A buddy of mine from school just got a positive covid test. He's freaked out. Tried my best to lift his spirits and not talk about the negative, just focus on what he can do.
What a medical professional and I talked about a few weeks ago came up in the conversation, so I went there.
They (the medical professional) explained to me (for the second time in a year, but I let him repeat himself) that the entire objective of the shots is to get our body to produce the spike proteins so our body learns to fight what carries them- coronaviruses. So, if our bodies are producing the spike proteins and have the genetic material in the cells to make them seem like coronaviruses, guess what we will do when our body starts producing them?
We'll get coronavirus symptoms and should by all accounts test positive for ..... ...... coronavirus (because the current tests can't well distinguish between coronaviruses). Imagine that. Once we have even mild symptoms, since the shots supposedly make you have milder symptoms, we'll also be contagious but might not realize it as quickly. Imagine that. We also may be producing a higher viral load in our environment, because our body is not just fighting off a virus, but also the factory producing it at the same time. A higher viral load means greater contagiousness of the virus for those around us. Weird.
He was so annoyed that the supreme leader of the niaaid never mentioned and no one ever asked if there WOULD be a spike in cases after a larger and larger percentage of the population got shots and eventually started producing the spike proteins efficiently.
Before he got his blood pressure too high, I reminded him he had told me all of this last year. He was a little perturbed and asked me gruffly why I didn't say something earlier. I told him I wanted to see if his perspective and understanding had changed, since I'd seen so many flip flop like Fauci and go from knowledgeable and science-based to marketing and "let's get this overwith" based.
That seemed to cheer him up a little and we decided to get a bourbon together if possible when the lockdowns thaw in the late spring, if we survive the endless variants being produced, and if we aren't rounded up for having science-based opinions.
What might cheer y'all up as it did us when I mentioned it-
God made an incredible thing when He made man in His image. What the medical industry thinks it can create/destroy/control is such a small bit compared to what God can do and has made us to do. He can overcome this if we give it over to Him. We and those around us may suffer a bit before that happens, but He IS faithful if we ask Him to help us.
I don't find fault with those who trusted the people who told them "this was the way" only to change it to "if you keep doing this over and over and over..." Some saw it coming and tried to warn everyone, but were censored and silenced. Few got to hear the warnings. There is still room to seek His face and overcome. He made us and He can remake us if we trust Him.
It's entirely possible I won't be around to see it. One of each of these different variants incubating in each of 150M Americans may get me. That's up to God. I don't deserve the life He's given me, nor the blessings given to me within it. But WE KNOW, who know, that no one except us by our own choices can be snatched out of His hand of those who belong to the Son.
Lie down and rise up peacefully knowing He loves you all. May God bless you my brothers and sisters wherever you walk and call home