
I hope all had a great day. I have to again give kudo's to my Darling... ala the Beverly Hillbillies...

Pork Belly and turnips (with vinegar and a smidgeon of sugar) turnips cut paper-thin, with some red leaf lettuce... and a little red pepper paste my Darling made...


Sesame seed oil with black pepper, garlic, and salt...



I am not bragging at all, I am thankful. Just truly thankful for what the Lord gave me. I cherish my Darling.

I have learned to control the amounts I eat as I easily could eat all put in front of me that my Darling makes...

If Kings eat better than I do, I'd have to see it to believe it. Yes I consider myself blessed among men... (Just me, I know from your posts you all have some fine, fine wives too.) I am thankful...

God Bless you all...
I had it yesterday in preparation for today. Or the day before.... My greats meals run together some times... ;)
Believe or not, last night I drank a Yuengling draft at Buffalo Wild Wings while waiting on my Vets day freebie. First ever in Texas. It was beautiful. Only drank one because I was driving.
Believe or not, last night I drank a Yuengling draft at Buffalo Wild Wings while waiting on my Vets day freebie. First ever in Texas. It was beautiful. Only drank one because I was driving.

That is cool. Yuengling on draft is where I found out about them. When we got back from Korea and was staying at the Staybridge Inn and Suites in Charleston, SC. (Stayed there about 90 days while our house was being built.) Yuengling is an enjoyable beer. I keep the lager and the Black and Tan bottles. I drink maybe four a week or so, rarely more but they are enjoyable..
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Memories of when I was playing on my H.S. golf team. Can't remember exactly, but it seems that we would start the Spring session around March 1st. We would play/practice close to every day after school...and some Saturdays. Unless it got really, really bad...we would be out there playing. Just about turned me totally against the game. Not a lot of fun playing golf in the cold, sleet, snow, wind, etc. And we played many a time in weather like that.

I realize it was in the wooden shaft days but I was runner-up in my HS Regional golf tournament in 1961 (thank you, thank you very much). I played somewhat regularly as a young adult and just occasionally up to middle age. I haven't played in about 36 years.
I realize it was in the wooden shaft days but I was runner-up in my HS Regional golf tournament in 1961 (thank you, thank you very much). I played somewhat regularly as a young adult and just occasionally up to middle age. I haven't played in about 36 years.
How was it back in the day at the old golf course? Daughter and I drove past over the summer. I've only visited maybe 2-3 times over the years.
Whoooaaa is right. Hence the "Fire Chris Mack" signs in I-64 earlier today. Somebody knew something.
Turns out it wasn't just a regular loss. It's the first nonconference loss they've had at home in November since 1972. It's laughable how easy their preseason schedule is each year.

Can't blame Mack totally for this loss. He was drunk watching from his basement cage. Hope he put plenty of paper down because he is the dirtiest bird of all.
Don’t mean to hijack, but why, when I click on the D league thread. does it take me to the first page? Only been doing that for a couple weeks. Covid?
The D League does not show up on my page when I am signed in. I have to go to notifications and find a post by someone in the D League and click on that. Then I can read and post.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F and clear with 68% humidity. Today's high predicted around 71°F. Love this weather.

Cats played great against Robert Morris last night. Old fashioned beat-downs are always good for the fans.

Happy Caturday. Beat Vandy!

Going for a walk in about 45 minutes. Tis a a bit chilly out.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Saturday Morning

The sun is rising and today promises to be a very nice day. It is 59° with scattered clouds. We expect to reach 72° this afternoon was a nice breeze. Perfect for football.

If the Cats take care of business in Nashville we will be back on track. The word down here is if UK wins out the Outback Bowl wants them on New Years Day. I vote for that.

Have nice day all.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 36° and overcast here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 44°.

These wild temperature swings have me feeling a little under the weather (no pun intended).

Everyone stay safe on this Saturday.

I hope all had a great day. I have to again give kudo's to my Darling... ala the Beverly Hillbillies...

Pork Belly and turnips (with vinegar and a smidgeon of sugar) turnips cut paper-thin, with some red leaf lettuce... and a little red pepper paste my Darling made...


Sesame seed oil with black pepper, garlic, and salt...



I am not bragging at all, I am thankful. Just truly thankful for what the Lord gave me. I cherish my Darling.

I have learned to control the amounts I eat as I easily could eat all put in front of me that my Darling makes...

If Kings eat better than I do, I'd have to see it to believe it. Yes I consider myself blessed among men... (Just me, I know from your posts you all have some fine, fine wives too.) I am thankful...

God Bless you all...
Howdy D-League. Hope the Football Cats just play loose and bury Vandy today like the Hoops Cats did last night.

Probably shouldn't read too much into crushing a low-mid major but I've believed all along that Collins would contribute once he got a feel for the game, and that Wheeler had the ability to run a game as cleanly as Ulis used to and both those ideas were reinforced last night. And Oscar is Oscar, whoever is in his way.

Hope its a relaxing Saturday for you all.
I realize it was in the wooden shaft days but I was runner-up in my HS Regional golf tournament in 1961 (thank you, thank you very much). I played somewhat regularly as a young adult and just occasionally up to middle age. I haven't played in about 36 years.
I never played a round of golf until I started working for the Railroad. I was in Sales and Marketing and I don't know of any manager that did not play golf with customers all the time. The RR paid for my country club membership. Golf, wine and dine.

I played golf until I really hurt my left arm at 60 years old. I like the game.
So I refilled my 11 yr old Toro mower gas tank Monday as I have probably a couple 100 times. Mow about 50' and notice gas vibrating out of the neck because there's no cap - a first. So I say self, let's follow cutting path back to where I filled tank & pick up cap & put on. NBD, right? Well 10 minutes later after retracing path 10x, no cap to be found searching grass, bushes & groundcover. So tape Al foil over opening & finish cutting. Then Tu I go to HD for a replacement cap, bring home, but cap neck doesn't fit thru tank neck. So go back to HD today & find another size. Hooray, fits! What's the moral? Don't get old & forget crap.
Hey @Bert Higginbotha . I might cancel planned visit on November 20. Our dog tore her leg up last month and required surgery. When pup goes out, I must walk her on a leash. Previously, we just let her out so she could run around our back yard. Wife cannot walk our pup very far because of her COPD. In other words, I tackle majority of stuff requiring activity.

Wife can deal with me taking shorter trips. What might happen is I depart here on November 22 and drive straight to SE KY. I stay around SE KY/East TN until Saturday, November 27. On 27th, I'll head out to Bowling Green area for a quick overnight visit. Plan on driving through Smith's Grove enroute to Anneta. Drive back to TX on Sunday, November 28.

My plans depend on what veterinarian says next Thursday, November 18. Rental car is reserved. I must cancel or change plans by evening of November 18.

At any rate, I'll know more next Thursday and let you and Sherry know. Might reschedule visit to KY until mid-January, 2022 (brrrrrrr).
How was it back in the day at the old golf course? Daughter and I drove past over the summer. I've only visited maybe 2-3 times over the years.

I was a caddy there from the time I was big enough to carry a bag through HS.. Every day in the summer. The money I made went to buy my school clothes. Usually saved about $35 over a summer. Caddy fees were only $1.50 to finally $2 by 1961. Generous guys (not all) might give you a quarter tip. It was an exclusive country club those days. No blue-collar people played there. People only played on the weekend and Wednesday afternoon. Tuesdays were Ladies Day. Lots of businesses closed on Wednesday afternoon and nothing was open on Sunday.
I never played a round of golf until I started working for the Railroad. I was in Sales and Marketing and I don't know of any manager that did not play golf with customers all the time. The RR paid for my country club membership. Golf, wine and dine.

I played golf until I really hurt my left arm at 60 years old. I like the game.

Golf became too expensive a hobby for me. I have been a literal relatively poor for most of my life. I never made more than $24K in my life and my wife didn't work for most of those years. We learned to live frugally. I made it through though and have been fine since retiring.
The Paladins knock off the Cards. The man in the upper left corner of the picture is wearing his mask incorrectly. I am not sure if that had anything to do with the loss but stranger things have happened. "Wear your mask correctly or do not wear it at all."

6 players, 2 press members, 1 fan. I go over to their board when I get thirsty and most of them that post there, about 8 people altogether, know they are about to get hammered by the NCAA. They no longer have Denny Crum to protect them.

None of this could have happened to a more deserving group. Rest In Piss ul basketball.
I was a caddy there from the time I was big enough to carry a bag through HS.. Every day in the summer. The money I made went to buy my school clothes. Usually saved about $35 over a summer. Caddy fees were only $1.50 to finally $2 by 1961. Generous guys (not all) might give you a quarter tip. It was an exclusive country club those days. No blue-collar people played there. People only played on the weekend and Wednesday afternoon. Tuesdays were Ladies Day. Lots of businesses closed on Wednesday afternoon and nothing was open on Sunday.
I used to caddy for my two uncles at Shawnee Golf was4'-11" the other one was maybe 5'-2" if you measure him jumping........$.05 a hole........I was always tall, even as a boy I was several inches taller than most......I would carry a bag on both shoulders.......and they would buy my lunch after the round was over.....but I could do a lot with $3.60.........and they would always pay me in felt like a lot of money.....I would have accepted pennies.....
Golf became too expensive a hobby for me. I have been a literal relatively poor for most of my life. I never made more than $24K in my life and my wife didn't work for most of those years. We learned to live frugally. I made it through though and have been fine since retiring.
Same here with the golf. Back in the late 80s through about 2007, I played golf pretty regularly, including countless trips to Florida, Myrtle Beach, etc...I never did become very good at it, occasionally I might have scored in the low 80s, but not much improvement considering how much I played. I guess I just didn't have that natural timing or hand-eye connection to be really good. Anyway, golf started become pretty expensive for the green fees and decent set of golf clubs.

One summer, over in South Carolina, I was playing with some guys and had a miserable day, maybe shooting 100, hooking shots all over the course out of bounds, in the water, and all over the place. I repeated that performance over the next week and just realized then that I pretty much suck at golf and wasn't going to get better, even playing and practicing regularly. I'm the type of person that, if I don't play well, it's not much fun, so I thought to myself......."self, why are you paying so much money, just to be bad at it?" If I'm going to suck at something, I don't want to add insult to injury by having to pay lots of money for the experience. Right then and there, on that hot, humid, muggy, South Carolina day, I quit the game for good, took up tennis, and have never looked back.
Speaking of golf, I never got into it. My mother's cousin owned Indian Rocks Golf Course and we had free everything. Just show up and play. I did not do it one time.

In my early 20's I took up racket ball and played that for a long, long time. I played in tournaments and got pretty good at it. I slacked off in my late 40's after messing up both of my shoulders. But it kept me in excellent condition for over 20 years.

With my aching bones I may be paying for it today.
Speaking of golf, I never got into it. My mother's cousin owned Indian Rocks Golf Course and we had free everything. Just show up and play. I did not do it one time.

In my early 20's I took up racket ball and played that for a long, long time. I played in tournaments and got pretty good at it. I slacked off in my late 40's after messing up both of my shoulders. But it kept me in excellent condition for over 20 years.

With my aching bones I may be paying for it today.
That's how I'm feeling many days now, with the aching shoulders and elbows. I still play in a tennis league each week for much of the year. It's a good way for me to keep moving, especially playing against a couple of good regular players. One guy I play against often is a former college level player. He's in his 60s and can still hit really hard, sometimes so hard I can barely see the ball when he serves. Another guy, older than me, is really good as well and used to play frequent "underground tennis betting matches" throughout South Florida and Miami. He mentions big money riding on matches that he played in along with big drugs back in the day and lots of pressure to play well. He hits all the tricks shots, which keeps me on my toes.
Speaking of golf, I never got into it. My mother's cousin owned Indian Rocks Golf Course and we had free everything. Just show up and play. I did not do it one time.

In my early 20's I took up racket ball and played that for a long, long time. I played in tournaments and got pretty good at it. I slacked off in my late 40's after messing up both of my shoulders. But it kept me in excellent condition for over 20 years.

With my aching bones I may be paying for it today.

Sir, I was a racquet ball master,... or so I thought. I was getting good in my late teens. Not sure how I got so full of myself playing that game when other sports I played I was contained and in control. (I was never really any good but I thought I was. Got graded as a C but for some reason I had potential in my own mind.

Yeah, one day I was showing off a little swinging that racquet with some serious torque and spinning it around.... I was warming up one day and showing off, I swung that metal racket around (Had recently bought it.) and swung it up in style..... until the edge of that racquet struck me above my own right eye in my eye brow.... four or six stitches later my expertise in racquet ball was over. Never picked up a racquet again... I have a couple tennis rackets and a bag of tennis balls in the garage. Racquet ball is a thing of the past. High School boxing going against black boxers with six to ten inch reach advantages never caused me as much pain as that unwarranted expertise I carried in racquetball... (And that's the rest of my story... ala Paul Harvey..) (My worst injury in any sport, was self-inflicted...)
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Looks like the Cards have beaten the shit out of powerhouse ACC opponent Syracuse. They just messed up in the broadcast and showed a shot of the stands. Maybe 30% of capacity. It's funny when you look back at all the unwarranted, misplaced hubris that group has displayed over the years.

Looking forward to the game in a couple of weeks. We'll have more fans there than they will. I wish I could go but Louisville has become a cesspool and I don't go anywhere there anymore unless I'm armed. They won't let me carry in the stadium.
That's how I'm feeling many days now, with the aching shoulders and elbows. I still play in a tennis league each week for much of the year. It's a good way for me to keep moving, especially playing against a couple of good regular players. One guy I play against often is a former college level player. He's in his 60s and can still hit really hard, sometimes so hard I can barely see the ball when he serves. Another guy, older than me, is really good as well and used to play frequent "underground tennis betting matches" throughout South Florida and Miami. He mentions big money riding on matches that he played in along with big drugs back in the day and lots of pressure to play well. He hits all the tricks shots, which keeps me on my toes.
Back in the early 1970's I played a lot of tennis but it was a different swing than a racquet ball and I never advanced as I should have. I played racquetball almost every day during the lunch hour. I did not work in an office so four of us would meet at a racquetball club during the lunch hour and work out. Then on Saturday our team practiced and had meets. It was a good cardiovascular exercise and thankfully I never received a serious injury playing. I have seen some though. That little blue ball is moving fast and hurts if it knocks you upside the head