Position groups most concerned about and least concerned about


Oct 29, 2004
1. Secondary - a lot of talent but they were below average last year and we need a few guys to step up; way too many 3rd down conversions by the opposition
2. Running back - some potentially good backs with a variety of skills, but, imo, not a single player who looks to be the clear #1; need someone to pick up tough 3rd-and-3 yards, someone to pick up blitzes, someone to be a threat to catch a pass out of the backfield, someone to be a big play HR hitter; don't know if that's one player or 3 different ones
3. Pass rushing - whether from OLB or DEs, need someone or more than one player to step up and get pressure on the QB consistently
4. Punter - geez, we were very mediocre punting the ball and, more times than not, would lose significant field position when we'd swap punts with the opponent

1. DL - a superstar surrounded by quality with quality depth behind the starters
2. TE and WR - multiple targets with experience and skills; should be fun to watch Hamden move pieces around to create matchup problems
3. OL - I'm confident that we have enough physical talent in this group and now we have a proven coach who will get them to be more consistent, communicate better, be a bit nastier and get back close to BBW level
4. QB - BVD was very highly recruited, has all the physical tools, practiced against extremely good defenses at UGa for 2+ years; he may not be a superstar but I believe he'll outperform Leary and bring back the threat of a QB run to keep defenses from teeing off on our OL; I expect good things from him
Fun idea!

1. RB room - starters and depth
2. WR room - starters can improve but also depth
3. QB - no track record

1. Front Seven
2. DBs - good transfers and recruiting the last few years
3. OL - I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the starters and depth here...not 2019 quality but the best since 2021
He will have over 3,000 passing and 30 TDs

I think he goes over 3k yards by a good bit, but 30 TDs is much tougher to come by especially with a head coach who has always like running it in. Only been 5 qb have thrown for 30+ TDs in last 3 years, 2 won the Heisman and the other 3 were in pass happy offenses. I think CMS is willing to open things up a little, run more plays, but not sure he is wanting to go full blown pass first yet.
I think he goes over 3k yards by a good bit, but 30 TDs is much tougher to come by especially with a head coach who has always like running it in. Only been 5 qb have thrown for 30+ TDs in last 3 years, 2 won the Heisman and the other 3 were in pass happy offenses. I think CMS is willing to open things up a little, run more plays, but not sure he is wanting to go full blown pass first yet.
He may have meant 30 TDs total, including those made running - I don't know. 30 passing TDs is, for sure, a tall order in our scheme. 30 TDs from the QB, passing AND running, could very well be achievable.
Interesting that WR comes up as a concern. Yes, the starters can and need to improve (I think our WR coach is very good, btw, so my expectation is that they all will improve). But, BB and DK will be very solid and we've recruited very well in this area so I'm confident Macklin, Alexander, et al, will step up and provide quality snaps and some big plays throughout the year.

I'm the only one, so far, to mention the TE room as a 'least' concern. Also interesting.
He may have meant 30 TDs total, including those made running - I don't know. 30 passing TDs is, for sure, a tall order in our scheme. 30 TDs from the QB, passing AND running, could very well be achievable.

Now I can see that with the type athlete BV is, 24-25 passing and 5-6 running is very possible
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I think we will have the most complete team we have had in recent years

Most concerned 1. RB- will we have a real threat for opposing defenses to worry about?
2.OL particularly the center position(bad snaps have been a problem in recent years, can
we keep the players healthy and get enough snaps so they mesh as a unit.

Highest expectations:

The defense as a whole, I think the front 7 will be very good with the secondary not
far behind.
WR the most talented group we have had in recent years
TE opposing defenses will have to account for this position

Parting thoughts
QB- Do we have a healthy Levis level guy as a starter? Are we solid in the special teams area?
How will the new OC mesh with the HC?
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