
That mocking bird is doing what mocking birds do. They will tempt fate all the time.

I have two big red tailed hawks in my area and the hawks get more mocking bird kills than anything because the mocking birds will actually attack the hawk just like it did with the cat.
I witnessed in my backyard and took a video of a mocking bird vs a hawk. I wish I knew how to post videos. It was quite a sight.

The hawk was high in a pine tree and saw a squirrel running below. He attacked the squirrel and covered it with claws deep into the squirrel. The squirrel was moving trying to free itself. Mocking birds started buzzing the hawk like a Japanese dive bomber. They would come within inches of the hawks head. This went on for several minutes.

Finally the hawk had enough and just took off in the air with the squirrel dangling. The hawk's family had a nice supper no doubt. Mocking birds are very territorial and thus attack. Even a hawk that could rip it to pieces
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Watch out Sawnee we're catching up. #32 today.


I won't make a habit of posting a lot of video's or music but this is beautiful...

Another version...

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I won't make a habit of posting a lot of video's or music but this is beautiful...
Beautiful. We use to sing it in church often. Now you seldom hear it. The Gaither's have done a lot to preserve the songs and music of our grandparents and parents. It is fading fast away
Good morning D-League. Hope Wednesday is off to a good start. Went online this morning to buy some baseball tickets for when the Reds come to DC, but they are still too high on StubHub. Suddenly, with things loosening up, sitting in a baseball park with my son in late May and zoning out sounds really great.

It'd be nice to get some unexpected good news on the Cats today, locking in Carr as a point guard, or Mintz announcing he was returning. It'd be too early for the big one: Jackson surprising everyone and pulling out of the draft.
Used to love going to baseball games back in the day. Cincy mostly.

Mintz and Jackson returning would be huge plus! is a Love/Hate sport! :)
Yep...I hate that I love it.
Ya, & he was dead at 57 too from liver failure. Too much steak I guess.
I hope it was because of too much ketchup on his steak. Would make me feel safer.
Hope everyone enjoyed the day so far! Happy Anniversary fellas!

82, I got my second shot today at Broadbent. Did you have to wait as long this time? I was there for 40 minutes total today. First shot I was there for 20 counting the cool down period.

I'm assuming I will have no ill effects that will outpace the ill effects I already suffer from. They'll be lost in the fray.
Hope everyone enjoyed the day so far! Happy Anniversary fellas!

82, I got my second shot today at Broadbent. Did you have to wait as long this time? I was there for 40 minutes total today. First shot I was there for 20 counting the cool down period.

I'm assuming I will have no ill effects that will outpace the ill effects I already suffer from. They'll be lost in the fray.
No, only 30 minutes total this time. We were unfortunate on the first shot because it was opening day for the Pfizer vaccine. Made the news. I'm still not sure what went wrong but it was obvious that they seriously overbooked. 3 hours of confusion. I will say that all the volunteers were extremely nice.
Saw a report a little while ago where they are reporting that some people (reports from various states) who have had the vaccine have contracted Covid. Think they said that all had had the vaccine two weeks or more before getting Covid. And several deaths reported from it.
To be expected I guess.
White Castle Burgers...which one of you chuckle heads talked me into getting them tonight. I Damn YOU to HELL!

Those things are a real Like/Hate relationship for me. Anyway, carry on...I'll be in the can for a while.
White Castles are not the same from what I remember. We have one that's only 1/2 mile from our house and I've only eaten there twice in the past 5 years. Not a great experience. Doubtful that I'll go back.
No, only 30 minutes total this time. We were unfortunate on the first shot because it was opening day for the Pfizer vaccine. Made the news. I'm still not sure what went wrong but it was obvious that they seriously overbooked. 3 hours of confusion. I will say that all the volunteers were extremely nice.
I was supposed to be there at 4 but I went at 2:45 because, just because. I probably would have waited less time but I wouldn't have been done before traffic set in.
Krystal vs White Castle. I always hit up both every visit back to KY. Middlesboro has a Krystal. Usually visit White Castle in London or Bowling Green or Shepherdsville. Both are good for different reasons. London White Castle near I-75 offers something different during each visit. Middlesboro Krystal is consistent. Someday, I may conduct comparison testing.

Plan on visiting Rax in Harlan, Penn Station for an Artichoke sub, White Castle and Krystal all later this month.
Saw a report a little while ago where they are reporting that some people (reports from various states) who have had the vaccine have contracted Covid. Think they said that all had had the vaccine two weeks or more before getting Covid. And several deaths reported from it.
To be expected I guess.

2249 reported deaths officially from the c19 vaccines (only about 10% are reported as there are strict criteria regarding how soon after vaccination the symptoms develop that lead to death). Sharp uptick in last weeks numbers compared to the avg from previous 13 weeks.

50k adverse events in 14 weeks. Only good news about that is the numbers are steady. Haven't seemed to be huge increases month to month in event stats.

These are JUST the US numbers. No idea what's going on elsewhere.

If you've had the jabs and not gotten ill within 48 hours of the jabs you seem to have less likelihood of dying from covid or the shots. However, the type of non-J&J shots were shown in previous trials (animals only, they were never tried on humans until C19) to cause events even past 6 months from the doses.

Some have been saying to keep your D, C, and CoQ10 & Zinc levels supplemented whether you have the shots or are around people that have had the shots, or haven't had the shots at all. No idea how much of this is useful, so don't ask me my opinion. Just posting the data from the gov, from studies, and from a couple virologists.


Side note- ever watch a guy get his head bit off praying mantis style because he watched a woman bend over, reach her hands into her shirt, and adjust her valuables right in front of him? I can only compare the shock value of the adjustment to witnessing an italian coworker in college sticking his hand fully down his pants and agressively adjusting his valuables on a factory assembly line, going back to moving inventory and pushing buttons with the same hand, and going "WHAT dey're new jeenss!!??" when the entire line stopped and started at him. (Just before he was escorted to the manager's office.)

Just asking.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Clearing later. Today's high may set a local record for this date at 98°F. Winds picking up this evening. Too warm so soon. Del Rio topped out at 102°F yesterday. Cold front coming in this weekend, thankfully.

Great news about 5-star kicker, Jackson Smith, from Boyle County staying home and becoming a Wildcat.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

We went to White Castle at Fern Valley Rd and was a Friday evening........we waited in a long line....when we got up there I handed the lady a $100 bill......she said they didn't have enough change to break the bill.......she told me she would hold my burgers until I went somewhere and got change......I told her that was a brilliant idea.......I wonder how long those burgers sat there......I have never been to a WC Lounge since.....
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Clearing later. Today's high may set a local record for this date at 98°F. Winds picking up this evening. Too warm so soon. Del Rio topped out at 102°F yesterday. Cold front coming in this weekend, thankfully.

Great news about 5-star kicker, Jackson Smith, from Boyle County staying home and becoming a Wildcat.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Have a great day! Even if it feels like this

Good morning! I was wrong about my second corono shot. My shoulder is sore this morning. Not just a little tender either...sore. The first shot was nothing. I didn't feel the needle go in nor the vaccine. This one I didn't feel the needle but I definitely felt the vaccine. Don't know if there was more liquid with the second shot or if the second lady hit the plunger harder, but there was a difference.

I'm playing golf at 1030 so the shoulder may as well lay back and enjoy it because it's going to happen either way.

5 star kicker is awesome! Hoping the vast majority of his kicks are PAT's.
Krystal vs White Castle. I always hit up both every visit back to KY. Middlesboro has a Krystal. Usually visit White Castle in London or Bowling Green or Shepherdsville. Both are good for different reasons. London White Castle near I-75 offers something different during each visit. Middlesboro Krystal is consistent. Someday, I may conduct comparison testing.

Plan on visiting Rax in Harlan, Penn Station for an Artichoke sub, White Castle and Krystal all later this month.
Whenever I go to Kentucky to visit family my first stop before I get to their house is to stop off in E-town and grab a bag of White Castle (enough for everyone) and that is our dinner. I usually leave Elgin OK by 4 or 5am and get there by around 6 or 7pm. The last time however, this past summer, they had only the drive through open and when I got there the line was around the parking lot. First time not getting White Castle on my trip there. There are frozen White Castle at Sam's and the Commissary but, it is not the same. But....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Clearing later. Today's high may set a local record for this date at 98°F. Winds picking up this evening. Too warm so soon. Del Rio topped out at 102°F yesterday. Cold front coming in this weekend, thankfully.

Great news about 5-star kicker, Jackson Smith, from Boyle County staying home and becoming a Wildcat.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

So you've had about a 100 degree swing in 60 days!
2249 reported deaths officially from the c19 vaccines (only about 10% are reported as there are strict criteria regarding how soon after vaccination the symptoms develop that lead to death). Sharp uptick in last weeks numbers compared to the avg from previous 13 weeks.

50k adverse events in 14 weeks.
At this rate....the Biden vaccine will surely turn into the Trump vaccine.
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Dims pushing to repeal ohio’s new stand your ground law, saying “it will lead to killing of more minorities.” 😳

Any questions that once remained about them being racist have been answered over and over again.

Can't wait for the press conference that goes like this> "I think I'm Joe Biden, and in cooperation with Demagogic legislators we've come up with a solution. Since we defeated the "stand your ground bill" to avoid minority deaths, we came up with a bill that also helps white people. It's called the "let's make smart and rich people feel safer." This bill will save them thousands of dollars because we will purchase and secure 2 new guns for every 2 they place in storage with the US government.

This is ground-breaking legislation, as you know, because as we say at the DNC, 'guns, drugs, gangs, cartels, gun free zones, riots, arson, and people we can't find or identify do NOT kill people, white people do.' "
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We went to White Castle at Fern Valley Rd and was a Friday evening........we waited in a long line....when we got up there I handed the lady a $100 bill......she said they didn't have enough change to break the bill.......she told me she would hold my burgers until I went somewhere and got change......I told her that was a brilliant idea.......I wonder how long those burgers sat there......I have never been to a WC Lounge since.....
They tore down the White Castle here in St. Matthews many years ago. It stood at the same site for decades and I loved it. Good place to go during my bar hopping days. About 5 years ago they built a new one a block away from the old site. It's modern with all of today's conveniences. Nothing like the old atmosphere that I actually miss. The burgers just don't taste as good. Others have complained as well. Maybe it's just in my mind, craving the good ol' days.
Good morning! I was wrong about my second corono shot. My shoulder is sore this morning. Not just a little tender either...sore. The first shot was nothing. I didn't feel the needle go in nor the vaccine. This one I didn't feel the needle but I definitely felt the vaccine. Don't know if there was more liquid with the second shot or if the second lady hit the plunger harder, but there was a difference.

I'm playing golf at 1030 so the shoulder may as well lay back and enjoy it because it's going to happen either way.

5 star kicker is awesome! Hoping the vast majority of his kicks are PAT's.
Yeah my arm is quite sore too. I didn't feel the first shot at all but the second shot I could definitely feel a needle piercing my skin. My wife actually jumped a little when they gave her shot. Other than the soreness we're fine on our 2nd day after.
They tore down the White Castle here in St. Matthews many years ago. It stood at the same site for decades and I loved it. Good place to go during my bar hopping days. About 5 years ago they built a new one a block away from the old site. It's modern with all of today's conveniences. Nothing like the old atmosphere that I actually miss. The burgers just don't taste as good. Others have complained as well. Maybe it's just in my mind, craving the good ol' days.

They say taste buds change after we reach the other side of 80, so it could be that...?
Good morning! I was wrong about my second corono shot. My shoulder is sore this morning. Not just a little tender either...sore. The first shot was nothing. I didn't feel the needle go in nor the vaccine. This one I didn't feel the needle but I definitely felt the vaccine. Don't know if there was more liquid with the second shot or if the second lady hit the plunger harder, but there was a difference.

I'm playing golf at 1030 so the shoulder may as well lay back and enjoy it because it's going to happen either way.

5 star kicker is awesome! Hoping the vast majority of his kicks are PAT's.

Affects everyone different. So weird, but we are all different even if we're only .75% different in terms of the DNA that makes us look the way we do.

Hope the skies stay clear and your shaft true! And may you always hear "Get in the hole!" from the people following you