
We had a new roof put on this week......hardest working I have to cut grass today........I have 16 big, fat ducks to dress out and 6 more rabbits to put in the freezer and I will hopefully get a chance to get my boat out and go is crazy in my neighborhood.......a guy got killed not far from my house on Wednesday......while the helicopter was circling I heard gun shots....... not a rock throw from my deck........a 9 yr old boy got shot........a lady got shot a block over.........there isn't a day goes by that we don't gun fire once or twice a day........we heard gun shots last week......the fire dept and ambulance came but we never heard any police arriving.......we are still hunting for a is hard to leave this house......first off....we have been here since 1977.....I spent 35 years putting lipstick on this pig.........then in 2011 I completely gutted the house and put a 3/4 wrap around addition on it...we spent about $95K on the project......and that doesn't include my labor on the project........I have purchase guns and Byrna pepper spray guns........I am not a gun carrier.........the only real solution that we can see is to move out of Jefferson Co.......with the present leadership it is only going to get worse......I think I heard that Louisville is the 3rd ranked city for gun violence......not too shabby for the 16th largest city........

Oh, Jefferson County? At first I thought you were one of those left stranded in Afghanistan.

I have not seen a UK touchdown yet. We switched to Firestick a couple of months back and the BLH channels that carry SEC channel and other sports channels freezes up on me. Told my wife if we don't get this fixed before next week that I will go back to the old way and just pay more money.
We had a new roof put on this week......hardest working I have to cut grass today........I have 16 big, fat ducks to dress out and 6 more rabbits to put in the freezer and I will hopefully get a chance to get my boat out and go is crazy in my neighborhood.......a guy got killed not far from my house on Wednesday......while the helicopter was circling I heard gun shots....... not a rock throw from my deck........a 9 yr old boy got shot........a lady got shot a block over.........there isn't a day goes by that we don't gun fire once or twice a day........we heard gun shots last week......the fire dept and ambulance came but we never heard any police arriving.......we are still hunting for a is hard to leave this house......first off....we have been here since 1977.....I spent 35 years putting lipstick on this pig.........then in 2011 I completely gutted the house and put a 3/4 wrap around addition on it...we spent about $95K on the project......and that doesn't include my labor on the project........I have purchase guns and Byrna pepper spray guns........I am not a gun carrier.........the only real solution that we can see is to move out of Jefferson Co.......with the present leadership it is only going to get worse......I think I heard that Louisville is the 3rd ranked city for gun violence......not too shabby for the 16th largest city........
I was up on the roof of one of our rentals this morning. The main roof we had replaced 8-10 years ago...metal roof so we should be good for years. But the roofer at that time (old fashion Dunkard Amish....shows up on his tractor hauling a big trailer w/tools and supplies) screwed up and didn't do a small, back section thats about 20x40. Said he thought that was new...misunderstood me. Got an area that needs patched....but after getting up there and looking around I called a roofer friend and told him to put on a new roof on that addition.

Stories like yours remind me of my ex-in laws in Atlanta in the mid-80s. Didn't live in their neighborhood as long as you, but quite some time. Was a very nice neighborhood. They put about 30K into remodeling their kitchen...and then were forced to sell in about 2 years. Neighborhood went downhill that fast. In the months before they moved, you could hear gunfire every so often.

Living out basically in small town America...out with the corn/soy fields...the only gun shots I here is a neighbor about a mile behind me doing target practice.
Did not get to see the game because of Firestick sticking on live shows but, wouldn't you know it, 6 minutes to go in the game and it quit sticking and I am now watching Alabama-Miami. Oh and by the way, I hope Ole Miss stomps a mudhole in Louisville's buttinsky come Monday night.
Did not get to see the game because of Firestick sticking on live shows but, wouldn't you know it, 6 minutes to go in the game and it quit sticking and I am now watching Alabama-Miami. Oh and by the way, I hope Ole Miss stomps a mudhole in Louisville's buttinsky come Monday night.
Wonder if that may have been an Amazon problem. Just now turned on our big screen in the living room and it tells me I have to sign in on my internet. Did that...then it went to software it's telling me I have to sign in to my Amazon account. Has never done that and we have about 3 fire sticks for about 4 or 5 years now.