
Good morning D League from the Gulf Coast

Currently our temperature is 69° and clear skies. We will have sunny skies and the high should reach 83°. No rain but we may get some this weekend. It will be welcomed.

As far as COVID shot reactions. I did not have any and my wife had a sore arm. But she usually gets that with any shot. Women are delicate creatures, thank the Lord.

Life around here has been a little different during COVID. The county officials put out the information and said if you want to follow these CDC guidelines OK but it is not mandatory. You as an individual make that decision. I chose not to wear a mask and now that I am vaccinated I will not put one on again. Most people chose not to lock down and I think that was the right decision for us. Now if you live in a huge urban area with everybody sneezing on you, you might want to do something else.

Trust all have a good day. .
80 taste buds. Not 80 years old. C'mon man! (UK"82")

Older folks have around 5k taste buds while kids have something like 10k. So that song by "STP" really rings true.

"I'm half the man I used to be...."
My taste certainly changed as I grew older. What tasted so good when I was 6 years old is not so good today. I think most products have changed over the years to make them "more healthy" and added preservatives and chemicals we did not have in my growing up years which may have changed the taste.

But even with that some things are just different. But I still get my nourishment. No problem there.
They say taste buds change after we reach the other side of 80, so it could be that...?

In my case it's 60. A lot of food that I enjoyed at an earlier age isn't as tasty nowadays.
My taste has changed dramatically. I rarely ate black pepper but now it is on my food often. A steak is still good; however, hamburgers are not my favored food as it once was. I favor pork more now than beef.

I have developed a taste for graham crackers and I don't need them as they are so high in carbs.

It is a sunny 60.3°F here. I am cooking diner tonight so pray for those who are going to have to eat it.
Saw a report a little while ago where they are reporting that some people (reports from various states) who have had the vaccine have contracted Covid. Think they said that all had had the vaccine two weeks or more before getting Covid. And several deaths reported from it.
To be expected I guess.
So do these people who died have death certificates that say covid was the cause? If not, I call it bs. And they would be headline news if true. I.e., people will pass along rumors they want to be true.
Krystal vs White Castle. I always hit up both every visit back to KY. Middlesboro has a Krystal. Usually visit White Castle in London or Bowling Green or Shepherdsville. Both are good for different reasons. London White Castle near I-75 offers something different during each visit. Middlesboro Krystal is consistent. Someday, I may conduct comparison testing.

Plan on visiting Rax in Harlan, Penn Station for an Artichoke sub, White Castle and Krystal all later this month.
That might be the northernmost Krystal I've heard of.
2249 reported deaths officially from the c19 vaccines (only about 10% are reported as there are strict criteria regarding how soon after vaccination the symptoms develop that lead to death). Sharp uptick in last weeks numbers compared to the avg from previous 13 weeks.

50k adverse events in 14 weeks. Only good news about that is the numbers are steady. Haven't seemed to be huge increases month to month in event stats.

These are JUST the US numbers. No idea what's going on elsewhere.
Reports to VERS are considered officially reported because the Fed government takes & records the reported deaths & adverse reactions. Doesn't mean that any government in US takes them as deaths factually being due to covid.

I keep waiting for anyone to come up with a death certificate that says covid was the cause of death for anyone who contracted covid after receiving a first vaccine shot at least two weeks prior to contracting the disease. Haven't seen/heard. Have you seen such a death certificate?

My take is that this is a concerted effort to discredit the vaccines due to various belief systems.
They tore down the White Castle here in St. Matthews many years ago. It stood at the same site for decades and I loved it. Good place to go during my bar hopping days. About 5 years ago they built a new one a block away from the old site. It's modern with all of today's conveniences. Nothing like the old atmosphere that I actually miss. The burgers just don't taste as good. Others have complained as well. Maybe it's just in my mind, craving the good ol' days.
Back in the day.....that was my morning coffee stop when I left the shop........We always had jobs in the end of town.....I haven't been out in that area in 15 yrs or better.......I didn't know they had built a new WC out there....IMHO the flavor changed when they put the holes in the patty.....also about the same time they started using dehydrated onions versus fresh chopped onions...........that onion flavored cabbage they use now will blow you up........
In my case it's 60. A lot of food that I enjoyed at an earlier age isn't as tasty nowadays.
I had a medical procedure and had to drink barium crystals......I lost my taste for a little over 18 months......I could never eat anything spicier than mild taco sauce.......since my taste came back.....I can eat really spicy foods......there was an Indian Buffet on the A-10 not far from our house........they advertised 70+ ranged from hot to make you cry.........I tried every dish they had over several visits......none was too hot........I didn't care fro a bunch of them but none were too spicy........
I had a medical procedure and had to drink barium crystals......I lost my taste for a little over 18 months......I could never eat anything spicier than mild taco sauce.......since my taste came back.....I can eat really spicy foods......there was an Indian Buffet on the A-10 not far from our house........they advertised 70+ ranged from hot to make you cry.........I tried every dish they had over several visits......none was too hot........I didn't care fro a bunch of them but none were too spicy........
I became addicted to spicy/hot food during my UK days. I put hot sauce, fresh peppers and pepper flakes on a lot of what I ate. Nothing was too hot until I bought some Trinidad Scorpion pepper flakes. A few flakes were almost too much. I can't imagine how hot Carolina Reapers would be. Now I have to watch it with the spice. My stomach isn't ironclad like it used to be.
Interesting project I have going. I used to be an old car guy. Salvaged old car parts on the cheap from junk yards for years (when you could still find old cars in junkyards) for projects I was working on. No projects now. I have a garage full of parts that I knew my wife would take to the dump within hours of my death. Started selling them on Ebay a couple of weeks ago and have sold over $2000 dollars worth of parts already. I still have many to sell. Who knew? I sold a pair of 55 Pontiac tail lights that were NOS for $650!!! Old car people are nuts.
My taste has changed dramatically. I rarely ate black pepper but now it is on my food often. A steak is still good; however, hamburgers are not my favored food as it once was. I favor pork more now than beef.

I have developed a taste for graham crackers and I don't need them as they are so high in carbs.

It is a sunny 60.3°F here. I am cooking diner tonight so pray for those who are going to have to eat it.

Someone told me black pepper is good for arthritis pain. Just thought I'd mention that
In my case it's 60. A lot of food that I enjoyed at an earlier age isn't as tasty nowadays.
Since smell is linked in with taste I have to make my food with more spices and more salt these days. I have not been able to smell for many, many years. In our old house one morning I was drinking my coffee and my wife and daughter were just getting up, came in to the living room and were gaging. Apparently, there had been a skunk under the house who sprayed and it was bad in the house. I smelled nothing. They quickly got ready for work/school and left. I went under the house to chase it away and it was already gone. When I cleaned up and went to work I was there about 15 minutes before I was sent home for the day because of the smell.
Interesting project I have going. I used to be an old car guy. Salvaged old car parts on the cheap from junk yards for years (when you could still find old cars in junkyards) for projects I was working on. No projects now. I have a garage full of parts that I knew my wife would take to the dump within hours of my death. Started selling them on Ebay a couple of weeks ago and have sold over $2000 dollars worth of parts already. I still have many to sell. Who knew? I sold a pair of 55 Pontiac tail lights that were NOS for $650!!! Old car people are nuts.
Nutty people are the bestest.
Interesting project I have going. I used to be an old car guy. Salvaged old car parts on the cheap from junk yards for years (when you could still find old cars in junkyards) for projects I was working on. No projects now. I have a garage full of parts that I knew my wife would take to the dump within hours of my death. Started selling them on Ebay a couple of weeks ago and have sold over $2000 dollars worth of parts already. I still have many to sell. Who knew? I sold a pair of 55 Pontiac tail lights that were NOS for $650!!! Old car people are nuts.
I am going to grab something to eat and head to the post office to send out three packages I sold on Ebay this morning It is amazing what you can sell. Some things I have sold were in my closet for about 20 years. Just crazy. The latest thing I sold is a 1964 Ring Magazine covering the Cassius Clay v Sonny Liston fight. I bought it in April 1964 for 50 cents and sold it for $21.00.

The things I have had the most trouble selling are UK related. Cats Pause, UK media guides, Cawood Ledford Magazines, etc.

The most popular and most profitable items I have are Danbury Mint and Franklin Mint 1/24 scale Diecast models. I collected these for 30 years and have made over $8,000 selling them so far. Of over 300 I now have about 50 left in my collection I will be very selective as I sell them because I am sentimental attached to them. The highest price I received was $390.00. Danbury Mint General Lee Dodge Chargers are selling for over $500. I saw one not too long go for $800. I have one in pristine condition but I am not quite willing to sell it yet.

Ebay is a good way for an old guy like me to do business. The things I am selling would be thrown out by my family when I am gone. So why not sell it to someone who wants it.
Since smell is linked in with taste I have to make my food with more spices and more salt these days. I have not been able to smell for many, many years. In our old house one morning I was drinking my coffee and my wife and daughter were just getting up, came in to the living room and were gaging. Apparently, there had been a skunk under the house who sprayed and it was bad in the house. I smelled nothing. They quickly got ready for work/school and left. I went under the house to chase it away and it was already gone. When I cleaned up and went to work I was there about 15 minutes before I was sent home for the day because of the smell.
Any idea how/why you lost your sense of smell? Related to military somehow?
Just got this in an email from one of my M.D. nephews.....

Medical experts across the world were asked if it’s time to ease the COVID lockdown and other restrictions.

Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

Gastroenterologists had a sort of a gut feeling about it, but Neurologists thought the government had a lot of nerve.

Obstetricians felt certain everyone was laboring under a misconception, while Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.

Many Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!"

Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while Radiologists could see right through it.

Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing ,and Pharmacists claimed it would be a bitter pill to swallow.

Plastic Surgeons opined that this proposal would "put a whole new face on the matter."

Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but Urologists were pissed off by the whole idea.

Anesthetists thought the whole idea was a gas, and Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the assholes in politics.
Reports to VERS are considered officially reported because the Fed government takes & records the reported deaths & adverse reactions. Doesn't mean that any government in US takes them as deaths factually being due to covid.

I keep waiting for anyone to come up with a death certificate that says covid was the cause of death for anyone who contracted covid after receiving a first vaccine shot at least two weeks prior to contracting the disease. Haven't seen/heard. Have you seen such a death certificate?

My take is that this is a concerted effort to discredit the vaccines due to various belief systems.
My friend, Senator Rand Paul would call them out, like he did with Anthony Fauci and his various misrepresentations. We have a highly active group of folks who recommend no one take any vaccinations, polio, measles I think that they should not be allowed to mingle with the pubic if they refuse to take immunizations, they could easily become Typhoid Marys. They represent a pool of folks who don’t believe in science and are willing to contaminate the rest of the world. In my view we need to condemn them.

I am confident that some of the vaccinations have made people sick and when someone who has Guillain Barre syndrome, or some other autoimmune disease may well be adversely affected by any vaccination. They ask me did I have Guillain Barre syndrome before they gave me the first Covid 19 shot.

My daughter has been advised by her doctor to never take the flu shot and he told her that her risk of taking the Covid-19 immunization was probably higher than actually catching the disease. So, she will not take it. Her husband will.

Why do we have to listen to the clatter? As a people we need to carry our weight in not only protecting ourselves but also to help protect others by not harming or putting them at risk by our actions.
Any idea how/why you lost your sense of smell? Related to military somehow?
Maybe, that is one of the areas that will be looked at by the VA whenever they get around to it. Have already seen a psychologist in November, Audiologist in December, a specialist nurse last month for X-rays on my back and looking at my shoulders. Suppose to see a doctor about my feet as well as knees too and whatever else they have in store but, the VA takes time.
My friend, Senator Rand Paul would call them out, like he did with Anthony Fauci and his various misrepresentations. We have a highly active group of folks who recommend no one take any vaccinations, polio, measles I think that they should not be allowed to mingle with the pubic if they refuse to take immunizations, they could easily become Typhoid Marys. They represent a pool of folks who don’t believe in science and are willing to contaminate the rest of the world. In my view we need to condemn them.
Once everyone has had a chance to be vaccinated, I don't care what anyone does. It's ON each of us then.
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Maybe, that is one of the areas that will be looked at by the VA whenever they get around to it. Have already seen a psychologist in November, Audiologist in December, a specialist nurse last month for X-rays on my back and looking at my shoulders. Suppose to see a doctor about my feet as well as knees too and whatever else they have in store but, the VA takes time.
Since I never served (many times, especially as I got older, wished I had) I have no experience with the VA, but like most I've heard a lot of stories. wife's SIL is in the reserves. He's been going to a number of doctors within the VA for the last month. All kinds of tests. Was told that he definitely has liver cancer. Then they scheduled a MRI. Evidently it showed nothing (no tumors I guess). So...more tests. Again told him that in spite of the MRI that he has liver cancer.
I would think (not a doctor but have a number in the family) that if you tell someone they have cancer that you would know for sure, know exactly where/what, and plan a possible treatment.
As of now he has all his test results, etc and is going to get another opinion outside of the VA. His insurance is all screwed up being that he's reserve, and has private insurance...but for some reason he can't use it due to VA. Don't ask me....I have no clue why.

My nephew is what they call a 'hi tech doctor'. One of his specialties is liver cancer. Would love it if our SIL lived close so he could go to my nephew, or probably someone he would recommend. But, he doesn't live even close.
So, we'll see....and continue praying.
So, small piece of good news today. I bought my wife a fairly expensive (roughly $1,000) piece of furniture she'd been coveting for a long time for her recent birthday.

When it was delivered I noticed a small chip, They offered to send a technician out to repair it, and give me a discount. I said okay. The technician came out and said, "It can't be repaired."

So, I get a brand new one, plus a 40 percent discount.

That's all I got.

As for the vaccine, I got one so I could visit my aging parents without worrying as much about making them sick.
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Since I never served (many times, especially as I got older, wished I had) I have no experience with the VA, but like most I've heard a lot of stories. wife's SIL is in the reserves. He's been going to a number of doctors within the VA for the last month. All kinds of tests. Was told that he definitely has liver cancer. Then they scheduled a MRI. Evidently it showed nothing (no tumors I guess). So...more tests. Again told him that in spite of the MRI that he has liver cancer.
I would think (not a doctor but have a number in the family) that if you tell someone they have cancer that you would know for sure, know exactly where/what, and plan a possible treatment.
As of now he has all his test results, etc and is going to get another opinion outside of the VA. His insurance is all screwed up being that he's reserve, and has private insurance...but for some reason he can't use it due to VA. Don't ask me....I have no clue why.

My nephew is what they call a 'hi tech doctor'. One of his specialties is liver cancer. Would love it if our SIL lived close so he could go to my nephew, or probably someone he would recommend. But, he doesn't live even close.
So, we'll see....and continue praying.
I have not had much luck with the Army doctors, they left me with a severely broken hand for 7 days because of the lack of doctors to operate. Just kept me splinted with enough pains pills to last me until they could get to me. An Army dentist left a broken file in one of my roots from a root canal. After retiring and having problems with it I went to a civilian dentist who found the problem. But I still have to use Reynolds Army Hospital until 65 unless I use the VA so, here I am at this point using the VA.
Watch out Sawnee we're catching up. #32 today.

Happy belated 32 anniversary.

Well.....It's rainy in the Metro.....I was going to take my birds to Bowling green for a training toss......not in this weather......I will only take them 25 miles today.......I am trying to get them in shape for their first 200 mile toss at the end of April.....Once I get them trained out to 300 miles I will put the GPS bands on them and start tracking their path home.......the bands are almost $100 each so I want to at least know they can make the end game is to have birds to fly from Baton Rouge, LA by next spring..........."hope springs eternal".....Years ago when I was racing birds in the late 70's.......I had a bird that made it from Big Springs, TX...........the birds were released at 7:30 AM Sat.............she was on my loft at noon on prizes but I was happy none the less..... Bert.........I must confess...........squab is very, very tasty.........while they are in the dove family and they will cross they only produce mules so I don't consider them doves...........
I want to wish you the best with your birds. I share your appreciation of squab dishes. I know Peregrines prefer hunting over water. Nest on cliffs, bridges, and tall buildings. Do you plan routes to avoid those? Do racers fly slower decoy birds? There may be 75% 1st year mortality among the falcons but I imagine a flock of 3 or 4 spring fledglings practicing cooperative hunting a disaster.

The Rock Dove is an attractive Columbiform. Still it's considered a pest by many.

I won't make a habit of posting a lot of video's or music but this is beautiful...

Another version...

Pardner, you post whatever floats your boat.
Beautiful. We use to sing it in church often. Now you seldom hear it. The Gaither's have done a lot to preserve the songs and music of our grandparents and parents. It is fading fast away