
I hope this isn't boring everyone, but I came across a couple photos my photog buddy took as we toured Kabul the DAY AFTER THE TALIBAN LEFT in November, 2001. This is how they left it. The US taxpayers poured in two trillion dollars. We'll see how long it takes before its back in this shape.

These pictures remind me of some of the mountain villages I saw in Turkey. For my part, post all of them you want.
I hope this isn't boring everyone, but I came across a couple photos my photog buddy took as we toured Kabul the DAY AFTER THE TALIBAN LEFT in November, 2001. This is how they left it. The US taxpayers poured in two trillion dollars. We'll see how long it takes before its back in this shape.

I love your photos Md. Keep them coming. They are fantastic
Thanks Sawnee and Bernie. I didn't realize this inevitable collapse in Afghanistan was going to get under my skin the way it has. I probably should have seen that coming. We should have left the day our intelligence told us there were no more al Qaeda still to kill in the country. But cwe stayed. And certainly any administration should have been able to execute a withdrawal without it becoming this FUBAR...
Thanks Sawnee and Bernie. I didn't realize this inevitable collapse in Afghanistan was going to get under my skin the way it has. I probably should have seen that coming. We should have left the day our intelligence told us there were no more al Qaeda still to kill in the country. But cwe stayed. And certainly any administration should have been able to execute a withdrawal without it becoming this FUBAR...
I hate to make a political post on the D, but it really bothers me also. I've seen innocents die because of helping us in Viet Nam. How can anyone ever trust us now?
I hope this isn't boring everyone, but I came across a couple photos my photog buddy took as we toured Kabul the DAY AFTER THE TALIBAN LEFT in November, 2001. This is how they left it. The US taxpayers poured in two trillion dollars. We'll see how long it takes before its back in this shape.

Someone once described radical Islam something to the effect as people who want to go back to the way things were a thousand years ago and want to kill everyone who doesn't want to go back with them.
Mail call USATCA


You can see they love ol' sarge by the look in their eyes.
You thieves need to know, we ain't gonna call the law and put you in jail for 10 days. Naw we gonna whip you real good and put you in the hospital for 10 days. Grabbing women's pockets books and running up to car windows in the parking lot and asking for dates. Nah we gonna jump on you and bust some heads. Ain't gonna call the law, just bust your heads real good and put you in the hospital.

I went up to this girl in the parking lot intending to steal her pocketbook but asked her for a date instead. Ended up marrying her and she's been ravaging my pocketbook ever since.
Thanks Sawnee and Bernie. I didn't realize this inevitable collapse in Afghanistan was going to get under my skin the way it has. I probably should have seen that coming. We should have left the day our intelligence told us there were no more al Qaeda still to kill in the country. But cwe stayed. And certainly any administration should have been able to execute a withdrawal without it becoming this FUBAR...
20 years and 1 trillion dollars. What was accomplished? Really sad. I'm angry. I'm damn angry. God bless the brave men and women who put up the good fight.
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Beshear: Mask mandates under active consideration.

Interpretation: Mask mandates are coming.

Anyone know of a nice cave for sale. Preferably far away from civilization.

p.s. If you voted for this boy scout then you're off my Christmas card list.
Anyone here remember Cas Walker? He was a colorful character who had a chain of supermarkets in East Tennessee/SE Ky back in the day. He had a popular TV program on out of Knoxville and Dolly Parton got her start on his show. Here he tells how he is going to handle thieves that come to his stores. It's a riot. the times have changed...
I hope this isn't boring everyone, but I came across a couple photos my photog buddy took as we toured Kabul the DAY AFTER THE TALIBAN LEFT in November, 2001. This is how they left it. The US taxpayers poured in two trillion dollars. We'll see how long it takes before its back in this shape.

Just so you know...that 2 trillion didn't go to may have been earmarked but that "taxpayer" dough got earmarked for political pockets in one way or the other. yeah a small percentage like 15 to 20% went to Kabul or wherever but don't mistakenly believe the dough wasn't laundered back to US political or political donor slush coffers.
Good morning, D-League! Last moments of peace before the rest of my day commences. Thought I'd spend it with the best Wildcat fans!

If you want to look at some interesting and eye opening stats, look up the state of Gibraltar and what the mrna shots have done to their health. 100% coverage and top 4 for worst health outcomes afterward.

May you all stay safe and healthy, and continue to seek shelter with the giver of life! Have a great day
Speaking of tomatoes...ours are doing great. Much more than we need. Planted about 10 plants...way too much.

Anybody ever seen a tomato that grows like a cherry tomato...but the tomato itself is in like a wrapped, dry leaf pod? When the pod dries out..and gets brown the tomato is ready. Peel/open it up and the little tomato is yellow/orange. Has kind of an orange/citrus taste. Really different.

Not on this planet I haven't! Sounds like danger pods from a scifi movie to me.

Morning Legionnaires!

80's for the next couple of days and then back in to the 90's Modified workout for the morning with the Total Gym (unless headache is gone by workout time) and then, couch potato workout for the rest of the day (series binge watching and naps). Have an online meet and great with home school teacher at 5:15pm today.

Praying for all of those families in Afghanistan who will be under the Taliban rule. The women and children especially. I know it is a fallen world but, it still saddens me that these people who by just being born there will be subjected to harsh treatment.

We for our families need to remind our younger ones just how good they/we have it here and I thank God I was born here.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 71° and raining here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more rain 🌧️ and a high of 83°.

Now I'm hungry for one of those pies.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Oddly enough, my wife went to the Commissary after work and bought one yesterday. We did not touch it last night after dinner but, as Rod said:

Tonight's the night, and it's going to be alright.
What a great day this day. I woke up realizing who is in charge. It is my Darlings birthday. Yeah, I am thankful...

Oh, may Jesus become real to you in your every day lives. May God's grace cover yours and your families lives continually..

Yes Elizabeth, "I'd Rather Have Jesus..."

Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and mostly cloudy. 50% chance for rain after 6 am. Hope I can walk a few before drops come down. We should stay under 90°F for today's high.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Oh, DANG! You're killin me.... I'll be thinking about ice cream pie all day

Morning Legionnaires!

80's for the next couple of days and then back in to the 90's Modified workout for the morning with the Total Gym (unless headache is gone by workout time) and then, couch potato workout for the rest of the day (series binge watching and naps). Have an online meet and great with home school teacher at 5:15pm today.

Praying for all of those families in Afghanistan who will be under the Taliban rule. The women and children especially. I know it is a fallen world but, it still saddens me that these people who by just being born there will be subjected to harsh treatment.

We for our families need to remind our younger ones just how good they/we have it here and I thank God I was born here.

Amen to all of that. What has happened in that country over 20 years flushed down the toilet in a week by the DC Dolt. The only good thing that might come of this is that opium poppy production might go back to pre-occupation levels.

The Taliban had nearly eliminated its production in 2000, only to have it surpass its greatest production ever during Obama's presidency. 90% of the opium products made from it sold and distributed on the streets of OUR COUNTRY through the work of our politicians and their contributors.

That epidemic is "home grown" right in DC.
Amen to all of that. What has happened in that country over 20 years flushed down the toilet in a week by the DC Dolt. The only good thing that might come of this is that opium poppy production might go back to pre-occupation levels.

The Taliban had nearly eliminated its production in 2000, only to have it surpass its greatest production ever during Obama's presidency. 90% of the opium products made from it sold and distributed on the streets of OUR COUNTRY through the work of our politicians and their contributors.

That epidemic is "home grown" right in DC.

My Darlings birthday is today. My oldest daughter told me yesterday that the restaurant my daughter picked out is in DC, was that a problem? I told her yes it was... We are scheduled now to have supper in Centreville.
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I was stationed near Izmir (Turkey) in the late 60's. You could stand on base and see the poppy fields growing. It was always women working in the fields (some hard looking women at that), never the men. You could go down to the waterfront and see old looking men smoking it in their water pipe. They weren't even hiding it, smoking it in public on the sidewalks.
Just got news from a guy that used to post on all of the UK forums years ago.

2 people that he knows directly affected by the shots. "Neighbor's brother passed away same day he got the first shot. Never made it to the follow up. No other health issues that contributed to the sudden death, early 40s. Docs refused to report it as v-related in spite of this.

Another person (who is VERY pro-v and would be the last to suspect them as a cause of anything detrimental) had a heart attack 2 weeks to the day after their doctor-recommended booster. Docs could not find any contributing health issues or heart issues that might have caused or led to the heart attack. Patient is the healthiest they've otherwise been in years. Nurses suspected the v and their doctors also refused to report it as v related." (This person was mid 40s)

I don't have the answers to whether anyone should get them at all or get follow ups on these things, as everything I've seen from animal trials and studies to peer reviews say this whole campaign is dangerous at the very least. I will only say it should be thought through very carefully with a lot of research, because NONE of these companies have a history of beneficent behavior towards consumers, IF they even have a history at all.

When this is looked at in the rear view, the people that have put this whole thing together need to be prosecuted and max sentenced. It's criminal what they've done to the elderly and everyone else they've pushed this upon, and they've duped health care workers that have no desire to do anything but care for people along the way. I see the pictures of Afghanistan and feel for those people, but I also feel for the people dying alone and abandoned by the industry that should have treated them early and often instead of sending them home to get worse first.

Praying for everyone here and abroad, invluding our military and our health care workers, that are being abused by this corrupted admin and system that refuses to seek justice for those without means to secure it themselves.
Good Morning D

And now for the local weather report. Current temperature is 77° and sunny. We have a 48% chance for rain by midafternoon. We should get to 87° for our high today.

I express my prayers and sympathies for all who lost a loved one in this awful Afghan war. If Biden had had a sound plan for evacuation maybe we would not have been as humiliated as we are. Who can blame the world for not haveing confidence in our State Department and administration. I sure don't. Be that as it may.

I trust all have a nice day.

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Good morning D-League. Back to hot and humid in the east. My son heads back to Lexington today. It's a bittersweet day for my wife and me. We've loved having him here, and he has worked hard, taken a couple trips to LA and Asheville and found a new girlfriend who goes to WVU. So a good summer for him. We'll miss him.

You all talking about the opium trade through Afghanistan have it right.

On the Afghan-Pakistan border west of the city of Quetta near a huge refugee camp, the Pakistani government has an area where they isolate opium and heroin addicts in a graveyard -- I guess they feel like that's an efficient solution and cuts down on transportation costs.

My photographer and I spent a night in that hell hole documenting the local costs of the opium trade that reached all the way into Europe and America. We were trying to make the point all the way back to 2001 that meddling in the area was going to be complicated.
An ugly scene for sure.

20 years and 1 trillion dollars. What was accomplished? Really sad. I'm angry. I'm damn angry. God bless the brave men and women who put up the good fight.

Great question. Besides the boom in opium production there, I guess we gave the people there hope for a while before we abandoned them.

I watched and read a lot about the reasons for going there and staying, as I had friends that were choosing that tour, but also read a bit of independent journalism about it and related to it. A co-worker mentioned something I knew nothing of at the time that made a lot of sense when combined with the opium production. He worked in the oil and coal industry for most of his adult life.

Y'all know about the big oil discovery in the black sea region, I'm sure. It's really the source of the entire Ukrainian/Russian conflict. What most people don't know is that there are 2 main US competitors/combatants that have been fighting to get it to market. One wanted a pipeline through the east (afghanistan and such) while the other wanted a pipeline to the west. What was/is in the way? Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, or Turkey in one direction. Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, or India the other direction. Guess who got their deal done first and to which political party they were tied? Guess who didn't, but made the most of it through controlling opium production?

He's better at filling in the details of all of this, but that's the gist. Of course both parties profited from either direction the oil went and from the drug industry also, which is why the companies that hooked our country on opioids were protected and now are involved in the push to v everybody. Kinda strange that almost all of those countries have had such turmoil and instability since they found the oil in the black sea region is all I'm saying.
Congratulations Bert. 55 years - that's a remarkable accomplishment.

My wife and I will mark 25 years next week -- we're actually going to Philadelphia for the weekend to celebrate but the actual day is the 23rd. Married in Patsy Cline's hometown. My bride had every right to sing "Crazy" to describe her decision and I'm sure she expected me to sing "I Fall to Pieces" soon afterward. But it has worked out.
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Oddly enough, my wife went to the Commissary after work and bought one yesterday. We did not touch it last night after dinner but, as Rod said:

Tonight's the night, and it's going to be alright.

I beg you to please have a slice or two for me and my lady, warrior. Take one or two for the team here in KY without such deliciousness.
Just got news from a guy that used to post on all of the UK forums years ago.

2 people that he knows directly affected by the shots. "Neighbor's brother passed away same day he got the first shot. Never made it to the follow up. No other health issues that contributed to the sudden death, early 40s. Docs refused to report it as v-related in spite of this.

Another person (who is VERY pro-v and would be the last to suspect them as a cause of anything detrimental) had a heart attack 2 weeks to the day after their doctor-recommended booster. Docs could not find any contributing health issues or heart issues that might have caused or led to the heart attack. Patient is the healthiest they've otherwise been in years. Nurses suspected the v and their doctors also refused to report it as v related." (This person was mid 40s)

I don't have the answers to whether anyone should get them at all or get follow ups on these things, as everything I've seen from animal trials and studies to peer reviews say this whole campaign is dangerous at the very least. I will only say it should be thought through very carefully with a lot of research, because NONE of these companies have a history of beneficent behavior towards consumers, IF they even have a history at all.

When this is looked at in the rear view, the people that have put this whole thing together need to be prosecuted and max sentenced. It's criminal what they've done to the elderly and everyone else they've pushed this upon, and they've duped health care workers that have no desire to do anything but care for people along the way. I see the pictures of Afghanistan and feel for those people, but I also feel for the people dying alone and abandoned by the industry that should have treated them early and often instead of sending them home to get worse first.

Praying for everyone here and abroad, invluding our military and our health care workers, that are being abused by this corrupted admin and system that refuses to seek justice for those without means to secure it themselves.
My booster days are over. My wife and I talked about this last night and we decided there was no way we are going to roll up our sleeve for this. She also talked to our daughter and she said no booster for her.

The administration has changed courses so many times who knows what to do anymore. So we will sit this one out. Our governor is setting up monoclonal antibody centers all over the state to treat this. If I come down with COVID I will drop by one of these centers and get treatment, then go back to the house. It is approved by the FDA
Good morning D-League. Back to hot and humid in the east. My son heads back to Lexington today. It's a bittersweet day for my wife and me. We've loved having him here, and he has worked hard, taken a couple trips to LA and Asheville and found a new girlfriend who goes to WVU. So a good summer for him. We'll miss him.

You all talking about the opium trade through Afghanistan have it right.

On the Afghan-Pakistan border west of the city of Quetta near a huge refugee camp, the Pakistani government has an area where they isolate opium and heroin addicts in a graveyard -- I guess they feel like that's an efficient solution and cuts down on transportation costs.

My photographer and I spent a night in that hell hole documenting the local costs of the opium trade that reached all the way into Europe and America. We were trying to make the point all the way back to 2001 that meddling in the area was going to be complicated.
An ugly scene for sure.

And I envisioned the streets of Detroit as I remembered them....
My booster days are over. My wife and I talked about this last night and we decided there was no way we are going to roll up our sleeve for this. She also talked to our daughter and she said no booster for her.

The administration has changed courses so many times who knows what to do anymore. So we will sit this one out. Our governor is setting up monoclonal antibody centers all over the state to treat this. If I come down with COVID I will drop by one of these centers and get treatment, then go back to the house. It is approved by the FDA

When it is an option here, I will donate to those centers for people just such as you. Either that or I will head to Florida to do so.
Good morning D-League. Back to hot and humid in the east. My son heads back to Lexington today. It's a bittersweet day for my wife and me. We've loved having him here, and he has worked hard, taken a couple trips to LA and Asheville and found a new girlfriend who goes to WVU. So a good summer for him. We'll miss him.

You all talking about the opium trade through Afghanistan have it right.

On the Afghan-Pakistan border west of the city of Quetta near a huge refugee camp, the Pakistani government has an area where they isolate opium and heroin addicts in a graveyard -- I guess they feel like that's an efficient solution and cuts down on transportation costs.

My photographer and I spent a night in that hell hole documenting the local costs of the opium trade that reached all the way into Europe and America. We were trying to make the point all the way back to 2001 that meddling in the area was going to be complicated.
An ugly scene for sure.

Damn, looks as bad as san francisco.
Good morning D-League. Back to hot and humid in the east. My son heads back to Lexington today. It's a bittersweet day for my wife and me. We've loved having him here, and he has worked hard, taken a couple trips to LA and Asheville and found a new girlfriend who goes to WVU. So a good summer for him. We'll miss him.

You all talking about the opium trade through Afghanistan have it right.

On the Afghan-Pakistan border west of the city of Quetta near a huge refugee camp, the Pakistani government has an area where they isolate opium and heroin addicts in a graveyard -- I guess they feel like that's an efficient solution and cuts down on transportation costs.

My photographer and I spent a night in that hell hole documenting the local costs of the opium trade that reached all the way into Europe and America. We were trying to make the point all the way back to 2001 that meddling in the area was going to be complicated.
An ugly scene for sure.

Folks here don't realize how good they have it. There was a place in Izmir that took up several city blocks. It was a giant house of ill repute/women's prison where they could "work" their sentence off. If you were the male head of the household, you could force your daughter or wife to serve your prison sentence. People here cry about being disrespected. Some of them should live in places like that awhile.
I beg you to please have a slice or two for me and my lady, warrior. Take one or two for the team here in KY without such deliciousness.
I have been known to do that without encouragement but, since you ask me to take one or two for the team and I am a team player, I will suffer through it. Looks like I will be working out extra long and hard tomorrow heart doctor be damned. Wife might be pissed though. Heh, heh, heh, old Viagra joke.
Good morning D-League. Back to hot and humid in the east. My son heads back to Lexington today. It's a bittersweet day for my wife and me. We've loved having him here, and he has worked hard, taken a couple trips to LA and Asheville and found a new girlfriend who goes to WVU. So a good summer for him. We'll miss him.

You all talking about the opium trade through Afghanistan have it right.

On the Afghan-Pakistan border west of the city of Quetta near a huge refugee camp, the Pakistani government has an area where they isolate opium and heroin addicts in a graveyard -- I guess they feel like that's an efficient solution and cuts down on transportation costs.

My photographer and I spent a night in that hell hole documenting the local costs of the opium trade that reached all the way into Europe and America. We were trying to make the point all the way back to 2001 that meddling in the area was going to be complicated.
An ugly scene for sure.

No way to live. There are places in the world these crying libs need to see and have their eyes opened to real struggles and oppression before screaming about not being rich or even comfortable without actually working to achieve it. The entitlement culture is a cancer to this country and needs to see real poverty.