
Morning all. End of another work week for some.

Front came through and took the heat wth it. Still in the low 70s now but the highs won't nearly be like they have been.

Was going to take the little guys camping but the campground(s) is may just set up in the backyard...have a cookout...have a fire, etc.

Going to the store today and that's about it. Y'all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. 81% humidity. We're expecting highs around 99°F or so.

Wife watched NBA Summer Leagues last night. She's really got into watching pro ball. Not me. Love the college game.

I'm heading into work around 1:30 pm today. Must clean out my cube in prep for our move after return to work come October 1st. COVID keeps climbing and we may push it back even more. Our SEC Kick-off event has been cancelled for second year in a row due to increased COVID cases.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

When I was a kid we use to play baseball several games a day. Were a couple empty lots in the subdivision...and it was bordered by a very large empty field...and as soon as it started warming up in the Spring we were out with shovels and rakes 'building' a bball field. We would play everyday all Summer long. I wasn't very was my game...but we had fun. Don't even see kids outside these days.

With all the wokeness, I could care less about sports now. I look at life thru the prism of biblical standards, and some may disagree. but wokeness is not that standard at all.
As a kid, baseball was life to me. If I couldn't get up a game among the neighborhood kids, I was in the yard hitting acorns with wiffle ball bat or practicing catching ground balls by throwing a golf ball at a rock wall. If necessary, I'd sweep snow away. The last year I played at 37 with a bad leg and bum shoulder on my throwing arm, a 25 year college coach told my teammates I was the best third baseman he had ever seen. I still love the game itself, but all sports are getting so woke these days.
Still playing softball at 64 but, the better description would be to say "playing at". Not playing the seniors leagues yet but, am looking at doing that next year. My wife ask me when I was going to stop playing and I told her "When teams quit calling to see if I am still wanting to play". I pitch so, I don't have to cover a lot of distance on the field. This was our State Champion Team in 2015. I am on the far right as you look at the picture. We have since won 2 more (state titles) but I can't find the pictures for those.

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Good Friday the13th

When it rains it pours. LOL. Fred is headed our way with winds about 50 mph by early Monday and we expect up to 7 inches of rain. That on top of the 20 we have had this month. The grass is green and the flowers in bloom. We can always use rain in Florida so this little blow will be refreshing.

Currently we have 73° and the high will reach 86° by midafternoon. Our chance of rain today will be 40% by late afternoon. A typical August day in the hottest month of the year.

It was nice to see baseball get some good reviews. I too was a baseball geek when I was a kid. I knew every major league roster, all 25 players on each team. Of course we only had 16 major league teams back then but now I can not name one. Baseball was King and the stars were national heroes second only to the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of The World. The "Champ" was on top of the Sports World.

Let me introduce you to Fred. Trust all have a great day and maybe sometime next week he will send some rain to your neck of the woods.

Good Friday the13th

When it rains it pours. LOL. Fred is headed our way with winds about 50 mph by early Monday and we expect up to 7 inches of rain. That on top of the 20 we have had this month. The grass is green and the flowers in bloom. We can always use rain in Florida so this little blow will be refreshing.

Currently we have 73° and the high will reach 86° by midafternoon. Our chance of rain today will be 40% by late afternoon. A typical August day in the hottest month of the year.

It was nice to see baseball get some good reviews. I too was a baseball geek when I was a kid. I knew every major league roster, all 25 players on each team. Of course we only had 16 major league teams back then but now I can not name one. Baseball was King and the stars were national heroes second only to the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of The World. The "Champ" was on top of the Sports World.

Let me introduce you to Fred. Trust all have a great day and maybe sometime next week he will send some rain to your neck of the woods.

Freddy? On Friday the 13th? Sawnee you better head for the hills. I'm not sure the clouds spelling out "Get Out!" would be a more clear omen than a Hurricane named after Freddy Krueger approaching on Friday the 13th.

I hope all you D-Leaguers are safe on this ominous day.
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Good Morning D-League,
It's a balmy, muggy 73 degrees here to start the day; 93 and humid is the forecast along with the daily round of afternoon thunderstorms. Get out and do your yardwork or exercise right now before the heat/storms hit later on.

As others have mentioned, I really enjoyed that Field of Dreams game last night, from Kevin Costner and the players emerging from the cornfields to all the homeruns hit into the corn stalks, the old 1910 style uniforms from back in the old days; not to mention all the old farmhouse/homestead look to the entire surroundings. It was a very unique atmosphere and I 'm glad to see that MLB will doing this again in the future. Well-done all the way around. As baseball geek, I sure wish I could have been there to see it in person. Anyway, it provided a nice break from all the bad news, stress, and negativity in our world.

I hope you all have a nice day, enjoy it the best you can.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. 81% humidity. We're expecting highs around 99°F or so.

Wife watched NBA Summer Leagues last night. She's really got into watching pro ball. Not me. Love the college game.

I'm heading into work around 1:30 pm today. Must clean out my cube in prep for our move after return to work come October 1st. COVID keeps climbing and we may push it back even more. Our SEC Kick-off event has been cancelled for second year in a row due to increased COVID cases.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I'm concerned that the SEC and other conferences will go back to near empty stadiums due to COVID. Seems to be heading in that direction.
Good Friday the13th

When it rains it pours. LOL. Fred is headed our way with winds about 50 mph by early Monday and we expect up to 7 inches of rain. That on top of the 20 we have had this month. The grass is green and the flowers in bloom. We can always use rain in Florida so this little blow will be refreshing.

Currently we have 73° and the high will reach 86° by midafternoon. Our chance of rain today will be 40% by late afternoon. A typical August day in the hottest month of the year.

It was nice to see baseball get some good reviews. I too was a baseball geek when I was a kid. I knew every major league roster, all 25 players on each team. Of course we only had 16 major league teams back then but now I can not name one. Baseball was King and the stars were national heroes second only to the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of The World. The "Champ" was on top of the Sports World.

Let me introduce you to Fred. Trust all have a great day and maybe sometime next week he will send some rain to your neck of the woods.

That looks like a good thing considered overall.
I'm concerned that the SEC and other conferences will go back to near empty stadiums due to COVID. Seems to be heading in that direction.
I was listening to a Memphis radio station this morning and some rock concert around there is making anyone attending show proof of vaccinations.

Cities like New York, New Orleans, San Francisco and probably many more require proof of vaccination to go to a restaurant. Some churches in Atlanta require proof to attend their church. As this spreads who is to say some WOKE food stores will not do the same.

So extending this to sporting events could be a reality.

I read Amos 7 and 8.
It is a cloudy 78.4°F on our way to 90°F. We have a 60% chance of rain and I hope we get all 60 of them.

I hope and pray that the SEC allows the crowds back in. We now know that Covid is not spread that much outside. Football is outside so let us have a normal season.

On Fred, I am also hoping that Fred will send some of that rain up to Smiths Grove. He does not have to worry about sending any to Central City or Burkesville areas just my area. :)
I was listening to a Memphis radio station this morning and some rock concert around there is making anyone attending show proof of vaccinations.

Cities like New York, New Orleans, San Francisco and probably many more require proof of vaccination to go to a restaurant. Some churches in Atlanta require proof to attend their church. As this spreads who is to say some WOKE food stores will not do the same.

So extending this to sporting events could be a reality.

I read Amos 7 and 8.
What a mess. The tickets are already purchased. How would they decide who goes and who stays? Season ticket holders first? My neighbor has tickets to the Missouri game on 911 and he's concerned.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. 81% humidity. We're expecting highs around 99°F or so.

Wife watched NBA Summer Leagues last night. She's really got into watching pro ball. Not me. Love the college game.

I'm heading into work around 1:30 pm today. Must clean out my cube in prep for our move after return to work come October 1st. COVID keeps climbing and we may push it back even more. Our SEC Kick-off event has been cancelled for second year in a row due to increased COVID cases.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I have never eaten a filet mignon.

This is the "mildest" summer we have experienced since moving to AZ 13 years ago. We are experiencing a week of 90s here. 95 degrees is very comfortable here. There have been many summers in which I have not experienced a single cool breeze, day or night, for nearly four months. It is now only six weeks until the AZ heat is gone and we have about eight months of the weather that we live here for.
I have never eaten a filet mignon.

This is the "mildest" summer we have experienced since moving to AZ 13 years ago. We are experiencing a week of 90s here. 95 degrees is very comfortable here. There have been many summers in which I have not experienced a single cool breeze, day or night, for nearly four months. It is now only six weeks until the AZ heat is gone and we have about eight months of the weather that we live here for.
We're on our "mildest" summer since about 2015 or 2016. We experienced less than 5 triple-digit days one of those years. 2011 was the worst, with 90+ days in the triple-digits.
A few years ago I almost invested in some rental property and after seeing what courts are doing i am thankful I did not. I set aside $200,000 to invest and with such low interest rates I had a pretty sound plan.

I had a few issues with my spine and was facing some serious surgery and since I did not want to bring in a property manager and vendors I decided to put it on hold. I wanted to be able to do all of the repairs, etc myself.

But I can't imagine where I would be if I had the property and was unable to evict a renter for failure to pay rent. That is what is going on in some areas of the country. Everyday brings a new revelation as the country slides down the tubes. This is one I never thought I would see. Thanks to AOC and the Squad , a demented Joe Biden and corrupt court system. If a property owner can not collect rent how are they suppose to pay property taxes and maintain their buildings. ??????
Afternoon D, not to bad of a day here in the Berg! Bert we got almost .2" last night, about 11 it came a downpour!!!

Heading out here in a little while to eat catfish at Willow Pond in Eddyville, Mrs. M's vacation dinner on me!!!

Was setting in the living room yesterday morning and kept hearing something get louder and louder, I went out on the deck just in time to see the Blue Angles fly over, there is a air show in Owensboro this weekend!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!

Bert I am going to put up a giant mask so it will not hit our area to keep the rain away, you know how well masks work!!!
A few years ago I almost invested in some rental property and after seeing what courts are doing i am thankful I did not. I set aside $200,000 to invest and with such low interest rates I had a pretty sound plan.

I had a few issues with my spine and was facing some serious surgery and since I did not want to bring in a property manager and vendors I decided to put it on hold. I wanted to be able to do all of the repairs, etc myself.

But I can't imagine where I would be if I had the property and was unable to evict a renter for failure to pay rent. That is what is going on in some areas of the country. Everyday brings a new revelation as the country slides down the tubes. This is one I never thought I would see. Thanks to AOC and the Squad , a demented Joe Biden and corrupt court system. If a property owner can not collect rent how are they suppose to pay property taxes and maintain their buildings. ??????
Joe and the squad does not give a shit.

Damned capitalist, let them eat cake.
I put black tape on baseballs to see them in the snow in Michigan. Rubber-coated baseballs in the rain. Broom sticks and pebbles...pebbles...pebbles. Hitting rocks on the train track wasn't fair to the rocks. I loved the game. Totally engulfed.... Alas, no more... I played a little third myself along with first and right field. Everything but legs... Hand eye coordination is/was uncanny. Could hit anything I could reach but had a good eye for balls and strikes. Well disciplined but I wanted to hit and did. Legion ball and a small stint above that...
Bat would break, nail & tape, break, nail & tape, till the thing was held together only by the tape & the barrel was at 10-15 degree angle to the handle. Finally would get to around 45 degrees. Then start taking tape off and all that was inside was sawdust.
Hello Darling and I are at the bill Burton fishing Pier in Maryland. About 100 miles from my house. We have lines in the water and some crab traps out but was probably about an hour and a half late to catch the tide. We are still here getting a nibble or two at low tide but will wait for the tide to move again. In the shade and comfortable. The best I've felt in a while. Using some squid.. I have a cast net but will hold off a bit.

Noisy though as a highway is going across the water a few hundred feet away but that is tolerable. Hey, my line is wet... ;)

Oh, Have a blessed day and may you feel as content as a fisherman, fishing. Will check in a few times. God Bless you all....
A few years ago I almost invested in some rental property and after seeing what courts are doing i am thankful I did not. I set aside $200,000 to invest and with such low interest rates I had a pretty sound plan.

I had a few issues with my spine and was facing some serious surgery and since I did not want to bring in a property manager and vendors I decided to put it on hold. I wanted to be able to do all of the repairs, etc myself.

But I can't imagine where I would be if I had the property and was unable to evict a renter for failure to pay rent. That is what is going on in some areas of the country. Everyday brings a new revelation as the country slides down the tubes. This is one I never thought I would see. Thanks to AOC and the Squad , a demented Joe Biden and corrupt court system. If a property owner can not collect rent how are they suppose to pay property taxes and maintain their buildings. ??????
The fastest way to create a conservative is take a liberal and have him dabble in the landlord business in an area like DC.

I saw it happen to two well off lawyer acquaintances of mine who thought buying property in "gentrifying" DC neighborhoods was a great long-term investment: Rent them out, and then when more affluent people pushed into the areas, you'd have valuable properties to sell. Except the renters never paid. And the law was designed to keep them from being ejected.

Even before the COVID eviction "moratorium" in an American city you can be twisted into knots by any scofflaw miscreant you rent to.

And with this moratorium, forget it. No one even has to make a pretense of wanting to pay. My prediction is that they will offset this to landlords with some sort of stipend and tax credits. So, taxpayers will be paying the rent for the renters and subsidizing (to at least some degree) the landlords. And the renters will sink so deeply into wefare dependence that we'll never get them off the public dime.
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The fastest way to create a conservative is take a liberal and have him dabble in the landlord business in an area like DC.

I saw it happen to two well off lawyer acquaintances of mine who thought buying property in "gentrifying" DC neighborhoods was a great long-term investment: Rent them out, and then when more affluent people pushed into the areas, you'd have valuable properties to sell. Except the renters never paid. And the law was designed to keep them from being ejected.

Even before the COVID eviction "moratorium" in an American city you can be twisted into to knots by any scofflaw miscreant you rent to.

And with this moratorium, forget it. No one even has to make a pretense of wanting to pay. My prediction is that they will offset this to landlords with some sort of stipend and tax credits. So, taxpayers will be paying the rent for the renters and subsidizing (to at least some degree) the landlords. And the renters will sink so deeply into wlefare dependence that we'll never get them off the public dime.

My Darling and I have several properties in South Carolina and Texas. So far so good. Knock on my head. Yeah amazing how the communists are taking property from citizens before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it. Can't throw a deadbeat out? Yeah....right
Good Friday the13th

When it rains it pours. LOL. Fred is headed our way with winds about 50 mph by early Monday and we expect up to 7 inches of rain. That on top of the 20 we have had this month. The grass is green and the flowers in bloom. We can always use rain in Florida so this little blow will be refreshing.

Currently we have 73° and the high will reach 86° by midafternoon. Our chance of rain today will be 40% by late afternoon. A typical August day in the hottest month of the year.

It was nice to see baseball get some good reviews. I too was a baseball geek when I was a kid. I knew every major league roster, all 25 players on each team. Of course we only had 16 major league teams back then but now I can not name one. Baseball was King and the stars were national heroes second only to the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of The World. The "Champ" was on top of the Sports World.

Let me introduce you to Fred. Trust all have a great day and maybe sometime next week he will send some rain to your neck of the woods.

Hopefully Fred brings rain to Central KY...we need it...BAD
The fastest way to create a conservative is take a liberal and have him dabble in the landlord business in an area like DC.

I saw it happen to two well off lawyer acquaintances of mine who thought buying property in "gentrifying" DC neighborhoods was a great long-term investment: Rent them out, and then when more affluent people pushed into the areas, you'd have valuable properties to sell. Except the renters never paid. And the law was designed to keep them from being ejected.

Even before the COVID eviction "moratorium" in an American city you can be twisted into to knots by any scofflaw miscreant you rent to.

And with this moratorium, forget it. No one even has to make a pretense of wanting to pay. My prediction is that they will offset this to landlords with some sort of stipend and tax credits. So, taxpayers will be paying the rent for the renters and subsidizing (to at least some degree) the landlords. And the renters will sink so deeply into wlefare dependence that we'll never get them off the public dime.

Yeah we thought about investing here but people are different. I'll stick with where we work now. (Just checked the traps and reset the poles.) Jellyfish are around. Them and sharks usually slows the fishing drastically....

As others have mentioned, I really enjoyed that Field of Dreams game last night, from Kevin Costner and the players emerging from the cornfields to all the homeruns hit into the corn stalks, the old 1910 style uniforms from back in the old days; not to mention all the old farmhouse/homestead look to the entire surroundings. It was a very unique atmosphere and I 'm glad to see that MLB will doing this again in the future. Well-done all the way around. As baseball geek, I sure wish I could have been there to see it in person. Anyway, it provided a nice break from all the bad news, stress, and negativity in our world.
The fastest way to create a conservative is take a liberal and have him dabble in the landlord business in an area like DC.

I saw it happen to two well off lawyer acquaintances of mine who thought buying property in "gentrifying" DC neighborhoods was a great long-term investment: Rent them out, and then when more affluent people pushed into the areas, you'd have valuable properties to sell. Except the renters never paid. And the law was designed to keep them from being ejected.

Even before the COVID eviction "moratorium" in an American city you can be twisted into knots by any scofflaw miscreant you rent to.

And with this moratorium, forget it. No one even has to make a pretense of wanting to pay. My prediction is that they will offset this to landlords with some sort of stipend and tax credits. So, taxpayers will be paying the rent for the renters and subsidizing (to at least some degree) the landlords. And the renters will sink so deeply into wefare dependence that we'll never get them off the public dime.
Yea, but the subsidy will be taxable so the landlord gets screwed once more.
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My Darling and I have several properties in South Carolina and Texas. So far so good. Knock on my head. Yeah amazing how the communists are taking property from citizens before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it. Can't throw a deadbeat out? Yeah....right
Same here. We've been fortunate in that our residential and our commercial properties have had no problem.
Long term tenants in the residential. One of the commercials I was worried a bit about when the gov't started shutting everything down last year. He had moved in in January and was starting a brand new business. He had been in his field for a number of years managing another he had some contacts, etc that helped him. But...he has paid every month and hasn't missed a beat. In fact most times he pays 3 months in advance. And in talking with his wife last week his business is doing good.
All the properties are paid no mortgages on my part to pay. So I don't have that burden that so many property owners are experiencing with this 'rent moratorium'.
Damn. Was hoping to drive up to a ridge not far from here tonight and watch for the Perseid meteor shower. The skies were clear through late afternoon, but now we're getting rain and the forecast is for clouds through the weekend.

Watching for falling stars in August was a ritual in my Kentucky boyhood. Somehow we knew when to expect them and the whole area was a "no ambient light" zone.

Clearest meteor shower I ever saw: the Saudi desert, 1990. The sky was raining streaks of light.
Same here. We've been fortunate in that our residential and our commercial properties have had no problem.
Long term tenants in the residential. One of the commercials I was worried a bit about when the gov't started shutting everything down last year. He had moved in in January and was starting a brand new business. He had been in his field for a number of years managing another he had some contacts, etc that helped him. But...he has paid every month and hasn't missed a beat. In fact most times he pays 3 months in advance. And in talking with his wife last week his business is doing good.
All the properties are paid no mortgages on my part to pay. So I don't have that burden that so many property owners are experiencing with this 'rent moratorium'.

Yes Sir, I owe some on the home we live in but that's it. I am thankful, I could pay it off but...