
Looks like the Cards have beaten the shit out of powerhouse ACC opponent Syracuse. They just messed up in the broadcast and showed a shot of the stands. Maybe 30% of capacity. It's funny when you look back at all the unwarranted, misplaced hubris that group has displayed over the years.

Looking forward to the game in a couple of weeks. We'll have more fans there than they will. I wish I could go but Louisville has become a cesspool and I don't go anywhere there anymore unless I'm armed. They won't let me carry in the stadium.
If the Cats can just take care of business we should be OK. Our Cats need to feel like lions and finish this season out with a roar.

Back in the early 1970's I played a lot of tennis but it was a different swing than a racquet ball and I never advanced as I should have. I played racquetball almost every day during the lunch hour. I did not work in an office so four of us would meet at a racquetball club during the lunch hour and work out. Then on Saturday our team practiced and had meets. It was a good cardiovascular exercise and thankfully I never received a serious injury playing. I have seen some though. That little blue ball is moving fast and hurts if it knocks you upside the head
Yeah, I’ve vaguely remember your racquetball days. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Well hell! CJ Frederick will undergo hamstring surgery and most likely miss the 2021-2022 season. I was really looking forward to watching this young man. Cats are loaded but it sure would have helped having one of the best 3-point shooters from last year.
About 25 years since I played, maybe more. I doubt I could return a serve now. NOT with these bones.
It's been about 20 years for me. I think I was 41 last time I played. I was working in Pennsylvania and a young guy in the office wanted to play at the local Y. He was 22 and pretty athletic so I told him he would catch on pretty quickly. I took it easy on him and tried to teach him not to chase the ball.

After we had played nearly every day for a couple of weeks and I was letting him score enough points to keep him interested but never enough to risk losing, he goes to the office and starts bragging that I had been playing for 20 years and he had been playing for 2 weeks and he was going to beat me soon.

That afternoon we went to play and the scores were 21-0, 21-1, 21-2. I was getting tired toward the end and the 3 points he got were due to my mistakes on easy shots.

The next morning after our meeting I told the entire office to ask him about our racquetball game yesterday. We never played again.
Looks like the Cards have beaten the shit out of powerhouse ACC opponent Syracuse. They just messed up in the broadcast and showed a shot of the stands. Maybe 30% of capacity. It's funny when you look back at all the unwarranted, misplaced hubris that group has displayed over the years.

Looking forward to the game in a couple of weeks. We'll have more fans there than they will. I wish I could go but Louisville has become a cesspool and I don't go anywhere there anymore unless I'm armed. They won't let me carry in the stadium.
Yeah I have no desire to enter downtown Louisville. Unfortunately some of my Dad's doctors have offices there so I have no choice. 21 straight months of double-digit homicides, 172 total so far this year and that's only 1 shy of last year's record. On pace to hit at least 190, maybe even 200. In fact, Louisville outpaces Chicago and Philadelphia in homicide rate. Nothing to be proud of and our mayor is doing nothing.
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It's been about 20 years for me. I think I was 41 last time I played. I was working in Pennsylvania and a young guy in the office wanted to play at the local Y. He was 22 and pretty athletic so I told him he would catch on pretty quickly. I took it easy on him and tried to teach him not to chase the ball.

After we had played nearly every day for a couple of weeks and I was letting him score enough points to keep him interested but never enough to risk losing, he goes to the office and starts bragging that I had been playing for 20 years and he had been playing for 2 weeks and he was going to beat me soon.

That afternoon we went to play and the scores were 21-0, 21-1, 21-2. I was getting tired toward the end and the 3 points he got were due to my mistakes on easy shots.

The next morning after our meeting I told the entire office to ask him about our racquetball game yesterday. We never played again.
I'm a pretty quiet guy. We were playing fast pitch softball. We beat a Korean team pretty bad in a double header and I'd had a good day and was feeling my oats pretty good. Our pitcher/manager pitched batting practice the next day. He had beat Eddie Feigner of the King and his Court Fame at one time. He bore down on me and I was lucky to foul off a few. I had a little humble pie that day.
In 1493, Columbus brought some steak to we! If you listen to some people, Columbus is a name to be reviled. But he's the dude what done brung the beef to America!

Just ate some roast with taters and carrots I had made and frozen a couple of weeks ago. Texture was different but the taste was awesome. Got enough to eat again during the game tonight
Just checked on Outback Bowl tickets. $170 for club level and $80 for all others. Lower vs Upper basically. A friend's daughter has been the manager of an Outback for about 10 years now. Gonna see if she can get me a couple of tickets. Was a hoot the last time we were there, of course I was a lot younger then and will not play it the same way. Married now too. No Ybor City on New Years Eve!

Win the next 3 games and it appears we'll be going. They want us there for sure. Last time was a sell out and we drank every beer they had in the stadium before the 4th quarter. The beer guy told us he'd never seen that before. He also told us that the next time we come back it wouldn't happen.

I guess we didn't want to wear out our welcome. [eyeroll]