
You probability killed a friend, a King Snake. Notice the same colors but in a different pattern. The snake on the left in non poisonous and the one on the right is deadly. A coral snake will have a black head




As you know King snakes kill venomous snakes. I learned this the hard way when i was about 5 years old. My grandfather's citrus groves were full of rattlers. He carried a shot gun by his side when working out there.

One day i was playing in the groves and came upon a snake and killed it with a stick. I was very proud and ran to the house and saw grandpa on the back porch. I showed him the snake and he was very upset. He said I just killed my best friend and explained how he put King snakes in the groves to kill the rattle snakes.

A lesson in life learned as a 5 year old boy. Non poisonous snakes are vital in rural areas. I would hate to try to farm down here without black snakes near my barn. You would be over run with rats . When I was in grade school we were taught about snakes and which were your friend and the ones that were to be avoided. I don't know if they teach things like that in school now. They are probably too busy teaching kids their white skin is evil.

I do agree with you. I usually do not seek out to kill. My Dad always told me to walk away from a fight if you can. IF they follow you then do what you have to, to make them stop following you. (He used a little harsher words.)

I am the same way about snakes unless they are near my home or I am working and come up on them and they will not leave. This particular varmint came to me, I tried steering clear as I was outside not near my home or other areas where I was concerned about.

The snake kept trying to get at me and was quite quick. After my third or so attempt to ward off the snake and it not listening I actually thought something may be wrong with it. (Rabies came to mind at the time.) One of us had to go and it was his turn so it worked out. I still call it a Cobra but darn, leave me be... Leave my family be... We then, be good.

Oh, I hope all are well along with your families. May your day be profitable to your life and your wallet. God Bless you all...
Anyone know what is up with Don and Rooster?

I was going to post this very question this morning but got busy. I looked up Don a couple weeks ago and it seemed like he hadn't posted and/or liked anything since early July. Maybe as long for Rooster.
Hope they both are OK.
I talked to Ymmot this weekend and he had just got off the phone with Don. They will both be back for football season and they are both okay.

Rooster, I don't know.
I talked to Ymmot this weekend and he had just got off the phone with Don. They will both be back for football season and they are both okay.

Rooster, I don't know.

Not sure how they do it! They ought to bottle or create a vaccine for whatever they are able to do to NOT post or stay in this thread. Sorry, I have no known addictions EXCEPT, my family and this thread. Thank you all!

Of course my paranoid side tells me it may be my posting addiction that has allowed them to leave cold-turkey... sigh... (I don't mean to cause that effect.)
Sad. I grew up with the Stones. Charlie seemed like the only member that was semi-normal. The longevity of that band is mind boggling. My BIL's best friend is a drummer in a local band that just celebrated their 50th anniversary. The band was started when he was only 16 and they're still going strong. It's the only job he's ever had.
I was reading the "water" post.......The Director is from Yancey Co, North Carolina........she grew up on a farm along the Cane River on 19W............about a couple of miles away from her folks farm the state had drilled out a spring that came out the side of a cliff.......the installed a pipe in never passed that pull off along the road when there were a couple people there getting water........when we visited I would fill several jugs and bring it is best when you drink it on the water in the world.......
Sad. I grew up with the Stones. Charlie seemed like the only member that was semi-normal. The longevity of that band is mind boggling. My BIL's best friend is a drummer in a local band that just celebrated their 50th anniversary. The band was started when he was only 16 and they're still going strong. It's the only job he's ever had.
Yeah, Charlie kind of fell into the gig when they recruited him from a jazz band. Not a bad way to spend a career. Very professional but you got the sense that it was just a job with him -- no illusions about how important performing the 7,895th version of "Satisfaction" was to the world.

I'm astonished people still spend a small fortune to go see the Rolling Stones.

The one time I saw them was 1975, in Cleveland. I was 19. It was a good show with a massive crowd that was into it. But I remember getting a little bored watching Mick and Keith, who seemed like middle-aged men to me, caper and strut across the stage. "You got to this party ten years too late," I recall thinking. That was 46 years ago.

I've met both Don and Ymmot. Great folks. Hope Rooster is okay.
I have not had the pleasure but I know they are good men. Both brought a wealth of information to this site I am concerned about Rooster as well. I consider him a solid rock of information and I enjoy every comment he makes.

Same with all of you. This sight is a family of fun and information.
Yeah, Charlie kind of fell into the gig when they recruited him from a jazz band. Not a bad way to spend a career. Very professional but you got the sense that it was just a job with him -- no illusions about how important performing the 7,895th version of "Satisfaction" was to the world.

I'm astonished people still spend a small fortune to go see the Rolling Stones.

The one time I saw them was 1975, in Cleveland. I was 19. It was a good show with a massive crowd that was into it. But I remember getting a little bored watching Mick and Keith, who seemed like middle-aged men to me, caper and strut across the stage. "You got to this party ten years too late," I recall thinking. That was 46 years ago.

I spent my time at John Denver, Stevie Wonder, and Bill Gaither concerts.... Back then nice "womens" abounded... I passed on those drug concert womens... Just me though...
Yeah, Charlie kind of fell into the gig when they recruited him from a jazz band. Not a bad way to spend a career. Very professional but you got the sense that it was just a job with him -- no illusions about how important performing the 7,895th version of "Satisfaction" was to the world.

I'm astonished people still spend a small fortune to go see the Rolling Stones.

The one time I saw them was 1975, in Cleveland. I was 19. It was a good show with a massive crowd that was into it. But I remember getting a little bored watching Mick and Keith, who seemed like middle-aged men to me, caper and strut across the stage. "You got to this party ten years too late," I recall thinking. That was 46 years ago.
I met Charlie once. Seemed to be very humble...and was very quiet. Of course I was probably the 7,895th person he was introduced to on that tour. 😊
I met Charlie once. Seemed to be very humble...and was very quiet. Of course I was probably the 7,895th person he was introduced to on that tour. 😊
There's a great story floating around, if you haven't heard it: Back in the early 1980s Charlie was, as usual, asleep in his room at a decent hour. Mick and Keith were partying all night, and decided to call him at 5 am. "How's My Drummer?" Mick says. The next morning, Charlie, dressed in an expensive British suit, seeks out Mick and without saying a word punches him in the face. "Don't ever call me 'your drummer' again,' he says, and walks away.
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Yeah, Charlie kind of fell into the gig when they recruited him from a jazz band. Not a bad way to spend a career. Very professional but you got the sense that it was just a job with him -- no illusions about how important performing the 7,895th version of "Satisfaction" was to the world.

I'm astonished people still spend a small fortune to go see the Rolling Stones.

The one time I saw them was 1975, in Cleveland. I was 19. It was a good show with a massive crowd that was into it. But I remember getting a little bored watching Mick and Keith, who seemed like middle-aged men to me, caper and strut across the stage. "You got to this party ten years too late," I recall thinking. That was 46 years ago.
My little home town and birth place has an interesting Rolling Stones history. The hit song , Satisfaction was written there by the pool at Ft Harrison Hotel. (now owned by the Scientologist to my dismay) in Clearwater.

The Stones were little known in America and actually gave their concert in tiny Jack Russell Stadium which was the place we played our soft ball league and where the Philadelphia Phillies had spring training games.

And I remember the impression left in this little town by the Gulf of Mexico. Not very good. In fact their appearance was a bust. One of the opening acts was a local band that played out of their garage. When the stone tried to take the stage, teeny age fans went crazy and a riot started. The Stones were hustled into a white station-wagon and driven from the field. The Clearwater Recreation Department (not rock n' roll friendly ) said there will never be another show like this as long as he was in charge.

He wrote "Satisfaction" while drinking Budweisers by the pool. This is an actual photo of him writing it


And this fellow was also there with his pasty skin. LOL RIP Charlie

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There's a great story floating around, if you haven't heard it: Back in the early 1980s Charlie was, as usual, asleep in his room at a decent hour. Mick and Keith were partying all night, and decided to call him at 5 am. "How's My Drummer?" Mick says. The next morning, Charlie, dressed in an expensive British suit, seeks out Mick and without saying a word punches him in the face. "Don't ever call me 'your drummer' again,' he says, and walks away.
There's a really good documentary on the Stones titled 25X5. I think it was only released on laserdisc for some reason, maybe VHS too. Charlie was actually a homebody at heart and didn't really like to tour. Loved to spend time with his family. He definitely chose the wrong profession. Keith Richards also reminisced about the time that Chuck Berry punched him in the eye for playing his guitar without his permission.
There's a really good documentary on the Stones titled 25X5. I think it was only released on laserdisc for some reason, maybe VHS too. Charlie was actually a homebody at heart and didn't really like to tour. Loved to spend time with his family. He definitely chose the wrong profession. Keith Richards also reminisced about the time that Chuck Berry punched him in the eye for playing his guitar without his permission.

Chuck Berry was one weird dude and I always got the impression he didn't like anyone.

And I confess that I was never a Rolling Stones fan.

Keith Richards gets ragged on a lot for his age and I am older than he is. Whew.
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I was reading the "water" post.......The Director is from Yancey Co, North Carolina........she grew up on a farm along the Cane River on 19W............about a couple of miles away from her folks farm the state had drilled out a spring that came out the side of a cliff.......the installed a pipe in never passed that pull off along the road when there were a couple people there getting water........when we visited I would fill several jugs and bring it is best when you drink it on the water in the world.......
I've been to Hot Springs Ark a couple of times. They have a fountain where you can get spring water free. Mlb teams used to do spring training there. It was big for wealthy people in its heyday. We stayed at an older hotel. Found out after we got there, Al Capone used it as a headquarters when in town.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. We may see 100°F today. ATX hit triple digits yesterday. Possibility for rain next week.

This coming Friday is a Texas state holiday -- LBJ's birthday. Skeleton crew, but I'll work. Bank time for this coming fall.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Cooling my heels at a car service center while my step-FIL gets his vehicle checked in and I can drive him home. That’s going to push my morning walk into the heat zone.

Just another working day otherwise. I, too, would like a banana split and the metabolism to burn one. We had a Dari Bar in my tiny home town that made a killer one, and when I was a gangly teen who felt I needed to gain weight I had one every day in the summer when I was working and had money.

You guys have a great day.
Good Wednesday morning

Our weather is pretty much the same as it h as been all week. We have 75° at the moment and should reach 89° around 2:00 PM. There is a chance of rain in the late afternoon., 34%. The sun is going to shine.

Read Malachi 3

I trust all have a great day. @BBUK


I am thankful to see that. I always wondered what a gizzard looked like before it was cleaned. Yeah, I knew those could kill you in most any form. 🤭

(Sorry, I had too.)

Oh, may God's mercy be bestowed on you all to where he doesn't let you hurt a second this day either physically or spiritually. God Bless you all...
I, too, would like a banana split and the metabolism to burn one. We had a Dari Bar in my tiny home town that made a killer one, and when I was a gangly teen who felt I needed to gain weight I had one every day in the summer
How times change. Same cream, malts, peanut butter on graham crackers to try to gain weight/bulk up. Now I gain 3 pounds looking at a donut.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. We may see 100°F today. ATX hit triple digits yesterday. Possibility for rain next week.

This coming Friday is a Texas state holiday -- LBJ's birthday. Skeleton crew, but I'll work. Bank time for this coming fall.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I KNEW there was such a thing as a banana split but I have stayed away from those since I knew they existed. Thanks Brother Austin, I just gained two pounds looking at it...