
Good morning D-League.

Had an early morning doctor's appointment at my wife's insistence. Over recent years I've had a few welts and moles and other oddities pop up acros the landscape of my body, a couple of which looked like the Googled version of melanoma.

So, the guy looks me over for thirty seconds or so, says it is all benign and "what happens to you as you get less young." Embarrassing.

He asked if any of them bothered me or ever got irritated and I said one spot on my neck that falls where a collared shirt gets buttoned when I wear a tie. It gets sore when rubbed.

He says, "I can burn that off with a little local anesthetic but it'll sting a little." He was correct, but what was really weird was the strong smell of burning flesh that is still in my nostrils. That's as much of me as I want to be incinerated unless I decide to go for cremation down the road.

As a church friend of mine says, "we'll all face the fire of His coming one day. Some will be transformed in that instant as the fire consumes the flesh born to decay. Others will feel the burning not once but twice."
Never saw anything about this guy. 8' 1" Wow!

Seems to me they should handicap these folks before they play certain sports. If he's that tall, the other team should be spotted a couple strokes.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 68° and rainy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring cloudy skies and a high of 75°.

Was sleeping good last night until my daughter awakens me at 1:30am telling me a Sheriff is at the door. Now I'm scared, thinking something has happened to my wife's parents, only to learn they had the wrong house. Anyways I couldn't really get back to sleep after being scared like that.

Everyone stay safe on this Wednesday.


It's impossible, isn't it, as so many thoughts race through your head before you ever get near the door.
I ha
Good morning D-League.

Had an early morning doctor's appointment at my wife's insistence. Over recent years I've had a few welts and moles and other oddities pop up acros the landscape of my body, a couple of which looked like the Googled version of melanoma.

So, the guy looks me over for thirty seconds or so, says it is all benign and "what happens to you as you get less young." Embarrassing.

He asked if any of them bothered me or ever got irritated and I said one spot on my neck that falls where a collared shirt gets buttoned when I wear a tie. It gets sore when rubbed.

He says, "I can burn that off with a little local anesthetic but it'll sting a little." He was correct, but what was really weird was the strong smell of burning flesh that is still in my nostrils. That's as much of me as I want to be incinerated unless I decide to go for cremation down the road.
I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.
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I ha

I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.
Warrior, What you are describing sounds like what the doc burned off my neck today, though I can't judge size: mine was about the size of the eraser on a #2 pencil. In any case, I hate to hear that the veterans care is so indifferent and uncaring, to use maybe too kind words for it. Good luck when you see a "real doctor."
Warrior, What you are describing sounds like what the doc burned off my neck today, though I can't judge size: mine was about the size of the eraser on a #2 pencil. In any case, I hate to hear that the veterans care is so indifferent and uncaring, to use maybe too kind words for it. Good luck when you see a "real doctor."
Mine is about the size of a big marble with half protruding and the other half underneath. Thought for a while I was having an episode similar to Ash in the Army of Darkness and was growing a second head.
Warrior, What you are describing sounds like what the doc burned off my neck today, though I can't judge size: mine was about the size of the eraser on a #2 pencil. In any case, I hate to hear that the veterans care is so indifferent and uncaring, to use maybe too kind words for it. Good luck when you see a "real doctor."

For regular treatment I use the VA For anything above that, I go to outside vendors. I do not feel the VA treats for longevity... I have BCBS... The VA uses that too.
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Mine is about the size of a big marble with half protruding and the other half underneath. Thought for a while I was having an episode similar to Ash in the Army of Darkness and was growing a second head.
Dang. That's a big ole knot. I know what my RN wife would tell me: "Get your ass to a good doctor." But I understand your situation.
Dang. That's a big ole knot. I know what my RN wife would tell me: "Get your ass to a good doctor." But I understand your situation.
My wife (no RN just a PITA sometimes) has tried to get me to go but, I am stubborn and will use Medicare when the time comes. If I bitched enough RACH would probably send me somewhere out of the network but, as long as the second head stays dormant I will be OK.
I ha

I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.
My nephew doctor has always said that the doctors in the VA or on bases are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to med school. Many/some I guess go to med school in Puerto Rico or other Caribbean islands.
My wife (no RN just a PITA sometimes) has tried to get me to go but, I am stubborn and will use Medicare when the time comes. If I bitched enough RACH would probably send me somewhere out of the network but, as long as the second head stays dormant I will be OK.
You end up like something out of Men In Black and you'll wish you'd gone sooner. But I guess not likely...
My wife (no RN just a PITA sometimes) has tried to get me to go but, I am stubborn and will use Medicare when the time comes. If I bitched enough RACH would probably send me somewhere out of the network but, as long as the second head stays dormant I will be OK.

Excuse me, I am of course out of line but that is normal for me.... sounds like an ijut thing to do...think of your family, not you brother WC...
I ha

I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.
I've not been treated at a post medical facility since retirement. For strokes and colon cancer, Tricare covered the bills. Underwent two colonoscopy procedures at a nearby gastroenterology clinic, again via Tricare.
I ha

I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.
An uncle was a WW2 vet. Saved the lives of several of his buddies in battle. He died several years ago. His wife swore VA doctors messed up his meds and killed him.
I've not been treated at a post medical facility since retirement. For strokes and colon cancer, Tricare covered the bills. Underwent two colonoscopy procedures at a nearby gastroenterology clinic, again via Tricare.
I received a letter many years ago stating that I had to use RACH and if I did not, Tricare will not honor doctors I use unless they were referred by RACH.
I received a letter many years ago stating that I had to use RACH and if I did not, Tricare will not honor doctors I use unless they were referred by RACH.
Good lord, we're lucky. We live between Fort Hood and San Antonio. VA built a clinic here in ATX around 11-12 years ago. I've never been there because it's easier to visit my primary care provider.
I have been pretty healthy as far as I know so far and will get full workovers when I get a family care doctor outside of just PA's using medicare. I have not been sick in over 2 almost 3 years. It will be 3 years in November. I have also never been tested for covid yet so hopefully I won't have to be. By the time I hit 65 I am hoping that most of this nonsense is over and I can use the doctor of my choice and not worry about one who requires me to be vaccinated.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and partly cloudy. Steamy. Looking at 100°F for today's high. We hit triple digits yesterday for only the 6th time this year so far. According to long-range weather forecasts just now, we may experience high temps above 100°F until middle next week. Ugh!

No open ICU beds available in central Texas. I wonder how this little detail might impact our return to work scheduled for Friday, October 1st?

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Many folks are unaware, but Kentucky's Old Frankfort Pike predates the American Revolution. Love those stone walls.


I didn't consciously know that, but it makes sense. A lot of indentured (slave) irishmen make those walls? My people (one of many peoples) could make some good ones, even if today's texters are taking fences out ALL OVER THE STATE. Have y'all noticed that?

I've never seen this much carnage outside of a Kentucky ice storm, until this past year or so
Good morning, D-L!

Had to make breakfast for the clan before I could post... Hope it's a great day for everyone and that all of our posters get and stay healthy and happy (happy as we can be with the country in the straights it's in) through this football season!

An old UK football poster from way back posted on Facebook that the Day of Judgment is next Wednesday evening. ... (biblical holy day) How many of y'all are considerin' watchin to see what happens to DC on all channels? We're going to pop some corn and keep an ear out
Morning all. Air has a tinge of Fall in it. It's a cool mid 50s out now heading up to mid/upper 70s. No humidity.
A little early for Fall type weather, but the front(s) cleared out the heat and humidity. Wish it was like this year round.

Little more putting up and cleaning up to do. May mow some grass for the first time in 2/3 weeks. Decide when I get to it.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D-League.

Our weather is wet. Wet wet. It rained most of yesterday and is raining heavy at this moment. In spite of the rain my lawn man showed up and mowed, edged and blew the area clean. I was amazed. I gave him a nice bonus for his good work.

It is currently 73° and raining and this afternoon we will have a high of 82°. We can always use the rain around here.

Well the Taliban is now one of our allies and a friend so I suppose we will soon start giving them foreign aid. We might even consider sending them some more weapons. Free of course since they have no money. This world is turned upside down which has left me hanging in midair.

I trust all have a good day
Good Morning...

"Because He Lives...". I can face tomorrow...

What a glorious sight to see...

May this day bring and give you the hope only God can give you. Receive God's touch and Take heart, God is still in control. God Bless you and your families...
My nephew doctor has always said that the doctors in the VA or on bases are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to med school. Many/some I guess go to med school in Puerto Rico or other Caribbean islands.
I imagine it depends on the part of the country you live. I have heard the horror stories, Arizona being the one that comes to mind. When President Trump was in office he made the VA a priority and I understand it improved overall. We have a huge amount of retired military around here including a lot of generals and admirals. All of the Vets I talked to swear by the VA Hospitals and say they have state of the art treatment and excellent doctors and nurses.

We have two VA hospitals very close to where I live, one in Gainesville and the other in Pinellas county. The one in Gainesville serves South Georgia and North Florida and is located next to The University of Florida Health System (Shands) It is also a teaching hospital with 5,800 medical professionals Bay Pines is in Pinellas County and it has an excellent reputation. A lot of ex military brass make sure it is first class. A former congressman, Bill Young was one of the biggest advocates for Veterans in congress and he made sure it was the best it could be. After he died they named it for him. William T Young . I do not use the VA but I would not hesitate and would have full confidence I was being treated by excellent medical providers. Referring to the local hospitals.

Now I am not sure about other areas but I imagine it depends on location. One of my brother in laws lives in Estill County , KY and he insists on going to the Veterans Hospital in Lexington. He let me know one time they saved his life so I best not say anything bad about them. :)
Morning all. Air has a tinge of Fall in it. It's a cool mid 50s out now heading up to mid/upper 70s. No humidity.
A little early for Fall type weather, but the front(s) cleared out the heat and humidity. Wish it was like this year round.

Little more putting up and cleaning up to do. May mow some grass for the first time in 2/3 weeks. Decide when I get to it.

Y'all have a good day.

50s here, too, and foggy. Sun is baking it off quick. Creek's full and the beans are nearly ready
I ha

I have a lump/knot on the right side of my neck. It has been there for several years now. The only doctor I have seen for it was the PA assigned to me at RACH (Reynolds Army Community Hospital) at FT Sill that I have to use. A couple of years ago she ask if it hurt or has it gotten any bigger since I had it in which I replied no. She then said then don't worry about it, if it gets bigger come back and see us. This is the kind of responses I get from them. I don't go to the doctor very often and when I do it is generally for something painful. I was there that day for an achilles tendon problem which gave me trouble walking. The one on the left was 2 to 3 times larger than my right one and when she examined it she said: "I don't know what to tell you". I then told her it hurts like hell and I need some relief. She said get some Ibuprofen from the Pharmissary and stay off of it for a few days. Real fine advice. I still have problems with it and my other one now.

Next August when I turn 65 I can go off post and see a real doctor. I have some catching up to do.

Make sure you find either a Nurse Practitioner or a Naturaopathic Physician to help. The PAs and docs are about numbers from my experience. Unless you happen to find someone young and really wanting to help people, they might keep giving you the same "prescription"