

Damn I missed the fireworks. Glad you're back! Hope all is well.
Good Sunday morning all. Finally got some rain yesterday...and quite a bit of it. Rained steady and hard for about 5-6 hours. Glad I decided not to go camping. Would have been a washout.

Speaking of weather here in the Buckeye State, it's 67 now heading up to the mid-70s with a chance of some more rain. Cloudy out now but looking at the radar there's none in sight...but it's going thru the Bluegrass State now, so some of you are either getting it, or will

Y'all have a good, healthy, safe and happy Lord's Day.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going to be a little cooler today at 88-90° but back up into the mid 90's during the week and back to high 90's to triple digits come next weekend. I believe the bass in this area have something to do with that. Will attempt to bag a few of the elusive bass tomorrow as the morning is supposed to be mid 60s'. Since it has been a down year for me fishing I am now reaching Captain Ahab levels in going after those elusive monsters. Stay tuned.

Oh yeah, enjoy your weekend folks and GO BIG BLUE!
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Good morning. From Opry Land, TN . We flew up for a birthday party The growth in this city is crazy.

I forgot to bring a jacket The weather is nice so maybe I want need one.

Have a great day
Funny and coincidental....we had reservations for this weekend at the Opryland Hotel. Was going to go there since my oldest son moved there earlier this year...and the Mrs has never been there (especially the hotel...beautiful place). But when her daughter and kids first scheduled to come in for the Summer they didn't know if they would be here thru Labor Day or not. It all depended on what the schools would be doing in Seattle. If remote/at home they would have stayed. If in person they would go home. So I cancelled our reservations just in case.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and sunny. Today's high expected at 101°F. Hot, humid temperatures forecast through next Sunday. Ugh.

Watched lots of football yesterday. Happy our Cats won. Cards play Ole Miss tonight.

It's usual Sunday for me. Plan on walking here in a little bit.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Funny and coincidental....we had reservations for this weekend at the Opryland Hotel. Was going to go there since my oldest son moved there earlier this year...and the Mrs has never been there (especially the hotel...beautiful place). But when her daughter and kids first scheduled to come in for the Summer they didn't know if they would be here thru Labor Day or not. It all depended on what the schools would be doing in Seattle. If remote/at home they would have stayed. If in person they would go home. So I cancelled our reservations just in case.
OC, I flew up for my 1st cousins, daughters birthday. She is Sr Marketing Director for a cowboy boots company Outside of Texas and Vegas most of her work is in Nashville with country music stars.

Her agent and publicity director hosted the party in Franklin, TN and then they took us over to The Opry. We met Connie Smith and others. I especially wanted to meet her.

A young lady, 19 yo from Lexington KY, Anne Wilson was the star of the show. It was her very first performance at the Opry and she blew the doors off of the building and raised the roof. WHAT A VOICE. Kentucky has produced another Super Star. Her very first record went to #1 and that was a first time a woman had done that.

Today I will follow my wife all over the town and catch an early morning flight back south

Go CATS, a great win yedterday.
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Morning D-League. It is an overcast 70.3°F on our way to 77° and a 30% chance of rain. I could use a little more rain.

It was good to see the SEC play. The only disappointment was LSU. I did not see them losing to UCLA. Georgia made me happy beating Clemson. Alabama simply played with Miami, they looked really good.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and sunny. Today's high expected at 101°F. Hot, humid temperatures forecast through next Sunday. Ugh.

Watched lots of football yesterday. Happy our Cats won. Cards play Ole Miss tonight.

It's usual Sunday for me. Plan on walking here in a little bit.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Is that a cross between a Samoan pastry and the Mimosa cocktail?

Hiccup! I believe it is. I was hungry this morning.
Good morning! According to my wife, it was raining here this morning. I didn't get up to look because I trust her judgement on such things.

Nearly broke my left pointer finger yesterday coming in the side door to the house. Somehow it got hooked in the latch as I was walking around the storm door. This morning it is swollen and I can barely bend it. Not as bad as last week when I walked my knee into the corner of the coffee table.

Talking about pain...I'm now well into my second month of having Shingles. If you are over 50, GET THE SHINGLES VACCINE!! You do not want this shit!
Good day, D-League!

Hope you're enjoying (what's left of our country) this fine (soggy) day! Administration is rescuing (importing) refugees (democrats) by the county full and sending them all over (swing states) the country for the 9th straight year. Should be fully under (Chinese and middle eastern) control by the end of September.

The airlift was a complete (democrat) success! They rescued (everyone but the people that helped us and Americans) a total of over 100k people and left no one (enemy) behind!

Peaceful (beheadings, hangings, and trafficking) diplomacy has begun in earnest once again. The world is a safer place for those (enemies of our constitution) at home and abroad. We've even bolstered our (negative) perception while arming our new allies the Taliban.

All this work to be celebrated this Labor Day!

Along with the possibility I will be getting a divorce soon, I can't think of a better start to fall!
Good day, D-League!

Hope you're enjoying (what's left of our country) this fine (soggy) day! Administration is rescuing (importing) refugees (democrats) by the county full and sending them all over (swing states) the country for the 9th straight year. Should be fully under (Chinese and middle eastern) control by the end of September.

The airlift was a complete (democrat) success! They rescued (everyone but the people that helped us and Americans) a total of over 100k people and left no one (enemy) behind!

Peaceful (beheadings, hangings, and trafficking) diplomacy has begun in earnest once again. The world is a safer place for those (enemies of our constitution) at home and abroad. We've even bolstered our (negative) perception while arming our new allies the Taliban.

All this work to be celebrated this Labor Day!

Along with the possibility I will be getting a divorce soon, I can't think of a better start to fall!
Have to break your post into two parts.

First part...98%...😍

Last sentence......😮 🙁(if true)
OC, I flew up for my 1st cousins, daughters birthday. She is Sr Marketing Director for a cowboy boots company Outside of Texas and Vegas most of her work is in Nashville with country music stars.

Her agent and publicity director hosted the party in Franklin, TN and then they took us over to The Opry. We met Connie Smith and others. I especially wanted to meet her.

A young lady, 19 yo from Lexington KY, Anne Wilson was the star of the show. It was her very first performance at the Opry and she blew the doors off of the building and raised the roof. WHAT A VOICE. Kentucky has produced another Super Star. Her very first record went to #1 and that was a first time a woman had done that.

Today I will follow my wife all over the town and catch an early morning flight back south

Go CATS, a great win yedterday.

I remember when Connie Smith came on the scene. I loved her music and she impressed me as a very nice and humble girl. She had a very nice gospel album.

Good morning! According to my wife, it was raining here this morning. I didn't get up to look because I trust her judgement on such things.

Nearly broke my left pointer finger yesterday coming in the side door to the house. Somehow it got hooked in the latch as I was walking around the storm door. This morning it is swollen and I can barely bend it. Not as bad as last week when I walked my knee into the corner of the coffee table.

Talking about pain...I'm now well into my second month of having Shingles. If you are over 50, GET THE SHINGLES VACCINE!! You do not want this shit!
Really sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully you're through the worst of it.
Good day, D-League!

Hope you're enjoying (what's left of our country) this fine (soggy) day! Administration is rescuing (importing) refugees (democrats) by the county full and sending them all over (swing states) the country for the 9th straight year. Should be fully under (Chinese and middle eastern) control by the end of September.

The airlift was a complete (democrat) success! They rescued (everyone but the people that helped us and Americans) a total of over 100k people and left no one (enemy) behind!

Peaceful (beheadings, hangings, and trafficking) diplomacy has begun in earnest once again. The world is a safer place for those (enemies of our constitution) at home and abroad. We've even bolstered our (negative) perception while arming our new allies the Taliban.

All this work to be celebrated this Labor Day!

Along with the possibility I will be getting a divorce soon, I can't think of a better start to fall!
Damn I sure hope a divorce doesn't happen. Unless of course you want one.
Uh oh, Governor Beshear will hold a special legislative session to address Covid concerns. I got a bad feeling about this.

On a different note, if anybody believes in the Old Farmer's Almanac then we can expect one of the coldest, snowiest and longest winters in many years.
Uh oh, Governor Beshear will hold a special legislative session to address Covid concerns. I got a bad feeling about this.

On a different note, if anybody believes in the Old Farmer's Almanac then we can expect one of the coldest, snowiest and longest winters in many years.
I am ready, but I don't believe half what they publish.
There is a BBC show that my wife watches, over and over. It is called "New Tricks". It is a detective show where they bring in the old bastards to solve dated crimes. Here is the lyrics to the jingle.

It's alright, it's okay
Doesn't really matter if you're old and gray!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
Listen to what I say

It's alright, doin' fine
Doesn't really matter if the sun don't shine!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
We're gettin' to the end of the day

High tech, low tech
Take your pick
'Cos you can't teach an old dog

A brand new trick

Then repeat.​

I thought that was perfect for us old farts on the D-League.
Uh oh, Governor Beshear will hold a special legislative session to address Covid concerns. I got a bad feeling about this.

On a different note, if anybody believes in the Old Farmer's Almanac then we can expect one of the coldest, snowiest and longest winters in many years.

I ain't skeerd. I live in Phoenix (and there are only about three weeks until the brutal heat is gone).

*I'm genuinely curious. Has anyone ever gone back over the years to check the general accuracy of the Old Farmers Almanac's weather predictions?
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There is a BBC show that my wife watches, over and over. It is called "New Tricks". It is a detective show where they bring in the old bastards to solve dated crimes. Here is the lyrics to the jingle.

It's alright, it's okay
Doesn't really matter if you're old and gray!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
Listen to what I say

It's alright, doin' fine
Doesn't really matter if the sun don't shine!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
We're gettin' to the end of the day

High tech, low tech
Take your pick
'Cos you can't teach an old dog

A brand new trick

Then repeat.​

I thought that was perfect for us old farts on the D-League.
Old dogs have our own tricks and it ain't treats for those that piss us off.
Really sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully you're through the worst of it.
Oh yes. It's just a nuisance at this point. Doesn't bother me all the time like it did for 6 weeks. Should be totally over in the next few weeks.
Uh oh, Governor Beshear will hold a special legislative session to address Covid concerns. I got a bad feeling about this.

On a different note, if anybody believes in the Old Farmer's Almanac then we can expect one of the coldest, snowiest and longest winters in many years.
Old Farmers Almanac? Pffftt! I saw a wooly worm at the golf course that was totally black! Can't go wrong with the wooly worm forecast. Also, there is an abundance of acorns on my oak trees. I don't have to tell you what that means.

"Batten down the hatches maties, there's a coming up a bloooow!"
There is a BBC show that my wife watches, over and over. It is called "New Tricks". It is a detective show where they bring in the old bastards to solve dated crimes. Here is the lyrics to the jingle.

It's alright, it's okay
Doesn't really matter if you're old and gray!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
Listen to what I say

It's alright, doin' fine
Doesn't really matter if the sun don't shine!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
We're gettin' to the end of the day

High tech, low tech
Take your pick
'Cos you can't teach an old dog

A brand new trick

Then repeat.​

I thought that was perfect for us old farts on the D-League.
This show is mine and my wife's favorite. It has a perfect cast. It makes murder humerous. We watch it every night
Funny and coincidental....we had reservations for this weekend at the Opryland Hotel. Was going to go there since my oldest son moved there earlier this year...and the Mrs has never keen there (especially the hotel...beautiful place). But when her daughter and kids first scheduled to come in for the Summer they didn't know if they would be here thru Labor Day or not. It all depended on what the schools would be doing in Seattle. If remote/at home they would have stayed. If in person they would go home. So I cancelled our reservations just in case.
Funny you mention the Opryland Hotel. Quite a few years ago they bought new lamp shades for ever room from a guy from California who got them from China. They were all bad and Opryand was pitching a fit at him. He called me wanting us to take a crew to the hotel and fix them. I wasn't about to waste my time and energy bailing out someone who bought Chinese crap. I don't know what he did, but I told him we didn't have time.
I ain't skeerd. I live in Phoenix (and there are only about three weeks until the brutal heat is gone).

*I'm genuinely curious. Has anyone ever gone back over the years to check the general accuracy of the Old Farmers Almanac's weather predictions?

I was just going to say that it has been forecasting incorrectly for this area for years, but eventually will get it right if they keep the same forecast. It's like Phil Steele's mag.
Oh yes. It's just a nuisance at this point. Doesn't bother me all the time like it did for 6 weeks. Should be totally over in the next few weeks.

Old Farmers Almanac? Pffftt! I saw a wooly worm at the golf course that was totally black! Can't go wrong with the wooly worm forecast. Also, there is an abundance of acorns on my oak trees. I don't have to tell you what that means.

"Batten down the hatches maties, there's a coming up a bloooow!"

I saw 3 woolly worms last fall. All 3 had different forecasts, if you went by their markings.

It's probably due to weather mod. Can't expect a wolly worm to get it right in such horrid working conditions
There is a BBC show that my wife watches, over and over. It is called "New Tricks". It is a detective show where they bring in the old bastards to solve dated crimes. Here is the lyrics to the jingle.

It's alright, it's okay
Doesn't really matter if you're old and gray!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
Listen to what I say

It's alright, doin' fine
Doesn't really matter if the sun don't shine!
It's alright – I say, it's okay
We're gettin' to the end of the day

High tech, low tech
Take your pick
'Cos you can't teach an old dog

A brand new trick

Then repeat.​

I thought that was perfect for us old farts on the D-League.
New Tricks is great. Gerry is a real piece of work.