
My hope is that Gonzaga dispatches UCLA, and Baylor takes down the Zags in the final game.
That is, nearly, the best-case scenario for me also.

Or better still Houston takes down the Zags. That way Kansas’ wins over the years against Baylor do not have as much importance.

Houston has never won shit. . . . of course the Zags have never won shit either!
It is 47.5°F but the temp is dropping tonight to a frosty 33°. Beginning around midnight we got 1.20 inches of rain dumped in two hours.

I suppose there is spring like weather next week. We can all hope so. My allergies are telling me a different story. Thing are having sex outside like a roman orgy.

Send some of that this way Bert. We are still in the midst of the yellow clouds of smoke from the bazillion pine trees. Need a hard rain for a bit to knock it down.
Gotcha. I know Crestwood pretty well

btw afternoon D
Hope all are well
Trying to post more but a little lost on the conversations right now lol

I don’t have an air fryer or an instapot
Have heard great things about both
I do a lot of baking and roasting

basketball was too difficult this year. Hoping to see some serious change.
here’s a question: would you rather let Gonzaga have an undefeated season (albeit with an asterisk) or have UCLA win #12?

ummmm...that’s all I got right now

The Zags. They have a juggernaut this year in a deep and talented team. Impressive display of passing, cutting, moving with and without the ball and shooting. If form holds Baylor is the only one that could threaten them because of their guards. No problem with them going undefeated. It’s time.
Man awf, I have my homemade biscuits down now. My last batch was where I wanted them. We don't eat a lot of bread. I DO love home made biscuits like my Aunt Mildred used to make before I entered the service. She could have those in the oven in less than ten minutes and they were to die for. I never will forget them.

Mine are no where near hers and never will be but my oldest daughter stated she liked them now and even my wife ate one. I am going to make some more in a couple days and add some shredded sharp cheddar cheese. I have gained a couple pounds in the last few weeks but we have been out to eat a lot lately.

My Darling and I are going to the Commissary on Ft. Belvoir. My Grandson's birthday is this Saturday and my Darling wants to buy some more Beef ribs...
You know........I was reading something a while back about biscuits........the type of flour makes all the difference in the world.......for years the director made biscuits every morning......we didn't buy much loaf ain't hard to get out of bed if your smelling fresh biscuits in the oven and a pan of bacon.......I will ascertain and report the flour info........they said it was the reason you couldn't find a nice fluffy biscuit up north.......they don't have the same flour that is available in the south......
I posted this in reply to catsfaninsc.....I don't know what happened........

My father in law was an old mountain man.......he had grown up so poor that he said they admired the "dirt poor" people.......he had home remedies for almost everything.......I have terrible allergies......I have been sneezing for two weeks already......he recommended putting a bowl full of quartered onions on the night stand next to my clears my head up and allows me to get some sleep.......otherwise I am stuffed up and unable to buddy in Dallas suffered from the cedar pollen twice a year.....the onions helped him......I despise the smell of stale onions........but you get used to it very quickly.........
My favorite is....the Gorger.........he has the license from the queen to irrigate your crops from wells located on the property.......his only job is to mind the irrigation systems.....or how in the hell did they come up with hasty pudding for a damn dinner roll..........
During my trips to England, I also noted they used "rubbish" quite often. Scots and Welsh, not so much. "Taking the piss" means make fun of something. "Wanker" is really funny too, especially when they use it in a conversation.
You know........I was reading something a while back about biscuits........the type of flour makes all the difference in the world.......for years the director made biscuits every morning......we didn't buy much loaf ain't hard to get out of bed if your smelling fresh biscuits in the oven and a pan of bacon.......I will ascertain and report the flour info........they said it was the reason you couldn't find a nice fluffy biscuit up north.......they don't have the same flour that is available in the south......
White Lily Flour is one. It's available in the North now....but many people don't know the difference. They think flour is flour. The staple store out in the country owned by the Amish lady I've mentioned before....she carries all kinds of flour. Other than King don't know the brand....she even repackages the KA but puts their name on the label. I asked her once about White Lily....she had never heard of it....but she knows all things regarding flour.
Gotcha. I know Crestwood pretty well

btw afternoon D
Hope all are well
Trying to post more but a little lost on the conversations right now lol

I don’t have an air fryer or an instapot
Have heard great things about both
I do a lot of baking and roasting

basketball was too difficult this year. Hoping to see some serious change.
here’s a question: would you rather let Gonzaga have an undefeated season (albeit with an asterisk) or have UCLA win #12?

ummmm...that’s all I got right now
I'm fine with anyone winning it all other than UCLA.
That would make a beautiful stained glass piece!!!!
I saw the Celtic weave and saw an eagles nest. I see your view too! Thanks.
I know they are doing what GOD has called them to do, but I will miss them!!!!!
Who knows what tomorrow holds. I am thankful! I had to declare my blessings and give God the praise. Thank you for allowing me to indulge.
Lord will tell me anyway.
Good news!
If you guys do not mind, I will probably start jumping in from time-to-time.

I don't follow the sports side hardly at all anymore, and the Political Thread, well, you know how it is.

I like to read those threads, but I do not interact very much there.

You guys seem more my speed these days. :)
Cock-a-doodle do!


I personally don't think other SEC teams/fanbases would cheer for UK if we were playing against the Taliban.
They get in the top of a very tall pine tree and patiently await a glimpse of a bass and then take off on a dive straight into the lake.
Hawking! Humming birds do this alot when pursuing insect prey. Dragonflies. Ambush works.


Thanks SC tried but couldn't. I read Far Side every day. Larson is out there sometimes!!
Larson is fun stuff.
Not even watching the tourney this year
I didn't bother to fill out a bracket. 1st Time that ever happen in or out. Felt Cal made an error during the chaos. Kneeling is viewed as servitude. The team lost community support. Not all but enough to tip the canoe.
. . . . your seat is assured. First table left of the Jungle!
Last edited:
I posted this in reply to catsfaninsc.....I don't know what happened........

My father in law was an old mountain man.......he had grown up so poor that he said they admired the "dirt poor" people.......he had home remedies for almost everything.......I have terrible allergies......I have been sneezing for two weeks already......he recommended putting a bowl full of quartered onions on the night stand next to my clears my head up and allows me to get some sleep.......otherwise I am stuffed up and unable to buddy in Dallas suffered from the cedar pollen twice a year.....the onions helped him......I despise the smell of stale onions........but you get used to it very quickly.........

Had not heard of that one awf. Sometimes the old remedies are the best. Tried and true. I have no problems myself with allergies. It is more of an inconvenience than anything else. Everything has a yellow tinge to it until a hard rain or time passes. The house, car, clothes, etc. Wash the car, it’s yellow 20 minutes later etc. The clouds of it with a small breeze look like smoke in the air. Just Mother Nature at work doing her thing. I feel for those that do have problems though, must be a pain in the butt this time of year.
White Lily Flour is one. It's available in the North now....but many people don't know the difference. They think flour is flour. The staple store out in the country owned by the Amish lady I've mentioned before....she carries all kinds of flour. Other than King don't know the brand....she even repackages the KA but puts their name on the label. I asked her once about White Lily....she had never heard of it....but she knows all things regarding flour.
Here is the article that I comes down to soft flour and hard flour........I am like Lester and Earl.....You'll bake right with Martha White.....
During my trips to England, I also noted they used "rubbish" quite often. Scots and Welsh, not so much. "Taking the piss" means make fun of something. "Wanker" is really funny too, especially when they use it in a conversation.
My daughter lived in New Market when they first went to England......the the three oldest boys went to an English school in the village......I would walk them to school and back every day......I picked them up one day and the two older boys were talking about bitches and bastards.........turns out those folks over there use those words quite extensively.....I got them straightened out.......they were like 7 & 10 yrs old......they were just repeating what they had about "getting buggered"......or have a "cracken" good day...........My last trip over I located some like minded musicians to get together with.....we would get together in a pub on Sunday afternoons........they only time I fully understood everything they were saying was when they was singing the bluegrass songs..........something else.......people flip the finger in the US.......over there they pinch their thumb and fore finger represents fulling an arrow back and releasing it......they use it quite a flip them the birds and it's, "thanks mate".....................Some of the best memories in my life are from my times over there and a couple of the worst..............
I posted this in reply to catsfaninsc.....I don't know what happened........

My father in law was an old mountain man.......he had grown up so poor that he said they admired the "dirt poor" people.......he had home remedies for almost everything.......I have terrible allergies......I have been sneezing for two weeks already......he recommended putting a bowl full of quartered onions on the night stand next to my clears my head up and allows me to get some sleep.......otherwise I am stuffed up and unable to buddy in Dallas suffered from the cedar pollen twice a year.....the onions helped him......I despise the smell of stale onions........but you get used to it very quickly.........
Do u get treatments for the allergies? I sneeze a lot from allergies, usually multiple times/day. And I do get stopped up many nights. That given, they are way lessened by the shots I've been taking every two weeks for almost 50 years. At the least they've stopped my multi-sinus infections/yr & the dizziness those used to cause. I was on antibiotics a lot. There were times I couldn't walk down a hall without leaning on the walls (Yes, I get drunk & it may have seemed like that at 10 in the morning, but I wasn't.).
My daughter lived in New Market when they first went to England......the the three oldest boys went to an English school in the village......I would walk them to school and back every day......I picked them up one day and the two older boys were talking about bitches and bastards.........turns out those folks over there use those words quite extensively.....I got them straightened out.......they were like 7 & 10 yrs old......they were just repeating what they had about "getting buggered"......or have a "cracken" good day...........My last trip over I located some like minded musicians to get together with.....we would get together in a pub on Sunday afternoons........they only time I fully understood everything they were saying was when they was singing the bluegrass songs..........something else.......people flip the finger in the US.......over there they pinch their thumb and fore finger represents fulling an arrow back and releasing it......they use it quite a flip them the birds and it's, "thanks mate".....................Some of the best memories in my life are from my times over there and a couple of the worst..............
Chutney ferrets were big when I was there.
Hit balls at the range yesterday. didn't over do it. Just hit some 3/4 wedges. the back came through with flying colors. First of the week, I will hit some longer irons and try to work my way up to the Driver by the end of next week, if everything keeps going well.
Good to hear! Sounds like you'll be back at it before long. Grandpa told me there are two kinds of golfers, those that have back pain and those that are going to have back pain.
If you are thinking the Atlantic side, I would look at the St. Augustine area.
I totally agree. My favorite little city on earth. The beaches and sand dunes are large and spacious. Everyone who loves history and old stuff should visit St Augustine.

Years ago most everybody headed to Florida would stop in at the Fountain of Youth and drink out of the same fountain Ponce de Lean did. Now people just fly over it on their way to Orlando or Miami. They miss out a very interesting place.
White Lily Flour is one. It's available in the North now....but many people don't know the difference. They think flour is flour. The staple store out in the country owned by the Amish lady I've mentioned before....she carries all kinds of flour. Other than King don't know the brand....she even repackages the KA but puts their name on the label. I asked her once about White Lily....she had never heard of it....but she knows all things regarding flour.

My Aunt swore by White Lily Flour... I use the King Arthur. In doing a search on one of their stores about 20 or so miles from here carries White Lily. (I'd have to be over that way for something else but if I do get over that way, I won't forget it.)
White Lily Flour is one. It's available in the North now....but many people don't know the difference. They think flour is flour. The staple store out in the country owned by the Amish lady I've mentioned before....she carries all kinds of flour. Other than King don't know the brand....she even repackages the KA but puts their name on the label. I asked her once about White Lily....she had never heard of it....but she knows all things regarding flour.
Both of my grandma's were very picky about flour. My daddy's mother would fight you over Martha White and my mother's mama preferred White Lily. Both would not consider baking any other brand than the one they preferred..
During my trips to England, I also noted they used "rubbish" quite often. Scots and Welsh, not so much. "Taking the piss" means make fun of something. "Wanker" is really funny too, especially when they use it in a conversation.
From watching Doc Martin I noticed that they don't always use "the" like Americans do, i.e. "you need to go to hospital".
Name brand of flour doesn't matter so much as the protein content. Want something crunchy, use a high protein flour. Want it to be fluffy, use a low protein flour. Basically if you are using yeast then you would want a high protein content. If you are using a chemical leavening agent you would use a low protein flour.

White Lily might have a lower protein content in their "all purpose" flour than King Arthur. That's probably where the differences in brands comes into play.

I like to bake because I consider each time to be a chemistry experiment. Time, temperature, ingredients, ingredient ratio, vessel are all important.
From watching Doc Martin I noticed that they don't always use "the" like Americans do, i.e. "you need to go to hospital".
Huge realization for me happened with a BBC report I heard in France (Giens Peninsula) during week of 1986 World Cup final. Announcer discussed differences between American and British accents. A modern American accent from New England area (Mass/RI/CT) is apparently closer to older spoken dialect than modern British. It seems during mid-1800s, Brits jumped on this fad involving rolling "R's" in an attempt at sounding more sophisticated. The classic British accent evolved, whereas New England accents not so much. Interesting stuff. I also read similar accounts later on in other publications.
Huge realization for me happened with a BBC report I heard in France (Giens Peninsula) during week of 1986 World Cup final. Announcer discussed differences between American and British accents. A modern American accent from New England area (Mass/RI/CT) is apparently closer to older spoken dialect than modern British. It seems during mid-1800s, Brits jumped on this fad involving rolling "R's" in an attempt at sounding more sophisticated. The classic British accent evolved, whereas New England accents not so much. Interesting stuff. I also read similar accounts later on in other publications.
Plus there's the different dialects, Cornish, cockney, etc.. I'm not an expert, just amateur observer.
I totally agree. My favorite little city on earth. The beaches and sand dunes are large and spacious. Everyone who loves history and old stuff should visit St Augustine.

Years ago most everybody headed to Florida would stop in at the Fountain of Youth and drink out of the same fountain Ponce de Lean did. Now people just fly over it on their way to Orlando or Miami. They miss out a very interesting place.
I loved my folks honeymoon pics. They took one with some guy dressed like Ponce. They also had a TV that they couldn't turn off, even when unplugged. Poltergeist I'm assuming. That or my parents have been lying to me all these years.
Name brand of flour doesn't matter so much as the protein content. Want something crunchy, use a high protein flour. Want it to be fluffy, use a low protein flour. Basically if you are using yeast then you would want a high protein content. If you are using a chemical leavening agent you would use a low protein flour.

White Lily might have a lower protein content in their "all purpose" flour than King Arthur. That's probably where the differences in brands comes into play.

I like to bake because I consider each time to be a chemistry experiment. Time, temperature, ingredients, ingredient ratio, vessel are all important.

When you put it that way, a Burger King biscuit may be the way to go.😁
Man awf, I have my homemade biscuits down now. My last batch was where I wanted them. We don't eat a lot of bread. I DO love home made biscuits like my Aunt Mildred used to make before I entered the service. She could have those in the oven in less than ten minutes and they were to die for. I never will forget them.

Mine are no where near hers and never will be but my oldest daughter stated she liked them now and even my wife ate one. I am going to make some more in a couple days and add some shredded sharp cheddar cheese. I have gained a couple pounds in the last few weeks but we have been out to eat a lot lately.

My Darling and I are going to the Commissary on Ft. Belvoir. My Grandson's birthday is this Saturday and my Darling wants to buy some more Beef ribs...
Most boos I have ever seen at any shoppette or Class VI was at Belvoir. Went down the street from the on post hotel I was staying in while there for Passport agent testing to get my rum and coke for the night and the shoppette I went to had more alcohol than anything else in there by far. There must be some hard corps drinkers around there.
During my trips to England, I also noted they used "rubbish" quite often. Scots and Welsh, not so much. "Taking the piss" means make fun of something. "Wanker" is really funny too, especially when they use it in a conversation.
Never went to the UK but, I lived in the British Army housing area and worked with them as well as Scots and Belgians at the 4th USAFAD in Germany and got all of those sayings as well. One mentioned earlier "Brilliant" was I thought the most over used word from the Brits.
Name brand of flour doesn't matter so much as the protein content. Want something crunchy, use a high protein flour. Want it to be fluffy, use a low protein flour. Basically if you are using yeast then you would want a high protein content. If you are using a chemical leavening agent you would use a low protein flour.

White Lily might have a lower protein content in their "all purpose" flour than King Arthur. That's probably where the differences in brands comes into play.

I like to bake because I consider each time to be a chemistry experiment. Time, temperature, ingredients, ingredient ratio, vessel are all important.
Who do we have in this thread a bunch of descendants of Graham Kerr?
Who do we have in this thread a bunch of descendants of Graham Kerr?
I studied about flour in my quest for the perfect pizza crust. 00 Caputo. Very fine ground and high protein content. The yeast you want is Panangelino Lievito. That yeast with any all purpose flour will make some of the best bread you've ever eaten. Best I've ever made anyway.
I studied about flour in my quest for the perfect pizza crust. 00 Caputo. Very fine ground and high protein content. The yeast you want is Panangelino Lievito. That yeast with any all purpose flour will make some of the best bread you've ever eaten. Best I've ever made anyway.
I've got that flour. Bought an outdoor pizza oven that I haven't used yet.
I studied about flour in my quest for the perfect pizza crust. 00 Caputo. Very fine ground and high protein content. The yeast you want is Panangelino Lievito. That yeast with any all purpose flour will make some of the best bread you've ever eaten. Best I've ever made anyway.
Well, my wife might know that but I sure don't however, since I am now retired I was thinking about learning how to cook. Some of the best chefs in the world are men. Maybe it's time I manned up.
I studied about flour in my quest for the perfect pizza crust. 00 Caputo. Very fine ground and high protein content. The yeast you want is Panangelino Lievito. That yeast with any all purpose flour will make some of the best bread you've ever eaten. Best I've ever made anyway.
We have used the Caputo 00 flour since I built our pizza oven........I haven't tried the yeast but I have copied the name and will very soon......if I could figure out how to post a picture......I would like to show my oven.......Actually I just ordered three boxes with 10 pkges ea........
I've got that flour. Bought an outdoor pizza oven that I haven't used yet.
Moisture content of your dough is about as important as the flour. Any dry active or rapid rise yeast will do. Read about cold fermentation to get the best results.
Well, my wife might know that but I sure don't however, since I am now retired I was thinking about learning how to cook. Some of the best chefs in the world are men. Maybe it's time I manned up.
I know how to cook some things. For anything complicated though I just use a recipe. You can cook about anything if you know how to read and measure properly.
We have used the Caputo 00 flour since I built our pizza oven........I haven't tried the yeast but I have copied the name and will very soon......if I could figure out how to post a picture......I would like to show my oven.......Actually I just ordered three boxes with 10 pkges ea........
You can order it off Amazon, that's where I get mine. It tastes amazing and as I said earlier, it makes for a great loaf of white bread.