
Good morning from the Buckeye State. Heat is gone and the temp/humidity is just right...a foretaste of most days here n a month or so.
Not quite 60 outside now. High will be 80.

Busy day yesterday. Did some shopping. Stopped at an old mill from the 1850s or so...still operational. Got some sandwiches and picnicked in a nice park and the kids played on the playground, then back to the house and the kids jumped in the pool for a couple hours. Lot of today. Nothing going on.

Y'all have a good, healthy, safe Lord's Day.
It is a damp 71.6°F here on our way to a high of 80° and a 40% chance of rain. Yesterday we got an additional .98" of rain for the total event to be 1.96". I will take every drop.

Went to a birthday party yesterday and saw some folks that I had not seen in years.

You all have a good Sunday.
Good morning from ATX. Our current temperature is 75°F and it's clear. 50% chance for rain showers later this afternoon. 90°F looks like our projected high. We'll take it.

Plan on going for a walk. Must move some things around inside the house here. Grocery shopping planned for later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Sunday Morning

Fred decided to go a little west of us but we still received a good hard driving rain yesterday afternoon. It was so hard cars had to pull off of the road. Maybe Fred will still track to Kentucky and still have a little rain left to spread around.

Our weather pattern continues with a current temperature of 73° and it will climb to 85° by midafternoon and temperatures will drop as scattered thunderstorms roll in.

I trust all of our D friends who have not checked in for awhile are in good health.

Read the Book of Obadiah.

Good morning folks. It had cooled off in the east. Finished a six mile run then had one of summer’s great pleasures - a large slice of the most crisp, bright red, ice cold, sweetest watermelon of the summer. I swear I could survive from the 4th of July to Labor Day on watermelon if I could always find perfect ones.

Heading up to the blue ridge around Burkittsville (Blair Witch Project) to hike a bit. Have a good day.

Why would they do that.... Just down right mean... (I mean they are such a nice country.)

Oh, May God's protection still cover this country. In this world the U.S. is nearly an outcast. We need God's intervening power no matter what the media says. God Bless you my D-League brothers.
Good morning folks. It had cooled off in the east. Finished a six mile run then had one of summer’s great pleasures - a large slice of the most crisp, bright red, ice cold, sweetest watermelon of the summer. I swear I could survive from the 4th of July to Labor Day on watermelon if I could always find perfect ones.

Heading up to the blue ridge around Burkittsville (Blair Witch Project) to hike a bit. Have a good day.

You run too much! And, walk too much! Other than that, you seem okay!

How about jerks that make you feel bad...grumble grumble grumble...


Geez that makes me hurt. Those choppers are no game. The learned mentality amazes me. No way unless it was to save my family from them would I tackle a gator. That dude must think it would be fun to pet a tame lion or tiger. Just no mental awareness... It saddens me knowing there are many like that.
My wife and I went to the James Taylor and Jackson Browne concert at the Yum Canter Friday night. It was a good show. Not bad for a couple of guys in their early 70's.
My sister and brother-in-law were there also. They had a very good time.
This recent song by Jackson really speaks to me. I Can't say exactly why. I guess that's what makes him an artist.
This has been a really good year for our tomatoes. Took awhile but now they're going strong. We're picking between 30-50 sun golds a day (cherry type). Next year I'm growing mostly Cherokee Purples. They don't yield as much but man oh man they kill it when it comes to taste.
This has been a really good year for our tomatoes. Took awhile but now they're going strong. We're picking between 30-50 sun golds a day (cherry type). Next year I'm growing mostly Cherokee Purples. They don't yield as much but man oh man they kill it when it comes to taste.

Got to find me a garden to raid. Just one vine-picked tomato. I "needs" a tomato sandwich!!!
Got to find me a garden to raid. Just one vine-picked tomato. I "needs" a tomato sandwich!!!
Oh man. We’ve had the best tomato crop we’ve had in years. Transplanted small plants bought from a local nursery, into big flower pots. And kept them watered. Enough for us and my parents and then some. Wife canned 6 quarts today.
Oh man. We’ve had the best tomato crop we’ve had in years. Transplanted small plants bought from a local nursery, into big flower pots. And kept them watered. Enough for us and my parents and then some. Wife canned 6 quarts today.
We lost our roma plant but other than that, it's been a good year. Started slow but I'm blaming it on the cicadas. Picked plenty of those ugly bastards off the young plants. Not sure if they slowed the season but that's my excuse.
Haven’t been bothered by the Cicadas, so far. The tomatoes have done great.

Give me an address and don't worry about a lurker in your garden one evening. (I will only take one tomato)(But it would be a big one as I need to eat at least two tomato sandwiches.) As a kid I thought a swiped watermelon tasted better but I didn't want to steal it so I told the owner in an asking sort of way. (They were good, I know a tomato would be the same way!!!)

Eh, it felt good to think about it anyway... ;)
Morning all. Today's weather looks like 80 with a chance of a storm. About 60 out now. Got a small shower a little while ago...didn't know it was supposed to rain tonight...could be early/far Northern parts of Fred in that the storms are tracking from the South.

No big plans today. May mow the front/back yards. Don't really need it too much but looks a little unkempt. Time of year where grass doesn't grow in one area but does in another

The Mrs is taking her g'kids to a county fair today. Don't know if I'll go or not. Foot still aches the peace and quiet (loudest, noisiest kids I've been around) would be nice.

Y'all have a good day.
Speaking of tomatoes...ours are doing great. Much more than we need. Planted about 10 plants...way too much.

Anybody ever seen a tomato that grows like a cherry tomato...but the tomato itself is in like a wrapped, dry leaf pod? When the pod dries out..and gets brown the tomato is ready. Peel/open it up and the little tomato is yellow/orange. Has kind of an orange/citrus taste. Really different.

Picked about 7 dozen ears of corn the other day. More still to do. Plenty of cucumbers....squash...etc. So the garden has done well.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and clear. 95% humidity. Our immediate area received a decent downpour yesterday. More rain fell 7 miles south as Texas State Capitol flooded. 92°F is our projected high today.

Co-worker out today and tomorrow. Hopefully not too busy.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members,
