
Hey D-League,

It's currently in the low 70s with a foggy, very muggy start to the day. A very tropical feel to the air this morning, headed for a high in the low 90s and our daily rounds of summer afternoon thunderstorms. My house was spared yesterday, but those storms were all around us, eventually fading out after dark. You can almost set your clock to it, around 3:00-4:00 they start popping.

Well, we knew it was probably coming, but our gutless school board voted to bring back mask mandates for our county for schools. Bunch of cookie-cutters who take what the CDC says as gospel truth. Parents can fill out a "waiver" form, however, if they don't want their child to wear a mask at school. It should be interesting to see how many take that option. There have been some very heated exchanges around here with our school board vs. parents on the mask topic.

I know we have a few baseball fans on here and was wondering who else is going to watch the "Field of Dreams" games coming up later today and tomorrow? Yankees vs. White Sox in the cornfields near the site of the famous movie. I know many are fed up with MLB and all their becoming more "woke" but I still enjoy watching some of the individual super stars in baseball. We have some bonafide, all-time, future hall of famers playing right now. Since the Atlanta Braves are "blacked out" in my area (maybe because of my streaming service?), I've been getting a ton of Tampa Bay Rays games and have come to really appreciate their unique style of play. I've caught myself kinda warming up to them, rooting for them to take down the Red Sox and Yankees.

Take care and enjoy today.

Do you have a VPN? Express VPN has been helpful to me to view international news. (For instance- can't view this page or site from europe, but I CAN if I use my VPN when I log in to a server in the states.) May help you to see your blacked out stuff.
We need to go back to a constitutional form of government here and countrywide. Anyone against that form of government should be exported or worse depending on their level of treason. They need to remove the term "governor" from state leaders and call them Executive Representatives. Their heads are too big to get through a garage door as it is now. Need to drop em down a few notches in their own esteem.
Hey D-League,

It's currently in the low 70s with a foggy, very muggy start to the day. A very tropical feel to the air this morning, headed for a high in the low 90s and our daily rounds of summer afternoon thunderstorms. My house was spared yesterday, but those storms were all around us, eventually fading out after dark. You can almost set your clock to it, around 3:00-4:00 they start popping.

Well, we knew it was probably coming, but our gutless school board voted to bring back mask mandates for our county for schools. Bunch of cookie-cutters who take what the CDC says as gospel truth. Parents can fill out a "waiver" form, however, if they don't want their child to wear a mask at school. It should be interesting to see how many take that option. There have been some very heated exchanges around here with our school board vs. parents on the mask topic.

I know we have a few baseball fans on here and was wondering who else is going to watch the "Field of Dreams" games coming up later today and tomorrow? Yankees vs. White Sox in the cornfields near the site of the famous movie. I know many are fed up with MLB and all their becoming more "woke" but I still enjoy watching some of the individual super stars in baseball. We have some bonafide, all-time, future hall of famers playing right now. Since the Atlanta Braves are "blacked out" in my area (maybe because of my streaming service?), I've been getting a ton of Tampa Bay Rays games and have come to really appreciate their unique style of play. I've caught myself kinda warming up to them, rooting for them to take down the Red Sox and Yankees.

Take care and enjoy today.
We have a few wacko counties down here who are mandating masks. One is Alachua County (Gainesville U of F crazies) and of course good ole Commie Broward County. They are doing it at their own peril. Pure politics. It looks like parents in those counties who do not want to mask up their children can obtain a Hope Scholarship from the state and transfer their child to a private school or if close to another county transfer their child to that county's school system. If there is a will there is a way. Our schools are open in this county and things are going smooth according to the Supt. Plenty of jobs available for bus drivers, nurses and other personnel as the county grows.

I had a mask but I dropped it on the driveway and ran over it with my truck. So I threw it away.

I will have to check out the Rays. I didn't know they had a good team. The Rays are pushing for a new stadium so maybe winning can bring that about. Football season is around the corner down here and that gets most of the talk. High Schools kick off Friday Night. The schools expect packed houses or rather stadiums. Normal is the battle cry.
Was talking with a friend of mine in Georgia. His wife is a nurse at a hospital....the hospital is mandating that all employees get the vax. She told him that employees are quitting left and right. She's going to as well...just retire.
Her observation....if things are so bad...getting so bad....why are they doing this to the point where they are losing good, long term employees?
We have a few wacko counties down here who are mandating masks. One is Alachua County (Gainesville U of F crazies) and of course good ole Commie Broward County. They are doing it at their own peril. Pure politics. It looks like parents in those counties who do not want to mask up their children can obtain a Hope Scholarship from the state and transfer their child to a private school or if close to another county transfer their child to that county's school system. If there is a will there is a way. Our schools are open in this county and things are going smooth according to the Supt. Plenty of jobs available for bus drivers, nurses and other personnel as the county grows.

I had a mask but I dropped it on the driveway and ran over it with my truck. So I threw it away.

I will have to check out the Rays. I didn't know they had a good team. The Rays are pushing for a new stadium so maybe winning can bring that about. Football season is around the corner down here and that gets most of the talk. High Schools kick off Friday Night. The schools expect packed houses or rather stadiums. Normal is the battle cry.
I sure hope that Florida continues to take a stand against this nonsense and I admire DeSantis for holding firm. I basically have to wear the mask when around groups of people but can go maskless in the office setting with just me or a couple of other people. Many of my colleagues feel the same way about how this is all a big game we're playing. Some others are cookie cutters who just following along and believe the CDC "guidance" on all this and take Fauci as a god-like figure, operating in fear. And still a few others are in the "indifferent" column, as they don't seem to care one way or the other.

Yeah, Tampa Bay Rays are in first place again this season after their World Series run last year. They don't have really any super star players, but they just seem to have a playing style that's smart, efficient, common sense, and just don't make many mistakes. It's too bad that a team that good lacks fan support and decent facilities; they have probably the worst stadium (dome) in all of baseball and deserve better. They should do a indoor/outdoor combo stadium like the one in Miami, Houston, and Dallas; open air with a retractable roof for when it rains or sun is too hot.
Was talking with a friend of mine in Georgia. His wife is a nurse at a hospital....the hospital is mandating that all employees get the vax. She told him that employees are quitting left and right. She's going to as well...just retire.
Her observation....if things are so bad...getting so bad....why are they doing this to the point where they are losing good, long term employees?

What's also sinister and clearly about money and corporate control, is that most of these places are trying to force compliance BEFORE the Novovacs shot comes out. It's a more traditional vaccine and not mRNA based. Most of the health care folks I know that were waiting to get shots, were waiting on THAT one.

It won't be out until Sept. Or Oct. Their employers are trying to force them to get the shots before the new shot hits the market.
It is a muggy 77.5°F here on our way to 95. We sure need some more rain, but it may not be before the weekend.

My AC went out upstairs so they suggested that I replace the unit. I suppose I will. Donations are welcomed! :)
You may need to take a trip down here to cool off. Fred is headed our way and maybe he can make a stop in the Midwest and give Kentucky a good soaking. I saw a model that had it tracking your way and going a little East of first thought. But you never know what these things are going to do.

I am headed outside to do a little yard work.
This is about the correct proportions:
You may need to take a trip down here to cool off. Fred is headed our way and maybe he can make a stop in the Midwest and give Kentucky a good soaking. I saw a model that had it tracking your way and going a little East of first thought. But you never know what these things are going to do.

I am headed outside to do a little yard work.

It seems normal that after a disturbance hits the Florida area, areas north seem to get some decent rain.
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Was talking with a friend of mine in Georgia. His wife is a nurse at a hospital....the hospital is mandating that all employees get the vax. She told him that employees are quitting left and right. She's going to as well...just retire.
Her observation....if things are so bad...getting so bad....why are they doing this to the point where they are losing good, long term employees?
The six major hospital systems in Cincy/NKy are all mandating employee masks. Bunches of protests.
Here ya go... Don't want to vote or get involved... These are your decision-makers...

97.2°F. I don't know when it will end. It is 3:32 pm and climbing.
It is 87° down here in my area of the Sunshine State. We had a light rain at 2:30 PM and a very strong breeze off of the Gulf. The sky looks like we will have a thunderstorm in the next 10 or 15 minutes.

Our all time record is 97°F. August is our hottest month. The thing that gets you in Florida is the intensity of the sun. You better keep plenty of water on hand if you are working outside and wear a straw hat. The sun will eat you alive. That is why they invented Gatorade
I just try to hit the ball. I am a horrible athlete so I can't choose on "what" I am going to hit! :)
As a kid, baseball was life to me. If I couldn't get up a game among the neighborhood kids, I was in the yard hitting acorns with wiffle ball bat or practicing catching ground balls by throwing a golf ball at a rock wall. If necessary, I'd sweep snow away. The last year I played at 37 with a bad leg and bum shoulder on my throwing arm, a 25 year college coach told my teammates I was the best third baseman he had ever seen. I still love the game itself, but all sports are getting so woke these days.
We are at 89 at 7:15!!!
Meh, rookie numbers. We're at 92°F right now. [winking]

I know. Just kidding. You guys and gals ain't acclimated. @starchief5 and @_Rooster really experience brutal heat 600 miles west of us. We've been very, very lucky so far this summer season with only 2 days greater than 100°F.
As a kid, baseball was life to me. If I couldn't get up a game among the neighborhood kids, I was in the yard hitting acorns with wiffle ball bat or practicing catching ground balls by throwing a golf ball at a rock wall. If necessary, I'd sweep snow away. The last year I played at 37 with a bad leg and bum shoulder on my throwing arm, a 25 year college coach told my teammates I was the best third baseman he had ever seen. I still love the game itself, but all sports are getting so woke these days.

I put black tape on baseballs to see them in the snow in Michigan. Rubber-coated baseballs in the rain. Broom sticks and pebbles...pebbles...pebbles. Hitting rocks on the train track wasn't fair to the rocks. I loved the game. Totally engulfed.... Alas, no more... I played a little third myself along with first and right field. Everything but legs... Hand eye coordination is/was uncanny. Could hit anything I could reach but had a good eye for balls and strikes. Well disciplined but I wanted to hit and did. Legion ball and a small stint above that...
Meh, rookie numbers. We're at 92°F right now. [winking]

I know. Just kidding. You guys and gals ain't acclimated. @starchief5 and @_Rooster really experience brutal heat 600 miles west of us. We've been very, very lucky so far this summer season with only 2 days greater than 100°F.
I was discussing with my wjfe, this has been a cool summer