
Bom Dia,

  • I am in a better mood this morning. Sorry for the rant.
  • I made good progress on the pressure washing yesterday. It is amazing the difference a good cleaning can make in a driveway, sidewalk, etc.
  • Back to work today.
  • At least I can look out my home office window and see the freshly cleaned sidewalk. :)
Whenever I am having a bad day or experience, I walk into the bathroom, look at my face in the mirror, and, if and this is a big if, I do not have a stick in my eye, I tell myself, "It could be worse."
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy with a 9 MPH wind. Slight chance for drizzle this morning. Today's high should hit 87°F.

How 'bout them Baylor Bears? Awesome floor-spacing and sharpshooting. Wow! Heckuva beatdown.

I'm off later this morning. Must take care of some business. 2 pm appointment at Bank of America.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy with a 9 MPH wind. Slight chance for drizzle this morning. Today's high should hit 87°F.

How 'bout them Baylor Bears? Awesome floor-spacing and sharpshooting. Wow! Heckuva beatdown.

I'm off later this morning. Must take care of some business. 2 pm appointment at Bank of America.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I'm glad Baylor won it all, though I did expect a closer game. I wonder how much, if any the epic UCLA game took out of Gonzaga?
ShT! Never thought of frying squash!

We wound up wasting quite a bit of it the past few years as we grew tired of eating it. Frying it never occurred to me (cause sometimes I'm a fknut). Thank you for posting this
Frying squash is the only way we do it. Try this someday. Yellow crooked neck squash, zucchini and onions fried in butter or peanut oil. Some people use olive oil.

I would not recommend breading them. Just slice and fry them up. We have it a couple of times a week.
Good morning D League

Congratulations to the Baylor Bears, National Champions and well deserved. They proved they were the best team. I wanted to see an undefeated National Champion but I doubt I see one in the rest of my lifetime. I guess Ole Bobby Knight's 1976 team will remain the last team to do it for a long time. With roster turnovers as they are in today's game it will be very difficult to match the Old Indiana Hoosiers. They are terrible now but they have their memories. LOL

This is another nice day and the pool will be refreshing this afternoon. Take care all,

Good morning! I was asleep before the game even started. I'm happy Baylor won and won't for one second think the UCLA game had anything whatsoever to do with it. This year was just a shit year all the way around for college basketball. Glad I don't have to hear about an "undefeated national champion" for the rest of my life that came out of this fiasco.

Tee time at 1100 but I'm going early to talk to people on their way out and answer any questions they may have about the new format. I killed the Wednesday game that had existed for the last 30 years in some sort of iteration. I decided we should play the game over 2 days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and call it the Weekly Game. Play either day, both days, or half and half. Made changes to the payouts as well so more people could win money. Surprisingly, with such a major change to an old institution, I've heard nothing but positive feedback. What a relief!

Hope you all have a great day!
Good morning D-league. And I echo the congratulations to the Baylor Bears. FItting that a team that Kentucky beat for the Cats' first championship in 1948 would finally get back to that championship game, and get the trophy.

I don't think there was anything fluke about it, or that Gonzaga was flat after the UCLA game. You never know how teams will look side-by-side until they are on the court. But throughout the tournament, Gonzaga seemed to have an easier road but Baylor looked much quicker, more athletic, more physical in every respect.

This was a crazy year, and I don't think there is much to be learned from it. Everyone wants to play 4-out-1-in now, but that's just another in the endless variations of basketball alignments that people will figure out. You telling me you wouldn't still want Anthony Davis and Terrence Jones playing the 4-5? Or Towns and WCS, until Willie vanished mysteriously in the Wisconsin game? What Baylor did prove, it still comes down to athletes, to raw physical talent.
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Morning D. Greetings from the shanty.

Not surprised by the Baylor win. No doubt who was the best team last night. Congrats to them. Was surprised somewhat by the margin though. The chore list won yesterday as I decided to go on strike halfway through.

More coffee..................................................................
Good morning D-league. And I echo the congratulations to the Baylor Bears. FItting that a team that Kentucky beat for the Cats' first championship in 1948 would finally get back to that championship game, at get the trophy.

I don't think there was anything fluke about it, or that Gonzaga was flat after the UCLA game. You never know how teams will look side-by-side until they are on the court. But throughout the tournament, Gonzaga seemed to have an easier road but Baylor looked much quicker, more athletic, more physical in every respect.

This was a crazy year, and I don't think there is much to be learned from it. Everyone wants to play 4-out-1-in now, but that's just another in the endless variations of basketball alignments that people will figure out. You telling me you wouldn't still want Anthony Davis and Terrence Jones playing the 4-5? Or Towns and WCS, until Willie vanished mysteriously in the Wisconsin game? What Baylor did prove, it still comes down to athletes, to raw physical talent.

Agree with ya on the 4 out 1 in trend. It’s fine till you run up against someone with 2 quality bigs with shooters, then it’s game on. Kudos to Baylor and Drew. Took 18 years but the program could have been left, banished to the wilderness after one of the ugliest scandals in College BBall.
Frying squash is the only way we do it. Try this someday. Yellow crooked neck squash, zucchini and onions fried in butter or peanut oil. Some people use olive oil.

I would not recommend breading them. Just slice and fry them up. We have it a couple of times a week.

I misspoke... the breading and frying is what I meant. (Remember what I said about being a fknut sometimes). NEVER thought about breading squash. Stir fry? Sure. Frying in butter? Sure. Wth wouldn't I have imagined breading the damn things?
Frying squash is the only way we do it. Try this someday. Yellow crooked neck squash, zucchini and onions fried in butter or peanut oil. Some people use olive oil.

I would not recommend breading them. Just slice and fry them up. We have it a couple of times a week.
I do a dish that is similar.....I add bell, yellow, green........with a couple cloves of garlic............I copied mine after a dish we at on a buffet at a Hilton Hotel.......
Morning all from Smiths Grove. It is a partly sunny 64.9°F. Sunday and Monday were simply wonderful weather here with bright sunshine and wonderful low humidity. I live for those wonderful spring and fall days.

On Baylor. I am glad they won instead of the Zags. I felt that the Zags would have had a loss if they had to play in a competitive conference. They were a classic good team but Baylor was simply better last night.

It sure is good to see Starchief back on, but I did get to talk to him as a result of it, so that part was positive.

On eating locusts: no way for me unless that was the only food between me and starvation. I would eat them right after I finished the last escargot on earth. The only insect that I have ever eaten to my knowledge and liked was chocolate covered ants, but I like chocolate the ants were like adding a little crunch to it.

I got the taxes filed today. Owe nearly 2 grand again. I am sending it out today instead of waiting until May 17 just so I don't piss the IRS off.

Additionally, it is good to see that we have picked up a couple posters that appear to be D-League material. Welcome guys.

You all have a good day.