
The Zags smoking USC early on. They keep this up and they very well could be the first undefeated team since the Hoosiers '76. Asterisk though, shortened/screwed-up season.
They are fun to watch. I love their passing. Reminds me of Old Kentucky teams before the dribble became so popular. And they are quick.

Until the tournament I had not seen them play and once they started going up and down the court I was sold. It is exciting basketball.
They are fun to watch. I love their passing. Reminds me of Old Kentucky teams before the dribble became so popular. And they are quick.

Until the tournament I had not seen them play and once they started going up and down the court I was sold. It is exciting basketball.
They are impressive. 49-30 at the half. Doubtful USC has the firepower to come back.

Takes a certain age to understand this.... Nuff said...
Not sure what Michigan has in the tank and do not plan watching but I'd have no issues with Michigan taking out the Zags if they can get that far.... It looks like the Zags are rolling minus a collapse of epic proportions in the 16 or so point lead with a minute or so left....
I grew up in Crestwood actually, as did my husband
And I agree..great place to live
My son lived around that area for a little whille. I remember we crossed a little bridge and we crossed the Shelby County Line and his house was on the left up on a hill. We had a basketball Coach at Graves County that had coached at Oldham County! His name was Bob Hoggard!
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F, cloudy with a chance for rain. Cold front pushing through. Winds picking up. We are at our high for the day. Expect 63°F at 5 pm this afternoon.

And then there were 4. Zags and Drew Timme seem like they play on an entirely different level. Gonna be a tough out. Bruins caught lightening in a bottle with Johnny Juzang. Anticipating some exciting games next weekend.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning! Didn't watch any basketball this weekend but I'm sure it was exciting for some people.

I was one of those who was less than thrilled with the Stoops hire. We have enough money to have gone after a bigger name. Now, I'm pleased with what he's done here, for the most part. This year should set up to be a good one.

Have a goodun!
Good morning folks......I'm going to take it "very easy" today.......(I've got the Bailey's out).......Yesterday, I spent two hours working on the lawn mower to cut 20 mins. of grass.......the Director wanted the garden beds tilled........I had to take the carb apart and clean it....(I am a master carepenter and less than adequate mechanic)........only took three tries to get it back on and hooked up right....about five hours total.......gardens are tilled though......washed my truck and walked the's not an off is a recuperation day..........
My son lived around that area for a little whille. I remember we crossed a little bride and we crossed the Shelby County Line and his house was on the left up on a hill. We had a basketball Coach at Graves County that had coached at Oldham County! His name was Bob Hoggard!
Do you know if that was coming across 53 or Todd’s Point?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F, cloudy with a chance for rain. Cold front pushing through. Winds picking up. We are at our high for the day. Expect 63°F at 5 pm this afternoon.

And then there were 4. Zags and Drew Timme seem like they play on an entirely different level. Gonna be a tough out. Bruins caught lightening in a bottle with Johnny Juzang. Anticipating some exciting games next weekend.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

In 2010 I had a grandson that was at Addenbrooks Hosp in Cambridge, England....(3K+ beds)......someone has to live with the patient if they are to get any care....(socialized medicine) was my call to duty..........they have what I would call a mall on the first floor...........there was a little place in the food court called the Jacket Shop.......only thing they sold was baked potatoes and about a million things to put on was the only thing that tasted familiar when I first stayed there.......also since I am not rich it was a inexpensive meal.......I ate there almost every day that I was at that hospital.........that is where I found out that blood pudding on a baked potato with a little white cheddar is gosh darn good........
After the UNC fiasco I stopped watching any games that didn't include it seems like I don't even really want to watch their games........the officiating and butt kissing they do with the cheaters has squashed it for me.......hopefully a summer of other things will bring back the desire to watch the game......IMHO dirty money has over taken the one can convince me that Vegas prognosticators can predict an inept official making two or three bad calls at the end of a game...........almost every game.......if they are this good with analytics why aren't they picking lottery is as fixed as wrestling......

Morning Legionnaires!

NCAA tourney thoughts...Only one. Can you imagine the meltdown on rafters if UCLA was to win it all with Juzang leading the way. I know most will say Zags have it sewed up but, every dog has its day so to speak and if you make the FF that day could be here.
There are too many people on rafters who think Cal ran off Juzang when the truth is he wanted to be back home. His own words were he likes being home so he can eat meals with his family and do his laundry there. I bet his mama does his laundry, but still the same principle. He played 12 minutes per game while he was here and the guys he was playing behind went NBA. Not everything is Cal's fault.
Not even watching the tourney this year

After the UNC fiasco I stopped watching any games that didn't include it seems like I don't even really want to watch their games........the officiating and butt kissing they do with the cheaters has squashed it for me.......hopefully a summer of other things will bring back the desire to watch the game......IMHO dirty money has over taken the one can convince me that Vegas prognosticators can predict an inept official making two or three bad calls at the end of a game...........almost every game.......if they are this good with analytics why aren't they picking lottery is as fixed as wrestling......
And I will make it four.

Cloudy in the low 40s. High for the day will be only a few degrees from here.
Not much going on.
Good Hump Day to all.
Morning D. Salutations from the shanty.

Little surprised with the UCLA win over Mich. Mich could not hit the broad side of a barn. Horrible shooting night. Bad game for it but it only takes one. Zags dismantled USC continuing their quest for the records book. They Are impressive.

More coffee..........................................................................
Good morning D-League. Out on my hike.

I was a bit aggravated to wake up and find UCLA had won. I should have known that the ENTIRE Big Ten would flame out before the Final Four.

That entire conference, stretching from the slums of New Jersey to the cornfields of Nebraska, has won one championship after 1989. Think of that. Fewer than Florida. The same as Arkansas, and soon maybe Baylor or Gonzaga or Houston.
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Good morning D League

Our current temperature is 70° with winds SE at 3 mph and humidity 91%. Partly cloudy with a a UV Index of 2 of 10 and our high will hit 80. It is shaping up to be another nice day this Easter Week.

I watched the games last night and really enjoyed them. I found myself pulling for UCLA of all teams and I just sat back and enjoyed Gonzaga. I love to watch them play. Never any doubt they were going to steam roll their opponent. Until the tournament I had not seen them play but now that I have, I must admit they sure are fun to watch. They take the ball and go. Just like my Rupps Runts. I would love to see them go 32-0 and take the big trophy back to their little university somewhere out yonder.

And Johnny Juzang, what can you say about him. He must have had half of UCLA's points. I am glad to see him doing good in front of his family and friends. Seems like a nice kid.

Interesting Fact: This is the first NCAA Final Four that will not have a single team from East of the Mississippi. Not a single one. Who would have thought?
Good morning D League

Our current temperature is 70° with winds SE at 3 mph and humidity 91%. Partly cloudy with a a UV Index of 2 of 10 and our high will hit 80. It is shaping up to be another nice day this Easter Week.

I watched the games last night and really enjoyed them. I found myself pulling for UCLA of all teams and I just sat back and enjoyed Gonzaga. I love to watch them play. Never any doubt they were going to steam roll their opponent. Until the tournament I had not seen them play but now that I have, I must admit they sure are fun to watch. They take the ball and go. Just like my Rupps Runts. I would love to see them go 32-0 and take the big trophy back to their little university somewhere out yonder.

And Johnny Juzang, what can you say about him. He must have had half of UCLA's points. I am glad to see him doing good in front of his family and friends. Seems like a nice kid.

Interesting Fact: This is the first NCAA Final Four that will not have a single team from East of the Mississippi. Not a single one. Who would have thought?
Beat me by 3 minutes. I'm a slow typer.
I don't watch or listen to the news but I do listen to our little small town radio station in the morning as I do my computer stuff for a few hours, eat my grits and eggs and drink my coffee.

Today there has been nothing but good news. Locally. Florida was one of very few states to not shut down and of course the governor was blasted by the national media. They said our governor was killing people, nothing could be further from the truth but politics is politics. But now it is paying off big time. Our schools were not shut down and the students are doing well. Our unemployment rate is in the 4% range, by the end of the summer it is projected to be in the 3% range. The state has a huge surplus and the budget is going to be cut drastically to reflect that. So that means fewer taxes and more money in our pocket.

I love my governor. The man took the bullets and just did what he thought was best for the state. And now we see the results of strong leadership. Elections have consequences
In 2010 I had a grandson that was at Addenbrooks Hosp in Cambridge, England....(3K+ beds)......someone has to live with the patient if they are to get any care....(socialized medicine) was my call to duty..........they have what I would call a mall on the first floor...........there was a little place in the food court called the Jacket Shop.......only thing they sold was baked potatoes and about a million things to put on was the only thing that tasted familiar when I first stayed there.......also since I am not rich it was a inexpensive meal.......I ate there almost every day that I was at that hospital.........that is where I found out that blood pudding on a baked potato with a little white cheddar is gosh darn good........
Some foods over there are interesting. My first visit happened in 1984. Baked beans with sausage and eggs for breakfast required a little patience at first. Loved the sponge pudding, which our local grocery store now carries.

Some foods over there are interesting. My first visit happened in 1984. Baked beans with sausage and eggs for breakfast required a little patience at first. Loved the sponge pudding, which our local grocery store now carries.

“Fags” are popular too i hear.

******s are meatballs made from minced off-cuts and offal, especially pork (traditionally pig's heart, liver, and fatty belly meat or bacon) together with herbs for flavouring and sometimes added bread crumbs. It is a traditional dish in the United Kingdom, especially South and Mid Wales and the English Midlands.

*For some reason the word gets edited out when i post? 🙄
just think stoggaf backwards.
Speaking of food, the D League is the best source of news. Now for my question. Do any of you have and use an Air Fryer? My wife brought one home a few weeks ago and I had never heard of such a thing. So I was skeptical. My idea of frying is a cast iron skillet with plenty of lard.

Well she cooked a few things with it and I was pleasantly surprised. It was not that bad. My favorite thing she fries in it is peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

Do you have any suggestions on food that work good in an air fryer.
Speaking of food, the D League is the best source of news. Now for my question. Do any of you have and use an Air Fryer? My wife brought one home a few weeks ago and I had never heard of such a thing. So I was skeptical. My idea of frying is a cast iron skillet with plenty of lard.

Well she cooked a few things with it and I was pleasantly surprised. It was not that bad. My favorite thing she fries in it is peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

Do you have any suggestions on food that work good in an air fryer.
We've had one for 6-7 years. Basically a small enclosed convection oven. Have to be a bit careful (at least with ours) in that things can burn. Food is somewhat close to the oven element. And the convection (fan) makes things cook faster than many of their recipes call for. We've got an induction oven as well as a convection countertop oven (think large toaster oven) we were kind of used to it.

What I really like is the Instant Pot. A little difficult to use until you get used to it. Only from the standpoint of what button/program to use when, to use natural or quick release, etc. Can saute, slow cook, or use as pressure cooker. Being a pressure cooker, we've cooked some things that are much better than other ways of cooking due to the moistness of the meat. Did some beef short ribs a few weeks ago and they were great.

And, being a pressure's fast.
“Fags” are popular too i hear.

******s are meatballs made from minced off-cuts and offal, especially pork (traditionally pig's heart, liver, and fatty belly meat or bacon) together with herbs for flavouring and sometimes added bread crumbs. It is a traditional dish in the United Kingdom, especially South and Mid Wales and the English Midlands.

*For some reason the word gets edited out when i post? 🙄
just think stoggaf backwards.

Indeed. One thing to remember is Brits are normally just as amused with our takes on the English language as we are about theirs. I always loved their usage of "torch" for common "flashlight" while we think of some caveman holding a burning stick.
Morning D. Salutations from the shanty.

Little surprised with the UCLA win over Mich. Mich could not hit the broad side of a barn. Horrible shooting night. Bad game for it but it only takes one. Zags dismantled USC continuing their quest for the records book. They Are impressive.

More coffee..........................................................................
Yeap. Michigan looked pretty average last night. I can't believe that a play-in 11 seed has made it to the final four.