
One of my favorite newspaper columnist was Charley Reese who wrote for the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper

One column that stuck with me would be funny if not true.
Be sure to read all the way to the end:

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table,
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for
peanuts anyway!
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid...
Put these words
Upon his tomb,
'Taxes drove me
to my doom...'
When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
Everyone check all of your bills for the month, your receipts for what you purchase, what the gasoline tax is, and anything else you spend money on in the month of September (regular expenditures) and see what the percentage in taxes is for your monthly intake. My wife and I did that a couple of years ago and found that is was in the high 40's for percent of our take home.
On the subject of water.

My paternal grandfather lived in the coal fields of Kentucky and the water was usually undrinkable due to the high gas content and smell. Fortunately they had water flowing out of a rock ceiling in a cave behind their house. They drank that water and used well water to clean the house.

Where I live, the state has a natural underground aquifer with about 800 billion gallons of water flowing through limestone that bubbles every day to form more than 700 of our springs. That’s the largest collection anywhere on earth!

But that almost got destroyed. In 1567 Phillip II of Spain wanted to cut a canal through Florida from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico to save having to go around the state. In the 1930's the U.S. government approved of a planned route from the St, John River at Jacksonville on the Atlantic coast South to Palatka at the valley of the Ocklawaha River to the coastal divide, and on to the Withlacoochee River to the Gulf of Mexico near Yankeetown. This would have cut right through the underground aquifer turning us into Arizona.

Our county sells and pipes water South to Pinellas County, with cites St Pete and Clearwater, because Pinellas can not produce enough fresh water to take care of 1,000,000 people.

The spring's water temperature never goes above 72 degrees and is crystal clear. My drinking water comes from the Weeki Wachee Springs as pure water and nothing is added to it, not even fluoride. The local dentist will treat your teeth with fluoride if you want it. I have a shallow well that I use for the yard, shrubs and trees if they need watering.

Sure hope she's not bathing in your drinking water!
I always get a laugh and SMH out of this photo.

Here we have a State Trooper changing the tire for a tourist while the man stays in the car behind the wheel and his girl friend or wife leans on the car watching. I always wondered why the girl didn't drag the man out and hand him a lug wrench. What a world.


It's not like the driver didn't have somethin to look at
Good afternoon D, been without internet since Wednesday, finally got it fixed, Hope yawl had a great day!

Read Malachi 5.

Happy birthday and happy anniversary to all those that I missed!!

I saw where someone asked about any good places to visit for a good get-a-way. We have two around here, Lake Malone and Lake Beshear in Dawson Springs, both are beautiful places, I really like Lake Beshear
Good afternoon D, been without internet since Wednesday, finally got it fixed, Hope yawl had a great day!

Read Malachi 5.

Happy birthday and happy anniversary to all those that I missed!!

I saw where someone asked about any good places to visit for a good get-a-way. We have two around here, Lake Malone and Lake Beshear in Dawson Springs, both are beautiful places, I really like Lake Beshear

Back a few years ago we'd been waiting for a couple trees to fall on our power/phone lines. Power company wouldn't cut em. Contractors wouldn't cut em. They were too big for me to cut on my own, much less with power lines in question.

Eventually a big branch came down on its own and took out the power. Utility company came and cut the other branches away byt wouldn't take the trees down. Just kept happening no matter how much anyone on our street talked to them about it. Wasted so much time and money.

We sold that house and became friends with the people that bought it. Told them the story.

Now they have moved after getting tired of the issues with the then 80 ft (at least) tall trees. Right after they moved, the power company came and cut them all down....

Their new place... same thing except the trees nearest the power lines are dead. Still can't get anyone to cut them down. The day we lost power, they also lost power because a tree that seemed healthy took out their lines.

Still can't get the dead trees cut down. Too close to the power lines. Even when they're laying on the ground ....

It's like I've seen this story before. Can I get a different and a better movie? This disk is the same as the last one.

God has been very good to us, but I really am looking forward to a time without all of this confusion, stupidity, and destruction
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Back a few years ago we'd been waiting for a couple trees to fall on our power/phone lines. Power company wouldn't cut em. Contractors wouldn't cut em. They were too big for me to cut on my own, much less with power lines in question.

Eventually a big branch came down on its own and took out the power. Utility company came and cut the other branches away byt wouldn't take the trees down. Just kept happening no matter how much anyone on our street talked to them about it. Wasted so much time and money.

We sold that house and became friends with the people that bought it. Told them the story.

Now they have moved after getting tired of the issues with the then 80 ft (at least) tall trees. Right after they moved, the power company came and cut them all down....

Their new place... same thing except the trees nearest the power lines are dead. Still can't get anyone to cut them down. The day we lost power, they also lost power because a tree that seemed healthy took out their lines.

Still can't get the dead trees cut down. Too close to the power lines. Even when they're laying on the ground ....

It's like I've seen this story before. Can I get a different and a better movie? This disk is the same as the last one.

God has been very good to us, but I really am looking forward to a time without all of this confusion, stupidity, and destruction
I'm confused as to why anyone but you is responsible for the trees on your property regardless of the hardships they may & do cause. Isn't it PRIVATE property?
One that crossed by path while fishing at Rattler Pond on Ft. Sill. I was pulling a weedless plastic worm across the top of the water and grass and it bit my worm. Don't mess with my worm.


Is Was that a rattlesnake? The markings look strange to me. (Can't see the ends well and curious, I take it from your statement it was.)(Heckuv a Cobra in my book...)
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nope. Cotton mouth. Color is different here but:


Never run up on one of those type Cobra's but I hear they are as aggressive as copperheads. I have run up on several copperheads and Eastern diamondback rattlers. So far I think the score is; BBUK 9, Cobra's 0. Of course all the lesser Cobra's I've matched up with are no longer around either...

I thought I killed a Coral Cobra once but someone told me it wasn't. I like to think it was but I take that person's word it was another kind and I don't remember the colors that touched.

Man the Cobra stories I could tell... Cox's Creek was filthy with them... Heck Bernhiem Forest wasn't fun...
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Never run up on one of those type Cobra's but I hear they are as aggressive as copperheads. I have run up on several copperheads and Eastern diamondback rattlers. So far I think the score is; BBUK 9, Cobra's 0. Of course all the lesser Cobra's I've matched up with are no longer around either...

I thought I killed a Coral Cobra once but someone told me it wasn't. I like to think it was but I take that person's word it was another kind and I don't remember the colors that touched.

Man the Cobra stories I could tell... Cox's Creek was filthy with them... Heck Bernhiem Forest wasn't fun...
Killed one of these in Saudi when it popped up next to me in the sand. Saudi sand viper. Chopped its head off with an entrenching tool.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. We may hit 98°F for our high today. More rain coming next week.

Flood light burned out. Guess I'll make a trip over by Wally World later after work this afternoon.

Just saw on news Allen West's wife got arrested for DUI up in Dallas area. He was not amused. Don't drink and drive.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Heading out for a walk while it is cool. Still darkish at 6am these days. The fall is coming. IT's my favorite time of year, if a bit of a melancholy season.

Not much on the agenda today besides work. So I'll wish you all a good day and catch up later.
Good morning D-League. Heading out for a walk while it is cool. Still darkish at 6am these days. The fall is coming. IT's my favorite time of year, if a bit of a melancholy season.

Not much on the agenda today besides work. So I'll wish you all a good day and catch up later.
Fall is also my favorite part of the year. Football, Basketball, the start of holiday season. Cooler temperatures means decent fishing (could use some better fishing, this year has not been very good) until winter. Also, I get more done with whatever extra outside work needs to be done. Cutting grass and weed eating is about all for summertime and then any other landscaping comes spring or fall. Temperature commands it.

Today and for the next few days 99-100 or so degree as a high. Get through this week and it drops to the low 90's for next week however, it is normal around here that the forecast to be a little lower in temperature than it will actually be once we get to next week.

For Austin: "And in the morning I'm making waffles"

Good morning D-League.

We have 74° and cloudy skies down here. This afternoon will bring mostly sunshine and a high of 84° with a 42% chance of rain. I was noticing the weather up North in Tennessee and some areas got about 15 inches which led to devastating flooding. Prayers for those folks.

Cord, I have been reading the wrong book. I was in Micah and see you are in Malachi. I will skip over there and get caught up.

I trust all are doing well and have a good healthy day.

Hickman County, Tennessee

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I thought I killed a Coral Cobra once but someone told me it wasn't. I like to think it was but I take that person's word it was another kind and I don't remember the colors that touched.

You probability killed a friend, a King Snake. Notice the same colors but in a different pattern. The snake on the left in non poisonous and the one on the right is deadly. A coral snake will have a black head




As you know King snakes kill venomous snakes. I learned this the hard way when i was about 5 years old. My grandfather's citrus groves were full of rattlers. He carried a shot gun by his side when working out there.

One day i was playing in the groves and came upon a snake and killed it with a stick. I was very proud and ran to the house and saw grandpa on the back porch. I showed him the snake and he was very upset. He said I just killed my best friend and explained how he put King snakes in the groves to kill the rattle snakes.

A lesson in life learned as a 5 year old boy. Non poisonous snakes are vital in rural areas. I would hate to try to farm down here without black snakes near my barn. You would be over run with rats . When I was in grade school we were taught about snakes and which were your friend and the ones that were to be avoided. I don't know if they teach things like that in school now. They are probably too busy teaching kids their white skin is evil.
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Morning folks. I am not an anti snake folks like a lot. I grew up in copper head and rattle snake country. I have killed some but usually I leave them alone. The snake that I hate is the cotton mouth. They are nasty and will actually follow you. We had one in our living room in Jacksonville, it did not last long but it did cause some extra work for us getting the blood out of the carpet.

It is a warm 72.1°F with sun on our way to 94°. Similar to what Warrior cat is getting except we are a few degrees cooler.
I might pull the plug and buy an OLED TV while Labor Day sales are going on. Just in time for football season too. I'll swap it out with our QLED in the basement home theater. The QLED would go great in our bright sunroom. OLED's aren't really recommended for sunny areas, too dim. I just have to build up the nerve and do it. A bit of a tightwad when it comes to big purchases.
Good morning D-League. Heading out for a walk while it is cool. Still darkish at 6am these days. The fall is coming. IT's my favorite time of year, if a bit of a melancholy season.

Not much on the agenda today besides work. So I'll wish you all a good day and catch up later.
You beat me by a 1/2 hour. I only had to walk in the dark for about 15 minutes.
Morning all. Thought I'd get an early start on a few things and try to beat the heat. So, thought I'd take a break and change shirts. Hot and humid. High is supposed to be about 93 and I'll knock off around noon.

Just saw on news Allen West's wife got arrested for DUI up in Dallas area. He was not amused. Don't drink and drive
Saw that the other day. Almost sounds like the Dallas cop knew who she was and railroaded her.
Col. West was on Brian Kilmeade's radio show this morning. Said that the people she had dinner with say that all she had to drink was ?? and lemon (can't remember if it was water or what...but wasn't alcohol). Said they have the receipt from the restaurant. Said that the police said one reason she was arrested is that 'her hair was messy'.
Sounded like he's on the warpath (I know that's racist today...but who cares) against the DPD.

Y'all have a good day.