
Good morning D-League. Hope Wednesday is off to a good start. Went online this morning to buy some baseball tickets for when the Reds come to DC, but they are still too high on StubHub. Suddenly, with things loosening up, sitting in a baseball park with my son in late May and zoning out sounds really great.

It'd be nice to get some unexpected good news on the Cats today, locking in Carr as a point guard, or Mintz announcing he was returning. It'd be too early for the big one: Jackson surprising everyone and pulling out of the draft.
I’ve never had a chance to watch Carr play. I’ve read good things about him on here.
Any of you baseball fans read Ball Four by Jim Bouton? There was a big stink over it when it came out in the late 60's. Bouton and his co author became baseball outcasts. Bouton put out some of baseball's seamier side when those kinds of things were hidden from the public. I thought of it because of the Mantle posts. He talked about Mantle's (and others) use of "greenies", his drinking, and being a leader of the "beaver patrol". Various Yankees spent time on hotel roof tops with binoculars looking into hotel rooms for women in various degrees of undress.

BTW Jim Brosnan wrote The Long Season later which also made him an outcast.
I'd like to see conservatives/Republicans/christians and anyone else who is anti wokeness start acting like those folks. Boycott and/or threaten to. Money talks.
There's already some that I won't do biz to see it become a national movement.
I know what you're saying and I'm not likely to care what anyone thinks as long as I don't have think that way. My opinions, requiring evidence, are normally not up for negotiation.
This is why I am drifting further and further away from sports. There is no reason for a professional league to dictate how a state should conduct their elections. They are around to entertain not become political. Georgia can survive without the Atlanta Braves.
I love completive sport as much as anyone can and find it rewarding entertainment. Lies simply insult my intelligence and that's not entertaining so I act as you would expect . . . With specific intent not to subsidize and encourage increased societal predation.
We are a Carbon based planet and CO2 is the staring point for photosynthesis which is responsible for not only the production of biomass, but life-sustaining Oxygen.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy with patchy fog. Today's high may hit 91°F in the Capital City. Del Rio high projected at 100°F. We'll get to normal seasonal temps next week.

COVID shots: Heard Pfizer shot becoming harder to find. My workplace offering Moderna shots next week. I'd rather take Pfizer. Plan on searching around today for more info.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy with patchy fog. Today's high may hit 91°F in the Capital City. Del Rio high projected at 100°F. We'll get to normal seasonal temps next week.

COVID shots: Heard Pfizer shot becoming harder to find. My workplace offering Moderna shots next week. I'd rather take Pfizer. Plan on searching around today for more info.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Is that Spanish for no empathy? Heh, heh, heh,
What a day yesterday. I need an empanada. (I will expound at another time.)

Oh, I do pray that each of you have a personal relationship with God. God will never leave or forsake you. I know. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you, he loves me, he keeps me singing.. God Bless You all...

Good morning D League,

Trust all are doing well on this the 8th day of April, 2021. Our weather will be the same today as yesterday. Plenty of sunshine and blue skies.

We had a nice day trip to Anclote Island yesterday to celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary. The Captain of the boat in the picture behind me had had a few bourbon on the rocks too many and ran his vessel into a sand bar. Not good.

Lesson learned. Don't drink if you don't know the depth of the water below you.

Good morning D League,

Trust all are doing well on this the 8th day of April, 2021. Our weather will be the same today as yesterday. Plenty of sunshine and blue skies.

We had a nice day trip to Anclote Island yesterday to celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary. The Captain of the boat in the picture behind me had had a few bourbon on the rocks too many and ran his vessel into a sand bar. Not good.

Lesson learned. Don't drink if you don't know the depth of the water below you.

I hope everyone is safe Sawnee -- especially Ginger and Mary Ann...

And happy anniversary. What a great accomplishment - 54 years!
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Good morning D-League. Cruising along, after my 5-mile walk and shower and back to my "home office."

Had trouble sleeping last night because I got some really bad news on a friend - Canadian war correspondent Matthew Fisher, a real solid guy, is not expected to live many more days because of a failing liver. No hope for a transplant. He's a guy in his mid-60s who's probably seen more of the world than any human I know, and who had some remarkable experiences in places like Rwanda, and in 2003 with a USMC unit that got ambushed by Iraqi armor and had to call an airstrike in on itself...I met him in Kuwait City in March, 1991 and we spent time together in places ranging from Kosovo to Haiti.

Put him on your prayers and, or good wishes list.
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Morning folks. It is a rainy 59.7°F; so far .21 inches.

I got the yard mowed and I put out some grass seed in what was my garden patch. I waited too long as it should have been done in January, but that is what old folks do.

Best of luck to Matthew Fisher, hopefully he will not be in a lot of pain.

As I near 75 years old you realize that it will happen to you in the not too distant future. I only prayer is that it is painless.
Morning folks. It is a rainy 59.7°F; so far .21 inches.

I got the yard mowed and I put out some grass seed in what was my garden patch. I waited too long as it should have been done in January, but that is what old folks do.

Best of luck to Matthew Fisher, hopefully he will not be in a lot of pain.

As I near 75 years old you realize that it will happen to you in the not too distant future. I only prayer is that it is painless.
Thanks Bert. When contemporaries start to pass, which is where I am in my mid-60s, you start to understand what that means. As with many of you, it makes me all the more grateful for my family. Matthew used to visit me at my Maryland home during his trips through Washington. He got to know my kids. And he confessed that was his regret - he never had a family, for various reasons, much of it having to do with working overseas for so many years.

And it also makes me try to, as Warren Zevon said, "enjoy every sandwich," appreciate the moments as they happen.
I hope everyone is safe Sawnee -- especially Ginger and Mary Ann...

And happy anniversary. What a great accomplishment - 54 years!
Thank you for the kind words. Ginger and Mary Ann were asking for a drink the last I saw of them. LOL

54 years is a bunch, no doubt. Here is a 54 year old picture of us taken at Fort Knox a week after I brought her to Radcliffe and we moved into our apartment off base. Lots of water under that old bridge but she has aged well. Really well

Thank you for the kind words. Ginger and Mary Ann were asking for a drink the last I saw of them. LOL

54 years is a bunch, no doubt. Here is a 54 year old picture of us taken at Fort Knox a week after I brought her to Radcliffe and we moved into our apartment off base. Lots of water under that old bridge but she has aged well. Really well

Terrific photo Sawnee. You are a lucky man. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the kind words. Ginger and Mary Ann were asking for a drink the last I saw of them. LOL

54 years is a bunch, no doubt. Here is a 54 year old picture of us taken at Fort Knox a week after I brought her to Radcliffe and we moved into our apartment off base. Lots of water under that old bridge but she has aged well. Really well

Happy late Anniversary!
Good morning D-League. Cruising along, after my 5-mile walk and shower and back to my "home office."

Had trouble sleeping last night because I got some really bad news on a friend - Canadian war correspondent Matthew Fisher, a real solid guy, is not expected to live many more days because of a failing liver. No hope for a transplant. He's a guy in his mid-60s who's probably seen more of the world than any human I know, and who had some remarkable experiences in places like Rwanda, and in 2003 with a USMC unit that got ambushed by Iraqi armor and had to call an airstrike in on itself...I met him in Kuwait City in March, 1991 and we spent time together in places ranging from Kosovo to Haiti.

Put him on your prayers and, or good wishes list.
Really sorry for your friend MD. Thoughts and prayers.
Good morning D League,

Trust all are doing well on this the 8th day of April, 2021. Our weather will be the same today as yesterday. Plenty of sunshine and blue skies.

We had a nice day trip to Anclote Island yesterday to celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary. The Captain of the boat in the picture behind me had had a few bourbon on the rocks too many and ran his vessel into a sand bar. Not good.

Lesson learned. Don't drink if you don't know the depth of the water below you.

I have the same style shoes.........I DON'T operate a boat like him....
Well.....It's rainy in the Metro.....I was going to take my birds to Bowling green for a training toss......not in this weather......I will only take them 25 miles today.......I am trying to get them in shape for their first 200 mile toss at the end of April.....Once I get them trained out to 300 miles I will put the GPS bands on them and start tracking their path home.......the bands are almost $100 each so I want to at least know they can make the end game is to have birds to fly from Baton Rouge, LA by next spring..........."hope springs eternal".....Years ago when I was racing birds in the late 70's.......I had a bird that made it from Big Springs, TX...........the birds were released at 7:30 AM Sat.............she was on my loft at noon on prizes but I was happy none the less.....
Well.....It's rainy in the Metro.....I was going to take my birds to Bowling green for a training toss......not in this weather......I will only take them 25 miles today.......I am trying to get them in shape for their first 200 mile toss at the end of April.....Once I get them trained out to 300 miles I will put the GPS bands on them and start tracking their path home.......the bands are almost $100 each so I want to at least know they can make the end game is to have birds to fly from Baton Rouge, LA by next spring..........."hope springs eternal".....Years ago when I was racing birds in the late 70's.......I had a bird that made it from Big Springs, TX...........the birds were released at 7:30 AM Sat.............she was on my loft at noon on prizes but I was happy none the less.....
As a bird lover I wish you had been with us yesterday in the Gulf. A dolphin was bubble net fishing and a pelican was following the dolphin for an easy meal. Several times the pelican tried to land on the dolphin's head . Ole Mr. Pelican was letting the dolphin do all of the work.

It is quite a sight watching a dolphin chase fish up to the surface with the bubble net method. They corral the fish and then chase them up to the surface. Pelicans and sea gulls have a feat. The dolphin is not too happy

My wife took a great video of the scene. It looked something like this.

Well.....It's rainy in the Metro.....I was going to take my birds to Bowling green for a training toss......not in this weather......I will only take them 25 miles today.......I am trying to get them in shape for their first 200 mile toss at the end of April.....Once I get them trained out to 300 miles I will put the GPS bands on them and start tracking their path home.......the bands are almost $100 each so I want to at least know they can make the end game is to have birds to fly from Baton Rouge, LA by next spring..........."hope springs eternal".....Years ago when I was racing birds in the late 70's.......I had a bird that made it from Big Springs, TX...........the birds were released at 7:30 AM Sat.............she was on my loft at noon on prizes but I was happy none the less.....
????? Tossing a bird?






I'm confused....
Congrats to you and your lovely wife. #32 I trust you have a lot of fun today and celebrate. Life is good
Thanks! Unfortunately she's on a "gals only" trip to Nashville. Just us guys for the next few days. Me and my dog Marty. We'll watch all the movies that she refuses to watch with me, Deep Throat, Debbie Does Dallas, Behind The Green Door, etc.. The classics!

I kid of course. More like war and westerns.
This morning's haul. It's actually a 2-visit salvage. Somebody dumped a bunch of dimes and pennies in the parking lot at a strip mall located end of our street on North Lamar. Picked up 55 cents yesterday afternoon and $1.04 early this morning. Still another 5 cents or so under another parked car. I'll grab it this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Life is good.

Haven't posted for a few days but have been glancing at posts from time to time. Been busy. Mowing, mowing, and then some more mowing. And a little trimming. Other yard work. Changed the brakes on one of the vehicles.
Looked at some property, residential and commercial...don't know if I want more hassles or not. The commercial I like, 4 story building built in the late 1800s, really cool place...but could be a headache.

Talked to an old friend the other day who has worked himself up pretty high in Delta Airlines. Interesting conversation about current events.

A few observations.....
Totally forgot about the NC game....shows where I'm at with sports and the politics therein.
Love breaded fried squash.
Happy anniversaries to @Sawnee Cat and @UK82. My bro's 57th is coming up in a few weeks. They've been
everywhere so they doing a sightseeing trip of Kentucky. Staying at Natural Bridge, Shaker Village etc
@Woodrow_Call_1998 what was your old user name?
@MdWIldcat55 ... praying for your Canadian friend
Well.....It's rainy in the Metro.....I was going to take my birds to Bowling green for a training toss......not in this weather......I will only take them 25 miles today.......I am trying to get them in shape for their first 200 mile toss at the end of April.....Once I get them trained out to 300 miles I will put the GPS bands on them and start tracking their path home.......the bands are almost $100 each so I want to at least know they can make the end game is to have birds to fly from Baton Rouge, LA by next spring..........."hope springs eternal".....Years ago when I was racing birds in the late 70's.......I had a bird that made it from Big Springs, TX...........the birds were released at 7:30 AM Sat.............she was on my loft at noon on prizes but I was happy none the less.....
I know nothing about "racing" birds, but Pigeons are wonderful animals. I really did not know that they were capable of going form Big Springs, TX to Louisville, KY in that short time.


My father would never consider killing or eating a dove because of the bible's connection with Noah and the dove. Pigeons are in the dove family, so you got to love those birds.
This morning's haul. It's actually a 2-visit salvage. Somebody dumped a bunch of dimes and pennies in the parking lot at a strip mall located end of our street on North Lamar. Picked up 55 cents yesterday afternoon and $1.04 early this morning. Still another 5 cents or so under another parked car. I'll grab it this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Life is good.

Looking under Dad's recliner again, huh?
That mocking bird is doing what mocking birds do. They will tempt fate all the time.

I have two big red tailed hawks in my area and the hawks get more mocking bird kills than anything because the mocking birds will actually attack the hawk just like it did with the cat.
At previous house, several bluejays were dive-bombing our meek cat & he was cowering. Our female hunter came along & she sized one up on a first attack on her. She got him on the second dive & you never heard such racket from the other birds. We made her release it from her mouth. They didn't come back.
As a bird lover I wish you had been with us yesterday in the Gulf. A dolphin was bubble net fishing and a pelican was following the dolphin for an easy meal. Several times the pelican tried to land on the dolphin's head . Ole Mr. Pelican was letting the dolphin do all of the work.

It is quite a sight watching a dolphin chase fish up to the surface with the bubble net method. They corral the fish and then chase them up to the surface. Pelicans and sea gulls have a feat. The dolphin is not too happy

My wife took a great video of the scene. It looked something like this.

The strangest sight I have ever seen was the silver Asian Carp in the lake at Marie Antoinette's village on the grounds at Versailles......there is a foot bridge that goes over a narrow section of the lake/pond......there were ducks swimming around the bridge.....when people started walking over the bridge Asian Carp came to the top of the water and they were so many of them that the Mallard ducks that were swimming..,....were walking on the heads of the fish......there were huge fish in that small body of water........carp with three to four inches between their eyes..........the fish were used to being fed by over a few hundred years they were conditioned to come up and look for the handouts when they felt footsteps on the bridge...........
I know nothing about "racing" birds, but Pigeons are wonderful animals. I really did not know that they were capable of going form Big Springs, TX to Louisville, KY in that short time.


My father would never consider killing or eating a dove because of the bible's connection with Noah and the dove. Pigeons are in the dove family, so you got to love those birds.
Bert.........I must confess...........squab is very, very tasty.........while they are in the dove family and they will cross they only produce mules so I don't consider them doves..........