
Now that we know the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag operation designed to escalate our presence in Vietnam, does it take much of a leap to reconsider the JFK assassination? He was pulling out the 1000 troops we had there already and did not want to get us involved. GoT happened about 9 months after his death. We all know what happened after that.

This information, along with a video of his head exploding toward the rear of the car, is more than I need. The fact that the accused killer was allowed to be silenced before he could speak is icing on the cake. Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself.

Bad people do bad things. Worse people get into politics.

You'd think people would know by now, but I got strung up elsewhere on this site for talking about this very thing (GoT). Maybe 1 or 2 people knew what I was talking about. The rest were ready to boot me off of the site.

It's amazing how clueless the vast majority are about false flags going back a couple hundred years for thus country alone.
Howdy D-League. Just checking in to say hello before diving into a pile of work.

Just got some surprising news. We went to a Christmas party about a month ago in NYC which included a lot of my wife's Irish relatives -- some visiting from Ireland. My wife is not a heavy drinker except when around her family. Bottom line: Apparently she invited her Irish cousins to come down to DC and crash at our place, then forgot when she sobered up. Well, they arrive tomorrow. Begorrah!

I'll try to squeeze out a few charming minutes then come up with an excuse to disappear to a sports bar to watch the NFL games.

Before the china virus hit we had relatives and friends out of the woodwork crash at our place so they could easily get up to see the DC sites. Just amazed me at all the "relatives" and "friends" we had visit "us". (In all fairness, we did not mind most of them if not all of them but I always wonder if they'd have ever kept in touch with us if we weren't a convenient and free Airbnb with food most of the time. ;)

Our proximity to DC is hard to beat unless you were actually (it seems), in your current "neck of the woods".
I am with you 100%. On Sunday after the killing of JFK on Friday I was sitting in the living room with my father watching TV. The authorities (police) were moving Oswald and two cops were on each side of him. He was walked right past a hoard of people and photographers when all of a sudden a man, Jack Ruby, jumped out of the crowd and shot Oswald dead.

My dad and I looked at each other and said, "that was a set up". They wanted him dead.

I guess about 100 years after the event, 2063, the sealed documents will be opened and we will know the truth. Maybe or maybe not.

Hilary will have shredded them well before then. She or Willie's step daughter Chillsie
Howdy D-League. Just checking in to say hello before diving into a pile of work.

Just got some surprising news. We went to a Christmas party about a month ago in NYC which included a lot of my wife's Irish relatives -- some visiting from Ireland. My wife is not a heavy drinker except when around her family. Bottom line: Apparently she invited her Irish cousins to come down to DC and crash at our place, then forgot when she sobered up. Well, they arrive tomorrow. Begorrah!

I'll try to squeeze out a few charming minutes then come up with an excuse to disappear to a sports bar to watch the NFL games.

As my buddy would say, "Dude! Wth?!" LOL.

At least they're Irish! Hope it's a good visit and successful escape
As my buddy would say, "Dude! Wth?!" LOL.

At least they're Irish! Hope it's a good visit and successful escape
Thanks Girt. Yeah, the silver lining is they -- my wife included -- will be happy to get three sheets to the wind and sing Irish songs and tell bawdy jokes -- good fun. I'm not much of a drinker these days but can be the designated driver out to dinner, and getting them back and forth to the subway (less than a mile from my house, thankfully.)
Howdy D-League. Just checking in to say hello before diving into a pile of work.

Just got some surprising news. We went to a Christmas party about a month ago in NYC which included a lot of my wife's Irish relatives -- some visiting from Ireland. My wife is not a heavy drinker except when around her family. Bottom line: Apparently she invited her Irish cousins to come down to DC and crash at our place, then forgot when she sobered up. Well, they arrive tomorrow. Begorrah!

I'll try to squeeze out a few charming minutes then come up with an excuse to disappear to a sports bar to watch the NFL games.
Watch out for those Irish drinking songs.


Morning Legionnaires! Jump out of dem bunks and throw on dem trunks it is time to get moving.

70's on tap for today with light winds so, outside duties after I train my 2 students after lunch.

One of my twin sons felt sick Saturday but better Sunday went to work Monday and tested positive for Covid (has updated shots). He is an ER/OR nurse for a hospital in Southern Tennessee. He has 5 children (triplets among them) who tested positive Monday (no shots). all except his wife (no shots) were positive. 4 of the children had very light symptoms and are feeling good today. One (Benjamine) who is wheelchair bound because of Spina bifida had worse symptoms but is feeling better today.

My Sister (no shots) whose birthday (66) was yesterday has it right now as well as the grandkids (no shots). She says she has light symptoms. She has other underlying health issues including Lupus, diabetes, and is a breast cancer survivor among other things. My niece and her daughters from one of my brothers had it about a month ago all had light symptoms as well.

So far, it seems that my immediate and extended families have been blessed with light symptoms. My daughter and I don't know if we have ever had it (I know VH, I know). Wife has been tested a few times because of work and came up negative. Me and my daughter have never been tested.

Here's to hoping and praying all ends well if we ever get it.
Good morning! Woke up with a sneezing fit today. How about Louisville? I had heard they were playing last night but I didn't bother to check out the game because they were playing a team at home who was 8-8 on the year. Their starting 5 last night scored a total of 11 points! Oh how the mediocre have fallen!

Some people who used to root against them are now saying they feel sorry for them. Those are wimpy people you don't want in the foxhole with you. I want to see them announce they have canceled sports until further notice. I want them expelled from the ACC. I might get the dibeetus from the sweetness of their collective tears because I will never stop drinking them in

You'd think people would know by now, but I got strung up elsewhere on this site for talking about this very thing (GoT). Maybe 1 or 2 people knew what I was talking about. The rest were ready to boot me off of the site.

It's amazing how clueless the vast majority are about false flags going back a couple hundred years for thus country alone.
Look up NSAM 263. That is an official government document that was classified "Top Secret Eyes Only" for a long time.

We have seen a concerted government attempt to steal an election in 2016 and the fact that the only people who have suffered any true consequences, were innocent people should show everyone just how corrupt our government is.

This latest false flag operation known as The Insurrection of 1/6, has been proven to have been facilitated by factions on the left, up to and including the fbi. Ray Epps being protected by the fbi is plenty evidence on its own.

How can I not look at the reaction to the pandemic as anything BUT political in nature? New York forcing covid positive elderly back into the nursing homes was not an accident or a miscalculation. The move was designed to take out as many people who receive government benefits as possible to free up those funds for 18-34 year olds who refuse to work.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but some of us know, the Emperor is naked!
I continue to downsize and ran across this print presented by the 1982-83 UK Basketball team, Christmas in Wildcat Lodge. It is autographed by the entire team and measures 11 x 14. I took it out of the frame to scan and my scanner was not big enough to capture the entire print,

In addition to Joe B and Leonard Hamilton others include Sam Bowie, Melvin Turpin, Derrick Hord, Dirk Minniefield, Charles Hurt, Dicky Beal just to name a few.

Some of UK's greatest were on that team.

I continue to downsize and ran across this print presented by the 1982-83 UK Basketball team, Christmas in Wildcat Lodge. It is autographed by the entire team and measures 11 x 14. I took it out of the frame to scan and my scanner was not big enough to capture the entire print,

In addition to Joe B and Leonard Hamilton others include Sam Bowie, Melvin Turpin, Derrick Hord, Dirk Minniefield, Charles Hurt, Dicky Beal just to name a few.

Some of UK's greatest were on that team.

They signed the furniture?
Good afternoon! Hope everyone had a good day. I was outside for about 5 hours today and I didn't get cold until the end. Now that I'm in the house I realize how cold I must have been.

Stopped by the magic window yesterday to pick up a few beers for the workshop and the lady told me they didn't have 12 packs of 12oz beers. I had to get tall boys. No problem I said, I get a free beer with every 4th beer. She said they cost the same price. Woohoo! I love a good beer deal! I've got gas a couple of times in the last year and the pump was out for the mid-grade and they sold premium for the same price as 87. Probably a better deal, moneywise as the beer but, well, you know.

Beer will get you through times of no gas better than gas will get you through times of no beer.

Beer! The essence of life and the mother of us all!
Thank you BBUK, but I wouldn't consider any of that to be profound.

That's good cause I never considered Sanford and Son to be profound...

This one neither....but, it's funny...

Edit: I wasn't sure which post you were citing. ;) (I picked one...) ;)
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In dissent, the court’s three liberals argued that it was the court that was overreaching by substituting its judgment for that of health experts. “Acting outside of its competence and without legal basis, the court displaces the judgments of the government officials given the responsibility to respond to workplace health emergencies,” Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a joint dissent.

Hmmm, are these the same Judges, those who didn't have to pass science courses to get their law degrees, who told us that CO2 is a pollutant?

Sotomayor clicked off 2 boxes on the checklist, but what kind of dumbass would it take to think she actually belongs on the supreme court?

We call it the " COMMON COLD" in these times. In the past though, it wiped out entire tribes until it found its equilibrium and was able to coexist with its host. This too, shall pass.
In dissent, the court’s three liberals argued that it was the court that was overreaching by substituting its judgment for that of health experts. “Acting outside of its competence and without legal basis, the court displaces the judgments of the government officials given the responsibility to respond to workplace health emergencies,” Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a joint dissent.

Hmmm, are these the same Judges, those who didn't have to pass science courses to get their law degrees, who told us that CO2 is a pollutant?

Sotomayor clicked off 2 boxes on the checklist, but what kind of dumbass would it take to think she actually belongs on the supreme court?

We call it the " COMMON COLD" in these times. In the past though, it wiped out entire tribes until it found its equilibrium and was able to coexist with its host. This too, shall pass.

The "Supreme" Court is a nearly perfect example of forced or enforced equality. The greatest minds of our country are not on the Supreme Court..... Not even close... It is a true shame... Wisdom ought to be a requirement to sit on any court, much less, the Supreme Court...
I liked his movies.
We used to go to Branson a lot and saw quite a few shows. Kenny Rogers was the most disappointing of all of them. His singing was fine, but he put off an aura of "I'm doing you a favor by letting you buy a ticket to see me." Most entertainers there seemed to be grateful you came to see them, but not Kenny. It hit me the wrong way.
We used to go to Branson a lot and saw quite a few shows. Kenny Rogers was the most disappointing of all of them. His singing was fine, but he put off an aura of "I'm doing you a favor by letting you buy a ticket to see me." Most entertainers there seemed to be grateful you came to see them, but not Kenny. It hit me the wrong way.

I actually had others mention things like that previously about him that had been in near contact with him.
In dissent, the court’s three liberals argued that it was the court that was overreaching by substituting its judgment for that of health experts. “Acting outside of its competence and without legal basis, the court displaces the judgments of the government officials given the responsibility to respond to workplace health emergencies,” Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a joint dissent.

Hmmm, are these the same Judges, those who didn't have to pass science courses to get their law degrees, who told us that CO2 is a pollutant?

Sotomayor clicked off 2 boxes on the checklist, but what kind of dumbass would it take to think she actually belongs on the supreme court?

We call it the " COMMON COLD" in these times. In the past though, it wiped out entire tribes until it found its equilibrium and was able to coexist with its host. This too, shall pass.

If a case came before the SC to rule on what colors are on the American flag and the "conservative" justices ruled that they were red, white and blue, those three would offer a dissent suggesting they were some other colors.
We used to go to Branson a lot and saw quite a few shows. Kenny Rogers was the most disappointing of all of them. His singing was fine, but he put off an aura of "I'm doing you a favor by letting you buy a ticket to see me." Most entertainers there seemed to be grateful you came to see them, but not Kenny. It hit me the wrong way.
I saw him in an interview a long time ago where he said he only used about 30% of his voice singing these silly pop songs that people went crazy over. Never looked at him the same again.
Good Friday Morning

I am waking up to another nice day with a current temperature of 53° and low humidity. We will have plenty of sunshine that will take us to a high of 63°. The golfers are lining up to enjoy the links.

We had a little action in front of my house yesterday afternoon. A sheriff's helicopter was hoovering over our house and suddenly FIVE sheriff's SUV's blocked a car in the road and surrounded it. Guns were pulled and the driver, a young minority boy, was dragged out of the car kicking and screaming, cuffed and thrown into the back of the SUV.

The boy's car was searched and bags of a substance, probably cocaine were removed and put into evidence bags. The boy is in a heap of trouble.

Tomorrow is the Tennessee game and I am going to get some stone crabs and crack a few while watching the game.

Take care all

Good morning D-League. Out for a run/walk this morning. Warmed up a bit into the mid 30s.

A long workday ahead, then the Irish distant in-laws arrive. Eventually a great sports weekend. I’d love a Bengals playoff win. I think I want a Kentucky win over the Vols even more.

Hope it is a Good Friday fir everyone.
Good morning! Woke up with a sneezing fit today. How about Louisville? I had heard they were playing last night but I didn't bother to check out the game because they were playing a team at home who was 8-8 on the year. Their starting 5 last night scored a total of 11 points! Oh how the mediocre have fallen!

Some people who used to root against them are now saying they feel sorry for them. Those are wimpy people you don't want in the foxhole with you. I want to see them announce they have canceled sports until further notice. I want them expelled from the ACC. I might get the dibeetus from the sweetness of their collective tears because I will never stop drinking them in

Look up NSAM 263. That is an official government document that was classified "Top Secret Eyes Only" for a long time.

We have seen a concerted government attempt to steal an election in 2016 and the fact that the only people who have suffered any true consequences, were innocent people should show everyone just how corrupt our government is.

This latest false flag operation known as The Insurrection of 1/6, has been proven to have been facilitated by factions on the left, up to and including the fbi. Ray Epps being protected by the fbi is plenty evidence on its own.

How can I not look at the reaction to the pandemic as anything BUT political in nature? New York forcing covid positive elderly back into the nursing homes was not an accident or a miscalculation. The move was designed to take out as many people who receive government benefits as possible to free up those funds for 18-34 year olds who refuse to work.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but some of us know, the Emperor is naked!

Agreed on all. Don't even need to look anything up, but thank you just the same.
We used to go to Branson a lot and saw quite a few shows. Kenny Rogers was the most disappointing of all of them. His singing was fine, but he put off an aura of "I'm doing you a favor by letting you buy a ticket to see me." Most entertainers there seemed to be grateful you came to see them, but not Kenny. It hit me the wrong way.

Heard he was kind of like that in person, too.

Morning Legionnaires! Jump out of dem bags and load up those mags! The second amendment allows it!

41° right now, mid 60's on tap for today with high winds. Yes Virginia, high winds happen a lot around here. Wife took a PTO day to make it a 4-day weekend so, uncertain what I will do today. She sleeps in and then after getting up and drinking coffee she decides whether she wants to go shopping or vegetate. In laws coming over tomorrow so I may need to rest up myself.

Never been to Branson, nor had a Pastrami sandwich, or eaten rock crab (covering three subjects with one sentence) but would like to do two of those at least.

Enjoy the upcoming weekend folks.
Good morning, D-League!

25 out there.

Frosty and foggy. Just like Nancy Pelosi. But she's not 25. ...Nm

Ben Carson was mentioned on here and it reminded me of one of his cases. It was a young girl whose entire nervous system was overtaken by a black sludge. This was back in the 80s or early 90s. I'll see if I can find a link to the story.

Hope yall have a great day. Hope it's as productive of a Friday as you like em to be, and that you enjoy your weekend!