
Morning all. Today's weather looks like 80 with a chance of a storm. About 60 out now. Got a small shower a little while ago...didn't know it was supposed to rain tonight...could be early/far Northern parts of Fred in that the storms are tracking from the South.

No big plans today. May mow the front/back yards. Don't really need it too much but looks a little unkempt. Time of year where grass doesn't grow in one area but does in another

The Mrs is taking her g'kids to a county fair today. Don't know if I'll go or not. Foot still aches the peace and quiet (loudest, noisiest kids I've been around) would be nice.

Y'all have a good day.
Speaking of tomatoes...ours are doing great. Much more than we need. Planted about 10 plants...way too much.

Anybody ever seen a tomato that grows like a cherry tomato...but the tomato itself is in like a wrapped, dry leaf pod? When the pod dries out..and gets brown the tomato is ready. Peel/open it up and the little tomato is yellow/orange. Has kind of an orange/citrus taste. Really different.

Picked about 7 dozen ears of corn the other day. More still to do. Plenty of cucumbers....squash...etc. So the garden has done well.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. 95% humidity. Our immediate area received a decent downpour yesterday. More rain fell 7 miles south as Texas State Capitol flooded. 92°F is our projected high today.

Co-worker out today and tomorrow. Hopefully not too busy.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members,


Morning Legionnaires!

Going back to the tire store this morning that I bought new tires from about three weeks ago. Front right tire on my truck is leaking from the stem. Gives me a reason to get out and go to town.

Weather still going to be in the 90's for the foreseeable future. Need it to cool down more. My fishing gets better when it is cooler.

Brats are ok but, I prefer rindswurst. My last assignment in Germany had a snack shack just outside of the main gate that had the best rindswurst that I ever had. Good bread and great mustard (senf).

The hummingbirds are going crazy tonight. Kamikaze type tactics against their competitors. Love those little guys.

Throwing some halibut on the grill tonight. One of my favorites but damn it's gotten so expensive. Not that much cheaper than sea bass.
82, We were setting out on our deck Friday evening and the Hummingbirds were doing the same thing, Mrs. M said they are crazy!!!!!
Good morning D, well Mrs. M has to go back to work today, but I am still on vacation!!!

Going to start on the deck again today, working on the second phase!!!

They have been calling for rain for the last 5 days and it has yet to rain except for that .2" we got Saturday!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!

Oh I forgot, I made the best potatoes that I have ever eat yesterday, they are called Lighthouse Inn Potatoes, yawl will have to try these sometimes. Look it up or I will post the recipe which ever yawl want!!!

Made a correction, Lighthouse Inn Potatoes! Out of everything I have lost in my life time, I miss my mind the most!!!!
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Good Monday Morning

Well Mr. Fred missed us but he is headed up Panama City way at 50 MPH. Should bring parts of the Southeast some rain in the next few days. Now we start looking for Grace (the tropical depression) to see what she grows into.

It is cloudy this morning with 73° and will push up to 84° . I have some electrical work to do outside today but we have 60% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon so I need to find that window before I start messing with the electric pump controls.

I read the Book of Jonah

Take care all and keep the faith.

Good morning D-League. Drizzling a cool, misty rain the east, nice walking weather.

My son heads back to Lexington this week, stopping off to see a girlfriend at Ohio State in Columbus for a couple days on the way. It was a good summer with him here and we’ll miss him.

Hope all you folks are doing well.
Hey there D-League,
We're off to a rainy, humid morning here, about 70 degrees, headed up to only 85 today due to the clouds/rain. We got torrential rains last night, nearly 3 inches of rain in about 2 hours.....and another 0.64 this morning, bring my total up to around 3.4 inches since last night. Now, on top of all that, we have the leftovers of "Fred" coming our way. I hope/pray that it stays off to our east because we do not need another drop of rain around here. Oh, and a few days ago, we also got over an inch of rain in about 30 minutes. I may have to start travelling around here by boat.

It's ironic how some areas are begging for rain becuase it's so sparse/dry, but areas like mine are literally flooded out. I guess I just live in a very rainy area of the country?

Man, what a shame about Afghanistan. A good friend of mine is a retried military man who served quite a bit over there on various missions over the years. He is distraught over the situation. All the hard work, time, effort, and money poured into that country seems to be unraveling in a day.

Well, I hope you all enjoy today, make the best of it, and seek the Lord while he may be found. If you don't know Jesus, I encourage you to believe in Him today. Time is running out.
Well Mr. Fred missed us but he is headed up Panama City way at 50 MPH. Should bring parts of the Southeast some rain in the next few days. Now we start looking for Grace (the tropical depression) to see what she grows into.
I guess my nephew got his first taste of a Florida hurricane. He closed on his house on Anna Marie Island and they've been down there the last few days...maybe a week. Guess not a lot of wind....but rain. They were down there a few weeks ago when the last one went thru (looking and made an offer on the house), but got out before it hit. Were in a private jet and they got out before the wind....didn't want to take a chance on the plane flipping at the airport.

Bittersweet day for him. Same day he closed...he got a letter from his hospital that all employees must have the vax by a certain date. So he said he'll go the religious exemption route and if they decline that then he'll probably retire. Early mid 50s. But he said, and would not go into specifics, that he has seen/heard of some really bad side effects from it.
Speaking of tomatoes...ours are doing great. Much more than we need. Planted about 10 plants...way too much.

Anybody ever seen a tomato that grows like a cherry tomato...but the tomato itself is in like a wrapped, dry leaf pod? When the pod dries out..and gets brown the tomato is ready. Peel/open it up and the little tomato is yellow/orange. Has kind of an orange/citrus taste. Really different.

Picked about 7 dozen ears of corn the other day. More still to do. Plenty of cucumbers....squash...etc. So the garden has done well.
Haven't heard or seen such a tomato. Sounds interesting. This is our first year growing Sun Gold tomatoes and IMO they're much better and sweeter than either cherry or grape.
Good Monday Morning

Well Mr. Fred missed us but he is headed up Panama City way at 50 MPH. Should bring parts of the Southeast some rain in the next few days. Now we start looking for Grace (the tropical depression) to see what she grows into.

It is cloudy this morning with 73° and will push up to 84° . I have some electrical work to do outside today but we have 60% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon so I need to find that window before I start messing with the electric pump controls.

I read the Book of Jonah

Take care all and keep the faith.

I also read Jonah 1 this morning. The SENIOR SAINT I read with said we will go ahead and finish the Old Testament, the decide where to next!
I guess my nephew got his first taste of a Florida hurricane. He closed on his house on Anna Marie Island and they've been down there the last few days...maybe a week. Guess not a lot of wind....but rain. They were down there a few weeks ago when the last one went thru (looking and made an offer on the house), but got out before it hit. Were in a private jet and they got out before the wind....didn't want to take a chance on the plane flipping at the airport.

Bittersweet day for him. Same day he closed...he got a letter from his hospital that all employees must have the vax by a certain date. So he said he'll go the religious exemption route and if they decline that then he'll probably retire. Early mid 50s. But he said, and would not go into specifics, that he has seen/heard of some really bad side effects from it.
Anna Marie Island is a nice place to own property.
Saw a Defund BLM yard sign this morning while walking the dog. What's funny is that the house is right in the middle of 5 other houses with BLM signs. That takes guts. I'd like to be a squirrel up a tree so I could monitor what goes on between those neighbors.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going back to the tire store this morning that I bought new tires from about three weeks ago. Front right tire on my truck is leaking from the stem. Gives me a reason to get out and go to town.

Weather still going to be in the 90's for the foreseeable future. Need it to cool down more. My fishing gets better when it is cooler.

Brats are ok but, I prefer rindswurst. My last assignment in Germany had a snack shack just outside of the main gate that had the best rindswurst that I ever had. Good bread and great mustard (senf).


MAN I still miss those carts. Bratwurst and pomfritz (I know I butchered the spelling but I got my point across.) Just a fine, fine meal. (It was 2 mark 8 while I was there the several times I went to Germany on spotlight tours.)

Oh, I hope all's day goes well. It is raining here. I am locked into my work though but do pull out of the zone from time to time to interject and take a pause before proceeding. Take a pause in your day and take stock of your activities. I know if you reflect you will see God's hand in your day. Be thankful, be mindful, God loves you. God Bless you all...
It is 75.6°F, cloudy and humid. We are supposed to get up to 81°. Yesterday it was supposed to get to 80° but I don't think it got past 78. So hopefully it will be cooler than predicted. We got no rain yesterday, but he 1.96" from Friday and Saturday has really greened things up.

The mess in Afghanistan was not necessary but we are dealing with a dumb President. If he had waited until "fighting" season was over it would have been better. Now the Taliban will round up all "traitors" and kill them. It is a terrible thing and a terrible country with an even worse religion.
Good Monday Morning

Well Mr. Fred missed us but he is headed up Panama City way at 50 MPH. Should bring parts of the Southeast some rain in the next few days. Now we start looking for Grace (the tropical depression) to see what she grows into.

It is cloudy this morning with 73° and will push up to 84° . I have some electrical work to do outside today but we have 60% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon so I need to find that window before I start messing with the electric pump controls.

I read the Book of Jonah

Take care all and keep the faith.


Makes sense to me. Read up on the escapades of a water type situation with Jonah (Lots of water), have some water falling everywhere, and get working on electricity near the water in your mind.

Question? Did you take that post to heart where the dudes were in a pool? Sir....

Is it, you can take the redneck out of the... but you can't take the out of the redneck? Ah er something like that anyhow...

Awe, forget this post... ;)
Didn't get on here much yesterday. Don't think I posted after early morning and then probably read a few posts later in the morning. Last night got on and read some....and there hadn't been any posts for a number of hours, but no biggie it was a summertime Sunday...people out doing things, etc.
Then this morning posted early and started reading to catch up.....and noticed the gap was now filled with posts from yesterday. Think it was about 6 or 7 hours. Don't remember that ever happening. Anybody notice or have problems?
Didn't get on here much yesterday. Don't think I posted after early morning and then probably read a few posts later in the morning. Last night got on and read some....and there hadn't been any posts for a number of hours, but no biggie it was a summertime Sunday...people out doing things, etc.
Then this morning posted early and started reading to catch up.....and noticed the gap was now filled with posts from yesterday. Think it was about 6 or 7 hours. Don't remember that ever happening. Anybody notice or have problems?

It's them glitches Sir. Got to watch them glitches....
Makes sense to me. Read up on the escapades of a water type situation with Jonah (Lots of water), have some water falling everywhere, and get working on electricity near the water in your mind.

Question? Did you take that post to heart where the dudes were in a pool? Sir....

Is it, you can take the redneck out of the... but you can't take the out of the redneck? Ah er something like that anyhow...

Awe, forget this post... ;)
Forgetting, LOL. I do not work on around electricity near water or lightning. I saw a man killed by lightning, fellow co worker, and it made a believer out of me. I saved these old photo and newspaper articles.

He was running to his car, put the key in the door lock and was hit in the back of his head. Lightning blew off his shoe and busted concrete bumpers.


I posted this on my Facebook page on October 19, 1920.

"This has got to be the first election I remember that I fully expect to be dishonest. I drove 12 miles today to drop off my ballot because I didn't trust mailing it in. There were a half dozen people in line with me for the same reason. Crazy."
you were 100% correct. Arizona was one of several states that was fixed before voting started. "America", so they told us wanted to get rid of mean tweeting Trump and put in a shell of a man that can be controlled and led around like a pet dog.

America got what it wanted.
I posted this on my Facebook page on October 19, 1920.

"This has got to be the first election I remember that I fully expect to be dishonest. I drove 12 miles today to drop off my ballot because I didn't trust mailing it in. There were a half dozen people in line with me for the same reason. Crazy." were an early pioneer.
I posted this on my Facebook page on October 19, 1920.

"This has got to be the first election I remember that I fully expect to be dishonest. I drove 12 miles today to drop off my ballot because I didn't trust mailing it in. There were a half dozen people in line with me for the same reason. Crazy."
you posted on your FaceBook page in "1920"? :)

Don't ever have a typo on the D-League!
They'd call Michael a racist now-a-days... Yeah he had his issues but he sure had some skills...(Watch at least the black and white part) The super bowl halftime show (1993)