I imagine it depends on the part of the country you live. I have heard the horror stories, Arizona being the one that comes to mind. When President Trump was in office he made the VA a priority and I understand it improved overall. We have a huge amount of retired military around here including a lot of generals and admirals. All of the Vets I talked to swear by the VA Hospitals and say they have state of the art treatment and excellent doctors and nurses.
We have two VA hospitals very close to where I live, one in
Gainesville and the other in Pinellas county. The one in Gainesville serves South Georgia and North Florida and is located next to The University of Florida Health System (Shands) It is also a teaching hospital with 5,800 medical professionals Bay Pines is in Pinellas County and it has an excellent reputation. A lot of ex military brass make sure it is first class. A former congressman, Bill Young was one of the biggest advocates for Veterans in congress and he made sure it was the best it could be. After he died they named it for him. William T Young . I do not use the VA but I would not hesitate and would have full confidence I was being treated by excellent medical providers. Referring to the local hospitals.
Now I am not sure about other areas but I imagine it depends on location. One of my brother in laws lives in Estill County , KY and he insists on going to the Veterans Hospital in Lexington. He let me know one time they saved his life so I best not say anything bad about them.