
Morning folks. It is a slightly warmer temp today than yesterday, a sunny 61.9°F.

It is good to see that Austin safely got to Knoxville (home of the Vols and Rocky Top - on June the 10 I stopped at Rocky Top's McDonalds and bought a cone of soft serve).

Here is to a great Fourth of July to the D-League. Remember the reason for the holiday.

Here are my "direct" ancestors who fought in the Revolution:

Byrd Prewitt (1753-1833)
Jacob Falconberry (1757-1844)
Benjamin Aimsley Higginbotham (Abt 1723-1791)
Benjamin Higginbotham Jr (1757-1810)
Larkin Gatewood (1736-1805)
John Upshaw (1755-1834)
John Elmore (1758-1836)
William Davis (1753-1848)
William Marshall (1750-1822)
My ancestors didn't get here till 1818 - 1857. But one took a Confederate bullet thru the head on a battleground.
That is quite a heritage Bert. I have a few in my bloodline

Joseph Adair ( South Carolina)
William Adair (South Carolina)
John Adair (South Carolina) After the war he moved to Kentucky and became Governor
William White (Virginia)
Joshua Blanton (North Carolina
James Blanton (North Carolina)
John Alderman (North Carolina) He was the father-in-law to Joshua Blanton.

I joined the Sons of The American Revolution under the name of John Alderman. It is a good group of men to be associated with.


Nice to see Austin had safe travels. We should have a very nice day for Independence Day down here, we might get a little rain but that is always welcome. It keeps us green. I trust all are well and enjoy the day. It is still special to me and it always will be. I am not WOKE yet, still sleeping in the love of God and Country.
You best not claim kin to Blantons as there are a bunch of those in my family! o_O
I had some too. Would be a good project...pull out some of the family's history/genealogy and see how many.
Yep. I have a list of my family in the Revolution and the Civil War. My civil war folks are slanted toward the north. The Higginbotham's and Elmore's mainly fought for the South and the Lee and Cook side tended toward the North. None of them owned slaves but chose sides for reasons they probably did not even fully understand.

The names I listed above were direct ancestors. I did not include the cousins and uncles. On John Filson's 1791 map of Kentucke my area is flagged “Land reserved for the Virginia troops; extending to the Carolina Line, which runs parallel with the bottom of this Map in 36 1/2 N Lat.” So most of my folks got to this part of the world by claiming land for fighting in the Revolution.

I have posted this often, but this is John Elmore's warrant. I only have copies of two of my ancestors warrants.
Fishing was pretty good this morning although I am down a pint or two in blood. The mosquitos were out in force. I hooked 7 and landed 4 but had even more strikes. Did not count them but there were many. Bass are territorial and even when not eating will strike at anything that gets in their area.

Taking the wife out for lunch and shopping before coming back and cutting grass. Full day ahead. Back out tomorrow morning for more bass.

Happy Fourth and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

We are going to have an old fashioned "Dinner on the Grounds" meal. Fried chicken, BBQ (pork) corn on the cob, potato salad, cole slaw, green beans, baked beans, cornbread and all of the trimmings.

Remember these days. This was before air conditioned social halls in churches. As a kid it was my favorite Sunday and we did it about every six weeks, all year long with the big one Homecoming right before football season started. All day and late into the night singing was an added bonus.


Happy Fourth and God Bless!

I've been busy trying to find out stuff. Folks like to know things and today is perfect for this endeavor so here goes. The names are links of info sources. I know this is true thanks to my Grandfather. I still have the hat and being retired, I'm sporting a white beard as well. All of this is the validation of his knowledge and it is indeed my privilege/blessing.
Papaw's great grandfather (my 3rd) was William Gassan. In the upper left corner of the tree there is the Causine family. This where it gets interesting.​
  1. The Causine Manor was opposite of the Ignatius Church along Chapel Point Road.​
  2. The Hussey family members likely to be descendant of the families of the beheaded John Hussey and the beheaded Henry Rich.​
  3. Mary Causine (Daughter of Nicholas Causine married Major John Wheeler of the "Society of Jesus" then her daughter married John Middleton likely a descendant of the the beatified Blessed John Middleton (Society of Jesus) family.​
  4. LDS records of Nicholas Causine indicate the descendent of the Ignatius Causine family which literally means Ignatius "child of mother's sister". This strongly suggests that the Causines were descendants of the family of Saint Ignatius of Loyola the founder of the "Society of Jesus" and patron saint of warriors.​
I'll stop here with one caveat. The family was very reserved and this history was not spoken but decision making was. It is as relevant today as as ever. this Old Maryland Line not only covered George Washington's escape from New York, these same families of founding fathers were the historical source for our Freedom of religion implemented by President Washington.
Papaw made sure I knew this.
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Good afternoon and Happy 4th from Shawanee, TN. Currently 78°F and clear. Warming to 84°F for our high. We hit 59°F early this morning. Great sleeping weather.

Long ride out here. 17 hours or so with stops. I've already been over to Middlesboro today. Many businesses open down there.

Plan on cleaning up later and enjoying 4th festivities with family.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Happy Fourth and God Bless!

I've been busy trying to find out stuff. Folks like to know things and today is perfect for this endeavor so here goes. The names are links of info sources. I know this is true thanks to my Grandfather. I still have the hat and being retired, I'm sporting a white beard as well. All of this is the validation of his knowledge and it is indeed my privilege/blessing.
Papaw's great grandfather (my 3rd) was William Gassan. In the upper left corner of the tree there is the Causine family. This where it gets interesting.​
  1. The Causine Manor was opposite of the Ignatius Church along Chapel Point Road.​
  2. The Hussey family members likely to be descendant of the families of the beheaded John Hussey and the beheaded Henry Rich.​
  3. Mary Causine (Daughter of Nicholas Causine married Major John Wheeler of the "Society of Jesus" then her daughter married John Middleton likely a descendant of the the beatified Blessed John Middleton (Society of Jesus) family.​
  4. LDS records of Nicholas Causine indicate the descendent of the Ignatius Causine family which literally means Ignatius "child of mother's sister". This strongly suggests that the Causines were descendants of the family of Saint Ignatius of Loyola the founder of the "Society of Jesus" and patron saint of warriors.​
I'll stop here with one caveat. The family was very reserved and this history was not spoken but decision making was. It is as relevant today as as ever. this Old Maryland Line not only covered George Washington's escape from New York, these same families of founding fathers were the historical source for our Freedom of religion implemented by President Washington.
Papaw made sure I knew this.

Are you saying a Jesuit family (or several) helped found a country with freedom of religion? That seems opposed to their oath of service unless they felt the crown was a more formidable enemy to conquer than the new republic...

Pretty cool, though. Wish I knew more about out families.

I have very little documented history of my family other than knowing most of the european side arrived after the revolution. What I had found through documented research was tossed/deleted by some of my relatives. Appears they didn't like where the trail led.
I have seen the Collinsworth Family many, many times and talked with them a lot. Stan Whitmire is the lead pianist at Mt Paran Church in Atlanta, GA. I attended many times and my daughter was a member there. Tim Parton is one of the best ever so getting them together is a treat.

Makes me want to have church on a Sunday afternoon but my family is hollering to go to the beach so I will leave you with this BBUK. This is the way we do it down here.

I have seen the Collinsworth Family many, many times and talked with them a lot. Stan Whitmire is the lead pianist at Mt Paran Church in Atlanta, GA. I attended many times and my daughter was a member there.
Probably before your time in Atlanta, and before your daughter was a member there....but Myron use to be a member there. Nice guy.
After lunch I had some time to quickly go through some family history in regards to the Revolutionary War.
Haven't gone through all of it (I've got quite a bit on my Dad's side of the family...Mom, not as much, but it's building). Found that my G-G-G-G-Grandfather died in the war. Was in the 8th Virginia Regiment. And, he had 6 brothers who served in the war as well.

Quick side note on family history...a cousin sent some info a few weeks ago that one of my ancestors on my Mom's side was the founder of what is now Chase Bank. Sadly...I don't have any of his $$$$$
My relatives came over on the Mayflower. So what, they were criminals in chains. That's my story.... I'm sticking to it.

God Bless you all along with your families. May God's abundant love shower you with grace and joy this Independence day.
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Hell yes. Tree huggers are stupid.
:cool: o_O
One of the hardest jobs I've ever had.
Arizona's Goshawks are a secretive species.

One of my earlier assignments was to figure out the truth about them. Widely distributed in mature Ponderosa Pine Forest communities. They we're the nesting in trees 250-500 years old. Their populations moved around with prey fluctuations across the forest dynamic successional stage productivities over a scatter mosaic of fire climax community associations that burned every 20 years or so that maintaining the natural habitat was the best they could do for management. They couldn't figure out how long it took to grow a stringer of 250 years old trees they hadn't cut down yet with a 120 year rotation to maintain the open park like environment community everyone loves. Some foresters would call me a tree hugger. A true complement for me being in touch with my inner beasty Druid.​

Are you saying a Jesuit family (or several) helped found a country with freedom of religion? That seems opposed to their oath of service unless they felt the crown was a more formidable enemy to conquer than the new republic...

Pretty cool, though. Wish I knew more about out families.

I have very little documented history of my family other than knowing most of the european side arrived after the revolution. What I had found through documented research was tossed/deleted by some of my relatives. Appears they didn't like where the trail led.
Colonial Catholics were not allowed to own property thus religious affiliation was often carried and maintained by family women. Accordingly the men were not always celibate Jesuit priests but another religions. I'm not Catholic but understand that their oath of loyalty was to Jesus and the Pope by election of church Bishops to represent Christ on earth is likely the oldest republican election on it eclipsing our republican government. There is powerful evidence that these families of Port Tobacco, Md. were refuges subject to Christian persecution/cancellation for centuries. These families of Port Tobacco were indeed supporters, advisors and friends to General/President Washington the late 16th century and family members of patriots like John Hanson before that. When the "Society of Jesus" was outlawed, freedom of religion was restored with support of our 1st President after the revolution. And finally, I wouldn't worry about bad apples in the tree. Founding fathers were not Saints, but knew who the saints were. I bet all trees have them. Richard Rich qualifies as "Rotten" to my sensibilities.​
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Fishing was pretty good this morning although I am down a pint or two in blood. The mosquitos were out in force. I hooked 7 and landed 4 but had even more strikes. Did not count them but there were many. Bass are territorial and even when not eating will strike at anything that gets in their area.

Taking the wife out for lunch and shopping before coming back and cutting grass. Full day ahead. Back out tomorrow morning for more bass.

Happy Fourth and GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Skeeters gotta eat too ... same as the buzzards and worms.

My relatives came over for n the Mayflower. So what, they were criminals in chains. That's my story.... I'm sticking to it.

God Bless you all along with your families. May God's abundant love shower you with grace and joy this Independence day.
The folks in the Mayflower were late comers. We had killed most of the Indians in Virginia by then. 😁
One of the hardest jobs I've ever had.
Arizona's Goshawks are a secretive species.

One of my earlier assignments was to figure out the truth about them. Widely distributed in mature Ponderosa Pine Forest communities. They we're the nesting in trees 250-500 years old. Their populations moved around with prey fluctuations across the forest dynamic successional stage productivities over a scatter mosaic of fire climax community associations that burned every 20 years or so that maintaining the natural habitat was the best they could do for management. They couldn't figure out how long it took to grow a stringer of 250 years old trees they hadn't cut down yet with a 120 year rotation to maintain the open park like environment community everyone loves. Some foresters would call me a tree hugger. A true complement for me being in touch with my inner beasty Druid.​

Colonial Catholics were not allowed to own property thus religious affiliation was often carried and maintained by family women. Accordingly the men were not always celibate Jesuit priests but another religions. I'm not Catholic but understand that their oath of loyalty was to Jesus and the Pope by election of church Bishops to represent Christ on earth is likely the oldest republican election on it eclipsing our republican government. There is powerful evidence that these families of Port Tobacco, Md. were refuges subject to Christian persecution/cancellation for centuries. These families of Port Tobacco were indeed supporters, advisors and friends to General/President Washington the late 16th century and family members of patriots like John Hanson before that. When the "Society of Jesus" was outlawed, freedom of religion was restored with support of our 1st President after the revolution. And finally, I wouldn't worry about bad apples in the tree. Founding fathers were not Saints, but knew who the saints were. I bet all trees have them. Richard Rich qualifies as "Rotten" to my sensibilities.​

Relative to religious freedom, there's been no republic like this one. There are much older republics than the church, though.

Anyway, the information about the nature of the relationships and all is appreciated. Had not learned that before. I've been wondering about that whole issue for a few years, because of the resurgence of the Maryland state flag. I know Baltimore and Maryland in general had a larger catholic influence than many other locations, and wondered if that affected their antipathy for the british monarchy, and what their role was in the revolution.

Thank you
Yes you had.
You bet. I am part Indian; however, the Indians were hard as hell on my folks.

My folks came to Kentucky in 1784 and the British were paying the Shawnee money to kill us because they did not view the capitulation after the Revolution as a defeat because they planned to undue it by defeating the western portion of the new nation.

So it became important to kill Indians before they killed you and took your scalp to Detroit and collect the money from the British.

That is the reason that 66% of the American soldiers in the War of 1812 were Kentuckians as we were tired of those god damned redcoats paid Indians killing us.

If you ever want to discuss American history just give me a call. My family lived it.
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Relative to religious freedom, there's been no republic like this one. There are much older republics than the church, though.

Anyway, the information about the nature of the relationships and all is appreciated. Had not learned that before. I've been wondering about that whole issue for a few years, because of the resurgence of the Maryland state flag. I know Baltimore and Maryland in general had a larger catholic influence than many other locations, and wondered if that affected their antipathy for the british monarchy, and what their role was in the revolution.

Thank you
Girthang, you need to take some history courses.

Maryland was established as a catholic colony. Dud.

I know you are young, but please study history before you discuss details.
You bet. I am part Indian; however, the Indians were hard as hell on my folks.

My folks came to Kentucky in 1784 and the British were paying the Shawnee money to kill us because they did not view the capitulation after the Revolution as a defeat because they planned to undue it by defeating the western portion of the new nation.

So it became important to kill Indians before they killed you and took your scalp to Detroit and collect the money from the British.

That is the reason that 66% of the American soldiers in the War of 1812 were Kentuckians as we were tired of those god damned redcoats killing us.

If you ever want to discuss American history just give me a call. My family lived it.
I was so young I barely remember her, but my great grandmother lived with us in her last years. They said she was full blooded Cherokee, but her daughter (my grandmother) was named Tula. Tula is a Choctaw name, so I wonder.
I was so young I barely remember her, but my great grandmother lived with us in her last years. They said she was full blooded Cherokee, but her daughter (my grandmother) was named Tula. Tula is a Choctaw name, so I wonder.
I never knew that I was part Indian. I found out taking a DNA test. Rooster told me how I was part American Indian because we had a common 3rd great grandfather.

The Cherokee were known as the "civilized" Indians. That may have been the reason, I don't know.

But I am proud of being part American Indian. I am also part Jewish. I am proud of that also. I am a mixed up cur dog. I am proud of every part of the mix.
I never knew that I was part Indian. I found out taking a DNA test. Rooster told me how I was part American Indian because we had a common 3rd great grandfather.

The Cherokee were known as the "civilized" Indians. That may have been the reason, I don't know.

But I am proud of being part American Indian. I am also part Jewish. I am proud of that also. I am a mixed up cur dog. I am proud of every part of the mix.

We in the D are glad that you and Rooster endeavored to persevere.
Happy 4th D-League! We'll be watching 1776 tonight. I've never been too fond of musicals but I always enjoyed this flick. Probably because I saw the play back in the 70's at Derby Dinner Playhouse while in high school. My Dad forced me to go because I had racquetball plans instead. Thankfully he won out as usual and it was quite a learning experience. Our founding fathers were geniuses. Too bad people forget.

Girthang, you need to take some history courses.

Maryland was established as a catholic colony. Dud.

I know you are young, but please study history before you discuss details.

No fkn sht. Lol. I had no idea people were so sensitive here. That's a little sarcasm in the middle of the post you quoted.

Since we're on the topic, why did you react with a "wow" when I agreed with your post, and then get all defensive? My goodness. Thought I was in RR for a minute

I know a lot of history, even if I don't know my family history. Just didn't know the details about catholic/jesuit marriages. I know a lot more about native American history than most. I just don't get worked up about it much.

I'd apologize for being appreciative, but I really did appreciate the information about marriages back then.
Fishing was pretty good this morning although I am down a pint or two in blood. The mosquitos were out in force. I hooked 7 and landed 4 but had even more strikes. Did not count them but there were many. Bass are territorial and even when not eating will strike at anything that gets in their area.

Taking the wife out for lunch and shopping before coming back and cutting grass. Full day ahead. Back out tomorrow morning for more bass.

Happy Fourth and GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Ca-Warrior Virus heading your way. Out of the Woo-Warrior lab, uh er pond...
Good afternoon and Happy 4th from Shawanee, TN. Currently 78°F and clear. Warming to 84°F for our high. We hit 59°F early this morning. Great sleeping weather.

Long ride out here. 17 hours or so with stops. I've already been over to Middlesboro today. Many businesses open down there.

Plan on cleaning up later and enjoying 4th festivities with family.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Bless you brother ATXC, tell all hello from me. I plan to head down that way this summer some time to see my Dad's grave in Harrogate. I will trek around Shawanee too.
Coming down to it now. I had a serious Yuengling kind of a day... Had a good day too. (This is long but it will be my last post in this decade of my life.)

Got up late, one of Grandpa's babies came to visit; (We had a real good time.)


Had a supper fit for a King though I be a lowly Surf, a Michigander type, yeah a thing born in Michigan.

A nicely barbequed Chuck eye, steak with a side of my Darlings homemade potato salad, and a roll, and a few of these; (Most I have drank at one time in who knows when. I even mixed the types...)(Some of the potato salad in the background)(Those bottles are empty, I did it.)(Had some Red Velvet Cake too.)


Waited about an hour and a half and the kids all left. My Darling and I drove just about two miles to take our customary walk through the new park and walking trails we found...


Also came upon a nice nest of Blackberry bushes.... My darling got a bag and I had a bag. (I keep bags in our trunk as my Darling forages for food during our jaunts.) Far away from the traffic to where these joyous morsels are not contaminated. (Many other food stuffs are there but they are planned to be harvested this fall and next spring to include several nut types (Black Walnut, Hickory, and Beechnuts, and some edible plant-life my darling enjoys picking and preparing them to eat over the winter and early spring.) (Ran up on a couple rabbits and a deer. I was packing but this was not the time nor the place. We did enjoy their company.)


I stated the above to state this; I started this day and the last week or two seriously down due to my impending entrance into another decade. This one seriously scared me. (Don't ask me why, I had no reason other than it did. I do not remember ever being afraid of anything other than losing my family. I have lived my married life in that way and with only that fear lingering over me. I am glad I lived/ live that way. I'd have been much more foolish and fool-hearty than I have been had I not gained that tempering fear only a truly happy man would know and understand.)

I know most of you are older than I am but I do not mind calling any of you Sir. You are good and decent people. For you, I am thankful.

I had a mental issue with turning 60 for at least 7 or so days now. (I know some of you have also realized, I have had some sort of mental issue a lot longer than that but I have not denied it and had hoped that not denying it would lead to some sort of healing.) I don't have that mental issue feeling any longer about turning 60. All I had to do was reflect on this day and realize, I am off tomorrow too, will be 60 and will very probably do this again if the Lord doesn't take me home.

If the Lord takes me home my family is provided for though my prayer to God is to allow me enough life to take care of my Darling the rest of her life. How beautifully blessed has my life been to where I have no reason to fear going forward.

If you skipped reading this long of a post I wouldn't blame you but it did me good so I posted it. May God truly allow you the taste of joy I have in my life. It is truly a miracle of God. I am thankful. God Bless you all and your families.

We are not promised tomorrow but I hope to see you on the other side. My father knew and knows EXACTLY what I need when I need it!!!
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Coming down to it now. I had a serious Yuengling kind of a day... Had a good day too. (This is long but it will be my last post in this decade of my life.)

Got up late, one of Grandpa's babies came to visit; (We had a real good time.)


Had a supper fit for a King though I be a lowly Surf, a Michigander type, yeah a thing born in Michigan.

A nicely barbequed Chuck eye, steak with a side of my Darlings homemade potato salad, and a roll, and a few of these; (Most I have drank at one time in who knows when. I even mixed the types...)(Some of the potato salad in the background)(Those bottles are empty, I did it.)(Had some Red Velvet Cake too.)


Waited about an hour and a half and the kids all left. My Darling and I drove just about two miles to take our customary walk through the new park and walking trails we found...


Also came upon a nice nest of Blackberry bushes.... My darling got a bag and I had a bag. (I keep bags in our trunk as my Darling forages for food during our jaunts.) Far away from the traffic to where these joyous morsels are not contaminated. (Many other food stuffs are there but they are planned to be harvested this fall and next spring to include several nut types (Black Walnut, Hickory, and Beechnuts, and some edible plant-life my darling enjoys picking and preparing them to eat over the winter and early spring.) (Ran up on a couple rabbits and a deer. I was packing but this was not the time nor the place. We did enjoy their company.)


I stated the above to state this; I started this day and the last week or two seriously down due to my impending entrance into another decade. This one seriously scared me. (Don't ask me why, I had no reason other than it did. I do not remember ever being afraid of anything other than losing my family. I have lived my married life in that way and with only that fear lingering over me. I am glad I lived/ live that way. I'd have been much more foolish and fool-hearty than I have been had I not gained that tempering fear only a truly happy man would know and understand.)

I know most of you are older than I am but I do not mind calling any of you Sir. You are good and decent people. For you, I am thankful.

I had a mental issue with turning 60 for at least 7 or so days now. (I know some of you have also realized, I have had some sort of mental issue a lot longer than that but I have not denied it and had hoped that not denying it would lead to some sort of healing.) I don't have that mental issue feeling any longer about turning 60. All I had to do was reflect on this day and realize, I am off tomorrow too, will be 60 and will very probably do this again if the Lord doesn't take me home.

If the Lord takes me home my family is provided for though my prayer to God is to allow me enough life to take care of my Darling the rest of her life. How beautifully blessed has my life been to where I have no reason to fear going forward.

If you skipped reading this long of a post I wouldn't blame you but it did me good so I posted it. May God truly allow you the taste of joy I have in my life. It is truly a miracle of God. I am thankful. God Bless you all and your families.

We are not promised tomorrow but I hope to see you on the other side. My father knew and knows EXACTLY what I need when I need it!!!
I skipped over it like a pebble does on water until it caught up to me and then it sucked me under. Now, I don't know where I'm at. 😵 ;)
Coming down to it now. I had a serious Yuengling kind of a day... Had a good day too. (This is long but it will be my last post in this decade of my life.)

Got up late, one of Grandpa's babies came to visit; (We had a real good time.)


Had a supper fit for a King though I be a lowly Surf, a Michigander type, yeah a thing born in Michigan.

A nicely barbequed Chuck eye, steak with a side of my Darlings homemade potato salad, and a roll, and a few of these; (Most I have drank at one time in who knows when. I even mixed the types...)(Some of the potato salad in the background)(Those bottles are empty, I did it.)(Had some Red Velvet Cake too.)


Waited about an hour and a half and the kids all left. My Darling and I drove just about two miles to take our customary walk through the new park and walking trails we found...


Also came upon a nice nest of Blackberry bushes.... My darling got a bag and I had a bag. (I keep bags in our trunk as my Darling forages for food during our jaunts.) Far away from the traffic to where these joyous morsels are not contaminated. (Many other food stuffs are there but they are planned to be harvested this fall and next spring to include several nut types (Black Walnut, Hickory, and Beechnuts, and some edible plant-life my darling enjoys picking and preparing them to eat over the winter and early spring.) (Ran up on a couple rabbits and a deer. I was packing but this was not the time nor the place. We did enjoy their company.)


I stated the above to state this; I started this day and the last week or two seriously down due to my impending entrance into another decade. This one seriously scared me. (Don't ask me why, I had no reason other than it did. I do not remember ever being afraid of anything other than losing my family. I have lived my married life in that way and with only that fear lingering over me. I am glad I lived/ live that way. I'd have been much more foolish and fool-hearty than I have been had I not gained that tempering fear only a truly happy man would know and understand.)

I know most of you are older than I am but I do not mind calling any of you Sir. You are good and decent people. For you, I am thankful.

I had a mental issue with turning 60 for at least 7 or so days now. (I know some of you have also realized, I have had some sort of mental issue a lot longer than that but I have not denied it and had hoped that not denying it would lead to some sort of healing.) I don't have that mental issue feeling any longer about turning 60. All I had to do was reflect on this day and realize, I am off tomorrow too, will be 60 and will very probably do this again if the Lord doesn't take me home.

If the Lord takes me home my family is provided for though my prayer to God is to allow me enough life to take care of my Darling the rest of her life. How beautifully blessed has my life been to where I have no reason to fear going forward.

If you skipped reading this long of a post I wouldn't blame you but it did me good so I posted it. May God truly allow you the taste of joy I have in my life. It is truly a miracle of God. I am thankful. God Bless you all and your families.

We are not promised tomorrow but I hope to see you on the other side. My father knew and knows EXACTLY what I need when I need it!!!
Went to Sam's today and found some black berries there at 13 cents an ounce. Bought 4 packs of them so my wife can make me my favorite dessert. Blackberry cobbler.

Brian Dow

tJuneS uSs30u iaptrho gn3msgsgorl:1c6r aPedMced ·
After Landing in Miami yesterday morning the Israeli Rescue Team refused to be taken to a hotel but requested to go straight to the collapsed Surfside condo…and to even sleep at the scene.
Israel is an ally to America. The United States did not request their help—or anybody else’s help for that matter. They just decided to ‘give.’
It’s important that Americans (every one of us) recognizes who stands with the U.S. in our times of trouble—and it is just as important to observe who is absent.
Once again, I stand with Israel.