

Reminds me of an old Little Lulu cartoon I saw long ago. I've tried searching for it many times but have never found it. Lulu and Tubby are standing on the steps as Sluggo (I think), the neighborhood bully, goes walking by. Tubby says to Lulu, "Ya know? You can't help but like the guy. If you don't, he'll beat you up."
Reminds me of an old Little Lulu cartoon I saw long ago. I've tried searching for it many times but have never found it. Lulu and Tubby are standing on the steps as Sluggo (I think), the neighborhood bully, goes walking by. Tubby says to Lulu, "Ya know? You can't help but like the guy. If you don't, he'll beat you up."

I did a little searching. (I take breaks doing that type of stuff.) I didn't find anything. I will try again.
Another way to screw the working man. Seriously, of all the people on the roads, a working person is going to rack up more miles than anyone else.
Us working people have always tacked op more miles ( and tax dollars), no surprise here. Not hard for a “normal person” to figure out. Unfortunately, not enough normal people left. They’re all camped out at the mailboxes waiting for their checks. We need to really think before voting, myself included.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Could see 97°F for our high.

Our return to the office is now pushed back a month to October 1 because of COVID. Return date was originally scheduled for September 1, At any rate, no complaints here.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning all. Haven't been outside yet so I have no weather report from the porch. Did see on the real weather report that the NWS has issued a heat and humidity sort for feel like 95-100. (Remember the days when it was just hot? Or it would just storm? Now everything with the weather, as with everything, is a crisis/alert/special announcement)

Good day to stay inside and do that's what I might do.
But knowing me I'll find/and do something. Can't just sit.

Y'all have a good day.
As did I.
Must say I don't remember Little Lulu.

Good Morning,
I remembered but not that particular segment. It was fun remembering. Good comic strips used to be...

Oh, be mindful of a God that numbers the hair on your head. How much love is that? Can you even comprehend God's love? Don't try. Just bask in his Glory. God Bless you all...


The Green Thing...

Good morning D League

Read Amos 6

We should be in for a nice day today with a temperature of 72° and it should get up to 87° with plenty of sunshine. There is a tropical storm forming and it is headed to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. I worked in St Croix for Hurricane Hugo and it was a storm of the century. Every structure on the Island has some damage, 75% had severe roof damage and 50% were totally destroyed. We had to fly in food and supplies from San Juan, PR for over a month after we got there.

I trust all is well and it is good to see some older names posting that have been absent for awhile. The man on the radio just said all military will be required to take the jab. Many hospitals and private companies are moving in that direction. Get the shot or lose your job. What a world we live in.

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Good morning D League

Read Amos 6

We should be in for a nice day today with a temperature of 72° and it should get up to 87° with plenty of sunshine. There is a tropical storm forming and it is headed to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. I worked in St Croix for Hurricane Hugo and it was a storm of the century. Every structure on the Island has some damage, 75% had severe roof damage and 50% were totally destroyed. We had to fly in food and supplies from San Juan, PR for over a month after we got there.

I trust all is well and it is good to see some older names posting that have been absent for awhile. The man on the radio just said all military will be required to take the jab. Many hospitals and private companies are moving in that direction. Get the shot or lose your job. What a world we live in.

My sister is an RN at Vanderbilt. She said V is making supervisor's get the shot, but she knows of 2 who have received an exemption by writing letters claiming religious reasons. I think it's because of fetal cells in the shot. Don't know if folks at other companies could do the same.
My sister is an RN at Vanderbilt. She said V is making supervisor's get the shot, but she knows of 2 who have received an exemption by writing letters claiming religious reasons. I think it's because of fetal cells in the shot. Don't know if folks at other companies could do the same.
We had a big cookout Sunday and we were talking about the exemptions for religious reasons and no one could figure out how/why. Now it makes sense.
I feel better now. I don't want to present a false image because I am living on borrowed time
Cheer up, Sawnee. You, Don, Bert and I still possibly have some months left.

What is the average age for a man to die?

In North America, a man can expect to live to between 75 and 78 years of age, depending on where he lives. For women, life expectancy hovers between about 80 and 83 years of age.