
Good morning everyone.

Amazing win last night. This teams ups and downs are related to effort and shooting IMO. I know the two are related but which one drives the other I'm not sure about. Man if we can get healthy and not overlook our first game or two in the big tourney we may have a chance. Who knows?

I've got plenty to do around here today, but I have all day to do it. Retirement is great. I can't believe some don't like it.

Have a great day.
Hello all,

I hope this day brought you joy. I am thankful. A whole lot of changes coming for many including me but I have broad shoulders.

The BB sitting next to Papa now. My time is his for an hour or so. (He just came back from Children's choir practice. His "Ama" is at choir practice now.)

We are thankful...

My youngest daughter was worried about losing her job. I laughed out loud a little. (You'd have to understand where she works and what she does.) (She is a nurse.)

I told her "Baby", Dad would lose his job way before you would... (I think it made her feel good. It should have...)

She is very good at her job.

An MJ play for the ages.. (Just a pass...)


I have to share... A Buddy I was in the Army with sent me this and another picture a couple hours ago. This was during my time at Fort Bragg...

NONE of us remember the occasion or why we were wearing the suits. (We used to partake a little...)

The guy on the left sent me the picture. Dave, Greg, and Dave (Yeah, I am the weirdo...) I was 20 or 21 at the time. (Yeah we were due for a hair cut but we were Army through and through... (We traveled a lot.) (SP4's the lot of us...)

Thought I'd at least bring a laugh to you if you see this before going to bed, if not, in the morning you can spew out your coffee... Take care D-League Brethren...

The guy on the left sent me the picture. Dave, Greg, and Dave (Yeah, I am the weirdo...) I was 20 or 21 at the time. (Yeah we were due for a hair cut but we were Army through and through... (We traveled a lot.) (SP4's the lot of us...)
No doubt.

That reminds of a picture of a few guys I worked with (now I have to find it) in the late 70's, who were part of a team of UP's (Unit Police, glorified gate guards), that were basically deputized by the local division commander General Lesinski (spelling) to work with the MP's in reference to the drug problems of that area. We had our own drug dogs, shotguns and other various weapons to use to help the MP's capture some of the bad boys on post who were working with locals off post pushing the drugs. The program was later scrapped after one of the guys we were chasing ran into oncoming traffic and was killed. Then not long after, the general's car with wife and daughter in it was fired upon while returning to post one evening.
Good morning folks. Airliner crash into the Potomac. Tragic. My prayers for the families.

Seems impossible that close to the White House that air traffic control was so incompetent, but i guess people are still figuring out what happened.

Of course for people who have been in this area long enough it brings back memories of the 1982 crash into the 14th Street bridge. That was literally along my commute that day. I was heading for the bridge after our offices closed early because of the fierce storm. Like many thousands of others, I can say that I would have been on the bridge if I’d left work a half hour earlier or later.

I was driving a CJ-7 jeep in those days with no radio. Got stuck in traffic after the bridge was closed and hundreds of emergency vehicles headed that way until almost 10pm. I still didn’t know what had happened when I walked into my Virginia apartment, but my phone was ringing —it was my mother who had convinced herself I’d gotten flattened on the bridge.

43 years ago.
Good morning everyone.

Woke up this morning to the news of the plane crash and immediately thought of the earlier crash. I was a senior in HS
and remember vividly the news stories about the crash and the live video of the rescues. I will do my best to avoid watching
any footage. I don't know why, but those images have really stuck with me. Awful!
Early reports are that the airliner collided with a military helicopter on a “training mission.” I hope that turns out to be wrong. Why would you do training missions close to the landing paths of one of the busiest airports in America, within sight of the White House? There are large military facilities, from Quantico to Ft. AP HIll, to Andrew AF Base, to Dover and so on close enough that crews stationed in the region can train there.
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^ How does one learn to fly a helicopter up/down the Potomac - for security I presume - without training missions?
What they were training for, based on what I've read, is proficiency in flying at night with night vision goggles. Night arrives in other places in this region besides along the landing path of commercial airliners, including the 60,000-acre base at Quantico, 40 miles away. Even if part of the training is low-level flying along the Potomac river, you could do it well away from Reagan National Airport. The Potomac runs all the way up to Harper's Ferry, 80 miles away. The air traffic around National Airport is very dense. I used to live fairly close, and it was a constant political football about closing it earlier and earlier each day, and shifting more flights to Dulles or BWI. It just seems nuts to me to mix in military training flights in that airspace when there are other options.
Good morning folks.

Austin, Warrior and BBUK in posts above remind me of the first published writing error of my career: I was about 22 and couldn't find any job other than editing a weekly bulletin for the National Food Processors Association in DC: And I misspelled Brussels Sprouts in a report about botulism in a Green Giant cannery. Yes, it is Brussels like the city, not Brussel...Everyone gets it wrong...I was almost fired for that, and still feel the embarrassment.

One thing I learned on that job: Do NOT eat canned mushrooms. During the time I was working for the food processing industry about three different canneries had botulism incidents that killed people. What happens is that to maintain the texture of the mushrooms they have to be slow heated on conveyor belts with gas jets. When a few of the jets get clogged with mushroom parts, they don't quite get heated enough to killed the bacteria and it produces botulinum toxin.

Warming up a bit in the east. Still snow on the ground but it is starting to melt.

Have a good day folks.
Was looking thru some KY HS hoops scores and ran across Augusta! 74, Mason County 72. And at Mason. Augusta has 99 students 9-12. Mason near 900. WOW. George Clooney would be proud.

Attended a game at Augusta 59 years ago. A band box gym & floor. Is it still the same one? Apparently so. We sat on the upper level left. They put people on the stage too for games. Oh yes, my NewCath Breds won handily. Augusta had a good team that went 28-4. That said, we had Dave Cowens. Md, I'd bet your Big Trains played there.

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Good morning folks. Warming up in the east

VH, I had a couple good games in Augusta’s old gym about 50 years ago. We beat them handily both ganes. I remember a couple of popcorn bags thrown my way from that upper balcony they had. But they were polite and genteel compared to the crowds at Dayton, Kentucky. I got a technical there for flipping off a guy in the stands who hit me with something. Dad wasn’t happy —with me. We beat them like a drum. Good times.

My younger brother, who was all region, played when Clooney played at Augusta. My brother’s team steamrolled them and he couldn’t remember Clooney even getting into the game.

Cats need to be focused tonight without Butler. We saw in the Indiana @ Purdue game how a hyped up team can perform. Indiana had the game until the final seconds. On a given night…

Have a great Saturday folks.
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In more ways than then just this game. I will be in Wichita Falls TX. at 3pm this afternoon with my Coed team for what is normally called a freeze ball tournament (being February and all). Today's high there expected to be in the low 70's so...good weather for the games. 3 game guarantee starting at 3pm with a break at 6pm to see which 4 teams go on to the championship series which starts at 7pm. If we make the championship round, I will miss the basketball game. If we don't, I will make it home in time.
What they were training for, based on what I've read, is proficiency in flying at night with night vision goggles. Night arrives in other places in this region besides along the landing path of commercial airliners, including the 60,000-acre base at Quantico, 40 miles away. Even if part of the training is low-level flying along the Potomac river, you could do it well away from Reagan National Airport. The Potomac runs all the way up to Harper's Ferry, 80 miles away. The air traffic around National Airport is very dense. I used to live fairly close, and it was a constant political football about closing it earlier and earlier each day, and shifting more flights to Dulles or BWI. It just seems nuts to me to mix in military training flights in that airspace when there are other options.
I am reading of some other strange things about it. One former chopper pilot said a Blackhawk on a night vision flight normally has two crew chiefs for safety reasons. This one was missing a left side crew chief which would have given them an extra set of eyes and ears. the night vision goggles apparently gives you a type of tunnel vision. I have never used them, but had occaision to use a larger night vision device that did. They were flying to high and they are not naming the co pilot who was apparently being evaluated on this flight.