandemic as anything BUT political in nature? New York forcing covid positive elderly back into the nursing homes was not an accident or a miscalculation. The move was designed to take out as many people who receive government benefits as possible to free up those funds for 18-34 year olds who refuse to work.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but some of us know, the Emperor is naked!

I don't know if you've seen any of this before, but learning about the GoT incident from a friend of mine led me to look into other things he had mentioned from US history. This is the most disturbing of them, even considering the assassination of Kennedy. I grew up devouring all I could about this time period and the war

(Some may find this offensive even as I did hearing some of it decades ago)
Yeah. I had the 45 and it got mucho run on my little tabletop record player.

It came out in the era of "Puppy Love" for me, and I certainly could identify with the guy who was forced to murder some lout who insulted young Karen, Cindy or Denise. I mean, that would be worth ending one life and throwing yours away, right?
At that time in my life and with my mentality then...yes. In retrospective view
Many people around here have gone but, I have no inclination to go. Not a big fan of country music (apologies D League). Parents played it day and night. All of the old twangy cry in your beer types. I guess it was fatigue from hearing it constantly. Grew up in Louisville until 16 years old and then moved to a 52-acre farm where I learned to hunt and fish. Prefer now to live away from the cities and enjoy a more country style life but, give me my 70's and 80's Pop and Rock.

We didn't catch the shows back then. Parents did that when they went on the trip. I went to one. Family of musicians that played all kinds of instruments. Don't remember the music, but I do remember they were good at playing it.

I spent a lot of time seeing sites. Loved going to the main trout hatchery there. No idea why it was so fascinating to me. They had them in Illinois, but not trout, and something about the trout as a species intrigues me.
Many people around here have gone but, I have no inclination to go. Not a big fan of country music (apologies D League). Parents played it day and night. All of the old twangy cry in your beer types. I guess it was fatigue from hearing it constantly. Grew up in Louisville until 16 years old and then moved to a 52-acre farm where I learned to hunt and fish. Prefer now to live away from the cities and enjoy a more country style life but, give me my 70's and 80's Pop and Rock.
Haven't been in years, so don't know what it's like now, but I hear it's gone down hill. I like comedy better than music and there were several comedians. We saw Jeff Foxworthy, Yaki Smirrnoff, Ray Stevens and though he was known as a singer, Jim Stafford did a lot of stand up in his show and I liked him best of all. Bobby Vinton and a couple of others from his time were there. West of Springfield is the site of the Battle of Wilson's Creek from the Civil War. They say the creek ran red with blood for 3 days after the battle.

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Yesterday I listened to the Governors State of The State speech.

The state has a surplus of 15 billion dollars
The state gasoline tax will be suspended as fuel cost rise. One billion dollars budgeted for that. That is a lot per gallon we will not be paying.
All First Responders and teachers will get another bonus this year. The state is ranked #3 in the nation for elementary and secondary schools and #1 for state universities. So all deserve credit and more money in their pockets.

I like it like that.

God's morning all,

What? None of the Governor's detractors putting that on the news???? Who'd a thunk it....
Good Friday Morning

I am waking up to another nice day with a current temperature of 53° and low humidity. We will have plenty of sunshine that will take us to a high of 63°. The golfers are lining up to enjoy the links.

We had a little action in front of my house yesterday afternoon. A sheriff's helicopter was hoovering over our house and suddenly FIVE sheriff's SUV's blocked a car in the road and surrounded it. Guns were pulled and the driver, a young minority boy, was dragged out of the car kicking and screaming, cuffed and thrown into the back of the SUV.

The boy's car was searched and bags of a substance, probably cocaine were removed and put into evidence bags. The boy is in a heap of trouble.

Tomorrow is the Tennessee game and I am going to get some stone crabs and crack a few while watching the game.

Take care all


"Tomorrow is the Tennessee game and I am going to get some stone crabs and crack ..."

Not necessary. UK is better than last year.
Many people around here have gone but, I have no inclination to go. Not a big fan of country music (apologies D League). Parents played it day and night. All of the old twangy cry in your beer types. I guess it was fatigue from hearing it constantly. Grew up in Louisville until 16 years old and then moved to a 52-acre farm where I learned to hunt and fish. Prefer now to live away from the cities and enjoy a more country style life but, give me my 70's and 80's Pop and Rock.
I grew up in Park City (400 people - we were on Third Street and had a 200-acre farm behind the house) and it was halfway between Louisville and Nashville. I got indoctrinated on Rock and Roll and Country. The best pop and rock for me is 60's, 70's and 80's. Classic country is great for me, but I am older than you.

I worked in Louisville, Jacksonville, Evansville, Houston, Baltimore and Jacksonville again. When I retired it was straight back to the country.
Used to to Branson every few years going back to the early 80s. It was beautiful back then.

Silver Dollar City was a treasure. Fishing was amazing. Morning fog over Table Rock Lake was a delight. Friend saw a panther there once while walking their dog. Jumped 20+ ft up into a tree and was gone. Now it's over-developed and lost its charm for me.

Most of my memories there have been bulldozed into oblivion. They died of consumption

I wonder if I could enjoy it now that I've not been back there in >20 years

I went to Silver Dollar City back in the late 60s. I don't know but it seems like that was about the only thing that was in Branson at the time . Long time ago.
Good morning! Woke up late and have to hustle. Going to get my booster shot this morning. Gonna get a flu shot in the other arm. Might see what else they got. Pretty sure I've put worse stuff in my body over the years than .3ml of whatever they got.

I don't know if you've seen any of this before, but learning about the GoT incident from a friend of mine led me to look into other things he had mentioned from US history. This is the most disturbing of them, even considering the assassination of Kennedy. I grew up devouring all I could about this time period and the war

(Some may find this offensive even as I did hearing some of it decades ago)
We needed a way to get in the fight. Just like 9/11. Not saying they knew muslims were going to fly planes into the Trade Center, but they knew something was up. That's why the Patriot Act was trotted out so fast. That look on Bush's face when they told him the second plane hit? That was an "oh shit" look. They probably thought it was going to be one of those takeover situations on the ground or something.

Our government has given people all kinds of diseases and drugs over the years just to study the effects. Governments are made up of people and for the most part, people suck.
Good morning! Woke up late and have to hustle. Going to get my booster shot this morning. Gonna get a flu shot in the other arm. Might see what else they got. Pretty sure I've put worse stuff in my body over the years than .3ml of whatever they got.

We needed a way to get in the fight. Just like 9/11. Not saying they knew muslims were going to fly planes into the Trade Center, but they knew something was up. That's why the Patriot Act was trotted out so fast. That look on Bush's face when they told him the second plane hit? That was an "oh shit" look. They probably thought it was going to be one of those takeover situations on the ground or something.

Our government has given people all kinds of diseases and drugs over the years just to study the effects. Governments are made up of people and for the most part, people suck.
Change your sig to Pin Cushion Man! Modern superhero with modern problem themes.
Well, wife wants to veg so, headed to OKC to buy some dope, kind of. My old karate instructor and friend runs a local medical marijuana shop and needs some get some more supplies. Heh, heh, heh. Wants to go to lunch first at his favorite Thai Restuarant (He is Thai) and the last time we went I came back stuffed. Good food.
Well, wife wants to veg so, headed to OKC to buy some dope, kind of. My old karate instructor and friend runs a local medical marijuana shop and needs some get some more supplies. Heh, heh, heh. Wants to go to lunch first at his favorite Thai Restuarant (He is Thai) and the last time we went I came back stuffed. Good food.

Wild parsley? -Grady
Trump is coming to a place about 10 miles from my house next week. I won't join in that mob (I've done it twice already) but my wife is planning to go. They say that they have given out 30K tickets. It will be interesting to see how many people show up. There is no way that you could live here in AZ and believe Biden honestly beat Trump here.
Haven't been in years, so don't know what it's like now, but I hear it's gone down hill. I like comedy better than music and there were several comedians. We saw Jeff Foxworthy, Yaki Smirrnoff, Ray Stevens and though he was known as a singer, Jim Stafford did a lot of stand up in his show and I liked him best of all. Bobby Vinton and a couple of others from his time were there. West of Springfield is the site of the Battle of Wilson's Creek from the Civil War. They say the creek ran red with blood for 3 days after the battle.


Your reference to Wilson's Creek reminds me of an old Steve Earle song I always liked. Ben McCulloch, the title figure of the song, was a real person, of course, and an almost mythical figure in early Texas who battled and killed Comanches, Mexicans and Yankees at Wilson's Creek before being laid low at the Battle of Pea Ridge.

The song is from the perspective of a disillusioned soldier who grows to hate the war and his commander. But I'd have liked to have met Ben McCulloch. He sounds like Hell on Wheels.
We didn't catch the shows back then. Parents did that when they went on the trip. I went to one. Family of musicians that played all kinds of instruments. Don't remember the music, but I do remember they were good at playing it.

I spent a lot of time seeing sites. Loved going to the main trout hatchery there. No idea why it was so fascinating to me. They had them in Illinois, but not trout, and something about the trout as a species intrigues me.
Could it be Mr. Trout's flavor?
Home again. I'm making some kind of beef stew or vegetable beef soup or whatever. It's mostly beef roast because, because.

Got a booster and a flu shot in the same shoulder. Just in case it's sore I want it centralized in one shoulder. No reason for both of them to hurt.

Stopped by Harbor Freight and picked up a few things. It's a grown man's toy store I tell ya!

Will Sharpe play tomorrow? Will we win? I think it's another one of those games I'll have to go off the beaten path to watch. Better than the old days of delayed broadcast after the late news went off, but not ideal.
Some of you may have heard about the law killing a man at the fairgrounds in Mayfield recently. A patrol car (from Frankfort I think) was patrolling after curfew early one morning. The guy opened up on them with an AK47. They returned fire and killed him. Word from people who know the family is he had some mental issues and was trying to suicide by cop.
Just got back from OKC and our drug run. No drugs really just picking up drug supporting materials from a big warehouse. Never been there before so did not know what to expect. There was a lot of drug supporting paraphernalia and I took pictures with my phone of a few areas before a big guy working there started trailing me giving me those looks to say stop taking pictures. There were about 5 workers there and all were of middle eastern dissent including the big guy. When I tried to talk to him, he just looked at me and turned away. He looked a bit pissed. When me and my friend went out to the car, he followed for a bit then went back in. I said he looked a bit pissed, and my friend said that could be because of the shirt you are wearing. I said yes, it probably was.

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Just got back from OKC and our drug run. No drugs really just picking up drug supporting materials from a big warehouse. Never been there before so did not know what to expect. There was a lot of drug supporting paraphernalia and I took pictures with my phone of a few areas before a big guy working there started trailing me giving me those looks to say stop taking pictures. There were about 5 workers there and all were of middle eastern dissent including the big guy. When I tried to talk to him, he just looked at me and turned away. He looked a bit pissed. When me and my friend went out to the car, he followed for a bit then went back in. I said he looked a bit pissed, and my friend said that could be because of the shirt you are wearing. I said yes, it probably was.


P_SS on him!
Just got back from OKC and our drug run. No drugs really just picking up drug supporting materials from a big warehouse. Never been there before so did not know what to expect. There was a lot of drug supporting paraphernalia and I took pictures with my phone of a few areas before a big guy working there started trailing me giving me those looks to say stop taking pictures. There were about 5 workers there and all were of middle eastern dissent including the big guy. When I tried to talk to him, he just looked at me and turned away. He looked a bit pissed. When me and my friend went out to the car, he followed for a bit then went back in. I said he looked a bit pissed, and my friend said that could be because of the shirt you are wearing. I said yes, it probably was.


Yeah. It's OK for him to be pissed at you...

You could have shouted "Admiral Akbar" (stars wars reference) just to mess with him a little. Might be a federal offence these days, though.