
We seem to be getting more and more announcers these days just rambling on about anything that comes to their mind other than covering the games being called in all sports. Their 15 minutes of fame have turned into about 2 hours of fame per game.
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We seem to be getting more and more announcers these days just rambling on about anything that comes to their mind other than covering the games being called in all sports. Their 15 minutes of fame have turned into about 2 hours of fame per game.

Good announcers are far and few nowadays. We'll never have announcers like we did 20+ years ago: Cawood Ledford, Keith Jackson, Dick Enberg, Vin Scully, Jack Buck, Mel Allen, etc. Back then annoucers made you want to watch the game, not mute it.
Good announcers are far and few nowadays. We'll never have announcers like we did 20+ years ago: Cawood Ledford, Keith Jackson, Dick Enberg, Vin Scully, Jack Buck, Mel Allen, etc. Back then annoucers made you want to watch the game, not mute it.
The announcers back then steered your attention towards the game, not towards themselves.
Good Sunday Morning

Woke up to a cool for me 48°and plenty of sunshine as our high goes up to 61° this afternoon. No rain forecast.

Last night's game was frustrating after we got that solid lead and our two minute drill at the end of the half was pitiful. That is something a Stoop coached team can not execute. I thought our new offensive coordinator would bring a welcome change for those situations but so far it has not happened. The team's clock management in those situations is bush league and I spend time yelling at the TV as the seconds click down and the Cats look like the Keystone Cops running around in circles. And then of course they quit trying to score at all in the second half. They were content to run out the clock. Other SEC schools would have put up a minimum of 50 after getting 31 in the first half.

Oh well, we are 7-3 with a Golden Opportunity to finish 9-3. That is VERY POSITIVE. I trust all have a nice day. Last night was a 3 Gator Night

Good announcers are far and few nowadays. We'll never have announcers like we did 20+ years ago: Cawood Ledford, Keith Jackson, Dick Enberg, Vin Scully, Jack Buck, Mel Allen, etc. Back then annoucers made you want to watch the game, not mute it.
This is so true. The Golden Age of broadcasting is now in the history books. Those were true professionals. ESPN has ruined listening to the telecast. They spent so much time last night on a walk on Navy man I lost what was going on on the field. These are things they can do during half time but during a game they should never get in the weeds like that.

And even worse these ex jocks are mostly illiterate. They certainly know the game but do not have the vocabulary skill to express what they are seeing in words that would interest the viewers. That is an art and a lost one at that.
I've seen it before. Better than the aids drug commercials but totally unnecessary for the audience.
Well I did learn Tampax comes in different sizes. I am 78 years old and learned something new. The problem is, like you say it was totally unnecessary and an ad I would not expect during a football game. That and Audi Christmas commercials before Thanksgiving. What a world we live in
Good morning to the D-League!

Had some frozen precip this morning early, but there are few traces left now. Might be a dreary day out here.

Still disappointed in the performance last night, but at least it's a win.

Made the mistake of switching over to the live EStuPidoNetwork audio from the not quite synced up Tom Leach call on 630 during the 2nd quarter. Went to silence during most of the 2nd half.

Bet you didn't know some 30yr old sailor (active Navy) "played" for Vandy last night. I figured it out because they devoted half a broadcast to it.

It's just a gimmick to these people. Dizney ESPN... They don't care about our people, and it shows with how they present things.

Wish we had our games covered by UKSN again. Prefer those broadcasts.

Hope you ALL have a great start to your week!
Almost a "done deal". Bama vs. UGA for the title. The network's dream game.

Unfortunately they'll play each other in the SEC Title game and the loss generated will sneak Cincy or some other team into the "playoff"

Networks' dream scenario is Cincy/OR/OSU/or Wake playing UGA or Bama in the title game. They want viewers. They don't care about the integrity of the product nor process.

Sorry for the negativity but y'all mentioned Keith Jackson and it makes me miss so much of what i once loved about the game.
Just checked on Outback Bowl tickets. $170 for club level and $80 for all others. Lower vs Upper basically. A friend's daughter has been the manager of an Outback for about 10 years now. Gonna see if she can get me a couple of tickets. Was a hoot the last time we were there, of course I was a lot younger then and will not play it the same way. Married now too. No Ybor City on New Years Eve!

Win the next 3 games and it appears we'll be going. They want us there for sure. Last time was a sell out and we drank every beer they had in the stadium before the 4th quarter. The beer guy told us he'd never seen that before. He also told us that the next time we come back it wouldn't happen.

I guess we didn't want to wear out our welcome. [eyeroll]
The local talk is the Outback Bowl would be very happy to have UK. They know UK fans will be there. If the Cats can pull it off I will order through my season tickets because you get the very best seats available to fans.

I hope to see some D Leaguers in Tampa. But it is going to take a better effort than the end of the first half and all of the second half to get that bid. That Kentucky team would be fortunate to get a Music City Bowl bid.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and clear. Expect a high today of 81°F.

Watched college football yesterday. Happy our Cats won against Vandy. Seems like we let off the gas during 2nd half. UGA vs UT and Texas vs Kansas were also on the telly. With so much in-state talent and money available, I can't believe Horns lost at home against Jayhawks. Ha ha. Loved it. Wife: not so much.

Ton of chores await later after a walk.

Wishing happiness and continuing good health for all our fellow D-league members.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 37°and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring rain showers 🌧️ and a high of 45°.

Everyone stay safe on this Sunday.

Near Zermatt, Switz, since Matterhorn in background. Took ski lifts from Zermatt up to that rounded mound (I think that's it.) to left foreground of M-horn. Beautiful summer day & people were skiing.
Unfortunately they'll play each other in the SEC Title game and the loss generated will sneak Cincy or some other team into the "playoff"

Networks' dream scenario is Cincy/OR/OSU/or Wake playing UGA or Bama in the title game. They want viewers. They don't care about the integrity of the product nor process.

Sorry for the negativity but y'all mentioned Keith Jackson and it makes me miss so much of what i once loved about the game.
Bama good, but not great & if can't beat Uga, they don't need to be in BCS. Where you get Wake is a mystery.
This is so true. The Golden Age of broadcasting is now in the history books. Those were true professionals. ESPN has ruined listening to the telecast. They spent so much time last night on a walk on Navy man I lost what was going on on the field. These are things they can do during half time but during a game they should never get in the weeds like that.

And even worse these ex jocks are mostly illiterate. They certainly know the game but do not have the vocabulary skill to express what they are seeing in words that would interest the viewers. That is an art and a lost one at that.
Here's one of my favorite clips ever. It's from one of best World Series games ever by two of the best annoucers ever. During the victory celebration, they kept quiet, as to not take away from the moment. That is pure class.

A belated good morning all.

Winter has arrived. Cold outside and it's been pouring snow now for an hour or so. Grass turning a little bit white...but it hasn't been cold enough...long enough to make the ground cold enough for it to stick. But...pretty looking out the window and watching it fall. So, I was in the mood to make a chocolate cake this morning which will be iced with the caramel/pecan icing out of a can (which is actually pretty good in that flavor). Lot less work than doing a German Chocolate cake...and almost as good.

Lunch will be roasted chicken. Was planning on 'beer butt' on the grill...but too cold. The Mrs still feels bad, so that leaves lunch to me. Normally for the first snow I like to make chili...but she wasn't too keen on that.

Y'all have a safe, healthy, blessed Lord's Day.