
Good Morning all,

Been a weird couple days. Nothing bad, just weird. Won't even expound, just not a normal couple days. I am thankful.

Oh, My prayer is that all in this thread are well and content. I also pray that each have a good purpose in your days today to where your day is full-filling. I remember a line from an old George Burns movie, Oh God Book II...... "Think God"... God Bless you all...

Morning all. Another fall like morning in the Buckeye State...55 out now heading up to mid-70s. Little cool on the porch so I headed back indoors.

Yesterday was the 81st anniversary of Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s official dedication! On September 2, 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the park (formally established in 1934) from Newfound Gap. Over 10,000 people gathered late that afternoon to see the President and witness the Park’s dedication.

Not much going on today. Shampooed a few area rugs yesterday out on the driveway so they could dry out good while the Mrs cleaned the rooms they came out of. So kind of a flip/flop Spring/Fall cleaning. But she does the deep cleaning and rearrangement of furniture every Spring and then again in the Fall.
Also mowed most of the yard...little bit left plus I'm free of that for the weekend.
Low country shrimp boil planned for the weekend. Get rid of company...and more here for the shrimp boil.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D-Leaguers. It is 62.4°F and sunny. It was 61°F at 7 am and is supposed to top out at 81°. That is nice.

I got the house cleaned outside from the roof on down. The yard crew finished trimming the bald cypress, removed two blue rug junipers and finished the mulch. It sure looks better. They did wear out the yard as they used a bob cat to haul the mulch from the driveway to the back yard. They sure pissed off my moles! I will probably mow the yard to even it out.

You all have a good day and get ready for football tomorrow.
Had fresh coconuts in Panama when visiting my wife's aunt, who is doing the Ex-Pat thing down there. The monkeys are nasty, but I did get a kick out of the elusive tree sloth. We spotted a few of those weirdos. Also enjoyed more than I expected to transiting the canal. A touristy trip I'd do again.
Slowest moving things outside of snails. Not the monkeys, the Sloths. Saw a few of them while there. Don't know what animal it was but, we were doing some night missions and wound up deep into some ravine, ran into a wall where we could go no further forward and had traveled a ways to get there so we did not want to backtrack and find a way around so we flashed our lights upward to see how far up it was. It was not so far up 15 maybe 20 ft. so we decided to climb. I got about half way up finding holes and crevices to grip and found a hole to my left and was about to put my left hand in when I saw these green glowing eyes. I quickly adjusted to another area to grab and sped up my climbing. As I said, did not know what it was and was not going to find out.
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I'd so love a return trip.

Back then, I'd just graduated from basic. One of my drill sergeants had been stationed down there prior to going on the trail and becoming our drill. He told many stories about surviving out in the jungle. Took leave in sunny Florida at mom's FL house before reporting to my unit. Thought I was ready and acclimated for Panama. Boy, was I sure wrong.

Totally unprepared for the mosquitos despite loads of bug "juice", leftover insect repellent from Vietnam. Learned a valuable lesson after sleeping a few nights without netting. We were issued jungle fatigues. Seems like the bugs ate totally through our clothing.
When we went it was middle of January and freezing rain at the airfield at FT. Campbell as we loaded C141's bound for Panama. We all had on our winter gear. When we landed in Panama it was 95° in the shade with what felt like 100% humidity. Never seen soldiers undress so fast.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F, clear and calm. Today's high could reach 98°F.

Watched Ohio St. vs Minnesota last night. Buckeyes beat them Gophers up.

Wife watching Dragnet right now. Funny how I remember this particular episode from way back in the 60s.

Hopefully work is a quiet one today. 3-day weekend coming up.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

What the hell is a Rarebit? Is it a small piece of a Rabbit or a Hare?
Used to throw their feces at us especially at night while we were in our screen tents.
All these stories of unruly primates: Here's mine. Early October 1990 after the Kuwaiti royal family was chased from Kuwait City by Saddam's army, they were living in a town in western Saudi Arabia called Taif.

A bunch of us reporters drove up from the Red Sea port of Jeddah to take part in a press conference where they talked about atrocities by the Iraqis blah blah. I was surprised to find the road wound up into some fairly stark mountains, unlike what I expected of Saudi.

We came to an area where you could pull off, and I saw a bunch of small baboons capering around! I had no idea there were baboons in Saudi. Way over on the other side of the pull off were a line of big white Mercedes, but no one was out of their cars checking out the baboons, and more importantly, what looked like a spectacular view over a precipice.

So, I get out of the car, trot over to where you can see across this stark cliff face. The little baboons start wailing and acting crazy, then they disappear over the edge of the bluff. As I get to the edge, I look down --- and spot these massive broad shouldered male baboons on a little ledge, snarling and baring their teeth.

I start jogging back to the car, but the baboons boil up over the cliff in a dead run coming after me. I managed to sprint full speed, and get back to the car -- my buddy who'd stayed in the car said the biggest male was right on my heels. The baboons screamed and yelled and bounced around, and after making their point went back over the ledge.

As I'm trying to catch my breath and calm down, one of the Mercedes rolls up. The driver cracks his window and says: "Do not leave your car. It is very dangerous!"

Damn, thanks Haji. I was thinking about doing it all over again.

By the way, the baboons around there are notorious -- they've been accused of attacking humans, and even towns. Here's a story I googled:

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All these stories of unruly primates: Here's mine. Late October 1990 after the Kuwaiti royal family was chased from Kuwaiti City by Saddam's army, they were living in a town in western Saudi Arabia called Taif.

A bunch of us reporters drove up from the Red Sea port of Jeddah to take part in a press conference where they thanked America, blah blah. I was surprised to find the road wound up into some fairly stark mountains, unlike what I expected of Saudi.

We came to an area where you could pull off, and I saw a bunch of small baboons capering around! I had no idea there were baboons in Saudi. Way over on the other side of the pull off were a line of big white Mercedes, but no one was out of their cars checking out the baboons, and more importantly, what looked like a spectacular view over a precipice.

So, I get out of the car, trot over to where you can see across this stark cliff face. The little baboons start wailing and acting crazy, then they disappear over the edge of the bluff. As I get to the edge, I look down --- and spot these massive broad shouldered male baboons on a little ledge, snarling and baring their teeth.

I start jogging back to the car, but the baboons boil up over the cliff in a dead run coming after me. I managed to sprint full speed, and get back to the car -- my buddy who'd stayed in the car said the biggest male was right on my heels. The baboons screamed and yelled and bounced around, and after making their point went back over the ledge.

As I'm trying to catch my breath and calm down, one of the Mercedes rolls up. The driver cracks his window and says: "Do not leave your car. It is very dangerous!"

Damn, thanks Haji. I was thinking about doing it all over again.

By the way, the baboons around there are notorious -- they've been accused of attacking humans, and even towns. Here's a story I googled:

Are you not sure that was not me? I got there (Saudi) October 4th 1990. Just saying.
Hot cheese-based sauce poured over toasted bread.
Kind of reminded me of a scene in the Beverly Hillbillies movie with Jim Varney. Some one mentioned that there was smog where they were moving to and granny ask: "What's a smog?" They all turned and looked at Jethro because he had all the learnin. Jeopardy music starts playing as he is thinking and at the end of the music he says: "I guess it's a small hog."
Are you not sure that was not me? I got there (Saudi) October 4th 1990. Just saying.
I haven't met you warrior, but I'm taking it on faith that you are a lot better looking than these horrifying baboons...
As I say, I had zero idea there even were baboons in Saudi. But Google Taif baboons and you'll see lots of images like this one below. I'd gone to Desert Shield as a reporter willing to take my chances but getting mauled by killer baboons was more than I'd bargained for :
I haven't met you warrior, but I'm taking it on faith that you are a lot better looking than these horrifying baboons...
As I say, I had zero idea there even were baboons in Saudi. But Google Taif baboons and you'll see lots of images like this one below. I'd gone to Desert Shield as a reporter willing to take my chances but getting mauled by killer baboons was more than I'd bargained for :
I think that's a distant cousin of mine.
I haven't met you warrior, but I'm taking it on faith that you are a lot better looking than these horrifying baboons...
As I say, I had zero idea there even were baboons in Saudi. But Google Taif baboons and you'll see lots of images like this one below. I'd gone to Desert Shield as a reporter willing to take my chances but getting mauled by killer baboons was more than I'd bargained for :

Don't you believe it... OH, I thought you were talking about me. A guy with a face for message boards.... (My Darling says I have a good heart and warm body!)
We had a new roof put on this week......hardest working I have to cut grass today........I have 16 big, fat ducks to dress out and 6 more rabbits to put in the freezer and I will hopefully get a chance to get my boat out and go is crazy in my neighborhood.......a guy got killed not far from my house on Wednesday......while the helicopter was circling I heard gun shots....... not a rock throw from my deck........a 9 yr old boy got shot........a lady got shot a block over.........there isn't a day goes by that we don't gun fire once or twice a day........we heard gun shots last week......the fire dept and ambulance came but we never heard any police arriving.......we are still hunting for a is hard to leave this house......first off....we have been here since 1977.....I spent 35 years putting lipstick on this pig.........then in 2011 I completely gutted the house and put a 3/4 wrap around addition on it...we spent about $95K on the project......and that doesn't include my labor on the project........I have purchase guns and Byrna pepper spray guns........I am not a gun carrier.........the only real solution that we can see is to move out of Jefferson Co.......with the present leadership it is only going to get worse......I think I heard that Louisville is the 3rd ranked city for gun violence......not too shabby for the 16th largest city........
Good morning all. Up early but getting a late start on the day. Going over to do some small repairs to one of the rentals.

Looks like a good day weather wise here in the Buckeye since the grass is mowed I can piddle. Unless I decide to mow one of the fields.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and partly cloudy. Humid. Today's high may reach 100°F.

Happy Caturday! Go Cats!

Plan on walking soon. Heading over to Zaxby's before game starts for usual goodies.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Yeah! Need me some tailgating food.

Anybody ever wonder why around half or more of the ACC football teams play on a Thursday or Friday? My guess is they know they will get no coverage during the real day for college football.
Good morning all. Up early but getting a late start on the day. Going over to do some small repairs to one of the rentals.

Looks like a good day weather wise here in the Buckeye since the grass is mowed I can piddle. Unless I decide to mow one of the fields.

Y'all have a good day.
Well that Depends doesn't it?

If anyone knows how to quickly get in touch with a mod, maybe Jerry, please let them know that Don can't access the site. He thinks the credit card he joined with may have expired.

UK 49-3
Paging @jedwar . Your assistance is needed. @wildcatdonf cannot access our site. Is he locked out?


If anyone knows how to quickly get in touch with a mod, maybe Jerry, please let them know that Don can't access the site. He thinks the credit card he joined with may have expired.

UK 49-3
Welcome back stranger.

I sent Jedwar a private message. Hopefully we can get Don back before the game.