
you posted on your FaceBook page in "1920"? :)

Don't ever have a typo on the D-League!

Hey, I'm nearly 78 years old. As Tony Soprano would say, "Whadda ya gonna do."

*I just finished binge-watching 6 seasons of the Sopranos. I was hoping Paulie Walnuts, AJ and Dr. Melfi would get whacked this time but, alas, they survived again.
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They'd call Michael a racist now-a-days... Yeah he had his issues but he sure had some skills...(Watch at least the black and white part) The super bowl halftime show (1993)

Sorry BBUK you've been duped by a bogus FB post. That video is obviously fake. Look at all those white folks cheering and clapping for him. That just doesn't happen in 'Merica. Haven't you heard?
I have too many songs and artists I like to pick a favorite but these are a couple I really like...

After all these years I very probably know most of their songs by heart. Just good music...

Merle and Stevie...

Some serious talent....(If you just look at the talent!)(Forget their lifestyles...) ;)
You reckon

Hey there D-League,
We're off to a rainy, humid morning here, about 70 degrees, headed up to only 85 today due to the clouds/rain. We got torrential rains last night, nearly 3 inches of rain in about 2 hours.....and another 0.64 this morning, bring my total up to around 3.4 inches since last night. Now, on top of all that, we have the leftovers of "Fred" coming our way. I hope/pray that it stays off to our east because we do not need another drop of rain around here. Oh, and a few days ago, we also got over an inch of rain in about 30 minutes. I may have to start travelling around here by boat.

It's ironic how some areas are begging for rain becuase it's so sparse/dry, but areas like mine are literally flooded out. I guess I just live in a very rainy area of the country?

Man, what a shame about Afghanistan. A good friend of mine is a retried military man who served quite a bit over there on various missions over the years. He is distraught over the situation. All the hard work, time, effort, and money poured into that country seems to be unraveling in a day.

Well, I hope you all enjoy today, make the best of it, and seek the Lord while he may be found. If you don't know Jesus, I encourage you to believe in Him today. Time is running out.
I was in and out of Afghanistan six or seven times between November 2001 - just eight weeks after 9/11 -- and 2007. I was in a convoy of journalists in November 2001 which was ambushed by the Taliban. Our driver evaded the trap but two cars stopped - and four journalists I had gotten to know, and actually had breakfast with that morning, were killed (no Americans on this occasion.)

I've got probably several hundred photos from there but I'll post just two that pretty much tell the story.

The first one is from Jalalabad the day after Osama bin Laden left there bound for Tora Bora. I'm with some Mujahadeen fighters who were in the hunt for OBL to win a $25 million CIA bounty. These guys were stone-cold killers, but temporarily making nice with Americans (I'm the tall one.) It was very clear they had no interest in any western-style democracy. They were part of a warlord culture. They loved to fight, and would fight for or against the Taliban, depending on how the wind was blowing.

The second one is three years later. It was during an early round of the "Democratic Elections." You can see me, through an interpreter, interviewing some village chief about the election. Me: "Do you plan to vote?" Him: "Oh yes. Everyone will vote." Me: ""For who?' Him "We don't know. The warlord hasn't told us yet."

I knew after the first photo, but certainly after the second, that once we'd shattered Al Qaeda, killed all we could easily, and chased OBL into Pakistan (all done by December, 2001), that every day in Afghanistan after that would be a gigantic waste.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. 84% humidity. 40% possibility for rain later this afternoon. Expect topping out around 94°F. Another day with highs below average. No complaints here.

Co-worker out all day today. Hopefully we're not too busy.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League.

Well Fred went somewhere and if you need rain I hope he brings it.

Our temperature Is currently 71° with scattered clouds and thunderstorms in the midafternoon. The high is expected to be 85°. Not bad and football season is here locally and that is always a good thing.

I trust all are well and if anyone has news on the regulars who have not posted in awhile let us know.

This is a scene I never thought I would see from our once proud military.

Good morning D, heading out to get lab work done in a few.

Read Jonah 2, talked to my SENOR SAINT yesterday, she wants to start in the NT when we get done with the OT, so that's where we will be reading next.

Getting closer to being done with my, got about 42 ours in it so far, when I get done I will ask Mr. Bert if he will post some pictures of it for me.

Yawl have a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!

Got to go fill up a cup!!!!
Good morning D, heading out to get lab work done in a few.

Read Jonah 2, talked to my SENOR SAINT yesterday, she wants to start in the NT when we get done with the OT, so that's where we will be reading next.

Getting closer to being done with my, got about 42 ours in it so far, when I get done I will ask Mr. Bert if he will post some pictures of it for me.

Yawl have a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!

Got to go fill up a cup!!!!
Thanks Cord, I read through Jonah as it is so small. Micah is up next..
Hi D-Leaguers,
Another rainy, muggy start to the day, but the remnants of Hurrican Fred will keep the temps in the low 70s all day; the flip side of that is much more unneeded rain around here. According to my rain guage stats that I keep at my home weather station, I've had 82.35 inches of rain since January 1st. That's not a typo and we still 3.5 months left in this year. I wish I could take half of that total and send it our west somewhere, locations where the drought is the worst it's ever been.

Nothing else of note going on around my world. My oldest son started college yesterday, so there's that. I'm also gradually easing back into exercising since mostly recovering from corona. I suffered mostly mild symptoms, but it sure did suck the endurance, strength energy out of me. Hopefully I can slowly build back up again. A few days ago, in my tennis "league" I play in, I was wiped out after one set.

Have a good one today.
Woke up this morning and you couldn't see 30 yards due to the fog. Gets really bad at times with all the corn/soy fields. But it's now clearing up even though the sun isn't out. Cloudy and 68 here in the Buckeye State now....heading up to 80.

Not much going on...but I'll find something to occupy my time. Always something that needs fixed, trimmed, sorted, cleaned up, etc

Y'all have a good day.
This is one of those days where you go outside to do a little work, and within 5 minutes you have to wring the sweat out of your shirt. Hooomid out there.

Speaking of heat/humidity. My little bro has Parkinson's. Guess he's out in California right now...desert...fairly close to Nev. line. Called my older bro the other day and told him how much better he feels out there even though the temp is well over 100...but there's little to no humidity. Mentioned how the humidity just sucks every ounce of energy out of him. He lives outside I guess this trip is helping him a lot.
Even though my g'father died from Parkinson's....I don't know a whole lot about some of the side effects.
This is one of those days where you go outside to do a little work, and within 5 minutes you have to wring the sweat out of your shirt. Hooomid out there.

Speaking of heat/humidity. My little bro has Parkinson's. Guess he's out in California right now...desert...fairly close to Nev. line. Called my older bro the other day and told him how much better he feels out there even though the temp is well over 100...but there's little to no humidity. Mentioned how the humidity just sucks every ounce of energy out of him. He lives outside I guess this trip is helping him a lot.
Even though my g'father died from Parkinson's....I don't know a whole lot about some of the side effects.
One of my best friends from childhood has Parkinson. We have known each other all of our lives, went to church together, fished together, played ball together and really are more like brothers.

I have watched him decline for the past two years to the point he is now in a wheelchair. It is a sad disease and I too know little about it.
Hi D-Leaguers,
Another rainy, muggy start to the day, but the remnants of Hurrican Fred will keep the temps in the low 70s all day; the flip side of that is much more unneeded rain around here. According to my rain guage stats that I keep at my home weather station, I've had 82.35 inches of rain since January 1st. That's not a typo and we still 3.5 months left in this year. I wish I could take half of that total and send it our west somewhere, locations where the drought is the worst it's ever been.

Nothing else of note going on around my world. My oldest son started college yesterday, so there's that. I'm also gradually easing back into exercising since mostly recovering from corona. I suffered mostly mild symptoms, but it sure did suck the endurance, strength energy out of me. Hopefully I can slowly build back up again. A few days ago, in my tennis "league" I play in, I was wiped out after one set.

Have a good one today.

My almost 78 years have sucked any endurance, strength and energy out of me and I don't have any hope of it slowly building back up again. :oops:
I hope this isn't boring everyone, but I came across a couple photos my photog buddy took as we toured Kabul the DAY AFTER THE TALIBAN LEFT in November, 2001. This is how they left it. The US taxpayers poured in two trillion dollars. We'll see how long it takes before its back in this shape.

Anyone here remember Cas Walker? He was a colorful character who had a chain of supermarkets in East Tennessee/SE Ky back in the day. He had a popular TV program on out of Knoxville and Dolly Parton got her start on his show. Here he tells how he is going to handle thieves that come to his stores. It's a riot.

You thieves need to know, we ain't gonna call the law and put you in jail for 10 days. Naw we gonna whip you real good and put you in the hospital for 10 days. Grabbing women's pockets books and running up to car windows in the parking lot and asking for dates. Nah we gonna jump on you and bust some heads. Ain't gonna call the law, just bust your heads real good and put you in the hospital.